
advice "Bux" domains are usually ex-scam sites

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
So last year I wanted to see what it was like to have a high traffic domain, so I went to, used their filter to look at the highest traffic names, and chose for $11. Why not? It had 3500+ uniques and I think $11 was a nice cost for me to learn a little and see what happens when you park a domain like this.

The traffic poured in and there were a lot of clicks and offer views on sedo.

So I google "wattbux" finally to see if there are any potential end-users or what this traffic is even all about...

Screenshot 2015-10-14 14.43.32.png

Investigation? Legit? Hmmm... Those are just the autocompletes. As I searched, I saw a ton of forum posts and facebook posts from people who were part of a pyramid scheme. Apparently this is repeated all over the internet with these "bux" domains, and after a year the name is dumped and a company runs off with people's money.

The reason I bring this up is because when you see these names on auctions sites, they may look quite attractive! "bux" + traffic looks like it might be a good buy if you don't do your research.

I saw this sale on Godaddy last month:

t/i/k/b/u/x/.com 203 USD 2015-08-14 GoDaddy

A quick google search shows that it was a PPC pyramid scam site a few years ago:

On dynadot I see these:

Screenshot 2015-10-14 14.48.15.png

Wow look at that traffic, right? M/i/n/b/u/x/ seems like a nice brand, too?

Type it into's the autocomplete...

Screenshot 2015-10-14 14.50.05.png

I just wanted to share my own findings with other domainers so that you don't get fooled by these traffic and revenue numbers and end up making a costly mistake. Especially in the case of that dynadot auction above, when you se a bunch of bids, you start to think "wow, this must be a really great domain!"

I think i made a few dollars parking the traffic goes away after a while, and soon you are left with only people clicking on your domain wondering where the website went that owes them a payout.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful to some of you. Google the domain you are bidding on! Click on some of the links about the former website. Use to see what was there before. The stats you see on auction sites do not tell the full story.

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