- Impact
- 5,197
The top domain name sale of the day was PainFoundation.org selling for $11,500.00 at GoDaddy. NameBio tracked 356 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $228,887.00 with an average price of $642.94 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was an increase of 6% in the number of sales but the total dollar volume decreased by 43%. NameBio also recorded an additional 1,741 sales below $100 for a total of $32,227.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for September 9th, 2023
Market Stats for September 9th, 2023
Domain | Price | Venue |
painfoundation.org | $11,500 | GoDaddy |
whois.fo | $10,099 | Catched.com |
matebook.com | $9,466 | GoDaddy |
perfit.com | $7,100 | GoDaddy |
modernagriculture.com | $6,088 | BuyDomains |
barcoderva.com | $4,250 | GoDaddy |
moneychat.com | $4,250 | GoDaddy |
riyals.com | $4,150 | GoDaddy |
lillianrose.com | $4,054 | GoDaddy |
siesta.io | $3,950 | Dynadot |
xleague.com | $3,600 | DropCatch |
ispc.com | $3,552 | GoDaddy |
apartmentbuyer.com | $3,000 | GoDaddy |
stockit.com | $2,905 | GoDaddy |
blueprints.ai | $2,850 | Namecheap |
loldytt.com | $2,850 | GoDaddy |
spyglass.org | $2,488 | BuyDomains |
georgiafamily.com | $2,414 | GoDaddy |
superdoku.com | $2,288 | BuyDomains |
couponplus.com | $2,275 | Dynadot |
mindzilla.com | $2,251 | GoDaddy |
drita.com | $2,247 | GoDaddy |
secondly.com | $2,160 | GoDaddy |
growpeople.com | $2,100 | DropCatch |
goliathcasino.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
update-software.com | $2,000 | GoDaddy |
nordom.com | $1,988 | BuyDomains |
spool.io | $1,898 | Sav.com |
americanrailway.com | $1,888 | BuyDomains |
tailoredcontent.com | $1,888 | BuyDomains |
ticketfan.com | $1,852 | GoDaddy |
residentialpainting.com | $1,800 | GoDaddy |
luxelandscape.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
ultimatesurvivors.com | $1,788 | BuyDomains |
ifist.com | $1,773 | Dynadot |
veryserious.com | $1,689 | GoDaddy |
hirewire.com | $1,600 | DropCatch |
hotsanjosenights.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
blogelina.com | $1,516 | GoDaddy |
allstarplumbing.com | $1,516 | GoDaddy |
thegibsonbar.com | $1,515 | GoDaddy |
hg887.com | $1,495 | GoDaddy |
spotlighttheater.com | $1,488 | BuyDomains |
northshorecrafts.com | $1,425 | GoDaddy |
portlanddentalimplants.com | $1,388 | BuyDomains |
200sf.com | $1,312 | GoDaddy |
andysadventures.com | $1,300 | BuyDomains |
cookingmix.com | $1,288 | BuyDomains |
fohui.com | $1,277 | GoDaddy |
sapsa.com | $1,223 | GoDaddy |
cana.io | $1,198 | Sav.com |
localprice.com | $1,101 | DropCatch |
cleanmissouri.org | $1,100 | Namecheap |
premierbetting.com | $1,075 | GoDaddy |
586868.com | $1,011 | GoDaddy |
universaltax.com | $1,000 | DropCatch |
Market Stats for September 9th, 2023
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 326 | $201,810 | $619 | $232 |
New gTLDs | 7 | $1,825 | $261 | $193 |
ccTLDs | 23 | $25,252 | $1,098 | $344 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 295 | $178,496 | $605 | $225 |
ORG | 21 | $19,094 | $909 | $200 |
IO | 14 | $11,050 | $789 | $441 |
NET | 8 | $3,020 | $378 | $340 |
WATCH | 1 | $156 | $156 | $156 |
ART | 1 | $116 | $116 | $116 |
CA | 1 | $106 | $106 | $106 |
TAX | 1 | $443 | $443 | $443 |
BLUE | 1 | $150 | $150 | $150 |
CO | 1 | $151 | $151 | $151 |
GOLF | 1 | $193 | $193 | $193 |
AI | 1 | $2,850 | $2,850 | $2,850 |
FO | 1 | $10,099 | $10,099 | $10,099 |
GROUP | 1 | $280 | $280 | $280 |
SO | 1 | $260 | $260 | $260 |
TATTOO | 1 | $487 | $487 | $487 |
TV | 1 | $315 | $315 | $315 |
INFO | 1 | $570 | $570 | $570 |
TO | 1 | $102 | $102 | $102 |
DE | 1 | $161 | $161 | $161 |
ME | 1 | $158 | $158 | $158 |
BIZ | 1 | $630 | $630 | $630 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 223 | $141,146 | $633 | $245 |
DropCatch | 59 | $21,129 | $358 | $114 |
Namecheap | 27 | $10,974 | $406 | $260 |
Dynadot | 17 | $12,009 | $706 | $310 |
Sav.com | 13 | $6,482 | $499 | $280 |
BuyDomains | 12 | $25,668 | $2,139 | $1,838 |
Sedo | 2 | $648 | $324 | $324 |
Catched.com | 1 | $10,099 | $10,099 | $10,099 |
Docky.ly | 1 | $630 | $630 | $630 |
Park.io | 1 | $102 | $102 | $102 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 14 | $20,345 | $1,453 | $661 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 5 | $5,756 | $1,151 | $342 |
Keyword (x2) | 170 | $138,798 | $816 | $271 |
Keyword (x3) | 39 | $15,551 | $399 | $210 |
Keyword (x4) | 8 | $3,566 | $446 | $187 |
Geo Domains | 2 | $410 | $205 | $205 |
Geo + Keyword | 11 | $6,554 | $596 | $266 |
Surnames | 5 | $1,762 | $352 | $151 |
Given Names | 3 | $979 | $326 | $342 |
Domain Hacks | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crypto Domains | 2 | $598 | $299 | $299 |
Cannabis Domains | 9 | $3,985 | $443 | $189 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: