
GoDaddy Auctions - A nightmare

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
How do you cope with GD auctions now?

It used to be an alright experience a few years back when I was actively listing domains. About a month and a half back I again got the auctions membership and listed domains there.

Despite adding the TXT DNS record for verification the domains were still pending. Now the interesting part, I contacted chat support and they wasted more than an hour and did nothing. Then again after waiting for 15 or so days I added a domain and when it was still pending verification I again contacted the chat support and they were incompetent as always but also unprofessional... Asking me what do I do for a living etc.

And when they successfully wasted almost 2 hours of my time... I told them I will post about them on social media because they did nothing. Not even once checked if the TXT file was in my DNS. It was like I was talking to noobs who don't know nothing. They removed my domain even from the pending domains list in a few hours.

Instead of improving the service, they actually removed the domain. Their chat support wasting my time by asking questions like please confirm you really want to sell the domain. I replied that's precisely why I have listed it here.

Those who are using GD auctions, how do you even tolerate such incompetence?
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I recently wrote a complaint email to the customer support of a publicly traded company about a missing refund. I got back an entire page written by AI apologizing for the mistake and that "She" was going to do everything in her power to make sure it wouldn't happen again. But there was no refund, which is why I was writing in the first place. Robots. Sure as sh*t you weren't talking to real people. Godaddy must be experimenting with AI

And so it begins...
Hi AKS5,

I've found that GoDaddy Chat gets you nowhere in resolving auction issues.

It's best to email GoDaddy Auctions at auctions@godaddy for help.

There you'll be connected to knowledgeable humans who'll solve your problems...

One caveat: they may take a few hours to respond.
Hi AKS5,

I've found that GoDaddy Chat gets you nowhere in resolving auction issues.

It's best to email GoDaddy Auctions at auctions@godaddy for help.

There you'll be connected to knowledgeable humans who'll solve your problems...

One caveat: they may take a few hours to respond.
Correction: email: [email protected] for auction help
Hi AKS5,

I've found that GoDaddy Chat gets you nowhere in resolving auction issues.

It's best to email GoDaddy Auctions at auctions@godaddy for help.

There you'll be connected to knowledgeable humans who'll solve your problems...

One caveat: they may take a few hours to respond.

Agree on this.

I wasted 45 minutes last night - I wrote out my issue in well constructed english with all the relevant and correct keywords - then waited half hour for the incomprehending chatbot to call a real person to talk with me. Having provided all the information and screenshots that the real person requested, I was then asked to email auctions@godaddy.

How do you cope with GD auctions now?
Well, now that the 7-day auctions are being closed to sellers, perhaps some of these other issues will become moot with the Afternic-GoDaddy integration?
. About a month and a half back I again got the auctions membership and listed domains there.
So they are still requiring paid memberships to list domains now on the 90d sale cycle, with no 7-day auction option? Interesting.
yeah that's about right
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The first thing i say to a chatbot is "I wanna talk to a human". it works with all the bots.. regarding godaddy i think people who are working with them in the chat support eat something else than normal food..
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