
advice What a time to be alive! (purchased domain name for peanuts).

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MarekTop Member
So doing my cardio yesterday, and got a message from a domain seller with whom I initiated the discussion about domain name something like a year ago. At that time, they wanted a higher price which was no bargain to me, but after a year, they accepted my initial price offer (which was, honestly, pretty much law ball)

TLDR: I just purchased CASINO.COOL for less than 1K!

What a time to be alive!

But, and to be honest ... as I stated multiple times on this forum ... do not let your best assets go cheap. While I do understand that many of you do not yet understand the value of good new domain names, some names simply scream quality! Do not sell them to guys like me who already have enough, hold something good for yourselves as well!

And what do you think guys? Am I getting value, or is the seller getting value exchanging a name like this for a little bit of money, which are being printed now each and every day anyway? :) Share your honest, 2021, opinion!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Casino is a great keyboard. Cool is a bad extension.

So you basically have a great keyword, in an extension with (6) total reported sales for $5k total.

It is a total crapshoot.

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A failing extension with a total of 6 reported sales and 0 reported sales above $600 according to Namebio. No matter how good the keyword Casino is, the combo has to make sense. It seems to me like the .cool extension is more aimed at kids than a serious business like a casino. If you had bought a word that has meaning as a part of the combo like I might have been slightly more optimistic about your chances. Anything can happen in domaining but investing high $XXX in this type of domain is literally more like gambling in a casino than smart investing. So, IMO:

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On a side note, at what point are new extensions no longer new? It has been years now with limited traction.

The new extensions are nothing more than a organised legal scam. How in the world the regulator allowed .sucks extension and let the operator extort money from big corporations.
So doing my cardio yesterday, and got a message from a domain seller with whom I initiated the discussion about domain name something like a year ago. At that time, they wanted a higher price which was no bargain to me, but after a year, they accepted my initial price offer (which was, honestly, pretty much law ball)

TLDR: I just purchased CASINO.COOL for less than 1K!

What a time to be alive!

But, and to be honest ... as I stated multiple times on this forum ... do not let your best assets go cheap. While I do understand that many of you do not yet understand the value of good new domain names, some names simply scream quality! Do not sell them to guys like me who already have enough, hold something good for yourselves as well!

And what do you think guys? Am I getting value, or is the seller getting value exchanging a name like this for a little bit of money, which are being printed now each and every day anyway? :) Share your honest, 2021, opinion!
All pundits here will tell you that your name is worthless. Don't pay attention. Do what you believe in
••• is not a good combo imo. Unless "less than 1K" means $50 or .cool is extremely popular in China, I don't think you made a good choice on this one.
I am a bit confused by both statements...

While I do understand that many of you do not yet understand the value of good new domain names, some names simply scream quality! Do not sell them to guys like me who already have enough, hold something good for yourselves as well!

Great, you probably know more about these names than me because I do not deal with them.
You seem positive and assertive in your statement.

And what do you think guys? Am I getting value, or is the seller getting value exchanging a name like this for a little bit of money, which are being printed now each and every day anyway? :) Share your honest, 2021, opinion!

Now you are asking us for our opinion, as in you are not quite sure.

All that said here is my opinion on it.

If I was going to purchase ANY of the new extensions without knowing if I was going to make money or if I was going to sell them then I would add the word casino before the dot. The Casino keyword has consistently shown itself to be an insane money maker.

If someone said to me I had to buy 10 names from 10 different new TLD's then I would do so if I could have the word casino before the dot.
It only takes one of those to hit and you have a payday.


I am not sure how much under 1k you paid but if you were to duplicate that in many of the extensions you might just have a hit.
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Good job, nice name. The only downside is the acquisition price, I think it's a little expensive. I would prefer to pay $xxx (reseller) for it. Casino is killer keyword, you are ngtlds guru, so why not.
On a side note.....

Very nice update to your site....Looks good (y)
Will this extension stay cool or get into hot water is what presently I am thinking. By the way, I respect your expertise in New Generic domains
do not let your best assets go cheap. While I do understand that many of you do not yet understand the value of good new domain names, some names simply scream quality! Do not sell them to guys like me who already have enough, hold something good for yourselves as well!

And what do you think guys? Am I getting value, or is the seller getting value exchanging a name like this for a little bit of money, which are being printed now each and every day anyway? :) Share your honest, 2021, opinion!
Warrior, this is not one that screams quality to me.

Less than 1k sounds about right, even though it's a strong left-of-the-dot keyword. The extension doesn't seem to fit it properly to me. Though with a different perspective, one could view the domain as a fit for a laid-back style casino site. Cool casino seems better semantics, yet even that in all three legacy extensions (net, com and org) are going nowhere.

Development gives opportunity to anything.

Strong keywords pre-dot doesn't always equate value. Seems like you're happy with it, good luck with the resale! Great that's it regular renewal.
Casino is a great keyboard. Cool is a bad extension.

So you basically have a great keyword, in an extension with (6) total reported sales for $5k total.

It is a total crapshoot.

You are a not nice guy Brad for not liking .cool extension, and you know it!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, just joking ... cringy black humour :) :) I like Brad a LOT, one of the few people with the most integrity in the industry.

Of course, as usual, I do not care when purchasing new gTLDs about an extension "per se, but I do care about whole semantic meaning across the dot, or another tiny perk (which in this case, is a nice small c&c alliteration). Still, thanks for commenting, much appreciated!
On a side note, at what point are new extensions no longer new? It has been years now with limited traction.

I do not like to call them "new" anymore either (first came out late 2013), but what else terminology one should use? :)
All pundits here will tell you that your name is worthless. Don't pay attention. Do what you believe in
Thank you @monotheist :) I agree exactly with you... I consistently do what I believe in :xf.grin:
Warrior, this is not one that screams quality to me.

Less than 1k sounds about right, even though it's a strong left-of-the-dot keyword. The extension doesn't seem to fit it properly to me. Though with a different perspective, one could view the domain as a fit for a laid-back style casino site. Cool casino seems better semantics, yet even that in all three legacy extensions (net, com and org) are going nowhere.

Development gives opportunity to anything.

Strong keywords pre-dot doesn't always equate value. Seems like you're happy with it, good luck with the resale! Great that's it regular renewal.
Thanks, friend, I much appreciate it! Oh sure, I like that regular renewal a lot :)
Yes, I like it a lot .. not even sure I am going to put it on sale... it's great to have it as a backup in case I will venture into the online casino business one day (I mean, who knows...)
A failing extension with a total of 6 reported sales and 0 reported sales above $600 according to Namebio. No matter how good the keyword Casino is, the combo has to make sense. It seems to me like the .cool extension is more aimed at kids than a serious business like a casino. If you had bought a word that has meaning as a part of the combo like I might have been slightly more optimistic about your chances. Anything can happen in domaining but investing high $XXX in this type of domain is literally more like gambling in a casino than smart investing. So, IMO:

Show attachment 182772
Good job, nice name. The only downside is the acquisition price, I think it's a little expensive. I would prefer to pay $xxx (reseller) for it. Casino is killer keyword, you are ngtlds guru, so why not.
Thanks, friend! And thanks for giving me the only like on my initial post. Brad's post got 12 likes, and mine got only one so far :)
On a side note.....

Very nice update to your site....Looks good (y)
Appreciate that Nick ... I paid $300 to website designer to upgrade it, so it better be good :xf.grin:
I am a bit confused by both statements...


Great, you probably know more about these names than me because I do not deal with them.
You seem positive and assertive in your statement.


Now you are asking us for our opinion, as in you are not quite sure.

All that said here is my opinion on it.

If I was going to purchase ANY of the new extensions without knowing if I was going to make money or if I was going to sell them then I would add the word casino before the dot. The Casino keyword has consistently shown itself to be an insane money maker.

If someone said to me I had to buy 10 names from 10 different new TLD's then I would do so if I could have the word casino before the dot.
It only takes one of those to hit and you have a payday.


I am not sure how much under 1k you paid but if you were to duplicate that in many of the extensions you might just have a hit.
@MapleDots thanks, I am thinking along those lines as well!

Anyway, the real bottom line is: now that I got it under 1k, I am still ready and willing to part with this domain ...but not for less then 200k :xf.laugh::xf.laugh:

It's a pretty nice gif, IMO. The bills are too big and aren't actually flushing so it appears like the money can still be saved (unlike some investments). I visited your site. It looks great (the English needs some improvements). I'm not against new gtlds. You have some very good domains alongside some headscratchers. While .com is king, when the combination in a new gtld is natural, it can definitely sell and sometimes for a lot. But for alliteration to work- the order has to be correct. Would you name a business Casino Cool? I wouldn't and I think most people wouldn't. Cool Casino would make more sense as a name with alliteration. The whole point of alliteration is to use words that in their current order create a meaningful name/phrase. In the same way that is worth a lot while is worth much less (corrected myself. I first wrote that isn't worth a penny but I saw now that there's actually a company who's using it so it is worth a bit). I think you should consider that in future purchases.
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So doing my cardio yesterday, and got a message from a domain seller with whom I initiated the discussion about domain name something like a year ago. At that time, they wanted a higher price which was no bargain to me, but after a year, they accepted my initial price offer (which was, honestly, pretty much law ball)

TLDR: I just purchased CASINO.COOL for less than 1K!

What a time to be alive!

But, and to be honest ... as I stated multiple times on this forum ... do not let your best assets go cheap. While I do understand that many of you do not yet understand the value of good new domain names, some names simply scream quality! Do not sell them to guys like me who already have enough, hold something good for yourselves as well!

And what do you think guys? Am I getting value, or is the seller getting value exchanging a name like this for a little bit of money, which are being printed now each and every day anyway? :) Share your honest, 2021, opinion!

welcome back.

I think the name is crap.
But I also think you know it better.
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I think so as well! I am very surprised there are some domain investors who are selling domains for millions, yet their websites look like from 1995 - I will rather not name examples, but I can not wrap my brain around it :)
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