
news Epik continues to dig out from financial mess

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Domain name registrar Epik continues to dig itself out of a financial hole, but new problems continue to pop up.

The registrar offers a type of store credit called Masterbucks along with an in-house escrow service. Epik was using money from both of these to fund its operations rather than keeping the funds in separate bank accounts. The company also didn’t have an escrow license.

It wasn’t apparent that the money was being used to fund operations (or otherwise unavailable) until customers became spooked that they wouldn’t be able to get their money back. That created what amounted to a run on the bank — and Epik didn’t have the funds to pay back all of its customers.
Epik brought in new management in September that is chipping away at these debts, but it doesn’t have the cash on hand to fund operations and make everyone whole today. It’s in triage mode, taking any new profits that come in and paying them out as available.

Recently, the company sent an email to some customers stating:

When new management took over Masterbucks, the balance was approximately 4.5 million dollars. Through our dedicated and expeditious efforts, the new management team has brought that number down to just over $800k and change.
But last week, a representative of domain seller DomainEmpire posted a review on TrustPilot saying it has a balance of $1.5 million in Masterbucks that it has not been able to withdraw. It accrued this money from domain sales, it stated.

According to DomainEmpire, former Epik CEO Rob Monster offered it 6% annual interest if it kept its money in Masterbucks.

I asked new CEO Brian Royce yesterday via email about DomainEmpire’s $1.5 million debt. He said the number was news to him. He also said that the $800k quoted in the email was no longer correct even without the DomainEmpire number, because he just became aware of another debt of over $300,000 that wasn’t in Masterbucks, bringing the total (without DomainEmpire) to $1.1 million.

It seems that there is no clear record-keeping for the new management, which adds to the challenge.

More details about the blowup at Epik this year are starting to trickle out. A former contract EVP of Operations for Epik sued the company this year, saying he has not been paid. The case was settled. In a court filing (pdf), an attorney for Epik wrote:

While working for Epik, the Plaintiff began working with one of Epik’s chief customers–JJE. JJE offered and invested into a plan for ownership in Epik. Within a few months, however, JJE changed its position and asked Epik if JJE could divest from their investment in Epik. As an agreement and negotiations between Epik and JJE progressed, JJE broke off from their original offer to Epik and negotiated for a settlement.
Monster had previously said the company received a $32 million investment. That investment didn’t fully come to fruition.

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Yes, they sent that many hours after the change, I personally inquired how such a thing could happen without informing us. I still have an issue and I'm waiting for resolution.
What kind of issue ?
I am not posting anything to do with Epik anymore .
I hope everything works out for everybody .
Remember ;
Rob is praying every day for all of you and even for his enemies LOL
I really wish he stops praying
at least for me

the german word is "Heuchler"
@NameInbox an issue of a domain that was past the 30 days but before the 35 days per my old agreement. They removed the domain before the change was announced and said they can't return it.
@NameInbox an issue of a domain that was past the 30 days but before the 35 days per my old agreement. They removed the domain before the change was announced and said they can't return it.

Check the domain status with a whois lookup. That should let you know whether or not the domain can be returned.

As it's probably still in redemption or grace they can and should return it, even if it would mean they'd have to eat the redemption fee themselves.

If they won't, file an Icann complaint if you have any proof of the promised extended grace period.
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Does anyone know of any domain attorneys who are representing people with regard to Epik?
Does anyone know of any domain attorneys who are representing people with regard to Epik?
If you send me a PM I can recommend a few I know about.
Hi, about this: "If you send me a PM I can recommend a few I know about." can you please help me and give me some email address of lawyer, I'M having very big problems with Epik that are stolen my domains
Hi, about this: "If you send me a PM I can recommend a few I know about." can you please help me and give me some email address of lawyer, I'M having very big problems with Epik that are stolen my domains

Several of us are having the same issue. Stolen domains then using extortion to collect $99-$199 for domains that were taken with no notice of the policy change and no one-time grace restoration offered as would have been under Rob.

In my case, it was about 20 domains, so they wanted me to pay $1,980-$3,980 to restore those domains even though there was zero notice before they changed their policy for me from 35 to 30 days.
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well, not only that to me, last week I renewed hundreds of .me domains, I was billed and I get the receipt about renewal, after 2 hours I get the email saying that the domain was deleted and if I want to restore I need to pay $ 90 for each domain, also they deleted 245 premium, aged .com domains with the joke of 30/35 grace period and now they are asking $ 39K to restore the domains, I discovered that some domains was already sold to other customer, and is not finished, this morning I discovered that 5 VERY PREMIUM domains left my account without not even arrived to expiration day, the domain was transferred to registrar , they are stolen domains that are not even get to the expiration day. the domain stolen has the following dns: NS1.NDSPLITTER.COM NS2.NDSPLITTER.COM NS3.NDSPLITTER.COM
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Does anyone know of any domain attorneys who are representing people with regard to Epik?

( domain name )
for sale
Icann can offer a prompt support regarding domains illegitimately stolen/locked/not renewed from the registrar Just submit your complaint here by specifying exactly the involved names, registrar, account id and by providing screenshots to proof what you're asserting is true:

You'll get a reply within few days after that they'll give a deadline of 5 days to the registrar to release your names/fix the related issues.

Multiple complaints will soon result in the lost of their Icann accreditation.
I saw this happening a couple of times several years back with small non cooperative registrars though I can't recall to the mind the involved registrar names ...
Was not aware of this change and it doesn't look like I ever got an email about it.

That last sentence shows that domain investors are an important customer base for Epik.

Got this by mail:
Epik has recently made a change to the grace renewal policy. As you are aware, Epik only gave a 15-day grace period. Well, we have listened and heard our customers. Our grace renewal period is now 30 days, which starts on the day of expiration. Please do note this 30-day grace period does not apply to all GLTDs/cctTLDs, so we encourage you to make sure you still log in and take note of the "renew by" date listed inside of your Epik account.

For those of you who might have had your grace renewal period altered in the past, your grace period is set to 30 days as well.

Epik is here to support all types of end-user or domain investors. We greatly appreciate your business. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Was not aware of this change and it doesn't look like I ever got an email about it.

That last sentence shows that domain investors are an important customer base for Epik.
I was not aware too, when I received the email saying that my domains was dropped, I immediately contacted Mr Sufyan that told me that they sent the email about the change to all customer and he can see on his system that I received the email (never received) and that I read the email, lol, I searched everywhere and I didn't saw the email, they refused to restore the domains and after that I find from other people that they did not received the emai and that the change was made the same hours they say that they sent the email out.
Was not aware of this change and it doesn't look like I ever got an email about it.

That last sentence shows that domain investors are an important customer base for Epik.
I haven't received it either.
Icann can offer a prompt support regarding domains illegitimately stolen/locked/not renewed from the registrar Just submit your complaint here by specifying exactly the involved names, registrar, account id and by providing screenshots to proof what you're asserting is true:

You'll get a reply within few days after that they'll give a deadline of 5 days to the registrar to release your names/fix the related issues.

Multiple complaints will soon result in the lost of their Icann accreditation.
I saw this happening a couple of times several years back with small non cooperative registrars though I can't recall to the mind the involved registrar names ... You reported what I believe is, by far, the largest amount owed to a customer by Epik.

Has Epik done anything since you reported that to try and resolve this?

Just curious.

I haven't received it either.

They used to have a lot of deliverability issues. Their mails were always going to spam for me so I whilelisted their domain manually.
It's ridiculous all the changes Epik is making without notifying customers.

I was not aware too, when I received the email saying that my domains was dropped, I immediately contacted Mr Sufyan that told me that they sent the email about the change to all customer and he can see on his system that I received the email (never received) and that I read the email, lol, I searched everywhere and I didn't saw the email, they refused to restore the domains and after that I find from other people that they did not received the emai and that the change was made the same hours they say that they sent the email out.

I haven't received it either.
The below might be old news to most of you but other than listing all my domains at Epik marketplace on a non-exclusive basis, I haven't used Epik for anything so I wasn't following up on all the Epik news until recently.

What I assume happened
is that the investor in Epik who had already infused his first round of capital asked for certain changes before putting in the second round, and part of that change was that Rob Monster step down as CEO
and perhaps also stop posting publicly as the face of the company. Maybe the Monster was even asked to stop posting period, hence his disappearance from NamePros since September/October.

In the past I had also mentioned that Epik could not (or rather should not) function like an escrow without becoming licensed and bonded
If it walks like a duck quacks like a duck it escrow! and should be licensed regulated bonded all that.

This goes for UNDeveloped
where the "Contractor" (UNDeveloped / DAN) is defined in their Terms of Service as the party that handles the transfer of the domain from the Provider (seller) to the Transferee (buyer) via Contractor's "escrow account"


and Epik "Escrow"

flat out mentions that it is an escrow too.

As far as the argument of "what could go wrong," I'd agree that the risk is small, but then so is the risk of your house burning down, so why bother with home insurance then is what the Monster appears to be saying here:

because Errors and Omissions and Directors and Officers insurance cover negligence only, and only negligence by Epik, not intentional acts of fraud by anyone, and might not cover the sorts of issues that might arise in an escrow, such as if a stolen domain were sold to a party, and then later retrieved via ICANN, leaving the buyer out the funds paid, unless Monster is saying that he'd step in and say "this is all our fault we should have screened the domain better" because absent such an admission, their insurance will not cover!

This is getting a little ridiculous here, either you're a licensed and bonded escrow, or you're grasping at straws at how you might cover a claim. I will agree that at least Epik is musing on how they might cover a claim, I can respect that, --- while UNDeveloped's game plan is to leave zero assets in their "escrow like" non-profit entity to avoid liability entirely - can't squeeze blood out of an UNDeveloped turnip is DAN's defense.
and apparently eventually at least one state's Department of Insurance caught on and fined Epik for their practice

DAN got away with what it was doing maybe because no one complained and it was based in the Netherlands. Perhaps now that GODaddy owns DAN this sort of pseudo "escrow" service will disappear from DAN's offerings.
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Epik continues to dig itself out of a financial hole
In my case, they have not attempted any 'digging out'.

Epik/Masterbucks still owes me xx,xxx.
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