- Impact
- 697
The top domain name sale of the day was TheNewCode.com selling for $17,000.00 at GoDaddy. NameBio tracked 444 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $329,516.00 with an average price of $742.15 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was a decrease of 11% in the number of sales and the total dollar volume decreased by 45%. NameBio also recorded an additional 1,736 sales below $100 for a total of $25,705.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for December 25th, 2024
Market Stats for December 25th, 2024
Domain | Price | Venue |
thenewcode.com | $17,000 | GoDaddy |
gmcpatiala.com | $12,251 | GoDaddy |
abercornschool.com | $10,300 | GoDaddy |
wallowalaketramway.com | $9,800 | GoDaddy |
0308.com | $8,701 | GoDaddy |
kiira.com | $7,299 | GoDaddy |
thisismission.com | $6,255 | GoDaddy |
totsbots.com | $6,100 | GoDaddy |
eggfactorycafe.com | $5,532 | GoDaddy |
sprecozero.net | $5,305 | GoDaddy |
razzedicani.net | $5,200 | GoDaddy |
cs.market | $5,050 | Namecheap |
headwatersgolf.com | $4,900 | GoDaddy |
8ag.com | $4,888 | GoDaddy |
plantedplatevegan.com | $4,750 | GoDaddy |
sohobarpalma.com | $3,850 | GoDaddy |
grassfedexchange.com | $3,750 | GoDaddy |
livingbeyondallergies.com | $3,550 | GoDaddy |
betowl.com | $3,376 | GoDaddy |
lentilles.com | $3,300 | GoDaddy |
iip.org | $3,248 | GoDaddy |
tapoutdrinks.com | $3,225 | GoDaddy |
pafipekalongan.org | $3,000 | GoDaddy |
remibrague.com | $2,950 | GoDaddy |
littlemoroccocafe.com | $2,750 | GoDaddy |
trionasnyc.com | $2,600 | DropCatch |
telcomatraining.com | $2,500 | GoDaddy |
lucaandgrae.com | $2,350 | GoDaddy |
mango-solutions.com | $2,300 | DropCatch |
yourfreepoll.com | $2,247 | Namecheap |
roofclaimbocaratonbowl.com | $2,227 | GoDaddy |
afromart.com | $2,225 | GoDaddy |
automationtechnology.com | $2,040 | GoDaddy |
shockwavesuit.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
ionwearable.com | $1,925 | Namecheap |
thechangeupmovie.com | $1,880 | GoDaddy |
gbwhatsapp.net | $1,850 | Namecheap |
1degreebio.org | $1,730 | GoDaddy |
ohanas395.com | $1,625 | GoDaddy |
newsdissector.com | $1,625 | GoDaddy |
goodgummies.com | $1,602 | GoDaddy |
janayakhan.com | $1,525 | Namecheap |
buyviewsreview.com | $1,525 | Namecheap |
shotscafelenox.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
nomiss.com | $1,510 | GoDaddy |
elvonalshorebirds.com | $1,400 | GoDaddy |
barius.com | $1,326 | Dynadot |
kickoffjampcb.com | $1,325 | GoDaddy |
artdealer.org | $1,307 | GoDaddy |
miccaclub.com | $1,300 | DropCatch |
wadihanaislamicsteakhouse.com | $1,250 | GoDaddy |
splitzalley.com | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
infinitigroup.com | $1,205 | Namecheap |
tree-alliance.org | $1,201 | Sav.com |
dandelionpost.com | $1,149 | DropCatch |
seedlyfe.com | $1,127 | GoDaddy |
nationalfranchise.com | $1,115 | GoDaddy |
aquadiving.com | $1,052 | GoDaddy |
zenithfitness.com | $1,050 | GoDaddy |
philippinemermaidswimmingacademy.com | $1,050 | GoDaddy |
cityofmonroeville.com | $1,040 | GoDaddy |
keepquiet.com | $1,033 | GoDaddy |
cxlondon.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
tworiversseniors.org | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
coin-master-freespins.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
simplyev.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
cacti.org | $1,009 | GoDaddy |
Market Stats for December 25th, 2024
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 412 | $315,255 | $765 | $305 |
New gTLDs | 7 | $6,700 | $957 | $304 |
ccTLDs | 25 | $7,561 | $302 | $227 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 371 | $282,021 | $760 | $305 |
ORG | 29 | $18,666 | $644 | $305 |
NET | 12 | $14,568 | $1,214 | $301 |
CO | 11 | $3,633 | $330 | $260 |
IO | 6 | $1,552 | $259 | $253 |
CN | 2 | $361 | $181 | $181 |
AI | 2 | $1,210 | $605 | $605 |
MARKET | 1 | $5,050 | $5,050 | $5,050 |
ID | 1 | $104 | $104 | $104 |
ES | 1 | $121 | $121 | $121 |
IT | 1 | $395 | $395 | $395 |
LIVE | 1 | $186 | $186 | $186 |
LONDON | 1 | $216 | $216 | $216 |
FUN | 1 | $304 | $304 | $304 |
US | 1 | $185 | $185 | $185 |
APP | 1 | $528 | $528 | $528 |
CASINO | 1 | $315 | $315 | $315 |
EXCHANGE | 1 | $101 | $101 | $101 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 315 | $267,575 | $849 | $305 |
Namecheap | 51 | $27,716 | $543 | $255 |
DropCatch | 37 | $19,779 | $535 | $323 |
Dynadot | 29 | $10,953 | $378 | $334 |
Sav.com | 8 | $2,573 | $322 | $211 |
Catched.com | 3 | $620 | $207 | $121 |
Afternic | 1 | $300 | $300 | $300 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 9 | $8,829 | $981 | $515 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 2 | $709 | $355 | $355 |
Keyword (x2) | 216 | $150,289 | $696 | $326 |
Keyword (x3) | 69 | $89,833 | $1,302 | $360 |
Keyword (x4) | 7 | $5,827 | $832 | $355 |
Geo Domains | 1 | $324 | $324 | $324 |
Geo + Keyword | 8 | $2,455 | $307 | $234 |
Surnames | 3 | $1,539 | $513 | $528 |
Given Names | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Domain Hacks | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crypto Domains | 2 | $1,440 | $720 | $720 |
Cannabis Domains | 4 | $4,340 | $1,085 | $217 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: