
GoDaddy Auctions -- Discussion, Acquisitions, and Sales

Spaceship Spaceship

I searched the forum and could not find a thread dedicated solely to Godaddy auctions, which seem to be heating up lately.

I envision this thread as a place for discussion regarding YOUR sales and acquisitions, and general discussion about the auction venue itself, and, perhaps, some domain oddities that are popping up on the auction site, for example, high-priced domains that should be regfee.


One caveat, though: for your own good, PLEASE do not reveal your auction win (or anyone else's, for that matter) until the domain has landed in your account because the original owner still has the option to renew it, and I know how vexing that can be. In other words, don't count your chickens until they're hatched.

On the other hand, if you're having second thoughts about your auction win, by all means tell us all about it.

I suppose that if an auction win is high profile, it's already out there, but, still...

Anyway, I'll start with three comments:

1. I won my first (and maybe last) intentional typo, and it's getting clicks (no $ so far, though): Forwx.com. I could not find a live TM on this term, but one never knows. I have mixed feelings about this one.

2. I accidentally clicked on a BIN that I didn't want (I wanted the one above it), but I decided to honor the bid anyway. Grrr..., so be careful before hitting the submit button. It's not in my account yet, so I can't really reveal it right now.

3. Currently, there's a weird .co domain at over $9,000, with three bidders duking it out. Again, I don't want to reveal what it is, but if you go to the most active auctions, it's number 1 (as of this posting).​

Mods, I hope this thread is okay.


The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
wow! Awesome! Thanks so much for the info! Theres an area that says "sold" and another that says "status" under the status tab it just says the date 6/14/12, So i assume it will be added by then to my account?

Thanks again! I feel like its a pretty good one, but i really dont know anything about them! So i guess we will see what you guys think once it goes! :)
According to GD, the domain in question will drop. The backorder was placed too late.

So I will have to join the other peeps who might want this domain as well.

Time to hit the gym and get ready for drop day! :D


Another idiot like me. I ended a self-imposed domain buying hiatus to Backorder a name at Snapnames that I assume was a $5 closeout a month or so ago... but I won it .. I would have tried to hand reg it but that Reberry character would have picked it up.

I didn't see it at TDNAM though - I assume maybe they skip it. CodeCube.com dropped recently without auction too..

Good luck getting it!
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I used a backorder on a .INFO dropping from another registrar.

I set it during the "pending delete" period, two or three days before it dropped.

godaddy got it on 12 June, but the domain shows up in my watched auctions list......as a private auction, with me as high bidder.

does that indicate that someone placed a backorder after I did, on this niche .INFO domain?

odd that I didn't get an email notice that it was grabbed and in an auction. seems like that would be important information to convey.

worth noting, two days before it dropped, the whois at http://info.info
was showing an expiration date in 2013, AND showing pending delete at the same time.
Another idiot like me. I ended a self-imposed domain buying hiatus to Backorder a name at Snapnames that I assume was a $5 closeout a month or so ago... but I won it .. I would have tried to hand reg it but that Reberry character would have picked it up.

I didn't see it at TDNAM though - I assume maybe they skip it. CodeCube.com dropped recently without auction too..

Good luck getting it!

Lol. Thanks. Snapnames is the only option for me at this point. :D

I was watching this domain for over a year now hoping the owner won’t renew. I would always think of the domain… And then I had to miss the auction when it expired! :yell:

CodeCube.com is a nice brandable domain. Also, it’s two words starting with the same letter, and both have the same number of letters.

I used a backorder on a .INFO dropping from another registrar.

I set it during the "pending delete" period, two or three days before it dropped.

godaddy got it on 12 June, but the domain shows up in my watched auctions list......as a private auction, with me as high bidder.

does that indicate that someone placed a backorder after I did, on this niche .INFO domain?

odd that I didn't get an email notice that it was grabbed and in an auction. seems like that would be important information to convey.

worth noting, two days before it dropped, the whois at http://info.info
was showing an expiration date in 2013, AND showing pending delete at the same time.

Yeah, that happens. GD got the name from the other registrar. So when this happens, your backorder will reflect you as the high bid initially-which is $10. If no one bids on it, you win. If others bid on it, they could possibly win it if you don't bid as well.

Basically, anybody can now have a shot at it.

@3D - cdboard said it went to a private auction. That means nobody but the backorderers have a shot at it.
Ok so just spoke with them, they said im in the clear with my closeout name!

I paid $5 for it from the closeout area;

V e r t i c l e (dot) net

hopefully its worth it! just put in appraisels to see what others think!
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Are celebrity names (first names and/or full names) safe to buy on GoDaddy auctions or NOT?

If anyone knows for sure...

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

Another query to the knowledgeable amongst you!

Are non-English words dot com okay to buy?
Are celebrity names (first names and/or full names) safe to buy on GoDaddy auctions or NOT?

If anyone knows for sure...

I know for sure buying celebrity's full, or nick names is a bad idea-whether it be in the aftermarket (like GD Auction) or hand-reg!!

Angelina.com is a first name. No tm issues here.

But AngelinaJolie.com... here definitely is.

Jolie.com wouldn't be a TM because it is a last name.

Another query to the knowledgeable amongst you!

Are non-English words dot com okay to buy?

Sure, if it makes sense in that language and in the extension you buying in. Is that foreign term used a lot by those speaking that language? Those questions you can ask yourself, then see if you can decide whether you wanna buy it. ;)

I bought an Arabic word in .COM a few months back. It was a one worder. 12 years old. Arabic speaking individuals say it all the time. I can read/write Arabic ;)

Thanks for clarifying! :tu:

I know for sure buying celebrity's full, or nick names is a bad idea-whether it be in the aftermarket (like GD Auction) or hand-reg!!

Angelina.com is a first name. No tm issues here.

But AngelinaJolie.com... here definitely is.

Jolie.com wouldn't be a TM because it is a last name.

Sure, if it makes sense in that language and in the extension you buying in. Is that foreign term used a lot by those speaking that language? Those questions you can ask yourself, then see if you can decide whether you wanna buy it. ;)

I bought an Arabic word in .COM a few months back. It was a one worder. 12 years old. Arabic speaking individuals say it all the time. I can read/write Arabic ;)


Even with first names, I would be careful HOW I would use it.

You MIGHT have some issues if you set up an Angelina Jolie site (with ads) on Angelina.com.

Same with my first name "Jennifer"; I can use it for my personal site (with ads), BUT if I start showing Jennifer Furniture ads, I might have a problem.


Even with first names, I would be careful HOW I would use it.

You MIGHT have some issues if you set up an Angelina Jolie site (with ads) on Angelina.com.

Same with my first name "Jennifer"; I can use it for my personal site (with ads), BUT if I start showing Jennifer Furniture ads, I might have a problem.


Thanks for further clarification, Ms Domainer!

Here's some more evidence that it's best to wait until day 46 (after expiration) before announcing an auction win (about 4 or 5 days after the domain has landed in your account).

One of my won domains landed in my account two days ago.

However, while I can forward the domain, the DNS is "Temporarily Unavailable." I suspect that by tomorrow or the next day, I will have access to the DNS. (If not, I'll place a call to my rep.) This suggests that the former owner still can renew up to and including day 45, whether or not the domain has been awarded to the winner.

I have never noticed this before because I have done forwarding or have waited to set up a custom blog, but I had some time yesterday, so I started work on the blog.

It's irksome, and I wish Godaddy would change it so that once the domain has landed in the winner's account that a former owner can't reclaim it.

UPDATE: My DNS became available tonight, so, apparently, it was just a glitch.

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can you change the nameservers to non-godaddy nameservers?
I cant imagine loosing writingassignment at auction for i had it at 12 until it was won for 17
I cant imagine loosing writingassignment at auction for i had it at 12 until it was won for 17



If you really want a name, you either need to place a proxy maximum bid or place a higher bid in the last minutes (best option).

I had writing assignment on my watch list for days and then placed my bid at the last minute. That's part of the game.

I would have gone higher for this one...

There will be other names.



---------- Post added at 04:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

can you change the nameservers to non-godaddy nameservers?


I probably could, but it's free to set up a custom blog on blogger.

I'll wait and see what happens in the next few days.


the reason I asked, is that if you can use other nameservers, then you can fully use the domain.

in that case, it might just be their DNS system that is not available to you.
the reason I asked, is that if you can use other nameservers, then you can fully use the domain.

in that case, it might just be their DNS system that is not available to you.


My DNS became available tonight, so all is good.

:) B-)
Anyone hear going after CoconutTree.com?? :)
Ok so just spoke with them, they said im in the clear with my closeout name!

I paid $5 for it from the closeout area;

V e r t i c l e (dot) net

hopefully its worth it! just put in appraisels to see what others think!

Im happy you grabbed a name, but is it not spelled: Vertical :notme:

If you look carefully, there are some nice domains in GD closeouts. They may not always be "obvious" at first glance, but they're there.

I picked up a nice one today (BIN), and if it makes through redemption week (+ 3 days), I'll share it with you and reveal why I think it's a winner.

So what characteristics do I see in low hanging fruit (ripe and ready for plucking)?

  • Mostly .com domains

  • Descriptive for established products or services and yet brandable and trademarkable

  • Correctly spelled

  • Passes the radio test

  • Instantly memorable, especially when a potential customer, going 70 mph down the highway, passes a billboard with the term pasted on it

  • Positive connotation, although the product or service itself may not offer good news for some people (I'll explain this once I reveal the domain, ;) )

  • When you see the term, one instantly envisions possible end-users--LOTS of them

  • Intuitive two-worders, REAL words and REAL term (not manufactured)

  • Short domains (8 letters or fewer, although some long tails might work as well)

  • If I have to ask myself, "How did this one slip by so many eyeballs?" then I'm pretty sure that it's a goodie. (It was on my watch list for days--I was sure it was going to be bid up, definitely surprised it was not)

  • Aged domains. I added this last because age in itself is not a strong factor (I have seen a lot of junky "old" domains in closeouts), but with the above factors, it's important.

The analytics may not be especially strong, but it wouldn't take much to get this term out for this particular product or service.

What are some of the characteristics that you look for in closeouts?



I promised you I would reveal this domain, so for better or worse:


Here is my reasoning (based on the above criteria)

  • A .com

  • Descriptive for established service, such as paternity DNA testing, and yet brandable and trademarkable. Could also be a Father's Day site

  • Correctly spelled: YES

  • Passes the radio test: YES

  • Instantly memorable, especially when a potential customer, going 70 mph down the highway, passes a billboard with the term pasted on it: YES

  • Positive connotation, although the product or service itself may not offer good news for some people (I'll explain this once I reveal the domain, ;) ): YES--Obviously, if someone doesn't want to be the biological father, then the connotation for him would definitely be negative.

  • When you see the term, one instantly envisions possible end-users--LOTS of them: YES, at least I think so. However, others may feel this is debabtable.

  • Intuitive two-worders, REAL words and REAL term (not manufactured): YES

  • Short domains (8 letters or fewer, although some long tails might work as well): YES, 7 letters.

  • If I have to ask myself, "How did this one slip by so many eyeballs?" then I'm pretty sure that it's a goodie. (It was on my watch list for days--I was sure it was going to be bid up, definitely surprised it was not): YES. I still can't believe this one slipped by. I have seen lesser terms go for bigger money. Again, it may be in the eye of the beholder, especially if one goes strictly by GAKT.

  • Aged domains. I added this last because age in itself is not a strong factor (I have seen a lot of junky "old" domains in closeouts), but with the above factors, it's important: YES, 10 years old.

I would love to hear your take on this (not an appraisal, just discussion) AND your own discussion of your Godaddy aftermarket domains. I think it's always good to see what others think because we can all learn from other viewpoints.

Why do certain domains catch your eye, while others slip by?

:) :bingo: :kickass:​

Had my first godaddy auction go kaput!

I bought employed.tv for $12 and it was 3-4 hours away from being in my account!

Then I got the dreaded email saying my auction ended!

name go bye bye!
first time using auctions. i got D y z e e .com (pronounced Dizzy, for pretty cheap, and its been regged since 2000.
not sure what i'll do with it, but it grabbed my eye. One sec it looks nice, and then it looks like crap, haha.
I will say this is one of the best posts I have ever read with regard to choosing to pick up a domain.

I like the domain and your points on choosing made perfect sense imo.

Best of luck to you.


I promised you I would reveal this domain, so for better or worse:


Here is my reasoning (based on the above criteria)

  • A .com

  • Descriptive for established service, such as paternity DNA testing, and yet brandable and trademarkable. Could also be a Father's Day site

  • Correctly spelled: YES

  • Passes the radio test: YES

  • Instantly memorable, especially when a potential customer, going 70 mph down the highway, passes a billboard with the term pasted on it: YES

  • Positive connotation, although the product or service itself may not offer good news for some people (I'll explain this once I reveal the domain, ;) ): YES--Obviously, if someone doesn't want to be the biological father, then the connotation for him would definitely be negative.

  • When you see the term, one instantly envisions possible end-users--LOTS of them: YES, at least I think so. However, others may feel this is debabtable.

  • Intuitive two-worders, REAL words and REAL term (not manufactured): YES

  • Short domains (8 letters or fewer, although some long tails might work as well): YES, 7 letters.

  • If I have to ask myself, "How did this one slip by so many eyeballs?" then I'm pretty sure that it's a goodie. (It was on my watch list for days--I was sure it was going to be bid up, definitely surprised it was not): YES. I still can't believe this one slipped by. I have seen lesser terms go for bigger money. Again, it may be in the eye of the beholder, especially if one goes strictly by GAKT.

  • Aged domains. I added this last because age in itself is not a strong factor (I have seen a lot of junky "old" domains in closeouts), but with the above factors, it's important: YES, 10 years old.

I would love to hear your take on this (not an appraisal, just discussion) AND your own discussion of your Godaddy aftermarket domains. I think it's always good to see what others think because we can all learn from other viewpoints.

Why do certain domains catch your eye, while others slip by?

:) :bingo: :kickass:​

I will say this is one of the best posts I have ever read with regard to choosing to pick up a domain.

I like the domain and your points on choosing made perfect sense imo.

Best of luck to you.


Thanks, equity78.

I would love to see more posts like this in regard to other acquired Godaddy auction domains (but only after your domains are safely in your accounts, :) ).

I'd love to hear why certain domains stand out for others.

Sometimes the reasoning is obvious, but sometimes it's not.

Sorry, domainacrobat, about your lost domain. It has happened to me, and it's irksome.

I have one waiting in the wings, 50/50 chance it will get renewed.


grabbed Domini .tv successfully!

domini = Domains (italian)

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