
sales Holiday Weekend in the U.S. Accompanied By Absence of Big Spenders in the Domain Aftermarket

Spaceship Spaceship
The new weekly domain sales report is out at DNJournal.com. Despite the long Labor Day holiday weekend in the U.S. we saw plenty of solid mid-range sales, however the big spenders apparently decided to join millions of others who took a break. The .coms enjoyed their usual domination sweeping 16 of 20 entries on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart. The other four spots all went to ccTLDs, including one that ranked among the week’s three biggest sales regardless of extension (and among the year’s 30 biggest country code sales to date). You can get all of the details here: https://www.dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2019/20190911.htm
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It's always interesting to see names in the 2-3k range that I wouldn't even look twice at on a drop list
Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
It's always interesting to see names in the 2-3k range that I wouldn't even look twice at on a drop list
Exactly!! So. True. EVERY time I see that, I am encouraged in my choices of names.
A challenge to learn more to me.
maybe it's good to hold on to that .com as i detect owning your own domain is becoming exponentially yet more popular mainstreaming upside instead of social media (traffic)..

-have a special day
Thanks for sharing!

@Ron Jackson
I found a mistake in the article.
Sedo went to sweep 18 of the 20 chart entries, including the first 18 in a row. The only exceptions to the Sedo rule were DomainLore.uk's sales of #19 VQ.uk at $1,845 and #20 UJ.com at $1,599.
Probably meant UJ.uk instead UJ.com
Still not corrected.
Probably the one who will read the article diagonally will be surprised at such a low price for 2 letters .com LOL:xf.grin:
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