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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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The main fact is democrat Rachel Madow blames "truthers" for boston bombing. That is a fact, she blamed so called "truthers" for the boston bombing.

MSNBC is now trying to convince the sheeple that the Boston Bombers were not linked to Islamic Extremists, but instead they were linked to "Right-wing Extremists"

Rachel Madow is a Clown wearing an Obama mask. Someone should send her to the Missouri State Fair to substitute the other rodeo clown that has been wrongfully banned for Politically Correct reasons.

NAACP, the biggest clowns in the US, are now claiming that the Rodeo Clown who mocked Obama committed a "Hate Crime"

:lol: :lol:
MSNBC is now trying to convince the sheeple that the Boston Bombers were not linked to Islamic Extremists, but instead they were linked to "Right-wing Extremists"

Is she right? Does she have any evidence of this? Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

Rachel Madow is a Clown wearing an Obama mask. Someone should send her to the Missouri State Fair to substitute the other rodeo clown that has been wrongfully banned for Politically Correct reasons.

For the zillionth time, why do you insist on calling people names?

NAACP, the biggest clowns in the US, are now claiming that the Rodeo Clown who mocked Obama committed a "Hate Crime":lol: :lol:

The NAACP, like many organizations has both strong and weak links, but why are you trying to ridicule someone's opinion? Just because you don't think its a hate crime doesn't mean it isn't.
For the zillionth time, why do you insist on calling people names?

Actually you are right. My apologies to the clowns who don't deserve the injustice of being compared to Rachel Madow

The NAACP, like many organizations has both strong and weak links, but why are you trying to ridicule someone's opinion? Just because you don't think its a hate crime doesn't mean it isn't.

Because the NAACP's statement is ridiculous. Bush got ridiculed a 1000 times worse during his 8 years in office and they never whispered a word of discontentment.

So..... does that mean you think it's a Hate Crime... or not?

Please provide a link where she says conspiracy theories justify violence.

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

MSNBC is now trying to convince the sheeple that the Boston Bombers were not linked to Islamic Extremists, but instead they were linked to "Right-wing Extremists"

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that you are misrepresenting the media here to suit your own agenda. Which is fine - I'm sure you have a healthy fan base of radical free thinkers in your pocket.. or something. But if not, what is the collective name you use for a blind allegiance to msm conspiracy theories and a strong anti-islam bias? Or is sheeple appropriate?
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Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that you are misrepresenting the media here to suit your own agenda. Which is fine - I'm sure you have a health fan base of radical free thinkers in your pocket.. or something.

You got it the other way round. It's the media that's misrepresenting the truth to suit their own political agenda. And all you need is just one brain cell to see this

didnt work, jump to 1:48

and I will have to correct myself "butts up against justifiying violence" is the exact quote.
We could check wiki for the real truth though....
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So I just watched some Truther Chick who seems to have some obsession/crush on Rachel, take some video out of context with clever editing. She seemed to be upset at one part with Rachel telling viewers they have some pop up book with pictures to help explain/dumb it down for the Truthers about 9/11. And it seems Theo, has wanted to let everybody know here by mentioning it a few times, he's still against encyclopedias/facts. Yes, this is well known about the Truther mindset.

In other news, Republicans throwing a little hissy fit because of some programs on Hillary, CNN and MSNBC are going to have:

Republicans vote to bar CNN, NBC News from partnering in '16 debates

So scared of Hillary, lol. They know, she runs, she wins.
I am not against encyclopedias , wiki can be scewed ,its documented, on the internet, its the truth, its a fact.

Just because it says "5,000 terror attacks prevented by NSA info" doesnt prove anything. That is exactly what and the context of I am talking about in regards to wiki.

The quote is there, in the video,thats it. Nobody even tried to hide that the video is edited, it is soo clear that it is edited as to show you that it is , a big black screen flashing in your face.

How is the video taken out of context?
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By not showing the beginning, middle and end. That segment was over 20 minutes long, she took out about a minutes worth of material.

I haven't watched the full thing, how come you didn't link to that?

Here -

"That is a fact, she blamed so called "truthers" for the boston bombing."

Where? You posted that as fact. Give me a direct quote, video of her blaming truthers for the Boston Bombing.

I just see her making fun of truthers, Alex Jones, their sheep, for always trying to blame our government for it.
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[ame=""]Maddow Paints 9/11 Truthers As Potential Terrorist - YouTube[/ame]

She says nothing like what is implied in that other video. I don't even like her.
She has been taken so far out of context there is no context left.

It's like reading the bible and seeing Jesus say "surely I come quickly" and saying that he would be in favor of free dispensing of Viagra to Christians.

The problem is that you all talk about conspiracy theory and then feed into the same radicalized nonsense.

Hi, I'm the only one who is paying attention and can see the conspiracies- everyone else is a moron. Check out these people online that I've found that agree with me and I follow. You are all sheeple because you blindly accept soundbites from people who don't know anything where I've found these smart people to listen to....but I'm no sheep.
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Where? You posted that as fact. Give me a direct quote, video of her blaming truthers for the Boston Bombing.
"and I will have to correct myself "butts up against justifiying violence" is the exact quote."

starrting at 1:48 of the first video , thats the quote where she says that it "butts up against justifiying violence" so really "allmost" justifying violence.

Yes I should have posted a link to the video, your right.

I often dont agree with her but the part at 11:18 , I agree with her point pertty much and around that point great editing work! Amazing, and what? She didnt play the videos of the people that she is talking about , amazing! Her edits , totaly out of context because the source material was not shown in whole. People in the video edited and taken out of context because she didnt show the begining middle and end.

The entire point oft he whole post was to provoke. Hell that is the main point of very many "news" shows in all parts of all spectrums.

"he problem is that you all talk about conspiracy theory and then feed into the same radicalized nonsense. "

Well that is the point, the things presented on MSNBC or FOX are more often than not "radicalized nonsense" but it is not accepted to call it "conspiracy theory" when in fact it is. Just because I post a video from abby martin doenst mean I agree with everything she says, I dont.

What would be defined as "radicalized nonsense" anyway, anything that you don t like ,or anything radical? I guess we should just stick to things that are not "radicalised nonsense" by concentrating on "pure nonsense" like who is going to win the next election.

---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------

There is no liberal media:
Actually you are right. My apologies to the clowns who don't deserve the injustice of being compared to Rachel Madow

I guess civility is a lost cause in some cases. Ever notice that it's the conservatives that do the name-calling?

Because the NAACP's statement is ridiculous. Bush got ridiculed a 1000 times worse during his 8 years in office and they never whispered a word of discontentment.
Was Bush depicted as a black man in a way that the NAACP should find disturbing?

So..... does that mean you think it's a Hate Crime... or not?
I don't know, but what do you think the rodeo clown was trying to accomplish by wearing a mask portraying president Obama? Apparently, many people found it offensive, but I'm not convinced it is a hate crime as much as poor judgment.
I don't know, but what do you think the rodeo clown was trying to accomplish by wearing a mask portraying president Obama? Apparently, many people found it offensive, but I'm not convinced it is a hate crime as much as poor judgment.

The problem is that some representative of the NAACP went on the radio and ran her mouth. I don't believe I have read any comment from the NAACP that anyone has actually requested any form of investigation and I don't think anyone has actually done anything. The media uses a lot of words like "demands federal probe" to paraphrase a radio interview to just get everyone in a tizzy. And it works.

Was it a hate crime? No.
Was it disrespectful to the highest office in the country? Yes.

It was at a taxpayer funded event so someone should/could be reprimanded because it was simply not appropriate. I would say the same if it was making fun of Bush...

EDIT 10:48 8/19: Seems there was some kind of formal statement made by the NAACP? I'm not sure... if there was a formal statement requesting investigation that really *is* absurd. I just assumed it was some knee-jerk reaction on radio that went viral.. my bad, I suppose.

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

"he problem is that you all talk about conspiracy theory and then feed into the same radicalized nonsense. "

Well that is the point, the things presented on MSNBC or FOX are more often than not "radicalized nonsense" but it is not accepted to call it "conspiracy theory" when in fact it is. Just because I post a video from abby martin doenst mean I agree with everything she says, I dont.

That statement was meant for GILSAN who appears to think there is some massive conspiracy theory to which he is somehow enlightened while the rest of us are all in the dark being spoon fed bullshit .... he calls us sheeple but spend his entire time following the same old characters and screaming the same old line with soundbites that have distorted news to the point of being unrecognizable.

There's a source to the right wing Boston Bombing discussion (the one that suggests maybe they were right wing racists or conspiracy theory nuts or influenced by a zionist movement they thought existed), and that source has legitimacy. The original papers and details didn't replace one cause with another when it came to the Tsarnaev brothers, it merely suggested that there may be multiple reasons for them going off the rails and concluded that maybe it's not as simple as they were just influenced by al-qaeda. People get all riled up for all kinds of things and people that sensationalize any point of view generally just continue to feed into the machine. So you get videos claiming that so and so blames al-qauda - another one blames the US govt CIA cover up etc... it's all just crap.

Simple sensationalism is what the unintelligent masses want because it gives them control of something. It's easier to understand black and white bullshit than it is to consider the nuance of gray.

The media takes everything out of context to feed the conservative right their news... and Gilsan harvests that... it feeds the more liberal left their news and people harvest that.. and twitter magnifies the stupid and the absurd and people reblog the shit like they have a clue.

The absence of critical judgment that people exercise these days is shockingly embarrassing. I was on twitter once - I ended up being reported and one of my "cohorts" ended up being arrested in Arizona for threatening behaviour - at that point I realize that people weren't having fun being crazy - they really are just batshit nuts.
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I guess civility is a lost cause in some cases. Ever notice that it's the conservatives that do the name-calling?

:lol: That's very funny indeed. Thanks... I needed a good laugh. :laugh:

Was Bush depicted as a black man in a way that the NAACP should find disturbing?

I don't know, but what do you think the rodeo clown was trying to accomplish by wearing a mask portraying president Obama? Apparently, many people found it offensive, but I'm not convinced it is a hate crime as much as poor judgment.

Here are10 images mocking George W. Bush that were far worse than a rodeo clown

How about "Game of Thrones" that showed George W. Bush's decapitated head impaled on a Stake. That probably was a good laugh for a lot of Liberals, wasn't it?

There are loads of other examples, but I think the above ones are more than sufficient.

As for the NAACP, since they never found any of the above images about Bush offensive, all I can say is that they are prejudiced and don't give a $hit about white people, which they've proved time and time again.
You know, Gilson, if you put in just a little effort to see the crap done with Obama effigies, you'll see that Bush and Obama have both been hanged, burned, shot and whatever, and it's all disgusting. And that photo of a profile resembling Mr. Bush, golly, why just that one profile photo over and over. Someone must have a frontal photo of the entire face. Would be no arguing with that. As it is, do you also believe the photos of the face on Mars is evidence of alien life?

Who says the NAACP didn't find some images of Mr. Bush offensive. Why would you say something like that? But what if they did? Why would you expect that organization to do for him? I didn't see the Boy Scouts or Future Farmers of America or the association of Rodeo Clowns or any other organizations doing much for either of them. Does that mean you think they too are "prejudiced" like you brand the NAACP? Nope. Why is that?
I guess civility is a lost cause in some cases. Ever notice that it's the conservatives that do the name-calling?

LMAO!.. Here we go again.

You don't watch your own network MSNBC Verbster? OR, you do watch it and your oblivious to the hate and distortion they spew on the air every single day of the week?

I suppose from a Liberal perspective, the likes of Ed Shultz, Maddow, Mathews and Sharpton are the true voice, the voice of reason and fairness right?... Nothing but a pack of blowhards who manipulate news stories to fit their own narrative, just like they did with JORGE Zimmerman, .

I especially like the guests they bring on their shows, when they cant book race baiters, they bring on Liberal bloggers who always find a way of trashing female conservatives, reporting on their personal lives, what they bought, how much they spent, where they dine, Tabloid journalism that only Liberals with no life would find interesting.

At MSNBC, we book anyone who will agree with us, who will bash and trash like we do, It's what the network pays us to do.

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LMAO!.. Here we go again.

You don't watch your own network MSNBC Verbster? OR, you do watch it and your oblivious to the hate and distortion they spew on the air every single day of the week?

I suppose from a Liberal perspective, the likes of Ed Shultz, Maddow, Mathews and Sharpton are the true voice, the voice of reason and fairness right?... Nothing but a pack of blowhards who manipulate news stories to fit their own narrative, just like they did with JORGE Zimmerman, .

I especially like the guests they bring on their shows, when they cant book race baiters, they bring on Liberal bloggers who always find a way of trashing female conservatives, reporting on their personal lives, what they bought, how much they spent, where they dine, Tabloid journalism that only Liberals with no life would find interesting.

At MSNBC, we book anyone who will agree with us, who will bash and trash like we do, It's what the network pays us to do.

Geetings, RG. Was wondering how long it would take you to jump in to the fray and start spewing names.

No, I don't watch any of the "liberal" shows you listed, nor do I watch any of the "conservative" shows you didn't. I do listen to NPR in the shower if that helps paint me as a liberal to you.

By the way, If you change "liberal" to "conservative" in your rant, or "MSNBC" to "Fox," it works just as well.

Oh yeah, don't forget to breathe every so often during your rants.
They even got a new guy on the block to spew even more hate;

[ame=""]'Blah Blah, We Hate You, We Hate Your Ass Face' MSNBC's Chris Hayes Paraphrases GOP On Immigration - YouTube[/ame]

Almost 5 years later and all these douchebags can comment on is Bush, Cheney or Palin... Forget about the record $6.5 TRILLION their guy added to the national debt in less than 5 years, that's not relevant, Bush and his supporters? that's relevant.

And we know why their doing it, paint the opposition as evil, crazy, out of touch, racist, bigoted, sexist, Rich white men that don't care about minorities or the middle class... A tactic to win elections and mask Obama and the Democratic parties incompetence of the last 4 years.

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

No, I don't watch any of the "liberal" shows you listed, nor do I watch any of the "conservative" shows you didn't. I do listen to NPR in the shower if that helps paint me as a liberal to you.

NPR, the tax payer funded news organization that has a left-wing bias, that NPR?

No you don't watch any of the Liberal news shows, NPR is balanced, because they have to be right?
Almost 5 years later and all these douchebags can comment on is Bush, Cheney or Palin... Forget about the record $6.5 TRILLION their guy added to the national debt in less than 5 years, that's not relevant, Bush and his supporters? that's relevant.

When all else fails, you bring out the budget deficit. How much do you understand about how the national deficit is calculated? Please explain why and how this deficit is going to harm the US, and don't trot out the our-children -are-the -ones crap that we've all heard over and over with no explanation

And we know why their doing it, paint the opposition as evil, crazy, out of touch, racist, bigoted, sexist, Rich white men that don't care about minorities or the middle class... A tactic to win elections and mask Obama and the Democratic parties incompetence of the last 4 years
And maybe it's just the truth.

NPR, the tax payer funded news organization that has a left-wing bias, that NPR?
Tax-payer funded? Yes, if you think a whopping 2% is of any significance.

"In 2010, NPR revenues totaled $180 million, with the bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsorships.[19] According to the 2009 financial statement, about 50% of NPR revenues come from the fees it charges member stations for programming and distribution charges.[19] Typically, NPR member stations receive funds through on-air pledge drives, corporate underwriting, state and local governments, educational institutions, and the federally funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). In 2009, member stations derived 6% of their revenue from federal, state and local government funding, 10% of their revenue from CPB grants, and 14% of their revenue from universities.[19][29] While NPR does not receive any direct federal funding, it does receive a small number of competitive grants from CPB and federal agencies like the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce. This funding amounts to approximately 2% of NPR’s overall revenues.[19]"

No you don't watch any of the Liberal news shows, NPR is balanced, because they have to be right?

Sometimes when you don't know what you're talking about, it's best to keep quiet.
A "leaked" draft (or is that careful put into the public's hand) indicates that the UN managed to bribe enough "scientists" to create a report indicating that the seas are rising and are 95% sure humans are to blame... 95% what's the other 5% ? Aliens?

The report outlines different fake and panic causing scenarios to trying to suggest that oceans are rising. The IPCC also claims that their estimates are low to counter the "change denial machine". I'd rather we be called what we are... free thinkers who don't follow the masses like stupid sheep.
When all else fails, you bring out the budget deficit.

I brought out no such thing, What I did bring out is the National DEBT, you do know the difference between Debt and Deficit don't you?

Please explain why and how this deficit is going to harm the US,

Is this a test or do you honestly not know yourself?

How about a dramatic negative effect on long term term economic growth?
Slow growth,
A reduction in earned income,
Higher interest rates,
Lower value of the dollar,
Decline in the standard of living,
Weaker job markets,
Lower credit rating,
Higher taxes,
More Tax dollars paid toward interest, the US currently spends close to $400 Billion dollars per year for interest alone on the national debt, which is the 4th largest single budget item.

$17 TRILLION? No big deal, everything is FINE, Well just keep borrowing and keep printing more money and it will have NO adverse effect on the economy and our lives whatsoever, right?.. Besides, it's better for America to give that money to foreign countries that improve their economy while depriving ours. :|

Is this what you learned from NPR?

Tax-payer funded? Yes, if you think a whopping 2% is of any significance.

Yep, 2% or $2-$3 Million a year is of no significance, it's much better for Government to BORROW $2-$3 Million and give it to a News Network who have the financial ability to fund their own fucking station like other Networks do.

If you add up all the waste in Washington D.C. and cut it ALL out, we wouldn't have Trillion dollar deficits every year. and Obama would actually have his first Balanced Budget EVER... . Imagine that, imagine Government living within their means like most Americans do.
$17 TRILLION? No big deal, everything is FINE, Well just keep borrowing and keep printing more money and it will have NO adverse effect on the economy and our lives whatsoever, right?.. Besides, it's better for America to give that money to foreign countries that improve their economy while depriving ours. :|

Is this what you learned from NPR?

Yep, 2% or $2-$3 Million a year is of no significance, it's much better for Government to BORROW $2-$3 Million and give it to a News Network who have the financial ability to fund their own fucking station like other Networks do.

If you add up all the waste in Washington D.C. and cut it ALL out, we wouldn't have Trillion dollar deficits every year. and Obama would actually have his first Balanced Budget EVER... . Imagine that, imagine Government living within their means like most Americans do.

Cut out all the budgetary “waste” to save a trillion dollars and balance the budget? Please go to the pot thread and take a few deep breaths. Ignoring how amazingly complex the annual budget is, even if you could understand it (which we can’t), good luck deciding what is and isn’t waste. I’d pay admission to watch you try to figure out even what to do with any of the top expenditures (or even any of the minor expenditures, for that matter).

Cut out waste? I’ll make it easy for you. . . which would you like to call waste and cut: the military, social security, Medicare/Medicaid, two million federal workers . . . ? Heck, just cut them all…we won’t even miss them, right? Or maybe you prefer a very simplistic “fair and balanced” approach; in a three trillion dollar annual budget, just cut expenditures by a third across the board, to not show favoritism. Then leave it up to others to figure it out and take the heat. Yeah, that should fix everything.

The problem is that you’re so focused on an academic balanced budget as a cure-all that you don’t pay any attention to the harm it would cause getting there. I know that’s a trivial concern, but you know how it is with liberals. . . they get all concerned over school lunches for hungry kids and medical treatments for old folks.

Do you really think abruptly slamming shut the cash drawer would help more than hurt? If the money suddenly dried up, do you think “most Americans” would be able to live within their means, and what that would mean? And what about the 15-20% of Americans who are low or no income, the tens of millions under the poverty line? What about the old folks who can't get around, or the kids who don't get enough to eat? Should we just stop spending and let mother nature take its toll? That’s the trick, you see. It’s not just being financially responsible to the bottom line. It’s being financially responsible to the people the government was formed of, by and for.
The Truth:
[ame=""]What can the U.S. do to stop violence in Syria? - YouTube[/ame]
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