
.mobi .mobi dead or .mobi on NP dead ?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I visited here every day.But seems no more news here.

.mobi dead or .mobi on NP dead ?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
There's a flip side to that mj, the more people succeed developing .mobi, the more others want to join in. Success draws others in. If you can build value through development on one side of your portfolio, you may also add value on the speculative side as well. Parking and flipping isn't the only approach to domaining. Perhaps you can even leverage your own holdings to boost the performance of your developments with inbound links. If it uses domains and results in positive cash flow then I'd call it domaining.

true, but then we are sort of speculating about the future regarding others joining in. i still wouldn't really call development "domaining" in the traditional sense of the word. besides, i think the word "development" would be insulted being called "domaining" :laugh:... you can certainly do a hybrid of the two which will offset your costs holding domains you haven't developed or have no plans to develop. i think most of the time when people say "mobi is dead" and similar comments they are referring to pure play domaining in the present tense. i dont think many would argue that if you're going to develop a mobile targeted site that using a category killer .mobi keyword is a bad idea... well, not as many that would argue this as in 2006 anyway. :lol:
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i think most of the time when people say "mobi is dead" and similar comments they are referring to pure play domaining in the present tense.

Yea, I understand the blanket statement, but it seems to me that few people manage constant profit flow day in and day out regardless of the extension, especially with all the talk of parking revenue declining. Everyone needs to get creative and also hold out until a sunnier season. This is where people complain about .mobi, trying to judge if the hold is worthwhile or bail out and try something else.

i dont think many would argue that if you're going to develop a mobile targeted site that using a category killer .mobi keyword is a bad idea... well, not as many that would argue this as in 2006 anyway. :lol:
Yes, the number of people who would argue against that is shrinking, but no doubt some still exist. Again this comes back to dev, if the .mobi community can give rise to some top mobile web brands, the awareness of .mobi grows as does it's demand. This is the healthy kind of growth needed for .mobi. It all takes time and I realize some people (or their bank accounts) don't have that time. That's the risk people take and need to manage, it's called speculation for a reason. :hehe:
Honestly, anyone arguing against using a category killer .mobi for development needs to wake up and understand how search engines work. Only silly domainers actually think Google cares if your domain ends in .com. Google will actually rank a .co.uk better than a .com if the person searching is using Google.co.uk - same for other countries and their ccTLDs as well. I know one successful developer who develops .ws domains and Google shows him plenty of love.
Honestly, anyone arguing against using a category killer .mobi for development needs to wake up and understand how search engines work. Only silly domainers actually think Google cares if your domain ends in .com. Google will actually rank a .co.uk better than a .com if the person searching is using Google.co.uk - same for other countries and their ccTLDs as well. I know one successful developer who develops .ws domains and Google shows him plenty of love.

.travel didn't do so good for a while, but if you search Canada Travel you'll see it's now doing quite well. As for .mobi, the SE question is whether or not there is a benefit to using .mobi to rank higher in mobile results. I need more personal testing to know for sure if there is a benefit, but I'm confident at this time that .mobi has no SE penalty. Also keep in mind that google doesn't have the same market position in mobile as it does in PC web, but no doubt it will grow over time. One big benefit to .mobi in the mobile world is that if/when a carrier does a transcoding scheme, .mobi is typically automatically whitelabeled to pass through unscathed.
I haven't done much in the way of .mobi development in about a year, however I know the advantage of having a .mobi domain was quite apparent on Yahoo's mobile search at the time. At least at this time when a large percentage of content isn't mobile-friendly, it makes sense to see a .mobi domain as possibly being a better fit for the user. I wouldn't imagine it'd be very hard to add /mobile, .m, .wap, etc as well, granted they're not commonly used to denote anything other than the mobile version of a page.

Hopefully if search engines ever do implement something like this, it doesn't encourage spammers to start websites on m.domain.mobi/mobile :lol:

.travel didn't do so good for a while, but if you search Canada Travel you'll see it's now doing quite well. As for .mobi, the SE question is whether or not there is a benefit to using .mobi to rank higher in mobile results. I need more personal testing to know for sure if there is a benefit, but I'm confident at this time that .mobi has no SE penalty. Also keep in mind that google doesn't have the same market position in mobile as it does in PC web, but no doubt it will grow over time. One big benefit to .mobi in the mobile world is that if/when a carrier does a transcoding scheme, .mobi is typically automatically whitelabeled to pass through unscathed.
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Regarding .mobi sales... I sold a .mobi for $4000 this year and didn't report it. The buyer didn't want to.

But yes, clearly the number of noteworthy .mobi sales is down a great deal. However, they are still happening.
Regarding .mobi sales... I sold a .mobi for $4000 this year and didn't report it. The buyer didn't want to.

Congrats eg, muy bueno! ;)
Excuse me but I didn't notice my CNO portfolio has lost value. Actually end user sales are going strong, thank you.

This sounds like denial. The CNO market has crashed, all elements of it, not just LLL.com, LLL.com are just the most obvious element of it, because they are the most commodity like. Enduser sales were never enough to justify the lofty height of 2007. Enduser sales aren't down anywhere near as much as reseller sales, but your names are worth far less than they were, and enduser sales are just as rare as ever.

Reported huge losses on CNO domains ? Where ? What ? When ?

Have you really not been watching dnjournal? I think I could could probably name at least 100 sales over the last 12 months or so. Basically most of the names bought in 2007/2008 and resold now. Quite alot of 2006 sales I think also.
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yea, even i've noticed and i dont even deal with com, net, org really... of course .mobi aftermarket has been much harder hit.

by the way, nice sig. :laugh:
by the way, nice sig. :laugh:

Maybe you should make your sig sound a bit more forward looking-

"Warning: This poster is heavily biased towards extensions that make money, and have to potential to make money in the future."

This subtle change would allow you to profit from the coming mobi epoch.
maybe, but nobody can predict the future... its all speculation after today.
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Labrocca thought mobi was dead
and went home to sleep in his bed
he dreamed CNO
and how the money would flow
But he forgot to start thinking ahead
lodging.mobi is swell
though i could get a room much faster from a .tel
so just give me the number
for a place of slumber
we shall be but one hour (max) at the hotel!
I have both mobi and tel,
But would need much more time at the hotel,
With a twat and a twiddle,
When my wife plays my fiddle,
Lodging is not the only thing swell.

Ahh, couldn't resist! :D
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who said Mobi owners should chuck it
For him Com was lord
Followed by Net and Org
And all other sales were just luck-it

Alas, that poor man from Nantucket
His Nets and Orgs have kicked the bucket
His Coms did OK
In a mobile kind of way
While Mobi profits filled many a truck-it
I don't know much about the shops in the USA but is JC Penney a well known store?

They've just released their mobile site.


---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who said Mobi owners should chuck it
For him Com was lord
Followed by Net and Org
And all other sales were just luck-it

Alas, that poor man from Nantucket
His Nets and Orgs have kicked the bucket
His Coms did OK
In a mobile kind of way
While Mobi profits filled many a truck-it

That's very nearly quite good! Just that last last line? :snaphappy: lol
OMG Reece, what did you start? :lol:

JC Penny is one of the very top clothing retailers in the US, with stores in most shopping centers. Don't know if they still publish one, but they used to be second to Sears in catalog sales, too. Alas, Sears.mobi does not yet resolve.

Interesting --- I typed in Sears.mobi with anticipation - it seemed realistic that it would be developed --- a clear sign in my eyes that .Mobi is coming along.
yeah domainer limericks may be a new low ;)
12 pages of the same argument that has been raging for 2 1/2 years and one page of limericks. Wow.

Aftermarket values for all domains and specifically .mobi are very low at this time - that's not news. So, most of the people holding .mobi porfolios have realized that it's imperative to become not just domainers, but also developers. As many of the people in this section frequently remind us, this is a domainer's forum. So, when the domainers become developers, and are reminded that this is a domainers forum, and are berated for expanding the definition of .mobi value beyond simple flipping/reselling, and when every single thread becomes an argument for same, why would anyone serious about moving forward want to keep arguing and moving backwards?

Parking is dead for all but the choicest keyword domains. Even those with primarily .com portfolios are learning wordpress, using that AEIOU thing, WhyPark and anything else. The developer who said he didn't want to help in this section anymore probably felt that he was in the wrong place to do what he does best - help people learn to develop sites. If the vocal majority in the domain-flipping-only-so-mobi-is-dead crowd keep shouting down the developers, the developers leave. Simple as that.

So, snoop who sees the world from a viewpoint of pure domaining is right, mobi is dead. For now, let's say I agree with that from his perspective as wanting immediate ROI. I, as the blogger behind mobienthusiast.mobi (with a dot com redirected to the .mobi), see the world from the viewpoint of redirects as a legitimate business practice and a service to the consumer, and developed mobi sites as a guarantee that a site will work on a phone, am also right - mobi is fantastic for what it was designed to do - make sites mobile. If enough of that happens, consumers will "get it." We're nowhere near a tipping point, but when we get there, (when, not if) I expect the pure domainers will have corporations and developers to thank. There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes to make it happen. It's just a question now of holding the right portfolio and not going broke on renewals to see a payoff.
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