
Short Domain Buyout Info

Spaceship Spaceship
Warning: Participating in a buyout is highly risky. While some Namepros members have made lots of money participating in buyouts, others have lost hundreds or thousands. I don’t advise anyone to be involved in a buyout without understanding that they have the potential to lose a lot of money and should take full responsibility for any failures in their actions.

I thought I’d start this thread as a reference for short domains as to what types of domains are bought out and what types of domains are not. To be included, the following characteristics must hold:

- Domain is no longer than 5 characters in length (A character is considered a number, letter or hyphen)
- Domain type must be at least 1000 similar domains.
- Domain registration fees must be less than US$50
- Domain type must have >50% already registered or be two characters long.
- Domain types are distinguished by letter composition, NOT DEFINITION. (e.g. 4 letter .net domains with “TV” in them is not considered a type of domain as “TV” has some form of definition.)
- For arguments sake, the letter “y” is considered to be a vowel at the end of a word but a consonant at all other positions on a word.

For simplification purposes the following codes exist:

L – Letter
N – Number
C – Letter or Number (When not used in conjunction with the letter V)
C – Consonant (When used in conjunction with the letter V)
V – Vowel
P – Premium Letter (One of the following letters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,P,R,S,T)

Bought Out Domains

2 Character Domains
CC .com/.net/.org/.info/.us/.cn/.ca/.biz/.in
3 Character Domains
LLL .com/.net/.org/.info/.mobi/.asia/.us/.es*/.cn/.it/.eu/.ca/.in/.biz/.nl/.pl/.de/.co.uk/.ru/.fr
NNN .com/.net/.org/.info/.mobi/.asia/.us/.cn/.eu/.ca/.in/.cc/.biz/.ru
C-C .com/.net/.org/.info/.in/.ru
LLN .com/.net/.ru
LNN .com/.net/.ru
NNL .com/.net/.ru
NLL .com/.net/.ru
LNL .com/.net/.ru
NLN .com/.net/.ru
4 Character Domains
NNNN .com/.net/.mobi/.cn/.com.cn
LLLL .com/.cn/.com.cn
PPPP .net
LLLL (maximum of two letter types) .net
CVCV .net/.info
VCVC .net
C--C .com
N-NN .com
NN-N .com
5 Character Domains
NNNNN .com
L-L-L .com
N-N-N .com

* bought out or reserved
Potential Buyouts
(must be >50% regged or 2 characters with reg fees below $50US)

2 Character Domains
CC.VG > 50% of 1296 registered (Buy@moniker.com for <$30/year)
CC.CX > 50% of 1296 registered (Buy@Domains.cx)
CC.VC > 50% of 1296 registered (Buy@dotster.com for <$30/year - $25 with coupon)
CC.LV > 50% of 1296 registered
CC.COM.AU (Not legally tradeable, Restrictions apply) > 50% of 1296 registered
3 Character Domains
NNN.ME > 68% of 1000 are registered - link
LLL.CC > 62% of 17576 registered list
LLN.ORG >50% of 6760 registered
LLN.ORG (Premium Letters & Numbers:No JKQUVWXYZ/046) >90% registered
LNN.ORG >89% of 2600 registered list
NNL.ORG >62% of 2600 registered list
C-C.EU > 90% of 1296 registered
C-C.BIZ > 50% of 1296 registered
C-C.ASIA >50% of 1296 registered
4 Character Domains
L-LL.COM >65% of 17576 registered link
LL-L.COM >65% of 17576 registered link
L-NN.COM >60% of 2600 registered
LLLL.NET >54% of 456976 registered
NNNN.ORG > 85% of 10000 registered *HOT* link
5 Character Domains
L-L-L.DE >52% of 17576 registered list
NNNNN.NET >50% of 100000 registered link
CVCVV.COM >55% of 55125 domains registered
CVVCV.COM >52% of 55125 domains registered
CVCCV.COM (CC being same letters) >50% of 13125 registered
Palindromic CVCVC.com >82% of 2205 registered
VCVCV.COM >50% of 55125 domains registered
VCVCV.COM (Premium Letters) >95% of 10816 registered list
CVCVC.COM (Premium Letters) >83% of 35152 registered list
CVCV(+S) > 84% of 11025 registered - link
CVCCV.COM (Premium Letters) >70% of 35152 registered link

Quick Stats
>50% of 456,976 LLLL.net are registered
~50% (majority LLLL.com) of 1,307,248 CCCC.com are registered (includes hyphens)
>10% but <15% of 11,881,376 LLLLL.com are registered. stats

Significant Buyout Dates
LLL.com buyout: early 2000 ref
LLL.net buyout: early 2001 ref
LLL.info buyout: Feb. 23, 2004 ref
LLL.biz buyout: Feb. 25, 2004 ref
LLLL.com - November 2nd 2007
NNNNN.com - ?
L-L-L.com - October 2007
? - Any more?

I will aim to regularly update this initial post with more detail and relevant info. If you have any suggestions of domains that are bought out, potential buyouts, registration data on buyouts, links to Namepros threads relevant to a particular buyout, etc… feel welcome to mention it.

I don't know a lot on country codes and which domains are bought out and which domains have 2 character domains available or bought out. Some country codes don't have 2 character domains and I don't want to mention them.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
That's some great info there Phil. I appreciate all your hard work as it's a great reference to look to when considering where to invest funds and what's been bought out, etc.

Rep added :)
Well after going through all possible LL combinations manually I can say that there are less than 10% of LL.LVs left. Unfortunately those left have Trademark restrictions, therefore can only be registered if you sign a waiver to give up rights of the name in case legal owner of TM wants it.
Though it can still be added to list as almost buyout...
Great post Phil :)

VURG said:
Warning: Participating in a buyout is highly risky. While some Namepros members have made lots of money participating in buyouts, others have lost hundreds or thousands. I don’t advise anyone to be involved in a buyout without understanding that they have the potential to lose a lot of money and should take full responsibility for any failures in their actions.


Needed to give that some more emphasis for any newcomers who may be reading this :hehe:

Reward never comes without risk and there's no greater opportunity for both profit and loss than investing in a market pre-buyout.
rep added :)

You should add "LLL.de" as well since L-L-L.de is on your list.
Pls add domain LN.in , NL.in , N-L.in , L-N.in
Thanks :)
Great list.rep added.If possible add the list available names left too.
so we can have another buyout sooner..

do u have the list for theseavailable ones?
VCVCV.COM (Premium Letters) >83% of 10816 registered
CVCVC.COM (Premium Letters) >80% of 35152 registered
skylineleong said:
Pls add domain LN.in , NL.in , N-L.in , L-N.in
Thanks :)

then you should add nnn.in and lll.in
You may want to list the premium numbers also.
Good work VURG.

One typo: NNNN.org is double listed as "bought out" and "potential buyout."
Thanks everyone for the feedback and suggestions. I have been thinking about starting this thread for months and so it is great to see that it is appreciated. Thanks Reece for the sticky.

Just for clarification.

LL, NN, NL and LN domains have been merged into CC category.
L-L, N-N, N-L, L-N domains have been merged into C-C category.

My reasoning behind this was that by ensuring that at least 1000 domains fit into a category of domains the cluter is reduced (quantity of info people may consider trivial). From a significance factor any category listed has at least $2500/year being spent on it.

I have limited domains to domains with reg fees under $50US in price. This excludes some extensions like .am. Should I lift it to under $100US or keep it at under $50?

Questions I am interest to know include: I know that LLL.es were very close to being bought out. Anyone know if they are? Anyone know if CC.es exist? Are NNN.es bought out? What chinese domain types are bought out other than LLLL.cn and LLLL.com.cn? CVCV.TV domains is another category of domains that may have more than 50% regged?

Premium Numbers? Do people really care if a number is premium? I haven't seen a lot of discussion on it. I'm guessing that this was in reference to 0,4 and 6 being non-premium and the rest premium. (ref:3character.com)

Malaysia, links to lists are now listed. Thanks to rpanella for his hard work.

Reece, I like the level of emphasis on the warning as bold as is for now. I will consider making it more obvious in the future. (Your highlighting the point a few posts later adds weight to the point)
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we waited quite some years for the LLLL.com
brings back memories to lt96 vurg.com etc
it was really fun

>10% but <15% of 11,881,376 LLLLL.com are registered.
iwonder how long wud this take..
perhaps we shud start a poll of wat is the next expected buyout.
great post vurg :tu:


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LLL.it is sold out too, but the cheapest i found is 7.2€ and only residents in europe can buy them.
Thanks for the list.

I think LL.vc is nearly gone, also other LL.cc names are near and past buyouts. Have been planning a consolidated list of the LL.cc market for years, but information is very contradictory.
Probable next buyout is NLL.org

I just ran a check and as of this minute, 297 of 2600 LNN.org's remain (11%)

See attached .txt for list of remaining ones.
2 character .in domains don't exist.

Very cool list however :)
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-RJ- said:
I just ran a check and as of this minute, 297 of 2600 LNN.org's remain (11%)

See attached .txt for list of remaining ones.

Thanks, I've been getting nnl.org on drop but I went ahead and got these 3 LNN since they were in sequence. H71.ORG H72.ORG H73.ORG....Some others I looked up from your list were already gone.

OOPS! I made a mistake, they were available. Had to get the last of the (Letter i) I46.ORG I92.ORG I97.ORG


Dave C
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I think three .VG ($28.50 at Moniker) still left:

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NNL.org stats: 62.9% registered, 965 remain. List attached.

Premium LLN.org:

LLN.org without JKQUVWXYZ/0: 89.9% of 2304 registered, 234 remain
LLN.org without JKQUVWXYZ/046: 90.6% of 1792 registered, 169 remain
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