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Established Member
Would like appraisals and feedback of the domain
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"Visa" is a trademark

Is this the angle you were going with this one..."Visa Safe"..if so, I would get rid of asap.
I was going for a security information website.

I was planing to sell to a security information/blog/ startup that focus on informing that visa is a safe choice for secure transactions.

I was going for something like

But i was not sure if it infringes on visa trademark since it had the word safe and was going for information/blog website so i buyed it.

But if you think this can infringe in visa trademark and its for me to delete it please tell me and i will do so.
Yeah, you cant sell names when they are trademarked, or benefit financially in any way. That is showing bad faith. Just stay away fro company or trademarked names in this industry.

Its like me buying and thinking its ok because it has "Cars" in it...
I think this is a grey area name.

Visa is a trademark, but it is also a physical product that a person must hold in their possession to be a legal resident or tourist in a country.

A visa safe could be a generic product that keeps a visa, or a passport, safe. It could be a cheesy one like the waterproof ones (this one is a bad example, I've seen worse products at the $1 store) or a more durable product like the Pelican. Either way, they both keep a visa safe. A VisaSafe could be the next As Seen on TV(tm) product to keep your visa safe while on vacation, or even at home.

I won't assign value to the name, but, I definitely wouldn't park it. I'd leave it with a blank for sale page and fight the UDRP based upon the information given above.
do you think i should delete the domain

i dont want any trouble with trademarks.
Could not be used in relation to the Visa financial service company in any way.

Could be used in terms of "Visa" used for travel purposes, i.e. the travel visa. Even so, I don't see it as particularly valuable.
thanks for all the feedback.

Already deleted te domain.
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