Unstoppable Domains

discuss Maptags the new way of marketing online

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There was a post somewhere in this forum a couple months back introducing maptags the revolutionary address shortening system that lets you register a single word or phrase to represent a lengthy address which can then be shared with friends or business associates much easier.The concept is similar in nature to domain names whereas a user can register any name of his/her choice and can even sell it later to a particular individual or company. There have been thousands of maptags registered by various individuals and companies since its inception last year. Maptags domain names have now been showing up all over google search results in the past few months with no signs of losing momentum. Now this particular discovery provides a unique advantage for internet marketers, and companies looking to get ahead in marketing their respective businesses on the internet with a maptag that represents their company...or product.This in my opinion helps to cut back on some of the hefty fees being spent each month on SEO..I honestly think maptags will be the future of marketing on the internet.. you can learn more about maptags by here ..mapta.gs /findus
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