The problem I had with Craigslist was the moderators. I don't know exactly how they get their moderator status but boy, I met some nasty people. I listed about 10 domains. They were geo domains and I listed them exactly in the perfect CL. For example, listed in the Dothan Craigslist! In the business section. With a logo/photo. They didn't like the listing because it wasn't "something you can put in the trunk of a car". And when they found out I didn't live in Dothan, they went ballistic and kicked me off the Help thread! I read the TOS. I'm sure I was in the right. The moderators are anonymous, often work together, and have all the power. Some of my listings ran their course with no problem (or inquiries). A few were deleted. When I attempted to find out why, I met the CraigsList Trolls.