
DO NOT use, they stopped paying several months ago

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
This issue has been discussed in some other threats already but just in case there is still someone considering using as a domain parking platform, avoid it and do not use it at all. They stopped making payments and responding any kind of support tickets several months ago.

Donny Simonton, CEO of the company, has pretty much disappeared and there are dozens, if not hundreds, of users who are still waiting to be paid or at least waiting to hear an explanation for the lack of payment.

I have used this platform for about 10 years and Donny used to be very active not only attending issues related to his platform but also in domaining forums like namePros.

If anyone knows something about him or what is happening at Voodoo, all the affected users would appreciate this information to be shared. In the meanwhile, I recommend not using this platform until they resume with the payments.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
thanks for the update. i just noticed I wasn't paid the last 2 months
Donny and Voodoo stopped responding to my support tickets starting about the start of this year. The last time we heard from Donny he said he was sick (non-corona). An issue was then why not have someone else handle things? Numerous support tickets were never responded to. I am guessing may be in-effect out of business, which if correct is unfortunate because they were always excellent in the past.
This issue has been discussed in some other threats already but just in case there is still someone considering using as a domain parking platform, avoid it and do not use it at all. They stopped making payments and responding any kind of support tickets several months ago.

Donny Simonton, CEO of the company, has pretty much disappeared and there are dozens, if not hundreds, of users who are still waiting to be paid or at least waiting to hear an explanation for the lack of payment.

I have used this platform for about 10 years and Donny used to be very active not only attending issues related to his platform but also in domaining forums like namePros.

If anyone knows something about him or what is happening at Voodoo, all the affected users would appreciate this information to be shared. In the meanwhile, I recommend not using this platform until they resume with the payments.
So you are seeing that you have not paid for the last two months?, as mentioned in this string
From what I know, some users got their last payment 3 months ago, other users just 1 month ago but what is more consistent is that nobody I have been in contact with has seen a support ticket attended in the past 5 months. As someone said, it is clear the company is going out of business but I am sure there is someone in their side cashing and monetizing the clicks generated by the remaining traffic. Shame!
You are right. I see that my last payment from Voodoo was for April.
Missing May, June and July's payments.
Quick update on this shaming Voodoo case, their website stopped resolving earlier today, giving a 502 Bad Gateway response. I am sorry for all the users who trusted Donny and Voodoo, including myself.
Thanks, Voodoo rejected my domains.

I use ParkingCrew, made up to $6.00 so far.

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Quick update on this shaming Voodoo case, their website stopped resolving earlier today, giving a 502 Bad Gateway response. I am sorry for all the users who trusted Donny and Voodoo, including myself.
Yes, looks like Voodoo is gone
I will collect what is owed me, even if it requires spending ten fold of the debt. Just got a lawyer that is a neighbor of the 'owner' to start preliminary work. The last place anyone wants to be is in a position of owing me money.

This issue of non response and non payment was brought to the attention of several 'gurus' that love to write about the domain world (for profit) but did not get a single response nor did I ever see a written article. I imagine they will now jump on the bandwagon and all the sudden start spitting out advice...ignore them all.
I totally agree with Mister Funsky's last post. I wonder if we could team up for any collective legal effort. I know there are other people affected by the Voodoo's actions. I am up for it.

By the way, Voodoos site was offline for the past 24 hours and got back online a few minutes ago, so there is still someone behind the platform who is operating and not just a sort of auto-pilot as I first thought. They are still getting revenue for all the traffic and clicks that the remaining domains generate.
It now looks to me that payments are being processed, back to April (or thereabouts).
my account looks the exact same, april , may, june, july all just still says "Processing" like it said before
my account looks the exact same, april , may, june, july all just still says "Processing" like it said before
Hmm. For me, (because I earn so little) it had shown "Carried Over" and has now changed to "Processing".

I guess time will tell(?).
I see: that your domains are still parked on Voodoo... So V is alive or dead?
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I see, that your domains are still parked on Voodoo... So V is alive or dead?

I mean they still work as landers, to receive inquiries...though I am weighing my options.

I have not received parking payment in the last (4) months now.

Any update?
Do you receive payments?
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