- Impact
- 169
The top domain name sale of the day was MalliesGrill.com selling for $8,450.00 at GoDaddy. NameBio tracked 399 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $271,981.00 with an average price of $681.66 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was an increase of 2% in the number of sales but the total dollar volume decreased by 28%. NameBio also recorded an additional 1,273 sales below $100 for a total of $29,527.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for August 21st, 2024
Market Stats for August 21st, 2024
Domain | Price | Venue |
malliesgrill.com | $8,450 | GoDaddy |
mmx.co | $8,400 | GoDaddy |
exponentialview.com | $6,995 | Afternic |
datangzhenwei.com | $5,500 | Namecheap |
sweetwater-countryclub.com | $5,500 | GoDaddy |
homeful.com | $5,249 | GoDaddy |
circularquay.com | $4,388 | BuyDomains |
statusmagonline.com | $4,350 | GoDaddy |
codebio.com | $4,301 | DropCatch |
mariospizzanorthbrook.com | $4,111 | GoDaddy |
americanchuckwagon.org | $4,050 | GoDaddy |
entebbe-airport.com | $3,463 | Namecheap |
ninetysix.de | $3,064 | Sedo |
carrepairlakewood.com | $3,050 | GoDaddy |
uavpioneers.com | $3,050 | GoDaddy |
abellaitaliankitchen.com | $3,050 | GoDaddy |
truckbatteries.com | $2,950 | GoDaddy |
brooklynnewyorkpizza.com | $2,850 | GoDaddy |
talb.com | $2,800 | GoDaddy |
supercommunicator.com | $2,788 | BuyDomains |
alterbase.com | $2,788 | BuyDomains |
elysiumrestaurant.com | $2,650 | GoDaddy |
caperspc.com | $2,638 | GoDaddy |
thequotesmaster.com | $2,300 | DropCatch |
weddingphotography.org | $2,133 | GoDaddy |
clubmiamiatx.com | $2,125 | GoDaddy |
reynardnyc.com | $2,035 | GoDaddy |
satvaliving.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
pointofviewcameras.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
jsjacks.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
sonyasseattle.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
thegms.com | $2,000 | BuyDomains |
insurancex.net | $1,999 | Afternic |
islamtruth.com | $1,988 | BuyDomains |
amplitude.net | $1,888 | BuyDomains |
sungatemedicalgroup.com | $1,875 | GoDaddy |
midatlanticbullybuddies.org | $1,850 | GoDaddy |
coachstrong.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
lightlibrary.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
streamfi.com | $1,777 | GoDaddy |
bandtlive.com | $1,775 | GoDaddy |
opusdesigns.com | $1,750 | BuyDomains |
scienceclub.net | $1,688 | BuyDomains |
chezmichelfrenchmarket.com | $1,625 | GoDaddy |
bjblive.com | $1,560 | GoDaddy |
williamgtapply.com | $1,551 | GoDaddy |
moosey.com | $1,550 | DropCatch |
kurtcobainshop.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
uwig.org | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
havasu.org | $1,500 | BuyDomains |
podtrends.com | $1,500 | BuyDomains |
travelblogging.com | $1,500 | BuyDomains |
hodl.bet | $1,500 | DAN.com |
protectionexpress.com | $1,450 | BuyDomains |
myexp.com | $1,325 | GoDaddy |
smartmine.com | $1,317 | DropCatch |
thesilosonsawyer.com | $1,255 | GoDaddy |
cocino.com | $1,250 | GoDaddy |
marketsnow.com | $1,200 | Namecheap |
globalef.com | $1,188 | BuyDomains |
restaurantoskar.com | $1,125 | GoDaddy |
loadvision.com | $1,088 | BuyDomains |
widgetbucks.com | $1,075 | GoDaddy |
alanyaultra.com | $1,075 | GoDaddy |
thecustodian.com | $1,051 | GoDaddy |
porschexboxsweepstakes.com | $1,049 | DropCatch |
txtmob.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
tcportugal.org | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
whatsnewlaporte.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
swing-trade-stocks.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
numisology.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
slo.co | $1,005 | GoDaddy |
fskzpcncn.com | $1,004 | DropCatch |
Market Stats for August 21st, 2024
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 341 | $244,196 | $716 | $314 |
New gTLDs | 11 | $3,328 | $303 | $182 |
ccTLDs | 47 | $24,457 | $520 | $238 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 300 | $218,443 | $728 | $332 |
ORG | 28 | $17,199 | $614 | $265 |
ME | 17 | $4,003 | $235 | $180 |
CO | 16 | $14,604 | $913 | $456 |
NET | 12 | $8,295 | $691 | $303 |
IO | 3 | $782 | $261 | $239 |
CASINO | 2 | $295 | $148 | $148 |
WIN | 2 | $512 | $256 | $256 |
SO | 2 | $545 | $273 | $273 |
INFO | 1 | $259 | $259 | $259 |
NETWORK | 1 | $204 | $204 | $204 |
WS | 1 | $295 | $295 | $295 |
XYZ | 1 | $130 | $130 | $130 |
DE | 1 | $3,064 | $3,064 | $3,064 |
CAPITAL | 1 | $102 | $102 | $102 |
LY | 1 | $249 | $249 | $249 |
ES | 1 | $154 | $154 | $154 |
FM | 1 | $255 | $255 | $255 |
GG | 1 | $125 | $125 | $125 |
NEWS | 1 | $120 | $120 | $120 |
ONE | 1 | $127 | $127 | $127 |
COUK | 1 | $118 | $118 | $118 |
CA | 1 | $155 | $155 | $155 |
EMAIL | 1 | $338 | $338 | $338 |
CN | 1 | $108 | $108 | $108 |
BET | 1 | $1,500 | $1,500 | $1,500 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 297 | $185,833 | $626 | $290 |
Namecheap | 32 | $18,516 | $579 | $224 |
DropCatch | 18 | $15,332 | $852 | $399 |
BuyDomains | 16 | $31,080 | $1,943 | $1,769 |
Dynadot | 15 | $4,500 | $300 | $305 |
Sav.com | 11 | $2,266 | $206 | $182 |
DAN.com | 3 | $1,750 | $583 | $150 |
Afternic | 2 | $8,994 | $4,497 | $4,497 |
Park.io | 2 | $374 | $187 | $187 |
Sedo | 1 | $3,064 | $3,064 | $3,064 |
Catched.com | 1 | $154 | $154 | $154 |
DaaZ.com | 1 | $118 | $118 | $118 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 30 | $8,553 | $285 | $193 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 4 | $1,782 | $446 | $210 |
Keyword (x2) | 171 | $133,228 | $779 | $334 |
Keyword (x3) | 64 | $50,486 | $789 | $306 |
Keyword (x4) | 23 | $21,687 | $943 | $385 |
Geo Domains | 2 | $657 | $329 | $329 |
Geo + Keyword | 12 | $10,862 | $905 | $463 |
Surnames | 10 | $2,341 | $234 | $176 |
Given Names | 3 | $1,028 | $343 | $238 |
Domain Hacks | 1 | $249 | $249 | $249 |
Crypto Domains | 3 | $1,408 | $469 | $295 |
Cannabis Domains | 8 | $2,332 | $292 | $221 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: