
Michael Ehrhardt

Top Member

check this :

☆ = ( latin a )REGULAR

☆ а.com = xn— ( cyrillic a) IDN

☆ α.com = xn— ( greek alpha ) IDN

☆ ɑ.com = xn— ( latin alpha ) IDN

** This domain contains special non-English characters

(i.e. "ä","ö","ü","á","é", "í") and is an Internationalized Domain(IDN).

Please note that even if the signs in this domain name appear like regular signs,

the domain may not be always reachable by typing in the name,

due to browser limitations on IDN names and user setup.

☆ This is racist !!!

☆ Who decided that all non english characters are IDN ?

☆ The WWW was developed in 1989 at CERN (Geneva) by Tim Berners-Lee !

☆ Alphabet goes to the first two letters of the Greek writing system returns

Alpha & Beta !

☆ The first true alphabet was Greek, the most widely Latin !

☆ Latin is an Indo-German language originally spoken by the Latins, the inhabitants of Latium Rome!

☆ English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England!

☆ The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters.

☆ It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin & Spanish!

☆ it is time to customize & update the WWW

☆ every character, every letter is regular !!!



vérifiez ça:

☆ = (un latin) RÉGULIER

☆ а.com = (un cyrillique) IDN

☆ α.com = (grec alpha) IDN

☆ ɑ.com = (latin alpha) IDN

** Ce domaine contient des caractères non anglais spéciales

(Ce est à dire "A", "ö", "ü", "A", "E", "I") et est un domaine internationalisés (IDN).

Se il vous plaît noter que même si les signes de ce nom de domaine apparaissent comme des signes réguliers,

le domaine ne est pas toujours accessible en tapant le nom,

en raison de limitations de navigateur sur les noms IDN et configuration de l'utilisateur.

☆ Ce est raciste !!!

☆ Qui a décidé que tous les caractères non anglais sont IDN?

☆ Le WWW a été développé en 1989 au CERN (Genève) par Tim Berners-Lee!

☆ Alphabet va aux deux premières lettres des grecs rendement du système d'écriture

Alpha & Beta!

☆ Le premier alphabet grec était vrai, le plus largement latine!

☆ latine est une langue indo-allemande à l'origine parlée par les Latins, les habitants du Latium Rome!

☆ anglais est une langue germanique occidentale qui avait été annoncé la première fois en début de l'Angleterre médiévale!

☆ L'alphabet anglais moderne est un alphabet latin composé de 26 lettres.

☆ Ce est la langue maternelle de troisième plus commune dans le monde, après le mandarin et espagnol!

☆ il est temps de personnaliser et mettre à jour le WWW

☆ chaque personnage, chaque lettre est régulier !!!

☀ tout est un ☀


mira esto:

☆ = (un latino) REGULAR

☆ а.com = (a cirílico) IDN

☆ α.com = (griego alfa) IDN

☆ ɑ.com = (latín alfa) IDN

** Este dominio contiene caracteres no ingleses especiales

(Es decir, "ä", "ö", "ü", "A", "E", "I") y es un dominio internacionalizados (IDN).

Tenga en cuenta que incluso si los signos de este nombre de dominio aparecen como signos regulares,

el dominio puede no ser siempre accesible tecleando el nombre, debido a las limitaciones del explorador en nombres IDN y la configuración de usuario.

☆ Este es racista !!!

☆ ¿Quién decidió que todos los caracteres no ingleses son IDN?

☆ La WWW fue desarrollado en 1989 en el CERN (Ginebra) por Tim Berners-Lee!

☆ alfabeto va a las dos primeras letras de los griegos rendimientos del sistema de escritura

Alfa y Beta!

☆ El primer alfabeto verdadero era el griego, el latín ampliamente más!

☆ latín es una lengua indo-alemán hablada originalmente por los latinos, los habitantes del Lacio Roma!

☆ Inglés es una lengua germánica occidental que se habló por primera vez en la Inglaterra medieval!

☆ El moderno alfabeto Inglés es un alfabeto latino que consta de 26 letras.

☆ Es la lengua materna de tercera más común en el mundo, después del mandarín y español!

☆ es hora de personalizar y actualizar el WWW

☆ cada personaje, cada letra es normal !!!


☀ IDN废话 ☀


☆ =拉丁语)REGULAR

☆ а.com=西里尔一)IDN

☆ α.com=希腊字母)IDN

☆ ɑ.com=拉丁文字母)IDN






☆ 这是种族主义者!

☆ 谁决定,所有非英文字符IDN?

☆ 在WWW在欧洲核子研究中心(日内瓦),由蒂姆·伯纳斯 - 李开发在1989年!

☆ 字母去希腊书写系统返回的前两个字母


☆ 第一个真正的字母是希腊,应用最广泛的拉丁!

☆ 拉丁美洲是印度,德语最初是由拉丁人讲,拉齐奥罗马的居民!

☆ 英语,首先在中世纪早期的英格兰说了西日耳曼语!

☆ 现代的英文字母是拉丁字母组成的26个字母。

☆ 这是第三最常见的母语在世界上,普通话和西班牙语之后!

☆ 现在是时候来定制和更新的WWW

☆ 每一个人物,每一个字母是有规律的!

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
☆ Who decided that all non english characters are IDN ?
Well DNS is traditionally English, so any non-English characters are considered "international".
I agree completely. My keyboard doesn't have enough keys - it needs dozens more that look confusingly like other keys on the keyboard.

check this :

☆ = ( latin a ) REGULAR

☆ а.com = xn— ( cyrillic a) IDN

☆ α.com = xn— ( greek alpha ) IDN

☆ ɑ.com = xn— ( latin alpha ) IDN

** This domain contains special non-English characters

(i.e. "ä","ö","ü","á","é", "í") and is an Internationalized Domain (IDN).

Please note that even if the signs in this domain name appear like regular signs,

the domain may not be always reachable by typing in the name,

due to browser limitations on IDN names and user setup.

☆ This is racist !!!

☆ Who decided that all non english characters are IDN ?

☆ The WWW was developed in 1989 at CERN (Geneva) by Tim Berners-Lee !

☆ Alphabet goes to the first two letters of the Greek writing system returns

Alpha & Beta !

☆ The first true alphabet was Greek, the most widely Latin !

☆ Latin is an Indo-German language originally spoken by the Latins, the inhabitants of Latium Rome!

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England!

☆ The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters.

☆ It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin & Spanish!

☆ it is time to customize & update the WWW

☆ every character, every letter is regular !!!

Well DNS is traditionally English, so any non-English characters are considered "international".
☆ The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters.
☆ The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters.
☆ Latin is an Indo-German language originally spoken by the Latins, the inhabitants of Latium Rome!
I like your passion.

Unfortunately, there is only one governing body on this. ICANN. They get to decide the who, what, when, where and how on dot-com and all new gTLD's. The "why" is not always clear. Just like in their IDNA2008 protocol, emoji's, emoticons and dingbats are no longer allowed because they aren't considered an actual spoken language. Hopefully, once the crotchety old men retire and are replaced by younger spirits, the Internet might become free speech once again.
i am in touch with them...

you got it
Today I have registered those 2 IDN's

www .com & ww .com
BUT ʍʍʍ .com & ʍʍ .com
And today I registered this IDN

ā.com regular latin letter a with macron

shortest domain ever

just press the a on your iphone or tablet or apple keyboard :xf.rolleyes:
I take it you mean in the IDN space right?! If so, what do you think of the new ICANN governance news?

didnt hear about it
do you have a link?

thank you

i just found an IDN decoder

this works great also for chinese names

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Encode IDN
web developer and programmer tools
World's simplest IDN encoder. Just paste your domain in the form below, press IDN Encode button, and you get IDN encoded domain. Press button, get domain. No ads, nonsense or garbage. Works with UTF8 and Unicode.

Want to IDN decode?

Use the IDN decoder tool!

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Pro tip: You can use ?input=text query argument to pass text to tools.
Unfortunately America has hijacked english - they are even spelling it with a capital "E" instead of using the lower case for a derivative language. :)
Unfortunately America has hijacked english - they are even spelling it with a capital "E" instead of using the lower case for a derivative language. :)

chinese is IDN :xf.wink:
I don't understand IDN, so I'm keeping away from it. I have enough trouble with global english variants.
My <centre> tag doesn't take me to the middle, but just leaves me on the outside. :)
I don't understand IDN, so I'm keeping away from it. I have enough trouble with global english variants.
My <centre> tag doesn't take me to the middle, but just leaves me on the outside. :)

i am german
i understand IDN

Ä sold for 56.000.-Euro
i am german
i understand IDN

Ä sold for 56.000.-Euro

How do you valuate your IDNs? I have a few, but have resisted getting more simply because I am unsure about the valuation.
How do you valuate your IDNs? I have a few, but have resisted getting more simply because I am unsure about the valuation.

you wanna pm me your list ?

in germany are idn,s valuable
Well DNS is traditionally English, so any non-English characters are considered "international".
English is a west germanic language
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