
Have any of you looked at prepping names?

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Prepping is becoming more important as the political spectrum changes. There is a possibility of financial meltdowns. The problems of mass migrations, the changes of policy by YouTube and Google, and the increasing desperation of people like Clinton, Soros and Obama. I've seen a rise in prepping sites recently, and there is even a move to adopt ham radio as a backup to the internet.

Should we be looking for prepping names? I suspect the sales value may not be as good as the traffic potential.
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There are not so many end users between bloggers (won't pay), or survivalist stores. Something else maybe ?
Honestly, this is a very small niche of people. People have been 'prepping' for decades...and it has never been of use. People that think they are going to wake up one day to some zombie apocalypse and will only survive because they built some bunker in their basement and own a ham radio (that won't work in their basement anyway) are mostly delusional and probably somewhat crazy. I don't see a big demand for prepping type domains.
It's not about aliens landing, or about surviving a nuclear war. It's about the current massive changes going on it the world. Brexit, Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, and the manipilation of the Islamic masses are just the start. I find it difficult to understand how a guy with a name like "today gold" would dismiss prepping concepts. Buying gold as a wealth protection policy, is a massive market, and a traditional prepping policy. The current shift over to China buying oil from Russia and paying in Renminbi, and then buying gold with the Renminbi is an interesting shift towards gold backed currencies.

The massive quantities in toxic debt around the world, coupled with NIRP is going to cause a banking crisis, but I didn't want this thread to be a political one. I was more interested in seeing the sort of names that people thought could be used to profit from the developing world problems.
It's not about aliens landing, or about surviving a nuclear war.

It's pretty much on the same level as an alien invasion. What you are talking about isn't new...just new people and situations. People have been worried about the 'administration' (whichever one was in power at the time) for decades...people have been worried and fearful of the political climate for decades. People have been buying gold and other commodities for decades. None of this new...and none of it has ever helped. I stick with my original statement that these preppy types are mostly delusional...and most of them probably wouldn't survive much longer than a month anyway if all they had to depend on was themselves.
Well I don't want to get into a political argument, but we have never been in the situation we are in now. Massive toxic debt, droopy do-gooders allowing massive invasions of many countries. poisoned vaccinations etc.

I think I should stop the political responses, and just suggest that people watch the world news - Sweden for example, and Venezuela is another country to watch.
Prepping is an expensive "hobby". Many companies sell products that cater to these "hobbyists"

here's list of things typical Preppers are "looking into"

Decommissioned Nuclear Silos and other pieces of real estate where people feel they will be safe. (Switzerland? New Zealand? Private Island? or farmland where people can at least grow their own food?)
Shipping Containers
Armored vehicles
Surplus Army vehicles ( like thee army trucks that can use practically anything for fuel like Gas,Diesel, Motor Oil, Cooking Oil)
Weapons (Guns,knives, etc) + non lethals (Stun Guns)
Survival rations
Protection products ( bullet proof vests, geiger counters, radiation suits gas masks night vision goggles)
Water Filtration units.
Air Filtration units.
Gold and Silver Coins ( for when the Petro Dollar Collapses)
Scrap Gold and Silver
Survival Training courses
Guard Dogs
Bunker building construction services (Containers,Bulldozers,backhoes, architect, engineers)
Seeds. Farming products.
Pharmaceuticals ( Antibiotics, Iodine tablets, pain killers, )
Medical supply (First Aid kits,disaster preparedness kits)
Power Supply products (Solar, wind,or Gas or propane generator)
Communications equipment ( Ham Radio, CB Radio, Satellite phones)
investments (especially those that are a hedge against a perceived impending economic collapse)
Buying Information.( So many books. hardcover and digital ie Clickbank. that preppers feel they need and will pay top dollar for info like "How to videos")
Grocery Stock piling (Canned Goods, Mason Jars, Non persisables)
Dehydration and Vacuum seal units.
Camping Gear
RV's (land based Escape vehicle. take your house with you.)
Boats ( The perfect bug out escape vehicle)
Worried about EMP attacks? (constructing a Farraday cage around electronics? or around bunker?)
Vaults to protect valuables.

Security products (CCTV,motion detectors)

Luxury Prepping is a whole other level and there are affiliate programs for those too. (Secret gold vaults hidden underneath a liquor store or strip mall? Services that provide luxury executive "bug out" services. Escape via Private Jet or Yacht with your own security force for your family.

Self Defense Training ( hand to hand combat).

Entire Financial industry caters to Fear. And Fear is what drives Preppers to be Preppers. A financial planner could help scared Preppers to plan ahead and not worry about economic collapse.

Plus prepping isn't just your crazy Red neck in Appalachia. It's also your big money rich people who have taken all the money and made everyone poor and are scared the poor is going to get them.

many of the above products and services have sellers. And most of these sellers have affiliate programs. and many of the above are high ticket items.
Obviously these people are nuts. but we're not here to discuss the sanity of preppers we're here to discuss if a prepper or survivalist domain would sell. given the huge list above of products. Some of which go for $xxxx to $xxx,xxx.

and at 5-10% commission maybe 15%? It's no chump change.

This is a niche market therefore not much competition. Many make a fortune from specialized niches. No competition really just like how many here don't like it already and won't "go into it". Leaving the one who will COMPETITION FREE.

Plus the possibility for Cross selling is endless!

Someone who buys survival supplies might want or can be "sold" on the idea to buy Gold and Silver and be "sold" on buying a gun or camping gear.

You can go to the same watering hole all the animals come to drink or you can find a tiny puddle all to yourself and have it all to yourself.

By the way? Most preppers will buy their stuff on Ebay and Amazon and the smarter ones will buy in bulk because it comes out cheaper and you get more from company in China since there's where all products come from anyways. You may have heard of it? Alibaba?

Ebay,Amazon,Walmart,Alibaba etc etc. Each one has millions of products for preppers. Each one with it's own Affiliate programs.

see. Nobody likes to be the Garbage man. Yet the Garbage man makes more in a year than some college grads straight out of college.

There's big money in doing the thing that no one else would do.

Note : information can be expensive but most can find Prepper info on forums and torrent sites for free.

Plus with the news pumping "Doom and Gloom" 24/7 paranoid panicky people will always look into prepping like people with cancer looking for the "cure" and end up losing all their money and end up dead anyways.. Best part? Each pepper will convince a friend to join their panic. More money.

I have prepper domains. but to be fair. I have been sitting on them for a while now. not one offer yet. although haven't really put them up for sale or auction. now might be the wrong time since Trump is in office now and those who use to prep seem optimistic now I bet that America will be GREAT AGAIN and the Zombie Apocalypse has been put on pause.

but we'll see what happens when I finally get around to putting them up for auction on NJ.

(can't wait to hear the critics! I can guarantee at least one! lol)
Prepping is an expensive "hobby". Many companies sell products that cater to these "hobbyists"

here's list of things typical Preppers are "looking into"

Decommissioned Nuclear Silos and other pieces of real estate where people feel they will be safe. (Switzerland? New Zealand? Private Island? or farmland where people can at least grow their own food?)
Shipping Containers
Armored vehicles
Surplus Army vehicles ( like thee army trucks that can use practically anything for fuel like Gas,Diesel, Motor Oil, Cooking Oil)
Weapons (Guns,knives, etc) + non lethals (Stun Guns)
Survival rations
Protection products ( bullet proof vests, geiger counters, radiation suits gas masks night vision goggles)
Water Filtration units.
Air Filtration units.
Gold and Silver Coins ( for when the Petro Dollar Collapses)
Scrap Gold and Silver
Survival Training courses
Guard Dogs
Bunker building construction services (Containers,Bulldozers,backhoes, architect, engineers)
Seeds. Farming products.
Pharmaceuticals ( Antibiotics, Iodine tablets, pain killers, )
Medical supply (First Aid kits,disaster preparedness kits)
Power Supply products (Solar, wind,or Gas or propane generator)
Communications equipment ( Ham Radio, CB Radio, Satellite phones)
investments (especially those that are a hedge against a perceived impending economic collapse)
Buying Information.( So many books. hardcover and digital ie Clickbank. that preppers feel they need and will pay top dollar for info like "How to videos")
Grocery Stock piling (Canned Goods, Mason Jars, Non persisables)
Dehydration and Vacuum seal units.
Camping Gear
RV's (land based Escape vehicle. take your house with you.)
Boats ( The perfect bug out escape vehicle)
Worried about EMP attacks? (constructing a Farraday cage around electronics? or around bunker?)
Vaults to protect valuables.

Security products (CCTV,motion detectors)

Luxury Prepping is a whole other level and there are affiliate programs for those too. (Secret gold vaults hidden underneath a liquor store or strip mall? Services that provide luxury executive "bug out" services. Escape via Private Jet or Yacht with your own security force for your family.

Self Defense Training ( hand to hand combat).

Entire Financial industry caters to Fear. And Fear is what drives Preppers to be Preppers. A financial planner could help scared Preppers to plan ahead and not worry about economic collapse.

Plus prepping isn't just your crazy Red neck in Appalachia. It's also your big money rich people who have taken all the money and made everyone poor and are scared the poor is going to get them.

many of the above products and services have sellers. And most of these sellers have affiliate programs. and many of the above are high ticket items.
Obviously these people are nuts. but we're not here to discuss the sanity of preppers we're here to discuss if a prepper or survivalist domain would sell. given the huge list above of products. Some of which go for $xxxx to $xxx,xxx.

and at 5-10% commission maybe 15%? It's no chump change.

This is a niche market therefore not much competition. Many make a fortune from specialized niches. No competition really just like how many here don't like it already and won't "go into it". Leaving the one who will COMPETITION FREE.

Plus the possibility for Cross selling is endless!

Someone who buys survival supplies might want or can be "sold" on the idea to buy Gold and Silver and be "sold" on buying a gun or camping gear.

You can go to the same watering hole all the animals come to drink or you can find a tiny puddle all to yourself and have it all to yourself.

By the way? Most preppers will buy their stuff on Ebay and Amazon and the smarter ones will buy in bulk because it comes out cheaper and you get more from company in China since there's where all products come from anyways. You may have heard of it? Alibaba?

Ebay,Amazon,Walmart,Alibaba etc etc. Each one has millions of products for preppers. Each one with it's own Affiliate programs.

see. Nobody likes to be the Garbage man. Yet the Garbage man makes more in a year than some college grads straight out of college.

There's big money in doing the thing that no one else would do.

Note : information can be expensive but most can find Prepper info on forums and torrent sites for free.

Plus with the news pumping "Doom and Gloom" 24/7 paranoid panicky people will always look into prepping like people with cancer looking for the "cure" and end up losing all their money and end up dead anyways.. Best part? Each pepper will convince a friend to join their panic. More money.

I have prepper domains. but to be fair. I have been sitting on them for a while now. not one offer yet. although haven't really put them up for sale or auction. now might be the wrong time since Trump is in office now and those who use to prep seem optimistic now I bet that America will be GREAT AGAIN and the Zombie Apocalypse has been put on pause.

but we'll see what happens when I finally get around to putting them up for auction on NJ.

(can't wait to hear the critics! I can guarantee at least one! lol)

Wow. Just crazy. Over 3 pages long, more than 5,000 characters. I mean seriously, talk about no life. Most of this post doesn't help at really don't need to list every single thing preppers are into.
Sirs I will enter the dumein prepping niche. All dumeins die soon. You can quick sale me your 1L, 2L, 3rd .coms for 200 rupees each. I take on risk for u from Internet address apocalypse.

I also will do ngtld prepping. ,Com is sultan. Sale me your bad extensions now
if we pop over to the VR thread. it's always mentioned as a plus that VR can mean Virtual Reality or Vacation Rentals giving it a multi purpose use. Prepper domains?

well. you've seen the list above. kinda blows VR out the water on multi-use alone.

again. just saying. but judging from not one single offer in two years? I'm not too confident myself. but it is useful to know that this "niche" has many potential outlets to make money via cross selling.

it's like any other industry really. If we were talking about say the Comic Book niche. many would agree it's lucrative and comics books are just mini artistic mini novels.
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Prepping is an expensive "hobby". Many companies sell products that cater to these "hobbyists"

here's list of things typical Preppers are "looking into"

Decommissioned Nuclear Silos and other pieces of real estate where people feel they will be safe. (Switzerland? New Zealand? Private Island? or farmland where people can at least grow their own food?)
Shipping Containers
Armored vehicles
Surplus Army vehicles ( like thee army trucks that can use practically anything for fuel like Gas,Diesel, Motor Oil, Cooking Oil)
Weapons (Guns,knives, etc) + non lethals (Stun Guns)
Survival rations
Protection products ( bullet proof vests, geiger counters, radiation suits gas masks night vision goggles)
Water Filtration units.
Air Filtration units.
Gold and Silver Coins ( for when the Petro Dollar Collapses)
Scrap Gold and Silver
Survival Training courses
Guard Dogs
Bunker building construction services (Containers,Bulldozers,backhoes, architect, engineers)
Seeds. Farming products.
Pharmaceuticals ( Antibiotics, Iodine tablets, pain killers, )
Medical supply (First Aid kits,disaster preparedness kits)
Power Supply products (Solar, wind,or Gas or propane generator)
Communications equipment ( Ham Radio, CB Radio, Satellite phones)
investments (especially those that are a hedge against a perceived impending economic collapse)
Buying Information.( So many books. hardcover and digital ie Clickbank. that preppers feel they need and will pay top dollar for info like "How to videos")
Grocery Stock piling (Canned Goods, Mason Jars, Non persisables)
Dehydration and Vacuum seal units.
Camping Gear
RV's (land based Escape vehicle. take your house with you.)
Boats ( The perfect bug out escape vehicle)
Worried about EMP attacks? (constructing a Farraday cage around electronics? or around bunker?)
Vaults to protect valuables.

Security products (CCTV,motion detectors)

Luxury Prepping is a whole other level and there are affiliate programs for those too. (Secret gold vaults hidden underneath a liquor store or strip mall? Services that provide luxury executive "bug out" services. Escape via Private Jet or Yacht with your own security force for your family.

Self Defense Training ( hand to hand combat).

Entire Financial industry caters to Fear. And Fear is what drives Preppers to be Preppers. A financial planner could help scared Preppers to plan ahead and not worry about economic collapse.

Plus prepping isn't just your crazy Red neck in Appalachia. It's also your big money rich people who have taken all the money and made everyone poor and are scared the poor is going to get them.

many of the above products and services have sellers. And most of these sellers have affiliate programs. and many of the above are high ticket items.
Obviously these people are nuts. but we're not here to discuss the sanity of preppers we're here to discuss if a prepper or survivalist domain would sell. given the huge list above of products. Some of which go for $xxxx to $xxx,xxx.

and at 5-10% commission maybe 15%? It's no chump change.

This is a niche market therefore not much competition. Many make a fortune from specialized niches. No competition really just like how many here don't like it already and won't "go into it". Leaving the one who will COMPETITION FREE.

Plus the possibility for Cross selling is endless!

Someone who buys survival supplies might want or can be "sold" on the idea to buy Gold and Silver and be "sold" on buying a gun or camping gear.

You can go to the same watering hole all the animals come to drink or you can find a tiny puddle all to yourself and have it all to yourself.

By the way? Most preppers will buy their stuff on Ebay and Amazon and the smarter ones will buy in bulk because it comes out cheaper and you get more from company in China since there's where all products come from anyways. You may have heard of it? Alibaba?

Ebay,Amazon,Walmart,Alibaba etc etc. Each one has millions of products for preppers. Each one with it's own Affiliate programs.

see. Nobody likes to be the Garbage man. Yet the Garbage man makes more in a year than some college grads straight out of college.

There's big money in doing the thing that no one else would do.

Note : information can be expensive but most can find Prepper info on forums and torrent sites for free.

Plus with the news pumping "Doom and Gloom" 24/7 paranoid panicky people will always look into prepping like people with cancer looking for the "cure" and end up losing all their money and end up dead anyways.. Best part? Each pepper will convince a friend to join their panic. More money.

I have prepper domains. but to be fair. I have been sitting on them for a while now. not one offer yet. although haven't really put them up for sale or auction. now might be the wrong time since Trump is in office now and those who use to prep seem optimistic now I bet that America will be GREAT AGAIN and the Zombie Apocalypse has been put on pause.

but we'll see what happens when I finally get around to putting them up for auction on NJ.

(can't wait to hear the critics! I can guarantee at least one! lol)

You are welcome Hypersot and JayT! hey Kuffy!? this is your thread. Care to comment?
oh forgot to mention. The Prepper niche? is perfect to make money from PPC ads. Think about it. create a Prepper info site. Preppers are well known for their hunger for free survivalist info.

hire someone to write prepper and survivalist articles. or reference others.

slap some google ads. set it forget it
i have one prep name, but i bought it for other uses; Preparing for; a test, school, food, etc. -

P r e p a b l e . com
i have one prep name, but i bought it for other uses; Preparing for; a test, school, food, etc. -

P r e p a b l e . com

thats a great single word brandable!
I think you guys are out of touch. Prepping now is more focused on'
Bitcoin and alt currencies
Gold and silver investment
Debt reduction
Reduction of fiat bank deposits
Disposal of "bubble" assets.
Yup, I have more than 100 names related to survival, bushcraft, nibiru... stuff like that :)
registered & started to develop


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