Domain Empire

You Have $10 Million (Fy) Dollars And 1 Hour To Start Spending It!

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Honest updates 1/8/07

1) Issues regarding trademarks, non-disclosure agreements, etc, motivated us to conceive of a "Fun, Futuristic, Mysterious, Global Ecommerce Adventure Game."

2) The purpose of the game is to build a solid foundation which allows you, and your team(s) to "Do What You LOVE, and make money, for the rest of your life."

3) In the grand tradition of Richard 'Virgin Inc' Branson, the leaders of our prime subsidiaries (divisions) all (eventually) stand to become phenomenally wealthy based on the success of their 'team'.

4) We are considering a long list of options to improve the contests, and almost half of them require changes which aren't allowed in your contest forum (I'm mostly referring to 'outbound links', and participation on external sites).

5) The 'early response member' has been paid, and the "ends in 48-72 hours with no activity" has been edited out due to the changes (below).

Those are the reasons (above) here are the most important changes:

A) This thread, here at NP, will either die off, or become an "Information Age Miracle".

B) If an enthusiastic group of members actually starts to regularly interact the way we laid out in the "C4) Weekly Decision Maker sub-Contest", then please, make sure someone PM's me at DP, so I can track your Good Karma.

Thanks :)

(((This post is has no outbound links towards any website, the two URL's are for a relevant photo graphic)))

Someday Good Karma Will Come Looking For You!

Our adventurous thread will "plant seeds in your brain."
You are not expected, or required, to respond on first contact, but something called Good Karma will draw you back to watch our progress. You have a very real advantage by starting today, and the later entries can also win.

The only major assumptions (part one)

In this world of over 4 Billion people there are at least 534,000,000 (534 Million) individuals who desire to "Do What They LOVE, And Make Money". An estimated (assumed) 1 in 8 people, probably many more, would be happy to turn their fun hobbies into a lifetime of income.

Do you agree with this one major assumption?

"Yes", please read on and enjoy the challenging contests.
"No", you are still eligible to enjoy watching, and maybe change your mind.

The only major assumptions (part two)

I have exceeded my own expectations, while doing what I LOVE.
All we need from you is the same desire to go the extra mile, and enjoy every moment.
In a huge Global marketplace we can find at least 10 to 25 people who have and want more Good Karma.

The Official Terms:
Long-Term Global Contest Rules
Short-Term Rules

Long-Term Global Contest Rules:

_ ~20% of you will end up very big winners with almost anything you desire.
- The other 80% can find peace and happiness in other ways.

We do not take any credit or blame for the long-term rules of the game.
The 20%/80% principles were defined by Prader many years ago, and we promise to add a fun, futuristic twist.

Short-Term Rules

Please, clearly answer (any number of) the questions (below) in the best way you can.

>Do not feel a need to answer them all at once.<

We have suggestions on how to add value to this effort. If you follow them your point totals will increase faster.
For maximum point scores: This thread will have more value if you get the habit of starting each post with a quick easy reference to the
sub-contest code (for example):

C1) My helpful suggestion is...

C2) Here is an original idea...

First 49 Days:

(EDIT: See 'honest updates (above) for key changes). If we actually last 49 days, the end will be 'clearly overdue', and the winners will be rewarded promptly. This post is has no outbound links, promoting any website. The rather long time frame will give a wide variety of people a chance to participate.

Prizes: We will choose a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25 winners (from 2 forums) based on the quality of all their responses as the discussions evolve.

Global Note: The sub-contest "C10" will, in part, discuss inviting sponsors into this thread.
Cash prizes may be much higher than what is currently offered.

"Meal or Big Deal?"

The first round winners will be offered a very tasty choice called "Meal or Big Deal?"
It's not a blatant copy of the game show, but a fun way for you to decide how curious you are about Good Karma and related ideas.

All winners will first be told the number of points they have earned in the 'Bigger Global Contest'.
Details about the exciting next round will be released, and you will have two days to decide, "Meal or Big Deal?"
At this time we are offering a modest meal of $10 Paypal cash to our winners (much more is possible), and then they even have to make
a tough choice in order to get paid.

What is the tough choice?

You will have updated information about "the exciting next round of contests." You will have 48 hours to decide on accepting your honest cash
payment ("a meal"), or keeping the points you have earned in the large Global contest. To be fair, you can have some of each:

"Meal or Big Deal?" 1st Round Options (prior to possible sponsorship watch for updates)

$10 Cash ("a meal") in exchange for all your contest points
$5 Cash and 25 bonus points in the 'larger Global contest'
Zero cash and 75 bonus points in the 'larger Global contest'

(Important Notes: Cash prizes will be awarded, when you choose them.
As noted above it's a fun way for you to decide how curious you are about Good Karma and related Global ideas.

Please enjoy some Good Karma!


C1) You Have $10 Million Fantasy Dollars And 1 Hour To Start Spending It!
C2) Please, help shorten the learning curve on escrow and / or
C3) The 4 LLLL's
C4) Weekly Decision Maker Contest
C5) "Intro second part"
C6) Good Karma For The Homeless? A Bum Opinion?
C7) All Fired Up!
C8) Global Music Fun and Sponsorship
C9) DP vs. NP
C10) Futuristic Ideas On Cooperation and Competition
C11) PHP Programmers
C12) Knowledge Quote and More

Cash for first reply

One (1) cash prize, and points for the first ten qualified entries.
(((Early response bonuses will be won today and paid tomorrow, or sooner, cash by Paypal)))
This section is a very small reward to help "get the ball rolling".
A couple dollars is very little, but keep in mind clicking to enter a post is really easy 'work'.
Terms (Note the time delay, before first entry):

-For quality reasons, do not attempt to enter all 12 contests at once. We are looking to encourage discussion, and "explore some new frontiers."
-There is a one hour 'pause' (starting the moment this post is made), before you are allowed to compete for "first entry".
-This rule will give members a chance to carefully consider the quality and content of their first response.
-The very first entry (after server time 5:42pm) will be offered 4 Global points, or $2 by Paypal. Please, state in your post if you're wanting the
cash or contest bonus points at this time.
-The 2nd through 5th responses will also get 4 points. If #1 chooses points then #2 gets the option for cash or points. The cash will be
given away to the first qualified entry to choose cash instead of points.
-Finally, the 6th through 10th posts get 2 Global bonus points for being in the early response group.

If your post is 'painfully low quality', negative points can also be issued on the Good Karma tracker.
I will sometimes 'actively' participate in this thread (not much at all today, early response bonuses will be issued tomorrow, or sooner) and
will also be busy tracking your Good Karma, and preparing for a very exciting future.


C1) You Have $10 Million Fantasy Dollars And 1 Hour To Start Spending It!

24 Major Keywords

If you choose to, please rank these 24 major keywords in order of importance (or post your top 5, 10, 12, etc.) and offer any comments (which you
would want our sponsors to see), about why you put your top 2-5 in the highest spots:

-Futuristic Vision
-Live Music On .TV
-Wireless Keywords
-Alternative Energy
-Spring Break
-4 LLLL's: Listen, Laugh, Love, Lasting Memories
-High-Tech Wonders
-Special Pets
-Stardate2112 & .TV
-Once In A Lifetime
-Complete Visits
-Global Ecommerce Game
-Pure Community Zone
-Fun Hobbies

A clear suggestion and tips for winning

To earn the highest possible point total in this section, please:

-Do not edit your original entry, or submit more than two lists
This format is suggested:

Keyword1 $3 Million
Keyword2 $2 Million
Keyword3 $1 Million
Keyword4 $1 Million
Keyword5 $1 Million
Keyword6 $1 Million
Keyword7 1/2 Million
Keyword8 1/2 Million

-I decided to spend $3 Million on Keyword1...(please write a sentence or short paragraph explaining your choice)
-My 'prime subsidiary' (for example) spent $2 Million on Keyword2...(we just need a minimum of 2 and a max of 5 sentences or short paragraphs
in this area)

You can spend up to $10 Million Dollars, on up to 20 keywords, in amounts of 1/2 Million up to $5 Million per keyword.
In other words, if you spend $5 Million on a single keyword, the maximum number of other words you can buy is 10 (1/2 Million
times 10 = your other $5 Million)

C2) Please, help shorten the learning curve on escrow and / or

Long-term we need to know:

-How can a project earn the best interest income on money in escrow? Any advice on where to get the top rates and lowest fees?
-Without a lawyer: Can we write a "simple, honest, agreement" where (for example) "if these clearly defined conditions are met within 10 months,
then $xx,xxx or even up to $x,xxx,xxx or more is released to the winning contestant(s); if the clearly defined conditions are not met, then
money is returned to the sponsors? Now we submit the "simple, honest, agreement" to the escrow company, and it's legally binding?
Sure great... you have relevant real-world experience?
Please, tell us about it.

C3) The 4 LLLL's

The 'real contest' is below, this first one is an example of a four letter domain and possible usage (a slogan or concept).

Just Need A Way?? Just Network A Way!!!

Simple, silly, effective? What do you think? As stated above "the real contest is below", but...
Go the extra mile
If you are not honestly moved to comment, please do not. If you think "Just Need A Way?? Just Network A Way!!!" is the best possible seed
of a concept for JNAW, please let us know. Also, if you are moved to point out glaring flaws, please, feel free to say so, and / or offer
something clearly better.

The 4 LLLL's

We need creative, original, useful ideas for these LLLL domains. You are free to make entries for one or all of them. Eventually we need four
'special ones' to represent each of these four words...
4 LLLL's: Listen, Laugh, Love, Lasting Memories... Now, I know only 2 of the 7 actually have a letter 'L' in the domain name, so you can still
have a slogan or concept which relates to Love or Laughter (for example) without using an 'L' word.

Whether you fully understand or not, please, just use your imagination and instincts:

C4) Weekly Decision Maker Contest

This Global thread has twelve sections labeled C1), C2), etc.

Please take a moment to copy our helpful 'decision maker format' (the first section below) into Notepad on your computer, and eventually
delete the extra notes:


C1) (These spots are for you to give recognition to another members input)
Please, make sure you use their forum name, and quote their input (or at least quote part of it)



C4) Don't pick a winner for 'C4' the first week (see below).




C8) This section opens next week, please ignore for now.


C10) This section opens next week, please ignore for now.



My best of the week) Choose one single entry (a post or portion of a post) which you made this week, and you consider most worthy of notice.

Very Important: You are also able to nominate winners in the Decision Maker Contest, starting the end of the second week. Based on
entries from the previous week.

This is a Weekly Decision Maker Contest. You have been provided an easy format to track and decide which contributions (from other
contestants and yourself) are adding the most value to this thread. Once a week, starting next Sat-Sun, please, submit your entries in
the proper format.


You could use 'the format' (at home on your computer) to 'nominate' valuable entries throughout the week (meaning you copy paste them into your
Notepad form and pick the winners later).
Then save by two different names (ie. 'nominated' and 'winners'). Now (later) trim the list to a maximum of two per section (all from other
members not yours), and one of your own, and save the new list as 'winners'. Now your entry should be ready to copy/paste and post
(starting next weekend).

Important Note:
You are not 'forced' to pick winners in every category every week. We want your decisions to reflect your standards of quality
and value. For maximum points you should enter this part of the contest once per week, but you do not have to pick a winner in every section,
every week. Before the contest is over, please, make at least one single decision in every contest.

C5) "Intro Second Part":

We are looking for you to honestly evaluate the statements below. Is the writing quality low, medium, or high? Why?
Do you have any changes to suggest?
Are you moved to actually answer the questions in exchange for points in this contest?


Are You an extremely creative visionary, with at least some 'real-world' skills?
How about an effective, balanced, responsible 'real-world' leader, with more than a touch of wild futuristic vision?
"Yes" to either means you really would enjoy entering our exciting Global contests.

You may be asked to make key decisions based on instinct rather than the security of following a trend in progress.
One of our favorite ways to describe the initial contest is "lead, follow, or share a good laugh!"


Much more can be added to this contest section later.

C6) Good Karma For The Homeless? A Bum Opinion?

Note: This section is ~99% crazy.
We are not clearly stating every detail, just a basic idea, followed by your input.
I value your honest opinions.

Sponsor motivation: Advertising, good karma, possibly an 'ad co-op' for your team.

Vision: A fun, unique way to help people, and also promote 'everyday common acceptance' of .TV and other futuristic projects.
'First Draft' Of Idea:

(((I know some street bums are 'phony' and actually live in decent homes.
Your input will help pick the people who really deserve Good Karma)))

Sponsors (motivation listed above) will provide the money to help several lucky, 'worthwhile' homeless people in Chicago.
The 'very casual early stages':
During the 'very casual early stages' all income is fully reported as taxable, even what I give away! (to avoid any chance of future hassles
with the IRS). Expenses are quite low, and about 75-90% of the money is given away directly to needy people (this is a much higher % than the
average charity is able to give away.

One of many versions (for example) has me 'chatting with a bum' long enough to decide if they deserve good Karma.
They will receive ~$10 to keep and a pile of 10 one dollar bills with a paper clip and business card on each $1. The instructions could be,
"If you accept this $10 bill, you are honor bound to pass out the ten singles (with business cards) to ten different, well-dressed people
in the next 30 minutes. We have ways to know if you actually pass them out, and might have more money for you in the future."

The business card can have sponsor ads and / or a brief LLLL URL (for example) with the website of the 'sponsor's team or futuristic
prime subsidiary'. In theory the 'well dressed people' could really pay attention to those ads. Also, the whole experience provides
unique, sometimes valuable content for 'your team'.

Do you think the pleasant surprise of receiving $1 bill w/ the business card "overcomes the shabby appearance of the bum", and
makes a good promotion?

Would you be an early sponsor? Why or why not??

Advanced "Reality .TV" stages:

(Please remember, you are reading a 'first draft', in this section)

I personally do not like 'Reality TV' much at all. It's showing no signs of going away, so why don't we make it better? We could eventually
have a .TV show which elevates homeless people (who have Good Karma) into a much happier life (at this time, I do not know of any other show
like this).

It's not hard (for me and others) to come up with dozens of truly original ideas, or even 1000's of unique combinations of existing ideas.
We will be exploring ways to start projects in fun 'casual early stages', which have the potential to be a big hit in the 'real world',
and reward (with residual income) the teams and individuals who make things happen.

C7) All Fired Up!!

Anyone with a computer can claim, "It's a great time to start something on the Net!!!"
Well we all have computers :)

High-Five Billion

EDIT: NP forum will not accept the "image tag"

Alt Link For Graphic If Server Goes Down

Please, give your honest opinion of the quality, originality, and effectiveness of the above graphic. Give a response of a sentence or two,
or perhaps an entire paragraph.

The "All Fired Up!!" contest section will have several more graphics presented in the near future, for you to evaluate and post a decision.

C8) Global Music Fun and Sponsorship
This section opens next week, please ignore for now.

C9) DP vs. NP

I have been more active at DP, but both forums are on equal ground for this Global contest. If you are a member of both, please, choose only
one thread for this ambitious contest (NP or DP, not both).
We will have a bare minimum of at least 3-8 winners from both forums (for example if we have only ten overall winners, at least three would come
from the 'lesser effort' and seven from the 'winning forum'. With 25 winners, 17 spots go to the leading community and 8 to the other. Also, all
first-round cash prizes are boosted by 25% for winners from the 'winning forum'.

(((I need to edit this for clarity.
The "DP vs. NP" is for two Global 'teams' to compete in the good Karma contest.
May the best forum win!
You don't actually need to state why you like one better.)))

C10) Futuristic Ideas On Cooperation and Competition

This section opens next week, please ignore for now.

C11) PHP Programmers

Good PHP Programmers know they can charge a fairly high price. This section may or may not get a response.
If you:

1) Consider yourself a talented, creative, competent programmer.
2) Would consider doing some modifications in exchange for "Global contest points and futuristic leadership opportunities."

Then, please, post here or PM me with the title "PHP".
Then someday, Good Karma Will Come Looking For You.

Global Note: If we do get public programmer entries, then your "Weekly Decision Maker Contest" post can help to pick 'qualified
applicants', based on the statements made in their post(s). These decisions can be tough to make, please, comment if you want to.

C12) Knowledge Quote and More

Knowledge Quote

This quote is slated to be very proudly featured in a futuristic section called 'Open Source Fantasy.' Based only on the information provided
here, please, answer the questions which follow.

"Pleasure is a shadow, Wealth is vanity, and Power is a pageant;
but Knowledge is ecstatic in enjoyment, perennial in frame, unlimited in space and infinite in duration." -De Witt Clinton

Do you like the quote?
Would you ever consider using it in a project which is important to you?
Clearly, it is "Very Geeky" and not for everyone, but most people would at least "respect it a little bit." Yes or No? Why?

Do you have one or two "really good quotes" which will tell us something about you, when you share them with us?
Please, make sure you give credit to the original author or speaker.


This is something I wrote myself (below), 100% original, carefully choosing every word. Please give your brutally honest opinion, and tell
me if "I should be happy with it" and / or "showing it in a very visible place?" Why?
"This effort is dedicated to all who have the courage to explore their own unique, exciting vision of the future, while remembering to enjoy today."
-The Seeker
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Web $3 Million
Master $2 Million
Online $1 Million
Share $1 Million
Donation $1 Million
forum $1 Million
live 1/2 Million
video 1/2 Million
WiiSaid said:
Web $3 Million
Master $2 Million
Online $1 Million
Share $1 Million
Donation $1 Million
forum $1 Million
live 1/2 Million
video 1/2 Million
The first response section failed to mention accuracy

You win the choice of $2 cash or 4 Global points (PM your Paypal email for cash)
Please take just one or two minutes to choose from the list of keywords which was provided in section C1), and after you post it, you win.
Wisdom $3 Million
Dreams $2 Million
Poetry $1 Million
Nature $1 Million
Spring Break $1 Million
Health $1 Million
Wireless keywords 1/2 Million
Futuristic Vision 1/2 Million

C7 I think the logo is a bit dark and the green dot at the top of what there holding up looks fake. Also if that earth is supposed to be there I don't really like it but otherwise this logo is nice and has potential.

C9 I like NP more I was a member of DP for a while but I was ban for no apparent reason they said I made two account but I only ever had one over here at NP the people are nicer and I have alot of fun here. Also alot of stuff on this forum is alot cheaper like if I want to buy a sig I pay less than a dollar a month but at DP I have to pay 10-30 for 1 sig! The Name Bucks system is awesome I havent seen anything like it I can use it for so many things like buying traffic, Domains, and even members to your site.

THis site is also way easier on the eyes and easier to navigate.
I sent your payment.

C9 Thank you.

I need to edit this for clarity.
The "DP vs. NP" is for two Global 'teams' to compete in the good Karma contest.
May the best forum win!
You don't actually need to state why you like one better.
Thanks Payment received.

So do I need to state why I like DP to?
WiiSaid said:
Thanks Payment received.

So do I need to state why I like DP to?

If you want, please help clarify your logo input.
The Globe shows a small graph regarding the boom in Ecommerce.
The two people are doing a form of celebrating (happily enjoying the money they made from Ecommerce).
Does this make a little more sense now?


Note to all: In case you missed it, major changes have been made and clearly placed in the opening post.
Last edited:
Pure Community Zone $3 Million
Family $2 Million
Friendship $1 Million
Dreams $1 Million
Fun Hobbies $1 Million
Nature $1 Million
Knowledge $1/2 Million
Content $1/2 Million

C5) The Text is very captivating, and I think it would suit what you are trying to achieve entirely. It is appealing, and really is extremely well thought out.

C7) Now you have explained the logo it does make a good deal of sense to me and I can see the reasoning, but before I read the explanation it did not make much sense to me. I also agree with WiiSaids points there.
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