Please appraise this domain. It is in GDaddy closeout.
exact searches: 320
cpc: around 0.5 $
competition: high
I know it doesn't get much searches, but it is a catchy domain and there are some companies who produce cut saws. I was afraid to post it at first, because somebody could "steal" it, but I rather lose it and get a proper appraisal on it.
Thanks guys!
Please appraise this domain. It is in GDaddy closeout.
exact searches: 320
cpc: around 0.5 $
competition: high
I know it doesn't get much searches, but it is a catchy domain and there are some companies who produce cut saws. I was afraid to post it at first, because somebody could "steal" it, but I rather lose it and get a proper appraisal on it.
Thanks guys!