- Impact
- 169
The top domain name sale of the day was NIJI.com selling for $11,810.00 at GoDaddy. NameBio tracked 364 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $276,171.00 with an average price of $758.71 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was a decrease of 8% in the number of sales and the total dollar volume decreased by 77%. NameBio also recorded an additional 1,414 sales below $100 for a total of $28,552.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for September 1st, 2024
Market Stats for September 1st, 2024
Domain | Price | Venue |
niji.com | $11,810 | GoDaddy |
flashtvnews.com | $10,250 | GoDaddy |
barastibeach.com | $8,650 | GoDaddy |
smart-tree.com | $6,000 | Private |
morelmushroomhunting.com | $5,900 | GoDaddy |
erniescolumbia.com | $5,417 | GoDaddy |
timberlineresort.com | $5,388 | GoDaddy |
snacksack.com | $5,100 | GoDaddy |
bikewalkalliance.org | $4,975 | GoDaddy |
buzabar.com | $4,550 | GoDaddy |
fivestarsnc.com | $4,250 | GoDaddy |
eatpurrlovecatcafe.com | $4,150 | GoDaddy |
westalabamawatchman.com | $3,700 | GoDaddy |
goshenhumanesociety.org | $3,530 | GoDaddy |
seatoskyexotic.com | $3,150 | GoDaddy |
legalexpress.com | $3,051 | GoDaddy |
lhceatery.com | $3,050 | GoDaddy |
7789.cc | $3,049 | GoDaddy |
imodel.net | $3,000 | Private |
quesosdeeuropa.com | $2,550 | GoDaddy |
pahrumpvalleymuseum.org | $2,500 | GoDaddy |
sixwestbroad.com | $2,500 | DropCatch |
officialjessemetcalfe.com | $2,425 | GoDaddy |
dacres.org | $2,275 | GoDaddy |
rockinrodeomidland.com | $2,272 | GoDaddy |
ksusta.net | $2,247 | GoDaddy |
tech.link | $2,239 | Dynadot |
highestvalue.com | $2,188 | BuyDomains |
8n8.com | $2,150 | DropCatch |
guernseycountyhistory.com | $2,026 | GoDaddy |
woodlandsmedicalsupplies.com | $2,026 | GoDaddy |
malakatmall.com | $2,026 | GoDaddy |
msumadvocate.com | $2,026 | GoDaddy |
southsidepizzaschatt.com | $2,026 | GoDaddy |
les-artisanales.com | $2,020 | DropCatch |
teambahrainmerida.com | $2,013 | Namecheap |
arabicadventures.com | $2,005 | GoDaddy |
debubglobalbank.com | $1,976 | GoDaddy |
teneighty.com | $1,966 | GoDaddy |
gesti.com | $1,938 | DropCatch |
leanluxe.com | $1,724 | GoDaddy |
recitethis.com | $1,720 | GoDaddy |
landtrust-hsv.org | $1,691 | GoDaddy |
crane-faction.com | $1,675 | GoDaddy |
jugy.com | $1,625 | GoDaddy |
websiteopedia.com | $1,580 | Namecheap |
springtideresources.org | $1,550 | DropCatch |
heathertheurer.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
berbagiteknologi.com | $1,500 | GoDaddy |
purisuma.id | $1,500 | Catched.com |
lvluxurycondos.com | $1,475 | GoDaddy |
south.group | $1,376 | Sav.com |
betterspent.com | $1,300 | BuyDomains |
scentedgoods.com | $1,288 | BuyDomains |
katalingreen.com | $1,275 | GoDaddy |
avuncularbobs.com | $1,255 | DropCatch |
welkmusicalfamily.com | $1,250 | DropCatch |
sprintcapital.com | $1,236 | GoDaddy |
north.group | $1,232 | Sav.com |
sffringe.org | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
atlantek.com | $1,210 | DropCatch |
terrassa2022.com | $1,205 | DropCatch |
oleasys.com | $1,200 | DropCatch |
darkmalta.com | $1,125 | GoDaddy |
pocketpal.com | $1,105 | DropCatch |
donweekend.org | $1,080 | GoDaddy |
queencityautorebuild.com | $1,075 | GoDaddy |
justtransitioninitiative.org | $1,026 | GoDaddy |
littlebellsleepsolutions.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
dagersystem.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
burlingtonsrestaurant.net | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
rrbtxq.xyz | $1,000 | GoDaddy |
kuanyar.id | $1,000 | Catched.com |
Market Stats for September 1st, 2024
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 337 | $258,930 | $768 | $298 |
New gTLDs | 14 | $9,370 | $669 | $485 |
ccTLDs | 13 | $7,871 | $605 | $231 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 274 | $215,211 | $785 | $288 |
ORG | 50 | $34,719 | $694 | $333 |
NET | 11 | $8,729 | $794 | $394 |
GROUP | 3 | $2,988 | $996 | $1,232 |
ID | 3 | $2,800 | $933 | $1,000 |
XYZ | 3 | $1,442 | $481 | $341 |
CO | 3 | $660 | $220 | $150 |
CC | 2 | $3,205 | $1,603 | $1,603 |
IO | 2 | $336 | $168 | $168 |
INFO | 2 | $271 | $136 | $136 |
LIFE | 1 | $610 | $610 | $610 |
LINK | 1 | $2,239 | $2,239 | $2,239 |
VG | 1 | $115 | $115 | $115 |
CASINO | 1 | $525 | $525 | $525 |
CN | 1 | $145 | $145 | $145 |
LAT | 1 | $205 | $205 | $205 |
MEDIA | 1 | $610 | $610 | $610 |
LONDON | 1 | $204 | $204 | $204 |
WORLD | 1 | $445 | $445 | $445 |
STORE | 1 | $102 | $102 | $102 |
VC | 1 | $610 | $610 | $610 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 260 | $208,781 | $803 | $292 |
DropCatch | 38 | $26,154 | $688 | $320 |
Namecheap | 30 | $12,419 | $414 | $310 |
Sav.com | 13 | $6,431 | $495 | $445 |
Dynadot | 13 | $5,255 | $404 | $160 |
BuyDomains | 3 | $4,776 | $1,592 | $1,300 |
Catched.com | 3 | $2,800 | $933 | $1,000 |
Private | 2 | $9,000 | $4,500 | $4,500 |
Park.io | 1 | $405 | $405 | $405 |
DNWE | 1 | $150 | $150 | $150 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 13 | $7,110 | $547 | $445 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Keyword (x2) | 159 | $115,977 | $729 | $289 |
Keyword (x3) | 68 | $77,688 | $1,142 | $427 |
Keyword (x4) | 13 | $9,930 | $764 | $551 |
Geo Domains | 2 | $550 | $275 | $275 |
Geo + Keyword | 19 | $24,722 | $1,301 | $207 |
Surnames | 7 | $6,193 | $885 | $394 |
Given Names | 1 | $204 | $204 | $204 |
Domain Hacks | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crypto Domains | 2 | $1,135 | $568 | $568 |
Cannabis Domains | 7 | $5,761 | $823 | $610 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: