
GoDaddy Transfer Issue

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I recently transferred a (.com) domain name from GoDaddy that was 14 days expired. GoDaddy supplied me with the authorization code and I initiated the transfer to Dynadot. During the transfer GoDaddy sent me an email that the transfer was denied because I forgot to unlock the "privacy". I followed up this email with a phone call to GoDaddy and spoke with Alana0044 who advised me that I have to wait 24-48 hours for the "privacy" to be removed from the domain name and then re-start the transfer. When the 48 hours was up I tried to re-initiate the transfer to Dynadot and was told by GoDaddy that my domain name is in the auction for $5000 and that I have to pay the redemption fee plus a renewal cost. To keep from losing the domain name I paid a total of $102.17. Has this ever happened to anyone else where GoDaddy had already issued the authorization code for a transfer and then go back and cancel the authorization code for a redemption fee?
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This hasn't happened to me, but it doesn't surprise me and I don't recommend wasting your time and energy dwelling on the situation seeing that you have recovered your domain. I have paid a $75 recovery fee in the past (regrettably) at another registrar but at the same time I have never allowed a domain to expire 14 days if I had any hopes of maintaining ownership.
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Thanks I appreciate your insight. That particular domain name was accidentally missed during a bundle transfer out. But GoDaddy did give me the auth code and then decided to cancel it.
phone call to GoDaddy and spoke with Alana0044 who advised me that I have to wait 24-48 hours for the "privacy" to be removed from the domain name and then re-start the transfer.

I have to admit, this seems a bit suspect regarding time frame. Maybe another member can comment.
I agree. I need to tag @GoDaddy
@jameslles @paulhicks
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In general, my feeling is that this privacy thing gives GoDaddy a lot of business benefits at various points.
I agree. I need to tag @GoDaddy

By the way, did you ever check the whois before the 48 hours duration?

Most often privacy setting should reset (update) within minutes, not days.
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I'm starting to feel the same way. They held up the initial transfer after giving me the auth code and made me wait for the unlock process and then canceled everything.
When I checked the "who is" on the same day they denied the transfer it was already showing my personal information
I recently transferred a (.com) domain name from GoDaddy that was 14 days expired. GoDaddy supplied me with the authorization code and I initiated the transfer to Dynadot. During the transfer GoDaddy sent me an email that the transfer was denied because I forgot to unlock the "privacy". I followed up this email with a phone call to GoDaddy and spoke with Alana0044 who advised me that I have to wait 24-48 hours for the "privacy" to be removed from the domain name and then re-start the transfer. When the 48 hours was up I tried to re-initiate the transfer to Dynadot and was told by GoDaddy that my domain name is in the auction for $5000 and that I have to pay the redemption fee plus a renewal cost. To keep from losing the domain name I paid a total of $102.17. Has this ever happened to anyone else where GoDaddy had already issued the authorization code for a transfer and then go back and cancel the authorization code for a redemption fee?
Hi @sharfab
Thanks for providing us with extra information to look into this for you.

Our guides gave you the right information - privacy protection needs to be switched off, and changes can take 24-48 hours to propagate, although most changes are almost instant.

However, starting the transfer later in the expiry process meant that you ran into the redemption period, which is where the fee originated. We’re glad you have this resolved and we hope the added information is helpful.

For more on this, please reach out to GoDaddy’s support team.
Thank you for getting back to me. As I read your response I asked myself the question where was my GoDaddy customer service? I really wish I was more tech savvy to bring up the "who is" for the 27th of March before I paid GoDaddy the redemption fee which changed the records. My point is that GoDaddy had already removed the privacy within 30 minutes on that same day, yet would not release the domain name until DAYS later which took me into the redemption period. As you mentioned most privacy changes are instant. Was there a glitch in the system? I live in the U.S. and never ever had to wait 2 days for a privacy change when in fact the privacy change had already took effect. Most domainers know that Dynadot will keep your domain name in "que" rotation for days trying to continue to initiate the transfer. After days of trying Dynadot gave up because of GoDaddy's continued denial of the transfer and credited my account. As you stated "starting the transfer later in the expiry process meant that I ran into the redemption period". So now we have gotten down to the root issue. Again, Where was my customer service? Why wasn't this policy communicated to me on the phone so that i could have just renewed the domain name with GoDaddy to avoid the redemption fee. I feel that this was not good customer service. GoDaddy support should have advised me that waiting 24-48hr for the privacy change to propagate would cancel the already released auth code and require a redemption fee. Why did GoDaddy support withhold such a vital important GoDaddy policy from me? After all, the reason for my phone call to GoDaddy support was in reference to the GoDaddy email stating to only remove the privacy to continue the transfer out. Since GoDaddy support knew this information about me needing to pay a redemption fee because of the 24-48hr waiting period why would they not mention it to me on the phone call and manually remove the privacy so that the transfer could occur sooner or just allow me to do a 1 year renewal?
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There is a way out in your situation - never have deals with Godaddy
it just happened to me today
for whatever reason a domain who expired a few hours ago
was put in Godaddy quarantine(.be),
and i have to pay 113$ to get the domain back

this is crazy, ad i never received an email that the domain has expired,

for the record, this domain was transfered to Godaddy in June2023, and they did not added a year of registration. which all others registrar do

i am forced to renew this domain, as it is a domain used for email by a client,
but i am moving out all my domains from Godaddy
Not true.

GoDaddy Renewal Notice.png
Sorry to hear what happened to you. I don't know all the particular details involving your issue, but some of their issues are a result of customer service not properly advising the account holder of GoDaddy's policies and as a result of this lack of service some people get stuck with redemption fees which could of been avoided..
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Also be careful with those non (.com) domain name expirations because the policy for redemption are different and stated on their website.
You say they cught your domain few hours ago after expiring. not waiting 19 days, don;t you? They violated their own rules. But you need to rejoice. In my case, they simply blocked my account and do not allow it to use it. And you are absolutely right, so as not to risk other domains, you need to transfer'em to another place.
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