
information ccTLD for Email

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Employees were having issues when they filled out forms and signed up for various accounts. Corporate emails from employees were also inadvertently being marked as spam by recipient email providers. This was in addition to confusion for consumers, but at that time, it seemed like the email issues plaguing the company were on the top of the CEO’s mind.
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The providers have to fix this, as well as users/visitors adjusting their own interpretation of legitimate email addresses to something that doesn't exist and just double-check.

This should never be a problem on the consumer-side because of the extension they chose to use.

It is quite disheartening to think you shouldn't use certain domains based on simple readiness from the back end or because of illiteracy.
I miss a clear distinction between regular ccTLDs and repurposed ccTLDs. Although there is no official designation for ccTLDs repurposed for generic use, Google maintains a list of TLDs that do not confer any country-specific ranking advantages in search results:

The .so TLD is not in that list, btw.

Agree with @HotKey in general, but it takes decades to change configs. Configs are often copy-pasted and set-n-forget.
I've already heard that story somewhere and while the ccTLD is not mentioned, I suspect it might have been .co.
It absolutely wouldn't happen with "normal" ccTLDs such as .de, .fr or .pl - if anything, it would be the other way round (I've seen many people type their e-mails as even though they don't work, only works).
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