Before using this template, please confirm that you meet the eligibility requirements.
To apply, please copy and paste these template(s) into a new thread in Join Requests, and answer all applicable questions. Depending on your account level, you may need to avoid using links in your initial application.
In these templates, the terms "liquid" and "liquidated" refer to market liquidity: Learn more.
Only PRO members will be able to view your answers. Need more privacy? Send us a direct message with sensitive data.
Thread Title Format
Your Full Name (NamePros Username)
Template A
General Information
- Full Name:
Legal name on a government-issued ID
- Country:
Current residence
- Personal Website(s):
Personal blog, page, etc.
- Personal Social Media:
Facebook profile, Quora profile, Stack Exchange user page, etc.
- Business Name(s):
Commercial entity name, fictitious business name, LLC, LLP, project name, etc.
- Business Website(s):
Business blog, marketplace, etc.
- Business Social Media:
LinkedIn URL, company Twitter account, etc.
Eligibility Questions
1. How many
active years have you been in the domain name industry? Exclude inactive years.
2. What are your most valuable domains (in terms of liquid value) that you currently have? Try to list at least 5.
3. Have you earned at least $50,000 from domain-related sales (e.g., selling domain names, services, advertisements, and/or affiliate revenue)? If yes, include proof:
- Public sales reports with corresponding WHOIS history are acceptable.
- Payment screenshots from sales venue, bank statement, or escrow may also be accepted.
4. Have you earned at least $100,000 in lifetime monetization revenue (e.g., affiliate and/or domain parking)? If yes, include proof.
5. Do you earn at least $30,000 per year from monetization revenue? If yes, include proof.
6. Have you earned at least $25,000 from domain-related sales
and at least $50,000 from lifetime monetization revenue? If yes, include proof.
7. Are you well-known and well-respected in the domain industry (i.e., reputable and recognized throughout the industry)? If yes, include at least three sources:
- Each link must be to a reputable and unique website.
- Forums do not currently qualify as a source.
- Articles written about you or mentioning you are ideal.
- Articles written by you on your own website are good.
- Guest articles written by you are okay.
- Each article will be weighted by the website's popularity and whether it is written about you or by you.
- Popular domain-related multimedia (videos, pictures, etc.) featuring you or composed by you may qualify.
8. Have you sold at least 300 domains with an average sale price of $100 or more? If yes, include proof.
Depending on the answers to Template A, you may be asked to complete Template B.
To save time, you may want to include Template B with Template A in your join request.
Template B
Domain Questions
1. How have you spent your time in the domain industry? Parking, buying and selling, networking, etc.
2. Have you worked for any domain-based companies or websites? Freelance, employee, etc.
3. What were their website(s), what were your role(s), and for how long?
4. How many domain names do you currently have?
5. What is the percentage breakdown of your domain portfolio by TLD?
6. What are your favorite domains that you currently have?
7. What are the most valuable domains that you have ever had?
8. What is your highest sale price for a domain, and what's the domain?
9. What is your largest purchase price for a domain, and what's the domain?
10. How many domains have you sold? 1-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100-500, 500+
11. How much would you receive in USD if you liquidated your domain portfolio?
12. What is the percentage breakdown of your lifetime domain-related revenue?
- __% Domain Sales
- __% Domain Product Sales
- __% Domain Service(s) Sales
- __% Domain Monetization (Parking, Advertising, Affiliates)
- __% Other: _______________