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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Of course you are, you're not too bright. This is what they do, this is a real thing. We went thru it last election, there are documentaries on this. They look for opportunities to cause friction.

I told you guys about one early when he first became President. Russia literally have a building where people clock in and go to work and troll all day long. Big room full of computers.

When Russian trolls wanted to divide America, they knew what to use: race
Social science explains the strategy behind their 2016 Facebook ads.

Russian election meddling is back -- via Ghana and Nigeria -- and in your feeds

Don't forget this one too "Development Strategy of a Pan-African State on U.S. Territory"
The documents — communications between associates of Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Kremlin-linked oligarch indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for previous influence operations against the U.S. — laid out a new plot to manipulate and radicalize African Americans. The plans show that Prigozhin’s circle has sought to exploit racial tensions well beyond Russia’s social media and misinformation efforts tied to the 2016 election.
The blueprint, entitled “Development Strategy of a Pan-African State on U.S. Territory,” floated the idea of enlisting poor, formerly incarcerated African Americans “who have experience in organized crime groups” as well as members of “radical black movements for participation in civil disobedience actions.”

The goal was to “destabilize the internal situation in the U.S.”

So I wonder in whose team is Vladimir playing, since everything in that plan looks like Antifa/BLM.

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."
The Liberal Left uses this tactic frequently. All of the rhetoric about President Trump having ties to Russia; and even the accusation that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, is STRAIGHT out of the Communist Manifesto and Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” And the journalistic arm of the Democratic Party – the Liberal press – insure that the lies are propagated and that the FAKE NEWS is BELIEVED by the useful idiots.
It is now clear that the Clintons had a nefarious relationship with Putin from Russia. Hillary has been caught, having made deals with Putin which put 20% of America’s Uranium into the hands of the Russians. Of course, Putin sweetened the pot by pouring money into the Clinton Foundation. Many are getting their hopes up that this time Hillary will be prosecuted and found guilty.
She set herself up with that one.



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Replies stupid. Do you know what a reply is on Twitter? You're so easily fooled all the time, how do you manage day to day?

haha, what you just added was one of the points brought up. Thanks. Think.

What is wrong with you?
Interesting here, besides the official death of the NY Times as a newspaper, is that the left's leading intellectual voices are all leaving the camp. Many will vote for Trump. The only people remaining on side of the Democrats are Marxists, fascists, criminals and deluded and mislead people who are sleepwalking to their doom. There is nobody intelligent left who can speak for them - hence all they have are memes and violence.


Fauci Confirms Public-Health Experts Downplayed Efficacy of Masks to Ensure They Would Be Available to Health-care Workers.

But now a cotton rag worn around your neck is enough to protect you at walmart or a #blm riot.

Remember, democrats called Trump a xenophobe and racist when he stopped travel from China. Nancy Pelosi when to a street festival in China Town to show her support for China.

These people would let your children die to prevent President Trump from having a good news day, let alone be reelected.
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Lincoln project is run by neocons and war mongers. They hate the President because they can't control him.

This from a man who is gun owning, pro-life, ex-Navy Seal.....



Wrong as usual Gilsan! You post stuff that can easily be verified but you're too lazy to even make the effort.

"Q: Did expose as an “extremely liberal propaganda site”?

A: No. That false claim was made in a meme circulating online.

A Facebook post states that your org found that snopes was biased in favor of liberal points of view and untrustworthy. Is that true? Did you make this claim and if so, what is that claim based upon?

In 2009, we addressed’s alleged political bias and wrote that we found the website’s work to be “solid and well-documented,” and that its articles appeared “utterly poker-faced” when tackling rumors about Democratic and Republican politicians.

We also noted at the time: “We even link to when it’s appropriate rather than reinvent the wheel ourselves, which we consider high praise.”

At no point did we ever “expose” the myth-busting website as “an extremely liberal propaganda site with an agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative.”

That false claim was made in a meme that began circulating on Facebook and other platforms in February. Several of our readers have asked us about it.

The meme says that has been “busted” as a “100% fake fact-checking site,” and that the Democratic National Committee and hedge fund billionaire George Soros have been “exposed” as its “clients.” It also features two photos purportedly showing the “Snopes CEO” meeting with Soros, who has long supported Democratic candidates and causes.

But David Mikkelson, the founder and executive editor of, is not in either photo. One shows Soros shaking hands with Gordon Bajnai, an economist and former prime minister of Hungary from 2009 to 2010, and the other photo shows Soros with Andrew Baron, the son of the late trial lawyer and Democratic fundraiser Fred Baron.

The meme also falsely claims that “Snopes has no employees,” when it actually has 10 editors and writers, according to its staff page. The website has posted its sources of funding online as well, and there is no mention of the DNC or Soros.

The otherwise bogus meme managed to get one thing right, though. is one of several organizations working with Facebook to help identify and label false stories flagged by readers on the social media network. is participating in the same fact-checking initiative.

OK, now go ahead and start having a hissy fit because you've been shown to be a mindless posting puppet once again....
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Where Are the Defenders of Sanity? Against Savagery?

When you vote for Joe Biden, you are voting for the people who want to limit your rights and remake our country into a marxist / socialist nightmare. Everything will revolve around your identity and victim status.

If you speak out, you'll be ostracized. Cancel culture will hit overdrive, words will be "violence" and wrong think will be punished.

Joe Biden wants the Senate filibuster rule removed. If that happens, a simple majority will be all it takes to pass laws that will affect your job, the economy, immigration, packing the supreme court with liberal activist, going to war, etc, etc.

The democrats will try to limit your rights and it will take years for lawsuits to reach the supreme court.

Democrat thugs antifa and blm will be emboldened. Lawlessness will rule our city streets. Then the suburbs and rural areas. People who defend their property families will be prosecuted by marxist Attorney Generals paid for by George Soros.

Democrats will destroy American manufacturing, finance boondoggles like Solyndra. Raise taxes on everyone except mega corporations like Amazon, Walmart. ( Just like the years before Trump. )

They will open the borders and a mass migration of millions will come to America. Except they won't be expected to assimilate. They'll be taught America is racist to it's core.

Joe Biden is an empty suit. A puppet. Hate makes you stupid.

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George "Happy Making" Soros donates $220 Million to radical BLM Groups
Nice comments in his thread though.
Some confession material in the following (old) vid (3:00 - and then I came to the realization that open society is endangered by our current leadership in this country, and that is when I refocus my attention on the United States)
SHOCKING: George Soros admits Nazi collaboration with no regrets

George Soros... what a disgusting, evil character!
Heard an interesting hypothesis:

Joe Biden will wait until the last minute to select a VP, Michelle Obama.

Shortly after, he will voluntarily step down due to his health.

Will happen shortly after the democrat convention... which will be online so no protest from the peanut gallery, no objections to God, etc.
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Wrong as usual Gilsan! You post stuff that can easily be verified but you're too lazy to even make the effort.

"Q: Did expose as an “extremely liberal propaganda site”?

A: No. That false claim was made in a meme circulating online.

A Facebook post states that your org found that snopes was biased in favor of liberal points of view and untrustworthy. Is that true? Did you make this claim and if so, what is that claim based upon?

In 2009, we addressed’s alleged political bias and wrote that we found the website’s work to be “solid and well-documented,” and that its articles appeared “utterly poker-faced” when tackling rumors about Democratic and Republican politicians.

We also noted at the time: “We even link to when it’s appropriate rather than reinvent the wheel ourselves, which we consider high praise.”

At no point did we ever “expose” the myth-busting website as “an extremely liberal propaganda site with an agenda to discredit anything that appears to be conservative.”

That false claim was made in a meme that began circulating on Facebook and other platforms in February. Several of our readers have asked us about it.

The meme says that has been “busted” as a “100% fake fact-checking site,” and that the Democratic National Committee and hedge fund billionaire George Soros have been “exposed” as its “clients.” It also features two photos purportedly showing the “Snopes CEO” meeting with Soros, who has long supported Democratic candidates and causes.

But David Mikkelson, the founder and executive editor of, is not in either photo. One shows Soros shaking hands with Gordon Bajnai, an economist and former prime minister of Hungary from 2009 to 2010, and the other photo shows Soros with Andrew Baron, the son of the late trial lawyer and Democratic fundraiser Fred Baron.

The meme also falsely claims that “Snopes has no employees,” when it actually has 10 editors and writers, according to its staff page. The website has posted its sources of funding online as well, and there is no mention of the DNC or Soros.

The otherwise bogus meme managed to get one thing right, though. is one of several organizations working with Facebook to help identify and label false stories flagged by readers on the social media network. is participating in the same fact-checking initiative.

OK, now go ahead and start having a hissy fit because you've been shown to be a mindless posting puppet once again....
@TestCase .........


Organized and financed by the DNC.
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