
strategy Should we still bother with listings on the "triple-three" Marketplaces?

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Placing listings on the big three marketplaces, Afternic, Sedo, and Dan, has been routinely suggested on Namepros. However, now that Afternic and Dan have both fallen under the GoDaddy Branding. Sedo appears to have remained independent.

The simplicity of having the domains in only one or maybe two marketplaces would be a welcomed change. One marketplace that stands out above the rest. At least from the GoDaddy-related domain listings, one would now question even if having Dan and Afternic is that helpful.

Should we reconsider the big "triple-three." Would perhaps a choice of Sedo and Afternic or Dan make more sense now?

Note that this is being posted after recurrent challenges I have had signing into the Dan account This has been a good thing, I guess, as it has provoked more thought into the wisdom of trying to keep track of domain selling in multiple placeds.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It gets curiouser and curiouser as each day passes. I was originally at Efty paying about $10 a month then decided that Dan were doing something similar for free and as I was on a very limited budget at the time every penny/cent counted.

At Dan I had Bodis integration activated and I noticed that every single month everyone of my domains would have at least one view. However, when this was dropped and GD moved in these same 'single' views have suddenly disappeared.

When I cross reference my 2-3,000 views on Dan each month I see that maybe only 6-10 are 'actual' views with time spent on each domain being timed in minutes rather than seconds. This means that potentially 99.5% (ish) of all my views are darn BOTS....exterminate...exterminate.

I'm still trying to find my magic formula. I will find it...eventually!!! maybe, I just have dot.rubbish domains.

The irony in my life is that when I had finally started to receive clicks on my ads I only managed to accrue $6 at Bodis and the minimum withdrawal limit is $10. I guess I'm still in credit though.

If anyone manages to figure this game out please let me know.


When I cross reference my 2-3,000 views on Dan each month I see that maybe only 6-10 are 'actual' views with time spent on each domain being timed in minutes rather than seconds. This means that potentially 99.5% (ish) of all my views are darn BOTS....exterminate...exterminate.
You are the sleuth! Thanks for the technical insights. I agree that this is frustrating, and the Bots, if they are not providing any added benefit to domain sellers, need to be eliminated for internet pest control!
So you were going with Efty before alone, not with the "triple-three?"
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You are the sleuth! Thanks for the technical insights. I agree that this is frustrating, and the Bots, if they are not providing any added benefit to domain sellers, need to be eliminated for internet pest control!
So you were going with Efty before alone, not with the "triple-three?"
There is so much to learn and so little time. Yeah, this was a couple of years ago and I changed when maybe I didn't really need to at that time. I was (and still am) learning the business and did what I thought was right.

I had some listed at Afternic but never got more than one sale so not very successful for me. Maybe it is different for others.

I try to think as an end user and try to work out what they might want but it is harder than it seems. I transferred away from GD when I hit renewal times as they were up over $20 at that time and moved them to a local registry who could do dotcoms for less than $8. Then, I figured out that they didn't participate in the Afternic fast transfer programme so transferred them over time to Epik. I'm now moving away from Epik to Dynadot as Epik wanted $35 for renewing dotcoms which is just plain crazy.

It's one thing after another in this business and if I had any hair I would tear it out in frustration.

What successes have you had with your strategy?


It's one thing after another in this business and if I had any hair I would tear it out in frustration.

What successes have you had with your strategy?


Have yet to find one that works. The "triple-three" turned out to have success with only Sedo and Afternic. So, what I think will work best at this point is streamlining my listings to two marketplaces. At a minimum, my preference is to save time and make the monitoring more efficient, while developing or doing outbound for the domains.
My strongest preference is to only use one marketplace ultimately.
If you stop listing @ either of those marketplaces - somebody else will list your domains from other marketplaces pretty fast. Confirmed. Especially on DAN. And on Afternic. Even Sedo is affected but to less extend (they are supposed to verify ownership via DNS text records, but, since they now allow some time for dns TXT record to be added /before deleting unconfirmed domain/, folks will simply resubmit your domains again and again).
DAN is the biggest problem. A month ago I decided to renew one of my domains which was expired and in grace period (so still owned by myself). It was previously for sale, but I deleted it from all marketplaces before expiration. OK, I renewed the domain. Unsurprisingly, it was already listed by somebody else on DAN, so, in order to add it to DAN again, I had to confirm ownership via DNS...
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it was already listed by somebody else on DAN, so, in order to add it to DAN again, I had to confirm ownership via DNS...
weird i always manage to get the domain added to my account just by asking support to remove it from the previous owner account and add it to mine no ownership verification required i have done this not once but hundred of times
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If you stop listing @ either of those marketplaces - somebody else will list your domains from other marketplaces pretty fast. Confirmed. Especially on DAN.
Oh, brother! So the motto here is to list it on the multiple marketplaces so somebody else, who doesn't own it, can't put it up. Dan has lately reported progress on this matter, but perhaps this is unduly optimistic?

weird i always manage to get the domain added to my account just by asking support to remove it from the previous owner account and add it to mine no ownership verification required i have done this not once but hundred of times

Ah, the convenience of trust! In an ideal world, that's the way it should be. For the "triple-three," Sedo is the one that I think twice about the listing, due to the extra verification steps. Ultimately, for the other two, having those extra steps may become imperative. Imagine, though, that if more domains were registered with the privacy settings off, that would help make those simple requests immediately verifiable.
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I still do the big three , because my targeted end users are mainly Europe and Canada . Those three get the job done very well for me.

I would stick with what you are currently doing.
I still do the big three , because my targeted end users are mainly Europe and Canada . Those three get the job done very well for me.

I would stick with what you are currently doing.
Thanks for the advice. For now, I decided to streamline my efforts to the "Big Two," that have actually produced any sale after almost a year trial. And, now that Dan is branded with GoDaddy, I question whether the two marketplaces, AN and Dan, will prove redundant.
So, do you find that Dan helped you with the European and Canadian sales? Admittedly, for the small portfolio domain I have, that was never the target audience, (for developing them or selling them).
Good luck with your marketplace choices, whatever they may be.
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Thanks for the advice. For now, I decided to streamline my efforts to the "Big Two," that have actually produced any sale after almost a year trial. And, now that Dan is branded with GoDaddy, I question whether the two marketplaces, AN and Dan, will prove redundant.
So, do you find that Dan helped you with the European and Canadian sales? Admittedly, for the small portfolio domain I have, that was never the target audience, (for developing them or selling them).
Good luck with your marketplace choices, whatever they may be.

98% of all my sales are to Europeans. Americans are cheapskates lol , just kidding , but yes, absolutely Dan has brought me those sales, Now, with the fairly new acquisition of Godaddy taking place , I have seen a drop , I don’t know why just yet … but I also list with Godaddy and Afternic , Godaddy itself has never brought me substantial sales , Afternic , I have to raise my pricing due to commission , it works out with some domains , and not with others .

I feel as if the aftermarket is somewhat cornered right now , although I like Godaddy , they own uniregistry, Dan, Afternic. That is a little to much monopolizing for my taste , but as I said, I do like Godaddy . Right now as it is, I am liking Sedo a lot , I always have , but at this particular time, I am really liking Sedo a lot.

I have never tried selling with Brandpa or any of those platforms , so I couldn’t give an opinion on them. I have heard from some friends they are good though.
I feel as if the aftermarket is somewhat cornered right now , although I like Godaddy , they own uniregistry, Dan, Afternic. That is a little to much monopolizing for my taste , but as I said, I do like Godaddy . Right now as it is, I am liking Sedo a lot , I always have , but at this particular time, I am really liking Sedo a lot.
As an end-of-the-year update and reassessment of these marketplaces, overall Afternic for me produced 3x the sales compared to Sedo and 20x the income. DAN I had stopped using, after no sales and other issues.

For myself, overall Afternic outshined the competition by leaps and bounds.
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I have deleted everything from Dan and now just use Afternic and Sedo.

For landers I use ns5/ns6 on Afternic. For names that Afternic will not list, I land them on Sedo using the Sl1 and Sl2 nameservers.
I have deleted everything from Dan and now just use Afternic and Sedo.

For landers I use ns5/ns6 on Afternic. For names that Afternic will not list, I land them on Sedo using the Sl1 and Sl2 nameservers.
Simpler, itsn't it, not having to check all three!

Now, I'm primarily using Sedo and Namecheap. For Afternic, I'm sorting out some concerns about Fast Transfer, but might eventually return without using the FT.

It's been noted on the forum that NC in the past has had limited success for higher-priced domains, i.e more than a few hundred dollars. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. They post some interesting facts to help with sales, such as a high number of web searches, AHRef ranks, and Estibot for some domains.

Good luck with the sales!
I have deleted everything from Dan and now just use Afternic and Sedo.

For landers I use ns5/ns6 on Afternic. For names that Afternic will not list, I land them on Sedo using the Sl1 and Sl2 nameservers.

I have a couple ''Trump'' names - neither Afternic nor Sedo lists them :xf.grin::xf.grin::xf.grin:
Should we still bother?


maybe the question should be, "should i still bother?"

i'm not having any conflicts with any perceived monopolies or redundancies with the "free to list" marketplace platforms -
as each brings something that can be used at the table.

@LoveCatchyDomains says
Simpler, itsn't it, not having to check all three!

I use and it checks the pricing and ns of the BIG 3 nightly. Shows any discrepancies.
@VadimK have you checked to see how many of your names are listed at dan?
I mean like someone else lïsted checked lol
Some people dont like certain landers as they get indexëd in gooogle.
Should we still bother?


maybe the question should be, "should i still bother?"
Well, both questions are fine. It's a matter of what works for each individual
I use and it checks the pricing and ns of the BIG 3 nightly. Shows any discrepancies.
@VadimK have you checked to see how many of your names are listed at dan?
I mean like someone else lïsted checked lol
Oh, brother! I hope that there still aren't other folks listing your domains, Vlad (if you don't want that)
Some people dont like certain landers as they get indexëd in gooogle.

What landers get indexed in Google?
@VadimK have you checked to see how many of your names are listed at dan?
I mean like someone else lïsted checked lol

I guess, none. I have them all listed myself there.
Generally speaking, with your verification DAN will remove all the ''leftovers'', no?
@VadimK sorry quooted wrong person
its Jimbo from Ny removed his names from dan
I have never been asked for verification from dan, sedo or afternic
I think Dan has been made redundant since the merger. Also Dan does not do fast transfer like Afternic and Sedo does.

Dan brought me sales in the past, but only because it was the lander. If Afternic is now my lander, I just dont see a need for Dan anymore. Is anybody going to the Dan website to look for names ?
It gets curiouser and curiouser as each day passes. I was originally at Efty paying about $10 a month then decided that Dan were doing something similar for free and as I was on a very limited budget at the time every penny/cent counted.

At Dan I had Bodis integration activated and I noticed that every single month everyone of my domains would have at least one view. However, when this was dropped and GD moved in these same 'single' views have suddenly disappeared.

When I cross reference my 2-3,000 views on Dan each month I see that maybe only 6-10 are 'actual' views with time spent on each domain being timed in minutes rather than seconds. This means that potentially 99.5% (ish) of all my views are darn BOTS....exterminate...exterminate.

I'm still trying to find my magic formula. I will find it...eventually!!! maybe, I just have dot.rubbish domains.

The irony in my life is that when I had finally started to receive clicks on my ads I only managed to accrue $6 at Bodis and the minimum withdrawal limit is $10. I guess I'm still in credit though.

If anyone manages to figure this game out please let me know.



Actually more like 99%.

I know because I work on something in this line and have measured it over time.
I use Afternic and Sedo. Almost all sales come through Afternic. I was not impressed with DAN and dropped them years ago.

I've been using but will drop it soon. They have a nasty bug where the leads from the Make Offer form never arrive, and their support just doesn't respond. It's a decent product otherwise, but I'm not paying $100/month for a service that is losing leads for me and doesn't bother responding to support email.

Bodis has treated me well and pays out on time. I have a few domains that make consistent parking revenue. Nothing wild but enough to cover their reg fees.

Uniregistry parking owes me about $150 and doesn't respond to support emails either, so I've dropped them too.
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I think Dan has been made redundant since the merger. Also Dan does not do fast transfer like Afternic and Sedo does.

Dan brought me sales in the past, but only because it was the lander. If Afternic is now my lander, I just dont see a need for Dan anymore. Is anybody going to the Dan website to look for names ?
Haven't checked lately but does Afternic or Sedo offer Lease to Own? Right now, I'm about 90% Dan landing pages and 10% Afternic ns5/ns6.

There is no doubt in my mind you're missing out on sales if you don't have a Lease to Own option. I have 4 right now where I'm getting paid like that. I've had a recent one where they paid 5 out of 6 payments and I get the domain back. That's another benefit.

Most people can't buy a car straight up, that's the same with a lot of domains.
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