

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. Bob Hawkes

    strategy What Should I Do This Week?

    I find it challenging to prioritize the many possible tasks that come with domain investing. Some don’t take long to do, but in total the time commitment can be substantial with a large portfolio, or if you are early in domain investing and still learning. Also what ‘needs’ to be done is not...
  2. Bob Hawkes

    strategy What Should I Do This Week?

    I find it challenging to prioritize the many possible tasks that come with domain investing. Some don’t take long to do, but in total the time commitment can be substantial with a large portfolio, or if you are early in domain investing and still learning. Also what ‘needs’ to be done is not...
  3. Bob Hawkes

    advice A Dozen Things To Consider As We Start 2024

    The new year brings new domain name opportunities and challenges. Definitely 2023 saw a mix of both. This article is not about resolutions, but it is about reflecting on the past year, and setting the stage for the new one. Reflection is a helpful exercise in most things, and domain investing...
  4. Bob Hawkes

    advice A Dozen Things To Consider As We Start 2024

    The new year brings new domain name opportunities and challenges. Definitely 2023 saw a mix of both. This article is not about resolutions, but it is about reflecting on the past year, and setting the stage for the new one. Reflection is a helpful exercise in most things, and domain investing...


    DOMAIN CHEF - DOMAIN NAMES FROM SCRATCH! 👋 Greetings! 👨‍🍳 Today’s message goes out to the “DOMAIN CHEF”! We’re talking those who think outside the box of generic; and find value in creating domains from scratch…..or combinations of “XYZ”. 🍽 Thank you for recognizing domains are more than just...


    DOMAIN CHEF - DOMAIN NAMES FROM SCRATCH! 👋 Greetings! 👨‍🍳 Today’s message goes out to the “DOMAIN CHEF”! We’re talking those who think outside the box of generic; and find value in creating domains from scratch…..or combinations of “XYZ”. 🍽 Thank you for recognizing domains are more than just...
  7. Bob Hawkes

    strategy Regrets? Here Are A Few

    One of the more popular songs of all time is My Way. The English lyrics, adapted by Paul Anka from the French original, into a version specifically for Frank Sinatra, include “Regrets I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention.” That got me to thinking about regrets and domain name...
  8. Bob Hawkes

    strategy Regrets? Here Are A Few

    One of the more popular songs of all time is My Way. The English lyrics, adapted by Paul Anka from the French original, into a version specifically for Frank Sinatra, include “Regrets I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention.” That got me to thinking about regrets and domain name...


    Well, we have a client looking to part ways with a (100) domain portfolio. Based on our assessment of the assets, it’s a very solid portfolio considering the future use-case prospects for certain gtlds. The portfolio isn’t anchored by short .coms; but the value in SLDs like “ip.credit”...


    Well, we have a client looking to part ways with a (100) domain portfolio. Based on our assessment of the assets, it’s a very solid portfolio considering the future use-case prospects for certain gtlds. The portfolio isn’t anchored by short .coms; but the value in SLDs like “ip.credit”...
  11. DomainBoxio

    auction Huge Lot Premium .COMs - $5 Start brandsperfect.com

    You are bidding on all names listed below. Registrar: FastHosts (FREE Push or Auth Codes) Start: $5 Inc: $5 BIN: $2000 Ends: 96 H after last bid or BIN Claimed Payment is PayPal within 24H of Auction End brandsperfect.com expires: 3rd Dec 2017 backupkart.com expires: 4th Dec 2017...
  12. DomainBoxio

    auction Huge Lot Premium .COMs - $5 Start brandsperfect.com

    You are bidding on all names listed below. Registrar: FastHosts (FREE Push or Auth Codes) Start: $5 Inc: $5 BIN: $2000 Ends: 96 H after last bid or BIN Claimed Payment is PayPal within 24H of Auction End brandsperfect.com expires: 3rd Dec 2017 backupkart.com expires: 4th Dec 2017...
  13. Cannuck

    negotiable growopportunities.com

    Entrepreneurial domain for investment (green industry): GrowOpportunities . com Registrar: GoDaddy Transfer: push to GD acct Payment: Paypal/Escrow Interested offers?
  14. Cannuck

    negotiable growopportunities.com

    Entrepreneurial domain for investment (green industry): GrowOpportunities . com Registrar: GoDaddy Transfer: push to GD acct Payment: Paypal/Escrow Interested offers?
  15. News

    information Domain Investments Offer Unique Opportunities for High Returns

    Domain names make great investments. The reasons behind many domain transactions can be complex, but the investment payoff is simple: Internet space is very limited and highly sought after in the digital age. Since speculation began more than 20 years ago, domains have remained hot commodities...
  16. News

    information Domain Investments Offer Unique Opportunities for High Returns

    Domain names make great investments. The reasons behind many domain transactions can be complex, but the investment payoff is simple: Internet space is very limited and highly sought after in the digital age. Since speculation began more than 20 years ago, domains have remained hot commodities...
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