
poll Where Do You Point Your Domains?

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Where Do You Point Your Domains?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Sedo

  • Afternic

  • Undeveloped

  • Parking (ParkingCrew, Voodoo, etc.)

  • Efty

  • My own listing site

  • Other

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Results are only viewable after voting.


GolanMedia.comTop Member
There are many venues we can list domains on simultaneously- Sedo, Afternic, Undeveloped, Efty, parking, own portfolio sites...

But only one place to point the domain.

Where you guys prefer your domains to be pointed? I read here many pros about pointing to Afternic or Undeveloped sales pages. I still keep most of my domains at ParkingCrew, this way i can almost earn for the portfolio renewal and i still get inquiries via their "make an offer" form.

And what do you prefer and why?

Please share your experience.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Bodis, seem to get decent clicks/visits and promptly pays once per month.
Used to point to Bodis for sale pages, now use Undeveloped.
Parked at Uniregistry Market + listed at Sedo and Afternic.
I point to my free site tools so webmasters can benefit regardless.
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bodis - landing page with make offer option and
undeveloped - testing
Was gonna build my own site, but too lazy, still at undeveloped.
±40%+ to my own website
±40% to Undeveloped
±20% Parked to Uniregistry and Bodis
My own listing site, why?
zero sales commissions
buyer pays escrow fees
no sign up required to submit an offer
end user information not anonymous name, email, phone, ip etc...
domain traffic builds my own brand instead of someone else's for free

Domains entered at Sedo, Afternic, Uniregistry as well but 90%+ offers/sales happen direct as most come in to wherever ya point the domains.
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My own website, it took me about 130h to build but I'm happy with the results. I built it only to avoid the extra fees.
P.S Nice poll, hopefully NP staff will place it in sidebar to have more votes.
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±40%+ to my own website
±40% to Undeveloped
±20% Parked to Uniregistry and Bodis
And how do you determine which domain goes to where? Blind roulette, or you have some considerations or algorithm in mind?
And how do you determine which domain goes to where? Blind roulette, or you have some considerations or algorithm in mind?

For domain names that have better potential in parking (eg: good traffic or high CPC I parked in Uniregistry or Bodis)

The rest I simply choose based on my own considerations, domain trends, sell price or some name that I am going to quick sale.
Most of my names are pointed to my Efty MarketPlace. Still about 50 names parked at Voodoo and ParkingCrew (these were the names that generated the most income from Parking).

And I also have a few names pointed to ToughDomains (as a MarketPlace like Efty). TD had some interesting features where you can setup your own Ad Campaigns as Banners on your landing pages. I'm keeping an eye on how they roll out their MarketPlace (which appears to be a single place to go to see ALL names from users of their platform).

I point to cashparking for most with email inquiry option so they can contact me directly. Most are listed at bin with afternic and make offer at sedo. I'm thinking of creating a marketplace also and just leave make offer on MLS
It can definitely vary as far as what will be the most profitable in the end, although I personally don't hold much faith for the current state of domain parking (but admittedly this is most likely due to a whole lot of different company experience on the matter)
Either way, I find that developing a domain or pointing it to a personally built sales page are strong tactics.
Bodis or ParkingCrew...
If significant traffic - ParkingCrew in 99% of cases.
I've tried most every solution and will be experimenting with sending the domains to my custom Epik Marketplace. Why? The last name I sold was thru there inadvertently and it ended up being the lowest commission (5% to cash out, 0% if you use the funds to buy more domains or renewals) and one of the faster payouts I've had.

Since they are one of the few that offer payment plans as well I think I can convert better there than anywhere else. I will still have the names listed at Afternic / Sedo / and a few other places at make offer.
Bodis or ParkingCrew...
If significant traffic - ParkingCrew in 99% of cases.
What number of visits per month you consider as significant traffic?
I used to have mine pointing to bodis until they banned my account for no good reason, so now im using efty
Epik for most. Can create your own marketplace,offer payment plans,list on there marketplace, did not have a sale there but from what it looks like they take 0% commision if you use the masterbucks or 5% for cashout.
To top it off the customer support was helpful and quick with response which is a big must in my eyes.

I also have a few pointed to undeveloped and no bad experience there. I like it also.
I list on other marketplaces also (Afternic,Sedo, GD) to increase my chances.
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I point all my domains to my own private lander but I list them on a number of auction sites. I figure I will never point them to an auction or broker site because it would be silly for me to pay a 20% commission on a straight address bar punch in.

I have a number of sales where people saw me at auction and punched the domain in to see where it landed. When they contacted me directly I gave them a good deal because I had no other costs.

I'll take an auction sale but my private lander works the best for me.

I would pick Efty as my second choice but they would have to make a few changes before I accepted them to represent my business.

Some of the items being...

- a customizable favicon without having to go to top tier plan
- larger logos
- being able to shut off infinite scroll
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.