
discuss Challenge of selling domain names for $XXXX

Spaceship Spaceship
Domainers in developed markets view $XXX sales as no big deal and having seen what companies spend internally on misc expenditures five figures should be no big deal for what amounts to a marketing expense.

However, those living in developed markets sometimes fail to realize how the rest of the world lives. A professional salary in the US likely puts one in the top 1% of global earners. So when you ask someone outside developed markets five figures for a domain name, they may look at you like you are asking for a million dollars.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Obviously you are more likely to sell domains to end users in the US than in Africa. I have seldom seen inquiries that were not coming either from the US or Europe, or some Western country.
It's also one reason why you should invest in mature ccTLDs only. Many ccTLDs are still underutilized or even embryonic (especially African extensions).
I guess you mean .de,.fr,
When I respond to inbound inquiries on Spanish domains I respond with my pricing and say US$xxxx

Since offers on English domains can still come from anywhere outside the US, it is not a bad idea to do the same for English domains as well.

I once received an offer of $50,000 for a geo real estate domain but suspected the buyer was not thinking in USD but in their local currency. I was correct.
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