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1. If there was no history, we would have more enterprising people. Case in point. World War two occured. Germans were bad (So history tells us) so therefore future Germans will be bad. Just not true.

2. Sure, when you look at charts. Who could have forseen that gold would reach $1400? The strength of fundamentals can change the course of everything. It can wipe out the past and create the future in a much different way.

3. Absolutely, it CAN repeat itself, but to say this is the case in every situation is wrong. That's just black and white thinking again. IMO, it's a bit lazy to rely on such urban proverbs.

4. There is nothing revolutionary. Never claimed it to be so. Just a supporter of free enterprise and the right to think outside the box.

"Think outside the box". I know this sounds like poison to all the traditionalists.

These are good points. You can not extrapolate a future based on the past. Read Taleb's 'Black Swan' (not the Natalie Portman film) if you have any interest in human perception of unlikely events.

I would like to ask the naysayers here:

1. Have you been stung by extension mania before?

2. Why do you post in this forum?
4. Comin from a source who believes that generic keyword domains are valueless, well....this really says something, doesn't it?
Are you saying this because I don't agree with your valuation of ?
Not all generic keywords are valuable, not all have a practical use, not all are commercially viable. Not even mentioning the extension.

PS Please send me your stock tips. I will also only accept tips from those who have made more than $1000000.
I don't feel like I have anything to prove.
I am making money selling domains.
Make money selling .co domains. Now it's up to you. Show you have the right vision. Prove us wrong.
Let's revisit this thread in a year or two, that is if you're still in business...
Care to expand? Or is this another "specious" argument.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

If that's the level of analysis you put into things then I have no choice but to declare .co the new KING OF EXTENSIONS!

Hey Default,

If people make statements, they gotta be prepared to back them up.

Honestly, I see bright futures for .com and .co. I own both. Haven't ventured far from there.

Poor advertising - one of the campaigns to promote .ws was that it was the "Web Site" address. Who had heard of a "Web Site" before 15 years ago? A very small amount of people indeed and 10 years before that, nobody. Poor advertising campaign, poor results.

co has meant company for hundreds of years and is extremely well known in many sectors. That is fact, no matter how you try to spin it.
Pappas understood this and implemented the marketing accordingly. Brilliant job. Results have been following accordingly.

How anyone can compare .ws to .co is beyond me. I don't have exact figures, but I'm fairly confident .co is working with a much bigger budget than .ws meaning their set of fundamentals will be entirely different. The appearance of .co all over the net is case in point.

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------

Are you saying this because I don't agree with your valuation of ?
Not all generic keywords are valuable, not all have a practical use, not all are commercially viable. Not even mentioning the extension.

I don't feel like I have anything to prove.
I am making money selling domains.
Make money selling .co domains. Now it's up to you. Show you have the right vision. Prove us wrong.
Let's revisit this thread in a year or two, that is if you're still in business...

1. No, you're putting words in my mouth. I read your assessment of a good generic keyword and gleaned from it that you perceive it to be worthless, for whatever reason. For the life of me, couldn't follow how you came to that conclusion. There have already been sales of lesser .co generic keyword domains that have sold for more than $1000. To me, the way you wrote it, it seemed to undermine the entire domain business, whose foundation is built on good generics.

2. IMO, condescension is never a good tool to resort to. I am actively buying and selling. I'm here to have a discussion, that's it.

3. Thank-you for the tidings.
emjohn, would you please be so kind to share with us your ASL. It may help others here understand WTFYTA.
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You said:

Ever occur to you that other past extensions had poor management? Had poor infrastructure? Had poor management? Had poor advertising? Had poor staff? Had poor cashflow? Had poor market share?

I'm waiting for the backing up.

What was poor about .tv, .me, .mobi, .info, .biz

There are 7,000,000 registered .info's right now and 2,000,000 .biz.

What did they do wrong?

.info's are great...they make sense and they're cheap
.biz is pretty lame attempt at a business extension
.mobi is just awful and unnecessary
.tv is great when suitable
.me is great when suitable

I don't know about the management of these extensions but it but nobody cared that .tv is tuvalu or .me is montenegro or macedonia or whatever it is. Do you think AOL cared about that when they bought It's the same with dot co. It means company. People need to get over the .com obsession. Every new extension waters down it's value and helps people understand that there are other extensions besides the big 3. People aren't as dumb as you lot make them out to be. People are used to typing in country codes so .co will not be an enormous difficulty for them.
Birds of a feather flock together...and how the mudslinging becomes a bad habit. If y'all thing you have coralled "reality", think again. All the arguments i hear are so specious it's hard to read.

Ok-again, you have no facts here.

Hair-splitting (ie going back to old threads, scrutinizing insignificant details and looking to those as pointers for the future) is such a waste of time. Yesterday was yesterday and today is today.

So how do you come with your valuations? Not looking at the past? You also recently said that .co and .com should not be compared. Was it not you who said .co is a 10% the price of the past .com sales? So you kinda covered this:
1. The past is important
2. .co and .com can be compared

So I suggest you scrutinze your past posts in this very thread!! Or are your past posts not yours/or once again-it's irrelevant?

I would hate to see if you ever had a failed business what you would do if you wanted to start a new business. You wouldn't because the failure in the past, according to your logic, would necessiate future failure. Therefore, don't try any new business after your first has failed. How absurd.

So-only because YOU say so? :lol:

Any one here criticizing .co supporters, I would love to hear your first hand experience with your own start-up business venture, which .co is.

So you want to hear past experiences? I thought you weren't interested in that? Hmmm... contradiction of note! Actually tend to see everywhere.

Nubiano, take a look at any chart of any new, start-up company. There is always a rise in a hype face and then the line comes down and plateaus. At some point this will happen with .co. The only question will be where that plateau will be. That plateau, if the company is successful, will be followed by a steady rise. This whole phase thing is not revolutionary. And as a matter of fact, reason has nothing to do with it. It's just the course of a new business.

Emjohn, I am a Financial Analyst by trade. 7 years under the belt my boy!:D I am a member of the institute of financial markets in my country. I have written sooo many reports on listed companies used widely by stock and derivative traders during the height of the financial crisis:2008-2009, with an 85% success rate. I also have written many industry reports which were bought by industry giants. Now you know what I am... so let's have a look at what you called reading charts (actually called technical analysis)

Now-I am seriously sorry to embarrass you here in this thread, but you talk about "charts" and long winded sentences about them which doesn't make sense. That description of which you thought you gave of a chart was actually a description of a camels hump! :lol: Leave "chart reading" to the big boys, and I will leave fortune-telling to you!

You are of the idea that history is nonsense, then why point to charts? (Even though what you explained doesn't make sense. Can you please provide me with your future estimated growth, i.e. a month on month growth rate (taking two years into account)?)

Do you have experience in conducting research? Yet you try to rubbish me with your nonsense-did you seriously never think no one would catch on that you typing a load of nonsense? You know that what I am saying is true-it's only right I point this out.

As far as appraisals are concerned, it's a fairly easy thing. There already have been many
.co sales and rough estimates of the prices for .co have been made (see Michael Mann). Essentially we are talking about abstract prices and the need for a market maker, much like in stock trading. We will see in the next few months how valuable this .co "stock" is and what the Market Makers (like Michael Mann) deem the prices to be. The trickle-down affect will follow.

Mann is a business MANN!! He is only interested in the flip-seriously not dot co.
Dot co is only but a little sl_t in his portfolio, .COM is his real sweetie!! :loveyou:

But I guess you know a lot of business, etc.... please excuse me while you give your business perspective on this.

Last point, please don't compare "experienced domainers" ie default .com coat-tailers, with free enterprise entrepreneurs. The latter requires a totally different mindset from the former.

Okay-then promise me you will never talk about stocks, technical analysis and research methods. That's my area- and .co is your area. Don't mix the two when you base your predictions on your thoughts and not the past.

2. Sure, when you look at charts. Who could have forseen that gold would reach $1400? The strength of fundamentals can change the course of everything. It can wipe out the past and create the future in a much different way.

Again... I think you get what I'm trying to say by now.

What fundamentals are these dear Emjohn?

Gold went where it went because of the trading. You certainly know nothing of investing. Bullion was being traded more and more recently, and even more so now on gold companies by means of trading SSFs. It's a safe haven. Risky assets are less favorable these days. Gold is rare... Point of story-increased demand for a limited resource, price increases. Chinese demand is up for gold, and IMF has been selling bullion recently from reserves. Decreased mining in the recent years (financial crisis related). And millions of other variables play a role. Analysts around the world predicted higher gold prices. But if you had the slightest clue of investing-you would've known this... no surprise to the adults my boy.

DOT CO can't be compared to GOLD! :lol:

Nubiano :wave:
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This argument is killing me already.

Out of interst what .co have you regd Nubiano?

Do you think we can get a 24hr cease fire out of respect for xmas? LOL.
This argument is killing me already.

Out of interst what .co have you regd Nubiano?

Do you think we can get a 24hr cease fire out of respect for xmas? LOL.

I agree sunnylondon...let's hold a truce at least for the holidays! :)
I can think of a million better ways to spend your energy other than arguing against .co! :)
Peace and Happy Holidays to ALL (even the Haterzzz ;))!!! :santa:
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This argument is killing me already.

Truly apologize for the misbehavior of some.

Out of interst what .co have you regd Nubiano?

That I will post when I decide to sell... :) I posted them once, but I removed them the very day-because it seems there are some members here who are childish and post rude messages on fellow NP'ers sites. There is actually another Namepros member who knows what I am talking about. I don't think it's wise for me to post them here-for obvious reasons.

Do you think we can get a 24hr cease fire out of respect for xmas? LOL.

Definitely-I agree. Let's have a day of quiet and peace. Leave this thread to rest it's tired soul... it needs it.

Nubiano :wave:
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I decided to aggressively sell my .co because I want either a significant amount of beer or more money towards the development for my membership site. Wish me luck and be sure to tell your friends!
Merry Xmas and a very prosperous New Year from a failed domainer to you all whichever extension you call home.
@ Hawkeye,

You haven't been in this thread long enough to know WTFITA. Funny commentary. :)

Merry Christmas to all.

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

Wow, this has really turned into a hot thread.
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Merry Xmas and a very prosperous New Year from a failed domainer to you all whichever extension you call home.

Just keep trying home slice :)
blah blah blah, I got tired of reading blah blah blah

The only thing I care is that I think .CO looks cool.

That is all that matters to moi.

What do you think of some of these domains I own:

I have more if any of you are interested and can give me an estimate of what you think the above is worth.
oops that should be

I should add that I plan on developing all these sites as time allows to start generating revenue unless someone will pay what they are really worth.
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Truly apologize for the misbehavior of some.

That I will post when I decide to sell... :) I posted them once, but I removed them the very day-because it seems there are some members here who are childish and post rude messages on fellow NP'ers sites. There is actually another Namepros member who knows what I am talking about. I don't think it's wise for me to post them here-for obvious reasons.

Definitely-I agree. Let's have a day of quiet and peace. Leave this thread to rest it's tired soul... it needs it.

Nubiano :wave:

I accept your apology whole-heartedly....LOL :bah:

---------- Post added at 04:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 AM ----------

Truly apologize for the misbehavior of some.

That I will post when I decide to sell... :) I posted them once, but I removed them the very day-because it seems there are some members here who are childish and post rude messages on fellow NP'ers sites. There is actually another Namepros member who knows what I am talking about. I don't think it's wise for me to post them here-for obvious reasons.

Definitely-I agree. Let's have a day of quiet and peace. Leave this thread to rest it's tired soul... it needs it.

Nubiano :wave:

blah blah blah, I got tired of reading blah blah blah

The only thing I care is that I think .CO looks cool.

That is all that matters to moi.

What do you think of some of these domains I own:

I have more if any of you are interested and can give me an estimate of what you think the above is worth.

Spot on. This .co is more about "like" than anything else. That's the bottom line, not paralysis by analysis.
••• - URL shortener
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Updated number of registrations:

The only thing I care is that I think .CO looks cool.

That is all that matters to moi.
Spot on. This .co is more about "like" than anything else. That's the bottom line, not paralysis by analysis.
Now there's some real business foresight. Buying into and hyping a new domain extension to everyone, because 'it looks cool' or they 'like' it! :guilty:

So explained. :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas!
Now there's some real business foresight. Buying into and hyping a new domain extension to everyone, because 'it looks cool' or they 'like' it! :guilty:

So explained. :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas!

Hey Buddy. "Like" of something is a pretty valid thing. What do you think market surveyers are after? They look into what people desire and try to fulfill that. It's pretty simple. All the business plans in the world will fail if you don't understand what people want ie their desires ie their likes.

When we get caught up in analysis, that important bottom line can easily be forgotten. Big mistake.

I see nothing constructive about this present discussion. Kudos to emjohn for standing up for your vision of .co, but maybe you should rest your case here?

The critics will keep criticizing until they are proven wrong. That can not be done at the moment.

Thing is though, if .CO goes mainstream, the critics will be far too late, silently moaning, and emjohn most certainly won´t be.

Yada yada .co sucks, yada yada, means company, yada yada, ad infinitum.
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