
LA fires conspiracies

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alcydomains.comRestricted (15-30%)
as always there are plenty conspiracies about events ..

here is latest on la fires...

relates to diddy's.. celebs burning homes to hide links ... tunnels etc.. to diddy's affair.

share your conspiracies
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Thanks for the topic, wanted to comment in another one but better here.
I think AI is behind it, burning with Satelite Lasers, because the AI can copy all human acting, no body will need us.
My mother tells me they have homes that cost millions, I say well what kind of homes are they that can burn so easy, try burn our concrete 30K USD apartments and they will not, only the contents will burn.
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well celebs have insurances
no one cancel theirs

that plus they have millions and 50 other homes

everything looks fake when they talk... woods etc... but hey thata what actors do.. they act

Simpson's predicted this too

and tons other stuff

check utube Simpson prediction

as always there are plenty conspiracies about events ..
Hey Alcy. Personally, I don’t subscribe to all conspiracy theories as they’re not all true. Both sides are capable of being wrong, and so I thoroughly research everything.

I do think, however, that some of what’s going on here is fraud

Ask yourselves, How is it that so many lifelong politicians are filthy rich? They’re supposed to be our servants, and Government salaries really aren’t that much.

My guess on motivation with the CA fires is:

1) Making it easier for Socialists to build more multi-family homes in place of large estates.
(Since at least Covid, they’ve been trying to make us poor — and have largely been successful.)
2) CA leaders get to skim a bit off the top. Maybe not enough for you and I to notice, but imagine this small amount being stolen repeatedly year after year.

Sadly, they’re hurting their ownthese people voted Democrat.

Those of us living in neighboring Riverside County have had two of our fires put out pretty quickly. Coincidentally, we voted Trump. (We have had persistent power issues, however.)

This thread speaks to it well.

The Tales Continue: -- It’s Time to 🍄
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1) Making it easier for Socialists to build more multi-family homes in place of large estates.

Why? Are the billionaires lighting fires in protest? How is providing affordable housing a socialist idea? Would you rather have more homeless? Apparently one homeless fellow was caught lighting Xmas trees. Maybe US ought to ban natural Xmas trees instead.
Why? Are the billionaires lighting fires in protest? How is providing affordable housing a socialist idea? Would you rather have more homeless? Apparently one homeless fellow was caught lighting Xmas trees. Maybe US ought to ban natural Xmas trees instead.
We need to treat the core issue — Soul Sickness.

Some people need our help; I’ve been one of them. …Thank God for this country and its inhabitants!

But free will is a gift from God, and it’s not our place to take that away from others, even if we tell ourselves it’s for their own good.

Socialist policies are the opposite of Free Will. This has been written about for centuries, and by people smarter than I.
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what's up with folk painting homes blue to avoid fire

apparently many examples of blue stuff not burning trashcans etc while all around is ash

like in Simpson episode about burned city in 2025 where they show a big blue stone or something

ever get feeling life is scripted lol

Truman show lol
what's up with folk painting homes blue to avoid fire

apparently many examples of blue stuff not burning trashcans etc while all around is ash

like in Simpson episode about burned city in 2025 where they show a big blue stone or something

ever get feeling life is scripted lol

Truman show lol
Do you have a link of that episode?
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My guess on motivation with the CA fires is:

1) Making it easier for Socialists to build more multi-family homes in place of large estates.
(Since at least Covid, they’ve been trying to make us poor — and have largely been successful.)
2) CA leaders get to skim a bit off the top. Maybe not enough for you and I to notice, but imagine this small amount being stolen repeatedly year after year.

Sadly, they’re hurting their ownthese people voted Democrat.
…I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of this is intended to distract people from core issues — like the New Years Day terrorist attack on US soil.

People were starting to ask some tough questions that the leaders of New Orleans couldn’t answer.

NOLA is a Catholic City, in addition to being very blue — it’s leaders are Dems/Socialistslike LA, which has been on fire all week.
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they say many houses that burnt especially on hills wouldnt even be allowed to build today. so I'm not sure what owners will do. if true then the land worthless too
they say many houses that burnt especially on hills wouldnt even be allowed to build today. so I'm not sure what owners will do. if true then the land worthless too
It’s truly tragic what’s happening. Stuff like this is very traumatic for all.
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One more Fun Fact… Did you know that in the USA, all of the highest crime cities are Socialist/Dem led? It’s true.

Some of these fires are Copycat Crimes.
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It seems the blue thing is related to the secret I plan to reveal soon, in the upcoming months, the burning of everything except blue stuff means to me that, everything which is old and based on lies will not matter anymore but only the blue stuff, it is related to what I was saying in my comments that I will be able to take even Tesla out of biz, lucky me now there is Simpsons episode as evidence, hurry up cause the time is near, I still will accept if domainers are in, because it will be too late for many of you to reserve the best domains in the world.
Agree or not but I will leave it as evidence for future, when the whole world will be shocked!
It seems the blue thing is related to the secret I plan to reveal soon, in the upcoming months, the burning of everything except blue stuff means to me that, everything which is old and based on lies will not matter anymore but only the blue stuff, it is related to what I was saying in my comments that I will be able to take even Tesla out of biz, lucky me now there is Simpsons episode as evidence, hurry up cause the time is near, I still will accept if domainers are in, because it will be too late for many of you to reserve the best domains in the world.
Agree or not but I will leave it as evidence for future, when the whole world will be shocked!

so if u happen to know stuff most do not then I'm curious do u know it from research and reading... or from premonitions and such?

because normally there is a source of what we know
so if u happen to know stuff most do not then I'm curious do u know it from research and reading... or from premonitions and such?

because normally there is a source of what we know
I was always attracted to the supernatural, ancient civilizations, magic, 6th sense etc, but only after 15 years of social distancing, the truth was revealed to me in a vision, after that I was able to connect the dots, this vision helped me to connect all the puzzle pieces together, like a super glue. I tell you without the vision, I can watch all youtube videos, read all the books that exist and I would not see the truth ever, you can have it in front of you and not understand it's hidden meaning.

So from 2016 when I had the vision, it took me 3 years to swallow the truth, that is when I got into domaining at the end of 2019, it was still difficult to invest my hard earned money into domains and I had doubts, I even was registering the wrong versions, until I realized which are the proper names.

I believe that what I m going to reveal will be the last weight on the scales, so that the governments of all the countries and those who control them, will try to prevent it to spread, not excluded that WW3 is what they will do, turn off Internet and electricity, possible burn people with laser and say "oh it was Jesus who took them in heaven, pray to God" but in reality they will use a powerful laser on orbit to burn people, so they will look like they disappeared, I bet it can burn us instantly leaving only ash in the wind, no one will see that there was a human.

Not forget that they are also covering their actions with fake Aliens, holographic projections, Harp, Hadron Collider and other such projects, they can make earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes etc, because the more problems they make the more money they will make and more control of us slaves they will have.
The implementation of AI and robots is also related, the more humans will use AI the more their entire lives will be copied, there will be duplicates, I already heard of some singers which had their Youtube accounts duplicated, then you will have to prove it is you or your content, more problems and profit for them.

Do you think all this hacks of different big companies is coincidence, they are not, it is AI and quantum computers, to grab as much data of humans as possible, to create future duplicates.
Also stop believing in Trump, Musk, Putin, Zelensky etc, all of them are in the same pants, they are working hand in hand, to eliminate as much humans as possible and it does not matter how, most important it's profitable for them and their puppeteers.

Do you think someone believes in God and Jesus today, when they mention publicly like Trump, when he said that Jesus is King of the world and all the shiple have voted for him? There are only 5% of real believers in the world and when we look at it from another angle, maybe we deserve what it is happening to us.

Why I still have no friends, even in domaining? Because people are fake and think of their own needs.
Honestly I edit this post and think to publish or not, for more than an hour, here is 6am already omg. Cause when I post something like this I m afraid to look at the replies or visit NP at all. :tightlyclosedeyes:
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Yep, and the Simpsons shows predictions have been coming true for many many years now.

There is relevance to these fires pointing back to what started in 2020 , fire hydrants don’t fill up with rain water, city water fills the fire hydrants, all the peoples homes had running city water. The fire hydrants were empty .

LA looks like it was hit with atom bomb
It’s truly tragic what’s happening. Stuff like this is very traumatic for all.

They meant for it to be tragic to all ;)
I was always attracted to the supernatural, ancient civilizations, magic, 6th sense etc, but only after 15 years of social distancing, the truth was revealed to me in a vision, after that I was able to connect the dots, this vision helped me to connect all the puzzle pieces together, like a super glue. I tell you without the vision, I can watch all youtube videos, read all the books that exist and I would not see the truth ever, you can have it in front of you and not understand it's hidden meaning.

So from 2016 when I had the vision, it took me 3 years to swallow the truth, that is when I got into domaining at the end of 2019, it was still difficult to invest my hard earned money into domains and I had doubts, I even was registering the wrong versions, until I realized which are the proper names.

I believe that what I m going to reveal will be the last weight on the scales, so that the governments of all the countries and those who control them, will try to prevent it to spread, not excluded that WW3 is what they will do, turn off Internet and electricity, possible burn people with laser and say "oh it was Jesus who took them in heaven, pray to God" but in reality they will use a powerful laser on orbit to burn people, so they will look like they disappeared, I bet it can burn us instantly leaving only ash in the wind, no one will see that there was a human.

Not forget that they are also covering their actions with fake Aliens, holographic projections, Harp, Hadron Collider and other such projects, they can make earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes etc, because the more problems they make the more money they will make and more control of us slaves they will have.
The implementation of AI and robots is also related, the more humans will use AI the more their entire lives will be copied, there will be duplicates, I already heard of some singers which had their Youtube accounts duplicated, then you will have to prove it is you or your content, more problems and profit for them.

Do you think all this hacks of different big companies is coincidence, they are not, it is AI and quantum computers, to grab as much data of humans as possible, to create future duplicates.
Also stop believing in Trump, Musk, Putin, Zelensky etc, all of them are in the same pants, they are working hand in hand, to eliminate as much humans as possible and it does not matter how, most important it's profitable for them and their puppeteers.

Do you think someone believes in God and Jesus today, when they mention publicly like Trump, when he said that Jesus is King of the world and all the shiple have voted for him? There are only 5% of real believers in the world and when we look at it from another angle, maybe we deserve what it is happening to us.

Why I still have no friends, even in domaining? Because people are fake and think of their own needs.
Honestly I edit this post and think to publish or not, for more than an hour, here is 6am already omg. Cause when I post something like this I m afraid to look at the replies or visit NP at all. :tightlyclosedeyes:

Pysops with victims ?
This specific rabbit hole has deep tunnels , literally . Tunnels.
apparently many examples of blue stuff not burning trashcans etc while all around is ash
You know what’s interesting? My people pin turquoise (blue) stones on their newborns to protect them from the Evil Eye. How interesting.

Unfortunately, many second generation immigrants consider it folklore and can’t tell me anything more about it than I remember from my mom as a child.
I’ll try to find more.
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You know what’s interesting? My people pin turquoise (blue) stones on their newborns to protect them from the Evil Eye. How interesting.

The Navajo use turquoise for protection and health. At birth, babies receive their first beads.

I visited the holy town of Chefchaouen Morocco, walls painted blue...

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