
discuss The NFC & Mobile Tech Discussion and Showcase (Tap / Wallet / Money)

Spaceship Spaceship
Another trend on the way with tapping phones hitting the masses. Especially with Google Wallet launching and NFC phones becoming the norm. Here are a few of my best. Most have gone. "Tag" is also a key word... Anyone else have any?

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mobile pay domains

Here are a few i hand regged last year!

mobilepaymentdomains dot com

mobilepaymentattorneys dot com

mobilepaymentvouchers dot com

mobilewalletvoucher dot com

mobilewalletgiftcards dot com


yeah, i grabbed one mobile payment domain (just for the shit of it) and have no real intentions of renewing this i don't think (it was a $0.99 promo name)

... but i still.. for the life of me - just don't understand what the hype is all about here with 'Wallet' names

i can't see any of the wallet names being worth a damn thing.

you said it yourself.. "Apple Wins Patent for iWallet: The one that will rule the World"

... now...

... explain to me what ANY other Wallet domain/site will have to do with this?...

...think about it..

If EVERYONE owns either an iPhone (iWallet) or an Android phone (google wallet)... what is there to discuss??.. what is there to talk about? THERE'S your wallet?!

What other 'wallet' will anybody want/need?
Visa?.. Mastercard?.. Amex? .. or will they seek out your domain name for a great mobile wallet? (hahah)

please, help me to understand why you keep grabbing these names??


What are you thinking about with this one?... WHO will WNAT this, let alone buy this?.. and WHY? What is the point of this name?... or is it yet ANOTHER 'compare' site (cause that's been your only answer to grabbing these names)?

ALSO.. if i can continue on this..
... mostly every one of the features of the 'mobile wallet' are catered to an APP.. as in 'an app in a phone'

.. where if the majority of people - again - have either an iphone (iTunes) or an Android of some some kind (Google Market) .. WHY would anyone want this domain name? rather than shopping in their respective app stores?

I apologize for coming out so negative, but it seems to become more and more obvious that there really doesn't seem to be a future with these names when the monopoly of Apple and Google (not to mention the credit card companies Visa, Mastercard, Amex or even Paypal..etc..) keep cornering the entire market.

Will there be a very small handful of companies that will scratch and claw their way and get noticed (only to be pummeled a few months later?)... yes - probably... but i assure you, that pool will be very small.

NFC (or Near Field Communication) should easily be the clearer focus... THIS is the actual technology - PLUS - it has more to offer (such as Geo Tracking, location based advertising, sharing between phones ..etc.)

but the whole wallet thing just seems dead before it even started

- - - - - -

RE: 'Bump', 'Tap', 'Swipe'

what happens when Square's, 'Card Case' and 'Hands Free Payments' gets completely refined and there is no more 'movement' whatsoever to pay for a thing again?


I see Google own Walleto.com (and the .net, .info, .us and .org)

Wonder what they have planned for that??
I wanted the name lol, do you think if I beg they will hand it over lol

As I have said many times before, companies that really matter would rather have a brandable like iWallet (Apple) or Walleto (Google) than a keyword name like DigitalWallet.com or MobilePayment.com, they just dont go for product names like that.

People are better off looking for nice brandable names and holding onto those, rather than regging dozens of keyword names, they just wont sell and you will end up letting them expire in a year or two, unless you have the best ones like DigitalWallet.com, you dont really stand much chance of making any money of them

I would seriously stay away from .info, .org and other lesser know cctld's as well, they will also end up expiring and costing you money. Focus on .com and the stronger cctld's if you plan on making any money in future tech names

Also reiterating what I have said before, focus on the aftermarket, dont hand-reg anything, all the names worth regging are gone long ago

Found this about it

Google has acquired a little-known Canadian startup, Zetawire, apparently aiming to use the company’s NFC technologies for their mobile wallet ambitions. Relatively little is known about Zetawire, beyond a patent application for an electronic wallet that would work with “a payment system, an advertising system, and an identity management system” and a trademark for the branding “Walleto“.

Zetawire didn’t actually have a chance to launch any products or services, and the terms of the acquisition are so-far unknown. Still, the technology – which also includes mobile coupons, banking, and other NFC applications – fits in well with Google’s stated goals for near-field communications. In its first iteration, the Nexus S will only support reading NFC tags, but future updates should open up two-way communications and tag-writing.

Its a TM people, so dont go and reg any names in other extensions

Good luck all
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Creditcard is nice!

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@mycurly...I'm not going to quote your last post because it's too long :D

Anyhow, I think you completely missed the point that 3D was making.

The big boys already have TMs on words like "wallet" "tap", as it pertains to payment services. Any variation registered using those words is pointless because there is no way for you to capitalize on them. You may get a few lucky sales to the naive investor/domainer but that's about it.

IMO it's not worth the risk of registering and renewing loads of domains which basically stand for the same thing. Gambling with 1 or 2 is a different strategy with better odds for success :)
I cant be doing with this again, had enough arguing over 3D domains over the last 2 years, my last post guys. Enjoy and good luck.


We're here for debate and hopefully to learn something.

Maybe you could explain how you plan to profit from all these types of registrations? The dream of a big company swooping up your domains is one we all have so I don't count that as a real answer. A direct explanation might teach those like myself something new :)
The big boys already have TMs on words like "wallet" "tap", as it pertains to payment services. Any variation registered using those words is pointless because there is no way for you to capitalize on them. You may get a few lucky sales to the naive investor/domainer but that's about it.

If you read all the detailed descriptions of what a trademark is on the uspto.gov website or have read articles written by trademark lawyers on the rules and regulations of trademarking it seems that no one company or individual would have exclusive rights to the words "wallet" or "tap" as it pertains to payment services. With that being said, it seems that variations of the words can be trademarked like "iwallet" or "walleto" or "TapBuy". (Side note, I'm not so sure Apple owns iwallet as a Steven D. Cabouli shows as the owner) Before comments or domain purchases are made I think anyone truly interested/concerned in understand trademark issues should read, read, read and consult a trademark lawyer. To repeat, (disclaimer) I strongly suggest talking to an attorney if you have any questions regarding trademarks.
If you read all the detailed descriptions of what a trademark is on the uspto.gov website or have read articles written by trademark lawyers on the rules and regulations of trademarking it seems that no one company or individual would have exclusive rights to the words "wallet" or "tap" as it pertains to payment services. With that being said, it seems that variations of the words can be trademarked like "iwallet" or "walleto" or "TapBuy". (Side note, I'm not so sure Apple owns iwallet as a Steven D. Cabouli shows as the owner) Before comments or domain purchases are made I think anyone truly interested/concerned in understand trademark issues should read, read, read and consult a trademark lawyer. To repeat, (disclaimer) I strongly suggest talking to an attorney if you have any questions regarding trademarks.
I'm not saying they have TMs on the singular words. They hold TMs for payment services which contain those words. For someone like me to then run and register tons of "wallet" domains which are combined with other payment terms, is terrible business.

Were all these promising domains being registered before the big boys launched their similar payment services? Of course not! It's basically cybersquatting IMO. Let's register tons of domains similar to another companies TM and service, without having any plans of our own. Bad faith all day :(
The word "wallet" in my domains was taken from "Mobile Wallet", not "Google Wallet".


P.s. Bye x 2

Hi MrCurly, I hope from your above post you don't mean to leave NamePros. If Keith or 3D get on your nerves then just ignore them :lol:. Sometimes their posts are great for a laugh. You bring a lot to this thread so just keep on posting.
Sometimes their posts are great for a laugh.

Yes, it's hilarious when people with experience point out reasons why others will most likely lose money :-/

I suppose it's not necessary to consider other viewpoints if you know it all. Does anyone here want to admit that they know it all? :bingo:
Yes, it's hilarious when people with experience point out reasons why others will most likely lose money :-/

I suppose it's not necessary to consider other viewpoints if you know it all. Does anyone here want to admit that they know it all? :bingo:

Oh Keith :loveyou:. Keep posting! :hehe:

Anyway back to the NFC / Mobile Wallet discussion and I recommend anyone who has issues with others in here either just ignore them or send them a PM so we can keep this thread on track.

Here's a neat article talking about how the mobile payment system is exploding and there is plenty of room for more companies to jump in (as stated by Google Wallet's Vice President). Another company just launched their own version of mobile payment called Isis:

"You've got to remember, this is very early days," says Bedier. "The whole space is going to explode. There will be a lot of room for Isis and Google."

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Just registered:

Tap2Pay.ru :bingo:

I cant be doing with this again, had enough arguing over 3D domains over the last 2 years, my last post guys. Enjoy and good luck.
And how did your 3D investment panned out 2 years later ?
They do buy keyword domains, not as a brand though, maybe for traffic purposes, Amazon with - TextPayment.com for expample.

I disagree with the big guns only wanting .com , T-Mobile own MobileWallet.info , org and us etc....... Companies would be falling over themselves if CreditCard.info , org or us became available.


Stu, cmon buddy, do you really think T-Mobile will use MobileWallet.info as a site or for anything useful, have a look at it, it doesnt even resolve, these are names that most of them hand-register or pay low $$ for, they certainly wont pay anything more than that for a .info or .org

I can assure you companies wont be falling over themselves for CreditCard.us, most probably dont even know .US exitst, I can assure you of that, companies might register names like that just to secure it, but try getting them to buy a name like that for decent money...most wont even reply to your email, believe me I know, I have tried over the years (phone calls as well) they are not interested because they can afford the .COM and if they really want it, they will buy it

Same as Google will Walleto, they regged all them at the same time but I bet if they had the .com and .net, and they .org wasnt avaialble, they wouldn't make a big effort to get it, these are just defensive registrations that they will grab if they are available

Same with TextPayment.net and .org, Amazon dont own those and they were registered in 2009 and 2010, so they were available when they obtianed the .COM back in 2007

CreditCard is also a totally different kettle of fish, its one of the best keyword combinations you can get, unlike most of the NFC names being registered here

Just focus on .COM mate, or you will waste your money unless you get the best names and want to make a few $$

People reg and buy all kinds of extensions. NFC.info sold for - $4,750 back in Oct 2011, I see no difference in my DigitalWallet.info

For me personally, its not about finding a big company, I dont mind selling domains for a couple of grand.

Just out of interest, what value would you put on - CreditCard.us since you think big companies dont know the .us extension exists.


when super premium "single" keywords like these sell for those prices, it gives you some idea I think

gays.us $1,328
sport.us $5,000
gay.us $5,400
invest.us $6,500
auto.us $3,000
singles.us $3,000

....and most of the premium .us names are parked, and for sale, owned by domaining companies, not big companies in their relevant industries
so once again Stu ...
.. you just have an issue with someone questioning you - period
.. i believe this is a 'Discussion' thread, no?

What good is a one sided discussion?

...so.. after a year of asking you about these silly wallet names, you STILL - a year later - keep answering the with the SAME answer... 'Compare, Compare, Compare'.

. WalletPro is what.. a 'compare' site?... and WalletMan (or whatever) is another COMPARE site?... and WalletMama is.. yup.. you guessed it.. another 'compare site'??.. that's a WHOLE lot of people lining up to 'compare' something that's already going to be implemented into their phone... and is APP BASED.

this is all you ever say when i ask.. it's become an irritated situation now but i initially asked in genuine curiousity.. thought i was missing something, but i guess not cause no one has ever answered this question sufficiently... you're tired of arguing like i'm tired of getting the same response... sorry to tell ya kid, but there's just not enough meat in that sandwich.

.. so.. you then throw a hissy fit - STORM off the thread and swear to never be back... "I'm done, I'm Done!"... only to return an hour or so later with some post in the news basically backing my initial argument.. "Paypal this".. or 'iPhone" that... "Mastercard says this"... and "Visa is doing that"

do you at least maybe have a few 'wallet security' names or something useful?... something that's not a 'compare' site and that a company would actually possibly build on?.. or just .. ya know.. "Compare sites man"

... and yes - there is a BIG difference in Wallet names and NFC names.. . so please don't 'Compare' (there's that word again).. NFC.info - a three letter domain that is an - ACTUAL - TECHNOLOGY... to digitalwallet.info... the fact that you even think this is comparable discredits you.

(.. we'll watch you storm away now)

* O baby... Call me butter - cause i'm on a roll!
Creditcard is nice!
Nice save Mr TV man.

How many comparison sites do we have today comparing and offering Credit Cards? Thousands mate, move this forward to 2016 and again comparison sites galore but this time with Mobile Wallets.
And how many of these sites are on great aftermarket domains purchased for X,XXX?

Unless wallets are paying to get customers through affiliate programs I don't expect much; in fact, I think affiliate programs will change a lot by 2016.

NerdWallet.com is on page 1 for compare credit cards. Perhaps you should check if DorkWallet.com or GeekWallet.com is available.

ect ect ect...........
How many etc etc?

Now, let me take the bottom 2 for example and replace the word "Mobile Wallet" with "Credit Card", now we have -
Let's replace all three words with : Free Porn Pictures that has even MORE searches.

If Credit Cards are going to be replaced by Mobile Wallets by 2016, I have taken an educated guess that people searching for a new Mobile Wallet might type in Google - "Compare Mobile Wallets" and "Best Mobile Wallets".
That is contrary to the goal. The goal of wallets is to centralize and control a market segment. This is not the same goal as credit cards.. you're comparing bananas and plantains.. they sure as hell look the same but they're not.

I also played it smart and reg'd ones like -
If you say so.

These 2 words "Mobile" and "Dollar" together, might become a tad more common when people can text each other money.
The real goal is to abstract away and change the definition of money. Anyway - USD? Tomorrow when I buy coffee I'm going to ask if they have change for my 20 USD. I'll report my findings if they're positive.

After trying to obtain - MobileDollar.com and not having the $40,000 asking price, I decided to reg a domain that I thought would make a good, brandable name for a company wanting to send Mobile USD ( United States dollar ) from mobile to mobile.
Like MessageDollar.com?

My first thought was to look up a cool name.. owned by MOSTWANTEDDOMAINS.com "PassTheBuck.com". Probably out of your price range, lol.

There are lots of other Credit card companies other than Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Paypal that needed names at some point.
That's true... and especially important if they want to be able to compare their card to others on a compare type name.

Does anyone here want to admit that they know it all? :bingo:

I thought about answering this in the affirmative but then decided that I don't know humility... though admitting that fact means that I do... so maybe? :lol:

---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 AM ----------

I sure hope Berkens over at TheDomains.com creates a "Guess who has the best Wallet names.. and it's not me, Frank, or even Rick" Post soon... that 3D thread is STILL going.
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@Defaultuser , sorry for not replying to your post, but I cant take anyone serious who thinks its funny if someone cannot afford a domain.

All the best.

It was not intended as a joke at what you can or cannot afford. I can't afford it either.

You had said in your post that $40,000 was out of your price range - I'm doubt it would cost less to get Berkens to part with "PassTheBuck.com" - that's all I was saying.

Good Luck with your investment. I hope you prove everyone wrong.

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

Thought some of you may be interested. 1 hr + to go for an auction at GoDaddy that's similar to the term NO MORE BILLS.

Could be a Mobile No Money Brandable?

{Sorry Mod if this post is not allowed - it's a live auction but thought people might want to see it and I didn't include a link}
Just had a low offer on nfctechnology.co
Hi Stu

looks like the whois is showing creation 2010 - on that domain.
you should try and flip some now - and then use that money to buy a killer tap/wallet domain.

All the best with your investments.
i won..Pay With Mobile Phone DOT com
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