
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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Isn't that sort of what the UN (incl. WHO) does?

The problem is that these international organizations tend to become political chess pieces on the world stage.

There are so many other existential threats beyond just Pandemics that are facing Humanity and our Home Planet.

We need to go one step further and create a new Global (Universal) organization or task force that can protect Humanity and our Home Planet from All threats whether manmade or natural.

We also have to put some safeguards in place to make sure that such organization or task force remains a righteous force for good that serves the interests of all Humanity and our Home Planet without becoming influenced negatively by any Country or entity.

Until the World can ascend to a higher level of thinking and existence and find common grounds over the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion and as long as the present political and social divisions and animosities continue to exist amongst the World powers it seems that any attempt to create such Global (Universal) organization or task force as I have mentioned falls on the shoulders of caring and well meaning people across the globe to come up with a people oriented non profit organization or forum that can at least create awareness and bring attention to the many threats that are facing Humanity and our Home Planet.

As I already mentioned in my previous posts we need to come up with a scientific, logical, and compassionate method of problem solving that can address all the threats that are facing Us and our Home planet before we pass the point of no return in so many different fronts.

Nevertheless the time for giving the same old speeches and attending the same useless Conferences is over,

This is the time for action,

And if the World powers and the UN are not willing to do it, We the people of the World ourselves have to put the wheels of reform into motion.

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FDA grants emergency authorization to Johnson & Johnson vaccine

"The new vaccine is the first single-dose shot for Covid-19 protection."

"The Food and Drug Administration granted emergency use authorization to Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine on Saturday, adding a third vaccine to the U.S. arsenal to fight the pandemic.

“The authorization of this vaccine expands the availability of vaccines, the best medical prevention method for COVID-19, to help us in the fight against this pandemic, which has claimed over half a million lives in the United States,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, in a statement.

"We're in a race between the virus mutating, with new variants coming out that can cause further disease, and stopping it," said Dr. Jay Portnoy, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine and a member of the advisory committee.

"The fewer people who are infected with the virus, the less opportunity it has to emerge as a more virulent strain."
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,539,063
United States: 524,669
Brazil: 254,263
South Africa: 49,941
United Kingdom: 122,705
Canada: 21,960
Mexico: 185,257
Poland: 43,769
Russia: 86,122
India: 157,087
Bolivia: 11,628
Japan : 7,807
Indonesia: 36,166
Italy: 97,507
Spain: 69,142
Belgium: 22,052
France: 86,332
Netherlands: 15,543
Chile: 20,476
Philippines: 12,318
Pfizer vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity, says study

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity, data suggests.

Italian researchers have discovered that healthcare workers with obesity produced only about half the amount of antibodies in response to a second dose of the jab compared with healthy people. Although it is too soon to know what this means for the efficacy of the vaccine, it might imply that people with obesity need an additional booster dose to ensure they are adequately protected against coronavirus.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,544,482
United States: 525,780
Brazil: 255,018
South Africa: 49,993
United Kingdom: 122,849
Canada: 21,994
Mexico: 185,715
Poland: 43,793
Russia: 86,455
India: 157,195
Bolivia: 11,649
Japan : 7,860
Indonesia: 36,325
Italy: 97,699
Spain: 69,142
Belgium: 22,077
France: 86,454
Netherlands: 15,563
Chile: 20,572
Philippines: 12,322
As the number of deaths climbs I am baffled by the fact that some people still refuse to wear masks and follow the other hygiene and safety protocols and guidelines specially when they are packed in crowded and confined places.

I believe some people want to make a political statement by not wearing masks, but that's like some surgeons deciding not to wash their hands or not to wear masks in order to make a political statement.

I believe some things have to be left out of the politics.

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2 in 3 Russians Believe Coronavirus Is a Bioweapon – Poll

Nearly two out of three Russians believe the conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is a bioweapon created by humans, a survey by the independent Levada Center polling agency said Monday.

According to Levada’s results, 64% of Russian respondents said Covid-19 was artificially created as a new form of biological weapon. That compares with 23% who said the virus emerged naturally and 13% who couldn’t answer.

Levada’s survey also found a correlation between rapidly declining daily caseloads and Russians’ fear of getting infected.

More than half, or 56%, of Russian respondents said they are not afraid of catching Covid-19 versus 43% who said they are afraid of it. That marks the lowest share of those who fear the virus since February 2020, when the pandemic had just started spreading worldwide and before Russia saw significant Covid-19 case numbers.

The figures stand in inverse proportion to October 2020, when 64% of Russians said they were afraid of catching the virus versus 34% who weren’t afraid as daily infection rates began to soar.
2 in 3 Russians Believe Coronavirus Is a Bioweapon – Poll

Nearly two out of three Russians believe the conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is a bioweapon created by humans, a survey by the independent Levada Center polling agency said Monday.

According to Levada’s results, 64% of Russian respondents said Covid-19 was artificially created as a new form of biological weapon. That compares with 23% who said the virus emerged naturally and 13% who couldn’t answer.

Levada’s survey also found a correlation between rapidly declining daily caseloads and Russians’ fear of getting infected.

More than half, or 56%, of Russian respondents said they are not afraid of catching Covid-19 versus 43% who said they are afraid of it. That marks the lowest share of those who fear the virus since February 2020, when the pandemic had just started spreading worldwide and before Russia saw significant Covid-19 case numbers.

The figures stand in inverse proportion to October 2020, when 64% of Russians said they were afraid of catching the virus versus 34% who weren’t afraid as daily infection rates began to soar.

But who exactly do they think created it?
Pfizer vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity, says study

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity, data suggests.

Italian researchers have discovered that healthcare workers with obesity produced only about half the amount of antibodies in response to a second dose of the jab compared with healthy people. Although it is too soon to know what this means for the efficacy of the vaccine, it might imply that people with obesity need an additional booster dose to ensure they are adequately protected against coronavirus.
The Pfizer vaccine has been proven to be the most effective one with 95% efficacy, along the Moderna one. So if Pfizer is less effective in people with obesity, I bet the other ones like AstraZeneca that has a 63% efficacy in normal circumstances, will be also even less effective.
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Inside 'post-Covid' clinics: How specialized centers are trying to treat long-haulers

"As the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S. appears to be turning a corner, another health crisis is brewing: Covid-19 survivors struggling to bounce back to their former selves.

Of the more than 28 million Americans diagnosed with Covid-19, an estimated 10 to 30 percent — possibly as many as 8.4 million people — fall into the category commonly known as "long-haulers."
Our leader, is going to speak to the people shortly, regarding vaccines. He is the leader of the province of British Columbia in Canada about 5 million in our province(state)
These are Canada current numbers population 37.59 million (2019)
Doses given 1.78M
Fully vaccinated 435K
% of population fully vaccinated 1.16%
Experts warn Brazil facing darkest days of Covid crisis as deaths hit highest level

Health experts and lawmakers have warned Brazil is steaming into the darkest days of its coronavirus catastrophe, as fatalities soared to new heights and one prominent politician compared the crisis to an atomic bomb.

Politicians from across the spectrum voiced anger and exasperation at the deteriorating situation on Monday, after Brazil’s weekly average of Covid deaths hit its highest level since the epidemic began last February and hospitals around the country reported being swamped.

According to the newspaper O Globo, intensive care units in 17 of Brazil’s 26 states were near capacity, while six states and the capital Brasília had run out of intensive care beds altogether.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,552,272
United States: 527,226
Brazil: 255,836
South Africa: 50,077
United Kingdom: 122,953
Canada: 22,017
Mexico: 186,152
Poland: 44,008
Russia: 86,896
India: 157,275
Bolivia: 11,666
Japan : 7,887
Indonesia: 36,518
Italy: 97,945
Spain: 69,609
Belgium: 22,106
France: 86,803
Netherlands: 15,584
Chile: 20,660
Philippines: 12,369
Experts warn Brazil facing darkest days of Covid crisis as deaths hit highest level

Health experts and lawmakers have warned Brazil is steaming into the darkest days of its coronavirus catastrophe, as fatalities soared to new heights and one prominent politician compared the crisis to an atomic bomb.

The current death toll is closer to two or three atomic bombs ;(

The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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The current death toll is closer to two or three atomic bombs ;(

This is more like the second Holocaust that took place right under our noses and still continues to go on.

Those who downplayed the seriousness of this Pandemic and their operatives who tried to convince us that this whole thing was a hoax knew from the very beginning how deadly this Pandemic was and have been using it to thin the herd by ridding the society of those whom they consider to be undesirable (racially or otherwise) while trying to protect the people they like by giving them access to the best healthcare (including the new therapeutics and vaccines).

It's funny that a lot of the racially homogeneous societies managed to protect their people while the ones that were more diverse ended up with the most number of infections and deaths.

And to this day some people still refuse to wear masks and follow the hygiene and safety protocols and guidelines recommended by the experts because they want to milk this Pandemic for whatever it can give them in the way of getting rid of a few million people.

This is going to go down in history as the biggest crime against Humanity of our generation.

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This is more like the second Holocaust that took place right under our noses and still continues to go on.

Those who downplayed the seriousness of this Pandemic and their operatives who tried to convince us that this whole thing was a hoax knew from the very beginning how deadly this Pandemic was and have been using it to thin the herd by ridding the society of those who they consider to be undesirable (racially or otherwise) while trying to protect the people they like by giving them access to the best healthcare (including the new therapeutics and vaccines).

It's funny that a lot of the racially homogeneous societies managed to protect their people while the ones that were more diverse ended up with the most number of infections and deaths.

And to this day some people still refuse to wear masks and follow the hygiene and safety protocols and guidelines recommended by the experts because they want to milk this Pandemic for whatever it can give them in the way of getting rid of a few million people.

This is going to go down as the biggest crime against Humanity of our generation.


I've been trying not to read too much into the failures at this stage because it is too depressing. I think the priority is to concentrate on fighting this virus for now, but I'm sure that when the dust settles we will be dissecting the reasons for those failures for decades to come.
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I've been trying not to read too much into the failures at this stage because it is too depressing. I think the priority is to concentrate on fighting this virus for now, but I'm sure that when the dust settles we will be dissecting the reasons for those failures for decades to come.

This was no failure or mistake, this was done by calculation which was meant to spread the virus as much as possible, thus resulting in us having to fight more deadlier mutations and variants since now the virus has unlimited reservoir of humans to flourish in.

Now tell me why there was and still is a concerted effort by some to discourage people from wearing masks and abiding by the physical distancing and other safety and hygiene protocols and guidelines.

And tell me why to this day there are still millions of people (mostly minorities) who are deprived of having adequate and timely healthcare.

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It is sad to say, but Covid19 and its variants are here to stay. The hope is that they mutate out of existence, but newer variants are mutating in the other direction.

Covid Brazil variant 'may spread more easily'

The Brazil coronavirus variant now found in the UK appears more contagious and may evade immunity provided by past infection, scientists say.
This was no failure or mistake, this was done by calculation which was meant to spread the virus as much as possible, thus resulting in us having to fight more deadlier mutations and variants since now the virus has unlimited reservoir of humans to flourish in.

Now tell me why there was and still is a concerted effort by some to discourage people from wearing masks and abiding by the physical distancing and other safety and hygiene protocols and guidelines.

And tell me why to this day there are still millions of people (mostly minorities) who are deprived of having adequate and timely healthcare.


That's where i'm going to politely disagree with you.

Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I don't think this was engineered to do what you think it was.

I think the fact that many western countries have fared worse than poorer countries is simply proof that there is no great agenda. I think it was an inevitable tragedy given that our population numbers have exploded and we all travel freely. The virology experts have been warning us that this could happen for a couple of decades.

Anyway, I'm not getting any deeper into this ;)
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That's where i'm going to politely disagree with you.

Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I don't think this was engineered to do what you think it was.

I think the fact that many western countries have fared worse than poorer countries is simply proof that there is no great agenda. I think it was an inevitable tragedy given that our population numbers have exploded and we all travel freely. The virology experts have been warning us that this could happen for a couple of decades.

Anyway, I'm not getting any deeper into this ;)

That's fine, but the question still remains as to why there is and has been a concerted effort by some to discourage people from wearing masks and abiding by the physical distancing and other safety and hygiene protocols and guidelines and why there are still so many people who are deprived from having adequate and timely healthcare.

If you think that this things are not by design in the Countries that are more racially diverse then that means that this Holocaust is going to continue to go on and as a Human Rights and Environmental intellectual and activist it makes me feel extremely bad that some people are choosing to look the other way.

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EDIT: I think we are going off-topic - this thread is about news and updates :)
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EDIT: I think we are going off-topic - this thread is about news and updates :)

Okay lets get back on topic,

- Let's encourage everyone to wear masks and abide by the physical distancing and other safety and hygiene protocols that are recommended by the top experts.

- Lets make the vaccines and other therapeutics available to all the people as quickly as possible and encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

- Let's educate people on how to stay healthy and give everyone adequate and timely healthcare.

- Let's give adequate and timely help and assistance to those who are experiencing hardship.

Maybe then I can write all this off to coincidence than having been done by design.

(Oh wait, what I am suggesting to be done here goes against some people's political, religious, racial, and economical interests and agendas and so looks like the Pandemic is going to continue to go on indefinitely.)

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This is really good news...they have all the infrastructure in place to begin production.

Merck will reportedly help produce Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine shots after failing to make its own

Two of the largest US pharmaceutical companies are said to be partnering to speed up COVID-19 vaccine production.

Merck will dedicate two US facilities to make doses of Johnson & Johnson's vaccine, the officials said. Merck's resources could double the amount of vaccine that Johnson & Johnson can make on its own, according to the report.
COVID-19 can kill heart muscle cells, interfere with contraction

A study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis provides evidence that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 can invade and replicate inside heart muscle cells, causing cell death and interfering with heart muscle contraction. The image of engineered heart tissue shows human heart muscle cells (red) infected with SARS-CoV-2 (green).


Since early in the pandemic, COVID-19 has been associated with heart problems, including reduced ability to pump blood and abnormal heart rhythms. But it’s been an open question whether these problems are caused by the virus infecting the heart, or an inflammatory response to viral infection elsewhere in the body. Such details have implications for understanding how best to treat coronavirus infections that affect the heart.

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis provides evidence that COVID-19 patients’ heart damage is caused by the virus invading and replicating inside heart muscle cells, leading to cell death and interfering with heart muscle contraction. The researchers used stem cells to engineer heart tissue that models the human infection and could help in studying the disease and developing possible therapies.

The study is published Feb. 26 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Basic to Translational Science.

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