
Domain Scam Alert

Spaceship Spaceship
I just got scammed by someone who offered $1500 for 8 of my 4 letter dotcoms, and now i lost 8 domains & no money at all

he made the payment of $1500 to my paypal account, when i first checked it, it seemed perfectly fine, so i pushed the 8 domains to him. An hour later, when i checked my paypal account again, the money was gone as it has been chargeback by paypal claiming that the payment was not authorized.

the scammer uses 2 email addresses:

[email protected]
[email protected]

after some research, someone has found out his real identity being:

Dorobantu Marian
[email protected]
bd tomis nr 68
Constanta, 8700

the 8 4-letter domains I lost are:


other people have been scammed by the same scammer
so Domainers be aware...
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
File a dispute with papal!

What a complete Jag!
You can file a dispute with PayPal,
and they can re-coup the funds from this Jerkoff!
I hope you have e-mails saved on the payment details!
Send PayPal, every bit of info...
I had to do that many times (from my E-bay sales) with people who
have claimed to not have received merchandise.
They will take care of you, just don't give up!
Good Luck, and I'm terribly sorry to hear that!
Red Rock!

I just went to PayPal's charge back info,
and I see a potential problem...
They state how you will be covered as long as...
you ship tangible goods.
So, I think this may not be covered under PayPal's seller protection.
So, I am not sure about seller protection for domain names.
This is a HUGE issue, since I wanted to start selling some of my domains on E-bay also!
I am giving you the link on chargebacks..


I really hope this is addressed, and you win!
And this Jag gets executed...or something similar!
Good Luck,
Red Rock!
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PayPal will definitely investigate and spammer's are usually dumb in some way. they will check the payment IP and it will most likely match their complaint IP indicating it was most likely an authorized purchase...but it will take time....

Why don't you use the same tactic on them by contacting your registrar and letting them know there was an unauthorized transfer of your domains........and demanding them to be pushed back into your account.

I think Domains might be considered a tangible item as it has title of ownership attached to it. I too would be interested to find out for sure
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request a chargeback and show your conversations and proof of ownership of domain the cancel ownership email you have received from your registrar.
i hope this is just recent event.
Be on the lookout for this asswipe guys.

He made an offer for GFXO.com via email right about the same time he was pulling this sh*t on trendicator.

Fortunately - I told him escrow or sedo only since he wasn't an NP or DNF member... he told me he was OK with sedo, probably hoping to gain my trust and just go with PP, so I sent him a sedo link - never heard back from him.

Paypal is absolutely HORRIBLE with domain scams.

Bad guy wins almost every time. :td:

Wish you the best Trendicator.
That really sucks :td: I have made a note of these names and will keep an eye out for you..

Is it too late to go back to your registra, tell them what happened and see if you cant dispute the push??
yeah you can also request an undo from your registrar up to 15 days as wwd/gd resellers can by sending an email to [email protected] they will require at least 2 valid ids from you, scanned.

i almost forgot this, thanks mellowmasher for reminding.

mellowmasher said:
That really sucks :td: I have made a note of these names and will keep an eye out for you..

Is it too late to go back to your registra, tell them what happened and see if you cant dispute the push??
I assume you have already contacted the registrar. If not do so immediately they can at least hold the domains and ensure they cannot be transferred. They may even given enough proof return the domains to you.
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You as a seller,
are at the complete utter mercy of PayPal!
This Jerkoff, disputed the charge with his credit card company???
Well, Let's hope that a domain name....
Is a tangible item!
So, you have PayPal seller protection!
Do us all a favor, and don't give up!!!
This could be the start of a Huge Scam, that scares me!
The only quick method (from person to person) is PayPal,
unless you have an established site rolling, and are set-up to take credit cards.
Please as you get more and more info, on this Prick, and as your situation unfolds...please keep us up-dated.
Everything I want to do as a seller, would be with PayPal!
Well, I think everyone feels your pain,
and everyone will be rooting for you!
keep us posted,
I want to see this discussion on the first page...
until it get's resolved!
Take Care,
Red Rock!
Parked at sedo so maybe worth letting them know also
done this already, they will refer you to your registrar.

mellowmasher said:
Parked at sedo so maybe worth letting them know also
Another forum's member just reported that he sold ccc.com to this guy today .. no Paypal dispute yet..
Did some digging, heres what I found so far:


A post on DP by a user named Kevnospam (banned), asking for an appraisal for the domain PayMass.com

PayMass.com is owned by:

Whois Record

Dorobantu Marian
bd tomis nr 68
Constanta, Constanta 8700

Did a bit more digging for this name and found another related scam thread on NP from Nov..


Looks to be the same guy.
I gotta go to bed, so maybe someone else can take it further and find out more info? :)

Wibrodomains helped get the domains back for the person in the above thread, so I have asked him if he can check out this thread and maybe shed some light. Worth a shot at least :)
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Why would PP allow someone to have this many chargebacks in such a short time?? It should be obvious that he is scamming.
Thanks for your help Herb :tu:

Another member reported that guy contacted him as well.

He is being very active today..

Ronald Regging said:
Did some digging, heres what I found so far:


Not sure if it's their real name or not - it'd sure be a fun project to dev if it is.
duceman said:
Why would PP allow someone to have this many chargebacks in such a short time?? It should be obvious that he is scamming.

He may be using more than one account. As I was reading this thread the sound notice went off notifying me of a new email - a paypal fishing scam...

Paypal is such a source of fraud in what we do.
Just found something

Its not really helpful, but notice the r1gsxr username and the person's name is Marian Dorobantu.. I dont think there is any doubt that this guy is the one behind these scams...

Now it's our job to make him sorry :)
I stopped using Paypal a couple years ago !!

Ever since Ebay bought Paypal, this has been a major problem with any merchandise.

That is why Google Checkout, Bidpay, and ProPay were invented. Uses Credit Cards and can be disputed like any other transaction.
thanks for the reply guys.

on paypal, his name is Brad Farmer, and i doubt it's his real name, but apparently his paypal account is verified.

i just hope paypal would sort it out and will keep you guys posted

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