
awaiting-user-reply Political posts

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Do you want to reply to this comment from J B Lions?

@.X. you can come back, your posts are approved. They agreed with you and disagreed with me. Apparently Namepros is ok with videos of animal sex or sexualized pics of underage kids as long as they're political posts from 3rd parties. So there you have it, they're in charge, they have final say.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Do you want to reply to this comment from J B Lions?

@.X. you can come back, your posts are approved. They agreed with you and disagreed with me. Apparently Namepros is ok with videos of animal sex or sexualized pics of underage kids as long as they're political posts from 3rd parties. So there you have it, they're in charge, they have final say.
That doesn’t sound right.

Could you link to the posts that you believe should be deleted?

Do you want to reply to this comment from J B Lions?

@.X. you can come back, your posts are approved. They agreed with you and disagreed with me. Apparently Namepros is ok with videos of animal sex or sexualized pics of underage kids as long as they're political posts from 3rd parties. So there you have it, they're in charge, they have final say.
It's in English, what part are you struggling with?

There is a video he replied with of 2 monkeys molesting each other that wasn't removed

Then posts of Dom Lucre reposting pics of underage kids implying they're part of a pedo ring that wasn't removed

Thanks for taking a pause from your trolling/spamming this forum to think about me.
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That doesn’t sound right.

Could you link to the posts that you believe should be deleted?

You can simply check the posts I flagged or read my last reply.
That doesn’t sound right.

Could you link to the posts that you believe should be deleted?

@Bravo Mod Team

the stuff that is posted at NP is the exact same stuff that got that guy Dom Lucre banned at Twitter. Feel free to read about it, made lots of press -

I simply asked for that same content that got him banned on Twitter to be removed from NP, I felt it was inappropriate. Mods disagreed with me. That's that.

Maybe, @dna is cool with that kind of content?

If you guys disagree with me, take those pics in the post I flagged. Start a new thread, post those pics and ask this community if they're cool with that kind of content here. Poll it. I would bet most here would agree with me.
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Whatever posted in that thread is not a promotion for right or wrong
Leave the political thread alone it's a one-of-kind where no one is ok with anything even it may seem that way.
It is so strange that moderators deletes my post saying telling "someone" to ask their daddy who pays his dentist bills, but leaves up J B Lions post saying that Namepros is "OK with videos of animal sex or sexualized pics of underage kids" and says that I am "cool with that kind of content."
We’re probably missing a lot of context here, and honestly, we rather close that thread than spend hours reading about politics and trying to figure out what everyone is talking about.

This is a domain forum, so maybe it’s time to put that thread to rest.

Thoughts? Is that thread really contributing to the community?
I think you should close the thread.
We’re probably missing a lot of context here, and honestly, we rather close that thread than spend hours reading about politics and trying to figure out what everyone is talking about.

This is a domain forum, so maybe it’s time to put that thread to rest.

Thoughts? Is that thread really contributing to the community?
It's the most popular, active thread in the Break Room. The Break Room is for off topic threads.

For those that don't like it, they don't have to read it.

You should never take advice from DNA

You could finally add the addon to the forum or upgrade where people can block certain threads, sections etc. I've seen this with other forums.

As far as threads that contribute to the community. You guys have taken reported SPAM threads and instead of deleting the SPAM and banning the spammers like most forums would do, you literally promote the SPAM by moving it to the promotional section. I would love for somebody to give their best argument on how SPAM contributes to this community.
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You could finally add the addon to the forum or upgrade where people can block certain threads, sections etc.
We added a “Mute” feature for threads a while ago, but it’s probably not well known. It’s under the ellipsis button at the top of each thread.

What do you think about an opt-in for the politics thread instead of an opt-out?
You guys have taken reported SPAM threads and instead of deleting the SPAM and banning the spammers like most forums would do, you literally promote the SPAM by moving it to the promotional section.
The only way we, as moderators, can delete threads is if we delete every thread by the member (it’s all or nothing), and the OP must be a new member.

These are the requirements that enable the Spam Cleaner feature to be available to us. We use this a lot on new spambot accounts, but it’s not an option for established members.

If we can’t use that feature, then we have to move the thread somewhere else (e.g., Promotional) and close it as a substitute for deleting it. We can delete replies, though.
We added a “Mute” feature for threads a while ago, but it’s probably not well known. It’s under the ellipsis button at the top of each thread.

What do you think about an opt-in for the politics thread instead of an opt-out?
Your choice if you want to opt in for threads. But then why can't those people just use the Mute function you just mentioned? Or simply not read the thread?

As far as Mute, I tried it out with one of the many contest threads you have -

It doesn't really do anything except take the bold text I usually see and make it non-bold, fade it a little bit. I still see the thread I muted when I click New Posts. I think same with Ignoring people. You can still see they posted, maybe not the content. Enable complete vanish. That's what people really want.

Many years ago talking about this subject, I asked, why not simply get an addon for this forum to block threads. Where somebody can actually make threads disappear for them. Other sites have Hide features, there are addons for this forum software like like one -

Probably others. Other forums using this same forum software have the ability to actually hide threads, give users the ability to have more control with what they see. Some might not like the Political Thread and want it to vanish, I get that. I don't like the numerous Contest Threads where it people just typing random stuff, a 4 letter work, an emoji etc. just bumping threads. But those threads are active, meaning somebody likes them. Same with Political Thread.
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This is a domain forum, so maybe it’s time to put that thread to rest.

Thoughts? Is that thread really contributing to the community?

Those types of sensitive topics cause more polarization among members.

I think it should be closed too.

There are much more entertaining and effective topics that can be evaluated under the name of break room.
Do you want to reply to this comment from J B Lions?

@.X. you can come back, your posts are approved. They agreed with you and disagreed with me. Apparently Namepros is ok with videos of animal sex or sexualized pics of underage kids as long as they're political posts from 3rd parties. So there you have it, they're in charge, they have final say.
The only thing i have to say, I will be back in that thread on Nov 5th 2024..
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The only thing i have to say, I will be back in that thread on Nov 5th 2024..
Without a political party
We’re probably missing a lot of context here, and honestly, we rather close that thread than spend hours reading about politics and trying to figure out what everyone is talking about.

This is a domain forum, so maybe it’s time to put that thread to rest.

Thoughts? Is that thread really contributing to the community?

The sewer system of NP is indeed a one of a kind place on the Internet . . . To delete it and replenish the foundation and install new plumbing or…..let it fester into eternity?
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The sewer system of NP is indeed a one of a kind place on the Internet . . . To delete it and replenish the foundation and install new plumbing or…..let it fester into eternity?
The sewer system of NP is indeed a one of a kind place on the Internet . . . To delete it and replenish the foundation and install new plumbing or…..let it fester into eternity?
The sewer system.. lol!

everyone needs it, only some brave enough to talk about it but it's a necessary function TBH correlating politics with the poop pipes isn't too far off course. Look, where else to flush our duty to society?
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