
I am Page Howe: Live Chat and APA, Ask Me Questions

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I am Page Howe and have bought, sold, auctioned, advised and educated on domain names since 1999. I have two million dollar plus sales ( and and have sold over $5 Million of smaller names in the last 15 years. I share insights at shows, seminars, forums, and regularly appeared as an original panelist on the DomainSherpa Review and Weekly shows.

I promote the .LA extension in Los Angeles, and I also educate and evangelize for Emoji Domain names - and sell names at discounted wholesale prices at

Send on some questions. Tell me if I cannot use your question as an example on some other media I'm doing. I won't be using your names, but I would like to use some of the questions.

Give me about 1/2 day (full day on Sundays) sometimes to reply. Or Join in our live chats - more times to be determined.

Live chats

One of the best things about domain forums from back in the day was the chatroom. In addition to the APA (Ask Pros Anything) in this thread, I'll be doing live chat events.

Here are both dates and times (visit the links to see it in your time zone):
  1. Saturday, 17th at 10pm CT - Passed. Transcript coming soon...
  2. Monday, 19th at 4pm CT - Passed. Transcript coming soon...
I'll be around to do some Q and A, appraisals, etc.

Join the Chatroom

Page Howe
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thanks a bunch Page!

If you ever have any questions about California Real Estate or Finance, or if you need a solid domain name, look me up! I'll take care of ya!
Hi @Page Howe thank you for the appraisal and your time.

Since you already appraised and in chat after i posted them here i was looking if you could appraise (that was the first one i asked for appraisal, i think you might have missed it)?

Also there is multiple endusers using and the exact keywords but longer, if you do a quick search on google you will see what i mean. Doesn't this push up the price much higher (in my opinion it's a x,xxx$ domains would love to hear your thoughts)?

Best Regards

Also there is multiple endusers using and the exact keywords but longer, if you do a quick search on google you will see what i mean. Doesn't this push up the price much higher (in my opinion it's a x,xxx$ domains would love to hear your thoughts)?

nope NV - my point here is that you have one hope, someone wakes up and think s they have to have it..... but to get $10000 or $1000 they have to feel there are no other alternatives.... im not sure it has that swag
well these are ok, price at $1499 and hope, but i would upgrade...

right off the bat i can beat those with hand reg's which i just regd

Thanks for your input.
Hi @Page Howe
Kindly appraise this
T----. TV great word, growing business, not sure a buyer would think of this, id say show them what it can do. (stay tuned)

mobile phone finance - again a hoper, it makes sense- find a alternative to the ripmeoff verizon plans and you have a good site, as a name, price at 2999 and hope

g f see above
i think your buying as a developer - do you develop?


Thanks for the valuation and advice, Page. Half of my buy/reg/catch are along the lines of ideas that I can develop ...... apart from (crappycurrency/com). I have developed a couple of names and looking to develop more. I am hopeful for m p f and g f and will likely develop pending eventual sale. I caught t a tv in expired auction but I know I can't develop it on my own so will have to market it to the the established outfits.

Thank you once again.
Could you appraise this name?

I think that there are three ways of potential use:
1. Shortening from Super Market. Any kinds of online retail
2. SUP surfing boards & goods.
SUP is a highly trend industry Google trends
3. Food and drinks (liquor) market.
What do you think about it?

I will be very grateful for any feedback!
And many thanks for your chat sessions!

i bought some SUP names in 2004, price at 499 and hope, maybe not the best name to be in

Mr. Howe,

I've heard that you used to write down domain ideas while walking around in the real world and noticing brick and mortar business names to register them as .com domain names.

  1. Was that a profitable strategy?
  2. Do you still do it?


yes just dont register everything you think of... put things in a pending list and wait 24 hours.

btw i wasnt talking about registering actully other businesses names, just trends

so maybe today i saw a dropin daycare place - so i may look at check


Hi Page,

please appraise:

Wallet News (dot) org
Crypto Advise (dot) org

Thank you

@Page Howe ,

I have some question, I will appreciate your answer.

1. How & when you started your Domaining career?

2. When you got your first sale?

3. What type of domain get sold?

4. Do you think there is still value for hand registered domain?

5. Are you "stick with .com" Domainer?

I am not a big domain Investor, even I don't know anything about investment & Domaining but I still try to hand registered domain name at cheap promo. I don't even send outbound emails (beacuse of my English & other projects) but I still believe domaining is something which never going to die & there is still good money for someone who know this industry.

Here are some of my recent hand registered domain name, I will glad if you appraised them (though I hate appraisal whether it's done by human or BOT)

ICOs/ (hand registered for $1.70)

Decentralized/ (hand registered for $4.99)

Decentralize/ (hand registered at promo $2.99)

DataMining/ (Hand registered for $2.99) (hand registered for $5)

BitcoinCash/ (hand registered for $5)


Furquan Ahmed

PS:- Sorry for my English

ok so on apprisials

your just on the edge of what "may" be good, but i think youd rather have the $50 right now

3 words are a tough sell, unless they are 2 words with another awesome word

and dashes i would only do if the PPC revenue pays for the name


ICOs/ (hand registered for $1.70) price at $399 and hope, plural detracts

Decentralized/ (hand registered for $4.99) - way long and then .co is tied with 1000 other tlds for fifth place, so id only do one words you can build in .co

Decentralize/ (hand registered at promo $2.99) - again wrong tense - yes you "can" get this name becuase no one else wanted it

DataMining/ (Hand registered for $2.99) - again three words is too much, miningchain good datachain good , and i know they are taken but next best thing is to not reg a bad name, better than regging one that wont sell. sure it may??? but get better names. (hand registered for $5) UGG nv

BitcoinCash/ (hand registered for $5) - so your buying the name of a fork, so its worth 1/100th of bitcoincharity, i just dont think it a wise investment, price at $999 and hope
Hi Page,

Can you please appraise the following names:

Appreciate your feedback! @Page Howe

not bad $1999 but maybe not renew $2999 best of the 7 - i think i looked at this one, everyone wants natural, organic $999 becuase it is medical plural hurts and place has many synonyms $499 - nv - makes a nice email address or trade group, maybe get twitter handle to help it out $999 - maybe... i would do affiliate page for the new privacy public wifi services, try to make $100 a year while you wait $2500
Also there is multiple endusers using and the exact keywords but longer, if you do a quick search on google you will see what i mean. Doesn't this push up the price much higher (in my opinion it's a x,xxx$ domains would love to hear your thoughts)?

nope NV - my point here is that you have one hope, someone wakes up and think s they have to have it..... but to get $10000 or $1000 they have to feel there are no other alternatives.... im not sure it has that swag

Thank you for your feedback and time, really appreciate it.

Regarding, yes your correct but you never know maybe that someone wakes up in the near future :ROFL:, at least on the plus side is owned by Frank Schilling and he's not letting go that one for cheap but it's a very long shot.

Just my final question if you have the time to answer.

What is the top 10 trends for 2018 to invest in domain names (in your opinion)?

All the best.
Thank you for your feedback and time, really appreciate it.

Regarding, yes your correct but you never know maybe that someone wakes up in the near future :ROFL:, at least on the plus side is owned by Frank Schilling and he's not letting go that one for cheap but it's a very long shot.

Just my final question if you have the time to answer.

What is the top 10 trends for 2018 to invest in domain names (in your opinion)?

All the best.

ill try to cover in an upcoming session
Hi Page,

I am new to domaining game, just got a couple of domains on different niche. I hope to get some beneficial comments on them so that i learn:

Thanks i hope i am going the right way. Do you think the cryptological is brandable?
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Hi Page, - retail value?
Superb.Website - retail value ?

Thank you
not bad $1999 but maybe not renew $2999 best of the 7 - i think i looked at this one, everyone wants natural, organic $999 becuase it is medical plural hurts and place has many synonyms $499 - nv - makes a nice email address or trade group, maybe get twitter handle to help it out $999 - maybe... i would do affiliate page for the new privacy public wifi services, try to make $100 a year while you wait $2500

Thanks for your input and time! I never used twitter so to find the right page of followers i haven't got a clue yet. I'm looking indeed to develop And collectcrypto has some interested parties but the bids are too low. Can i follow you anywhere like seminars or stuff to make me sells these names?
good job with this thread .. Page ! (Hope you are doing well .. long time - no speak .)
i dont know if 4l .org have liquid value, id aim higher, im not familar with what retd is, or obex

neoprene - $1999 look for trade association - like it , put a on it $5000 (can you tell me about the and .uk thing) - do you need both?

i like cryptomixing at $999, other $499 if you want a 2-5% chance to sell, .5% chance go to $3000 to $5000


Retd - It’s mostly used after the name of a retired military officer or scarcely after that of a sportsman:
I’m thinking of the above usages or perhaps a pitch on this organisation will help shorten their hyphenated name:

Obex - a term in anatomy:

Also an abbreviation in network technology:

For .uk - UK DN began to allow registration in this Tld rather than the existing 2nd level From that date, all ( names registered before 2014 have the exclusive right to the corresponding (.uk) counterparts which they can claim up till 2019. Post 2014 names are excluded from this privilege:

Once more thanks so much for the appraisal. I’m keeping CryptoMixing close to heart.
Here is a 3 word :meh: that I wanted your opinion on:
FreeCoinSource dot com?
1 more single dictionary word plural :meh:
Opinionists dot com? might work for a blog? What are your thoughts?
Side note: Would you list this on a brandable site? It's been excepted, but having second thoughts of only being able to sell via their platform.
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Thanks for sharing your experience and the valuable appraisal service in free! I'm sure NP members will surely get benefited from you. I thought I should also avail this benefit, and would request you to appraise my hand registered names:

all .coms

Hi Page,

Can you give a quick appraisal on the following domains I have?

(All dot coms)

And FreeHelpline dot net.

Thanks in advance!
Let me get this straight. One of the top domain investors of all time offered their time for an AMA and the majority of you just dumped your domain names on him asking for appraisals.

Where are the questions like:

"Where do you see domaining 5-10 years from now?"
"Would you mind sharing your niche picks for the next 2-3 years/foreseeable future?"
"If you were starting out in domain names today with $5,000, what would you focus on investing in first?"

Or am I missing something here?
Let me get this straight. One of the top domain investors of all time offered their time for an AMA and the majority of you just dumped your domain names on him asking for appraisals.

Where are the questions like:

"Where do you see domaining 5-10 years from now?"
"Would you mind sharing your niche picks for the next 2-3 years/foreseeable future?"
"If you were starting out in domain names today with $5,000, what would you focus on investing in first?"

Or am I missing something here?
Good questions for sure. I look forward to reading his answers.

Even if they were "dumped" as you put it, there is a lot to be taken from his generous feedback. He gives some point blank in your face advice as well as subtle clues. Not everyone here has been domain investing for 10+ years. So, we take from it what we can and then pay it forward to others when we can. I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to work anyways. Helps maintain the domain ecosystem here on NamePros.

@Page Howe Thanks for taking the time to share! I look forward to joining one of your live chats soon.
Let me get this straight. One of the top domain investors of all time offered their time for an AMA and the majority of you just dumped your domain names on him asking for appraisals.

Where are the questions like:

"Where do you see domaining 5-10 years from now?"
"Would you mind sharing your niche picks for the next 2-3 years/foreseeable future?"
"If you were starting out in domain names today with $5,000, what would you focus on investing in first?"

Or am I missing something here?
It wasn't structured or moderated very well and the questions were coming so rapidly with so many appraisals Page just ran with it and did a super appraisal round. When he tried to steer it back to meaningful questions and in depth talk about domains and domaining industry, well every one still wanted their domains appraised so at the end he gave an ovation with one last round of appraisals.
I think that kind of gives us insight. I know what to develop, if done properly, would bring in a lot of revenue. $2-$50 domain appraisals. I know it's done on other websites but not in that style. People want cheap reliable and most importantly, instant appraisals from top domainers. "Hint, Hint"
Everyone pays monthly membership $10 a month gives you 2 domains appraised a month. $50 gives you 15 and $100 gets you 40.
No need to thank me for this great idea. You can just give me royalties.
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