The best solution is for everyone to do their due diligence and please report anything suspicious. As you can see, we act as quickly as possible when it's brought to our attention and we shut it down.
Also, trust your gut and say something if there's any alarm bells. When I first saw the thread for I immediately heard those bells in my head. I hear them all the time anyway, along with the chipmunk voices, my therapist says ignore them, but never mind that for the moment, I'm just sayin'.
I saw the sales line for Abdullah in the 'auctions' area; first bell. I thought 'why would an owner of a premium domain be trying to auction it in the auctions instead of the top domains?' My first suspicion was he was maybe afraid of the vetting process of the top domains area, that it might reveal something he didn't want revealed.
Then there was the price: BIN of $5K. Second bell. I broker premiums for a good friend of mine, one of the original domain pioneers, and I have a good knowledge of values. 5k bin for this was a big red flag. Like if you're selling a luxury mansion in Malibu but you're only asking $500k for it. Something's wrong. Not that it's a million dollar name, but 5K even reseller price is far too low. He could have left himself a much higher BIN ceiling for this name. BIN it at $25K, and even if the bids stop at 5K, whatever. With that BIN, my thought was he wanted a really quick sale and was willing to sell unrealistically low in exchange for a speedy sale. Suspicious, even theoretically considering it might be a seller desperately needing cash.
There were a handful more alarm bells about other things, interspersed with the chipmunks singing, but it was more than that: each individual thing could have been explained and rationalized... but my gut just said 'nope, no way' to the entire way he did it. I listened to my gut, and without doing any research vis-a-vis seeing if the domain was stolen, I figured I'd interrupt that thread and mention my concern. I'm glad I did.
I think the other members bidding there probably had their suspicions, too, and I expect even if I hadn't said something that someone else would soon put the kibosh on it. But sometimes... you get caught up in wanting that too-good-to-be-true price for a premium, and you just bid and do only surface due diligence and hope it's legit, and things progress a little further than they should. I'll tell you how much my gut was telling me it was bogus: if I'd thought it was legit, I or my buddy would have pulled the trigger and bought it at BIN in a second, bypassing all the bidders. I'd have thought 5K for this one was a steal. - Turns out, it was
My point is: I'll bet everyone in that thread, and looking at it, had some part of their instinct saying 'no way, this is too good to be true'. It's a good lesson to listen very clearly to that little nagging feeling breathing over your shoulder. I know you don't have the added benefit of chipmunks helping you, so you'll just have to struggle through it on your lonesome.
Best wishes to the legit owner of both these stolen domains, hope he somehow gets them returned in a not-too-painful process. Would be nice to be kept updated here.