
Official User Guide

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Help GuidesEstablished Member
User Guide
I. Communication - When viewing the posting window in any thread or conversation, typing in your text can be easy, but using the new functions can sometimes warrant an explanation.
1. Changing Font Properties: The first six buttons (first two groups) directly manipulate the font properties of your text making it bold, italicized, underlined, changing color, size, and font family.
2. Inserting Hyperlinks: The 7th and 8th buttons (third group) look like a chain link (or oval or paperclip depending on how you look at it) and a chain link with an “x” on the corner of it. The first one inserts hyperlinks into text and the second one removes hyperlinks.

a. First type the text you would like to insert the url into.
b. Then highlight the text and click the link button and a dialogue box will appear.
c. Type in the URL of where you would like the text to link to and then press “Insert.”
d. The new text will now be blue with your hyperlink inserted into it. When you publish your thread or send your message it will be turned into a link.
3. Changing Text Alignment: The 9th button (fourth group) changes the alignment of your text from left adjusted, centered, to right adjusted.
4. Inserting Bullets or Numbered List: The 10th through 13th buttons (fifth group) creates bullet points or a numbered list for you when typing and can shift the indent of the text left or right. To start a numbered list, simply click the button. To make a list that already exists into a numerical or bulleted one, simply highlight the text and then click the button.
5. Uploading and Inserting Media: The 14th through 17th buttons (sixth group) allows you to insert emojis, pictures, video clips, and special quote, spoiler, and code text.

a. Inserting an Image From Your Computer
i. To insert an image from your computer, click the “Upload a File” button below the tags area next to the “Preview…” button.
ii. Click in the “Choose File” button and select the image from your computer.
iii. Once the image preview has been loaded in the “Attached Files” area, you may insert it anywhere in the window by clicking where you would like it to go, then clicking the “Thumbnail” button for a small picture or “Full Image” button for its actual size.
b. Inserting an Image From an Online Source
i. Similar to inserting a local image from your computer, to insert an image from a site online, simply click within the window where you would like the image to be placed, click the image button and then enter its URL and click “Insert.”
c. Inserting Videos
i. Follow the same procedure as the Inserting an Image From an Online Source instructions.
ii. Keep in mind that only links from Dailymotion, Facebook, Liveleak, Metacafe, Vimeo, and Youtube will work.

II. Features - Throughout the site you'll find several different features that help you in different ways on NamePros.
1. Content Overview - This page allows you to easily see an overview of newly created content. Save time by finding fresh content at glance.
a. Instructions - Click on the “Overview” link that appears in the sub-navigation menu of the “Forums” link in the main navigation.

Or click on the “Popular This Week” title in the right sidebar on most pages.

b. Page Sections
i. New - The latest content, also known as "New Threads."
ii. Discussions - The latest discussions, excluding marketplace listings, appraisals, etc.
iii. Popular (Today) - The content with the most replies, created in the last 24 hours.
iv. Popular (Week) - The content with the most replies, created in the last 7 days.
v. Popular (Month) - The content with the most replies, created in the last 30 days.
vi. Views (Week) - The most viewed content, created in the last 7 days.
vii. Views (Month) - The most viewed content, created in the last 30 days.
iix. Favorites (Week) - The most liked content, created in the last 7 days.
ix. Favorites (Month) - The most liked content, created in the last 30 days.
x. Polls - The latest discussion polls, created in the last 30 days.
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