
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The big barriers to global vaccination: patent rights, national self-interest and the wealth gap

We will not be able to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us until the world’s population is mostly immune through vaccination or previous exposure to the disease.

A truly global vaccination campaign, however, would look very different from what we are seeing now. For example, as of January 20, many more people have been immunised in Israel (with a population less than 10 million) than in Africa and Latin America combined.

Notwithstanding recent questions about the effectiveness of the initial single dose of the vaccine, there is a clear disparity in vaccine rollouts internationally.

That is a problem. As long as there are still existing reservoirs of a propagating virus it will be able to spread again to populations that either cannot or would not vaccinate. It will also be able to mutate to variants that are either more transmissible or more deadly.

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OK, you figured us out. We are conspiring to fool you. If that doesn't work, we'll have to resort to other measures.

Those who are fooled just go right back for more of the theater and regurgitate it....
All theater
All of it.

Common sense = death statistics are not official until many weeks after the fact.....

And all epidemiologists know this.

And most doctors know deaths are relabeled in 2020/2021

One sneaky way to fudge stats?

....CDC openly says flu stats are not counted anymore.

Just seeking clarity...

Smart domainers are early adopters, not luddites.
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You are all dedicated.

My dad took Pfizer’s; my friend Moderna.

But i am not taking any vaccine^^
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On something else, I gave a nurse a ride the other week to get her 1st covid shot. She was feeling a bit off before getting it, but got it anyway. A couple days later after showing covid symptoms, she tested positive. She's fine now, even though having covid at the time she was shot up.

Bit of an update: The nurse passed covid on to one of her little guys while she was getting through it. Although he's officially over covid now, he was showing some signs of confusion yesterday, which is said to be a covid after effect for some. As I said elsewhere, watch out for the little ones.
Talking can spread Covid as much as coughing, says research

Speaking to a friend when infected with the coronavirus could be as dangerous as coughing near them thanks to lingering particles, research has suggested.

Covid can be spread through a number of routes, including virus-containing droplets emitted when an infected person breaths, speaks or coughs – a factor experts said could help to explain why Covid seems to spread more easily in indoor settings.

While large droplets fall to the ground over short distances, tiny droplets known as aerosols can carry the virus over distances greater than two metres, and linger.

Seems like they have nothing else to do besides regurgitate propaganda and deny intelligent discourse regularly...

Financial incentives make sense for this behavior.

I reported this post, but you must have a fan base in the mods.

It is becoming clear to me why so many old timers have left here. The only regurgitation of propaganda is coming from you and a few other clowns that post psychobabble in this thread.

ADD: I am actually glad this turn of events has happened...I was on the verge of getting a gold account.
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I reported this post, but you must have a fan base in the mods.

It is becoming clear to me why so many old timers have left here. The only regurgitation of propaganda is coming from you and a few other clowns that post psychobabble in this thread.

You make me laugh for reals

I'm open to intelligent discourse about "coronavirus updates and news"

are you?

I know you aren't dumb.

I see you intelligently provide dialogue in other threads.
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You make me laugh for reals

I'm open to intelligent discourse about "coronavirus updates and news"

are you?

You are a :spam: and your intelligence is debatable. Based on your posts in this thread,
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You are a clown and your intelligence is debatable.

Let's try again when you climb up the pyramid

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I know you aren't dumb.

I see you intelligently provide dialogue in other threads.

Unfortunately, I see no such evidence when it comes to you in other threads.
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Unfortunately, I see no such evidence when it comes to you in other threads...for reals.

Chat with real doctors and go to medical school vs get info from the MSM

Let's try again when you climb up the pyramid

Maybe if you send me some of your magic wind chimes I can 'elevate' myself...or should I rub a stone?

BTW, If chimes or rocks bring comfort to anyone, that is fine with me. I've got about 20 chimes scattered throughout my property. However, these are not methods being used to threat covid19 or its complications (yet).
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Chat with real doctors and go to medical school vs get info from the MSM


I've got doctors and surgeons in my immediate family and my niece is a professor of nursing at a prestigious university. I have a discussion with at least one of them daily getting real world updates.

Now I know you did a little traveling and got a certificate from attending a few weekend 'retreats' but if you have any recognized credentials, please take this opportunity to post them here.
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Those who are fooled just go right back for more of the theater and regurgitate it....
All theater
All of it.

Common sense = death statistics are not official until many weeks after the fact.....

And all epidemiologists know this.

And most doctors know deaths are relabeled in 2020/2021

One sneaky way to fudge stats?

....CDC openly says flu stats are not counted anymore.

Just seeking clarity...

Smart domainers are early adopters, not luddites.

The irony here is that intelligent people don't reference fake quotes they don't understand.

On your profile under your username you have referenced a 'quote' by George Orwell.

"The people will believe what the media tells them they believe. Φ George Orwell. May 13, 2020"

George Orwell would never have used that phrase.

We called it 'the press' up until a few years ago.

Regurgitating these sorts of fake quotes throughout your posts simply marks you as a conspiracy theorist.
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Now the Corona Virus vaccine is ready to use, So as per my suggestion everything will be streamline
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,085,953
United States: 415,894
Brazil: 212,893
South Africa: 38,854
United Kingdom: 93,290
Canada: 18,462
Mexico: 144,371
Poland: 34,561
Russia: 67,832
India: 152,906
Bolivia: 9,764
Japan : 4,647
Indonesia: 27,203
Italy: 83,681
Spain: 54,637
Belgium: 20,572
France: 71,652
Netherlands: 13,248
Chile: 17,594
Philippines: 10,116

Dr Pam Popper shares good info
Financial incentives make sense for this behavior.

If you have read the story of Elizabeth Holmes and you will know that it’s not that hard to pretending somethings working, but in fact almost all of them are lies.:dead:

Pharmaceutical industry is now too big to fail and I won’t be surprise if they just keep lying.
I personally don’t trust vaccine at all. :xf.rolleyes:
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If you have read the story of Elizabeth Holmes and you will know that it’s not that hard to pretending somethings working, but in fact almost all of them are lies.:dead:

Pharmaceutical industry is now too big to fail and I won’t be surprise if they just keep lying.
I personally don’t trust vaccine at all. :xf.rolleyes:

Yes Big Pharma is built on making us customers for life - like most business models who want to maximize profits and minimize costs while creating revenue for years to come . . .

We have Richard Nixon to thank for privatizing medicine in the USA and encouraging profits over well-being.

Before that, gouging profits was shunned and illegal.
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Yes Big Pharma is built on making us customers for life - like most business models who want to maximize profits and minimize costs while creating revenue for years to come . . .

In short, if the demands drop, they all go bankrupt. So, they need to do a really good job to create demands. They want sustainable business.

In recent years, we saw more and more `necessary evil` things happened just because of above reason. Anyway, I believed that all people will finally understand that it’s not a sustainable direction.
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In short, if the demands drop, they all go bankrupt. So, they need to do a really good job to create demands. They want sustainable business.

In recent years, we saw more and more `necessary evil` things happened just because os above reason. Anyway, I believed that all people will finally understand that it’s not a sustainable direction.

And with food being far more contaminated than ever before, this helps their profit models sustain themselves - incognito to many.

Glyphosate for one - an ingredient found in all food that has been sprayed with Roundup has proven to be so carcinogenic that even in California - legally it was considered a carcinogen under Prop 65.

However, now this just provoked me to confirm this and in fact, a judge overruled this labeling last year.

A lot of industries are involved to downplay the reality of the toxins we regularly ingest.

Many countries have banned Monsanto and their products from entering the food supply.

In the USA, where many believe we are #1 in many departments, many don't realize our healthcare is last in first world nations and #1 in infant mortality rates. (about 6 out of 1000)

And the USA is easily first in obesity rankings. Some data shows it to be well over 1/3 of the population where in countries like Japan it is very rare.

All doctors know that obesity is a root cause of many chronic diseases.
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Here is a little public service video (sorry folks, please do not be offended, just seek deprogramming help)

By the way, so pretty smart people with REAL credentials are behind the video "This video was written by John Cook (George Mason University), Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol), Ullrich Ecker (University of Western Australia), and Sander van Der Linden (Cambridge University)."

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Here is a little public service video (sorry folks, please do not be offended, just seek deprogramming help)

By the way, so pretty smart people with REAL credentials are behind the video "This video was written by John Cook (George Mason University), Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol), Ullrich Ecker (University of Western Australia), and Sander van Der Linden (Cambridge University)."

Back to lumping "conspiracy theory" into data that threatens your confirmation bias?

Are you aware that was a term coined by the CIA immediately following the JFK Assassination?

I suppose your "conspiratorial thinking" defense is the central point to your arguments?

Since you brought up the "Plandemic" nature of the topic of this thread...

Let's start from the beginning:

Plandemic 1

Plandemic 2

And in related material...

Here is the INVENTOR of the PCR test and his thoughts about the test and his thoughts on Fauci.

Mullis on PCR

Mullis on Fauci
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South African virus variant may resist antibody drugs; Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine seems to work vs UK variant

The variant of the new coronavirus identified in South Africa can resist, or "escape," antibodies that neutralize earlier versions of the virus, scientists have found. It "exhibits complete escape" from three classes of monoclonal antibodies manufactured for treating COVID-19 patients, and it shows "substantial or complete" resistance to neutralizing antibodies in blood donated by COVID-19 survivors, the scientists reported on Tuesday on bioRxiv ahead of peer review. Similarities between the South Africa variant and another variant identified in Brazil suggest the Brazilian variant will show similar resistance, they added. Liam Smeeth of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who was not involved in the study, noted that these were laboratory tests, and it would be unwise to extrapolate the findings to humans at this point. "The data do raise the possibility that the protection gained from past infection with COVID-19 may be lower for re-infection with the South African variant," he said. "The data also suggest that the existing vaccines could be less effective against the South African variant." He called for large studies among populations where the variant is common.
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