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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I don't think we want to divulge everything yet (Will be when the name settles down), but his attempts thus far have been lackluster and seem to be more those more of a time-stalling nature than of any other motive.

Still a possibility (That I alluded to earlier) that he's the patsy, but that's looking doubtful with the backstory falling apart quickly on this one.

Time will tell more, I hope.

-Allan :gl:
scrsteven said:
We reached an agreement based on the fact that he legitimately owned the domain name.
If that's the case, I take back everything I said.

Good luck getting it to the rightful owner.
A Network Solutions representative just called me and the domain name was indeed hijacked by 'thechem'. He will be processing the return to the real owner probably today or tomorrow.
scrsteven said:
A Network Solutions representative just called me and the domain name was indeed hijacked by 'thechem'. He will be processing the return to the real owner probably today or tomorrow.

Get it in writing.
-Allan :gl:
I directed him to the forum to read this thread. I won't be doing the transfer myself- don't worry- it's netsol doing it internally. But yes, good idea.
Thanks for the update Steven , "thechem" is still stating he's innocent in private (I closed his account for safety reasons several days back) -

I guess the newest Hijacking craze makes them feel less guilty because of the previous owners error of letting their Administrative Email Domain(s) go dormant - Sorry thechem , But it's still hijacking and unethical :|
This is not fair, its obviuos that english is not his second language,
where is the solid proof, why is he banned and who gave mark of namepros authority to ban him??
"why are his post deleted too"
He has been very polite so far.....This does not seem like the namepros that i belong too..?!/!/!?
has this been discused and approved with RJ???
His name is being held without solid justification and who assigns a so called buyer anyways as the almighty judge of the domain and then holds the domain in jail......

pm sent to RJ
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Solid proof = me talking with the real owner and network solutions that verified the domain was hijacked. Sure I don't have it in writing right now but this is beyond Namepros and in the real world. He edited/removed his own posts in an attempt to hide the domains he already sold that he hijacked. He has not responded with any shred of evidence the name was legitimately his. Solid justification is in all of the circumstances detailed in this thread, especially the previous owner AND Network Solutions specifically telling me the domain was hijacked... I haven't touched the domain or it's nameservers at all, am not profiting at all.

I wish you would be kind enough to investigate suspicious circumstances and report them to the proper authorities like I did to clean up namepros and reduce hijackers.
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how did you get the domain in the first place without paying for it??Mr scrsteven {Senior Member}

if he was an experienced highjacker.......... he sure wouldnt push the name with out the payment in his hands right?

Since the seller has been banned by MR Mark, and you dont have a voice to defend yourself please email me....................
to the seller of the domain who hasnt been paid contact me at [email protected]
and lets discuss whats going on...​
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As I stated in my earlier post, the interesting point in this case is the seller pushed the name before receiving the payment - If he did what a normal seller would do (push the name after receiving the money) then it will be a different story to tell.
Exactly and a cunning thief would never push the domain without payment
LOL. A thief would easily take the small risk of pushing the name first to a reputable member after himself refusing to use escrow.com at the buyer's expense (which I suggested). Any way to get $. Read the whole thread Harpo- and the name was never for sale before- he hijacked it from a non-domainer who didn't even know it was missing. Your staunch defense of a proven hijacker is making me question you...

No voice to defend himself? He opted no defense when he was here... not a shred of proof or anything about legitimately acquiring the name.
i care who not questions me , i follow my intuition and if it leads me down a mysterious road
then so be it , i seek no ones approval,,
i read his threads before they were deleted
and they seemed sincere but a bit lost..
I would like to talk to him myself if he cares to contact me
[email protected]
harpo said:
i care who not questions me , i follow my intuition and if it leads me down a mysterious road
then so be it , i seek no ones approval,,
i read his threads before they were deleted
and they seemed sincere but a bit lost..
I would like to talk to him myself if he cares to contact me
[email protected]


Calm down man... The only two posts deleted in this thread I deleted, and neither were thechem.
Mark of course can ban thechem, but any of us would have. He has told multiple versions of the same events - and at the very least is trying to continue to disguise true course of events.
I understand you feel akin to thechem in the English isn't your first language either (apparently), but that doesn't justify flying off the handle to defend solely on the basis of his lack of english skills.
We have handled thechem as needed to be handled, and he can still contact staff as need be. If we allowed what by ALL appearances and evidence IS a scammer to remain at NamePros, we would be doing diservice to all other members, and could be jeopardizing their $ and domain names.
This was the right action, and you know how to contact thechem, no need for grandstanding here.

I was born in america, mothers tongue is english grauduate at the university of Hawaii in music not in english ..... , I have taught in american schools
why do you have the assumption that english is not my first language??
maybe a few typos??????????? jumping to conclusions? {Mr Forum leader} thats without good form........................
maybe thats what your doing with this guy????
I have lived in Japan, Indonesia, malaysia and other countries.i understand the difficulty of learning a second language and being a foreigner ,
Im not soley basing my stance on his language at all that would be unprepared without a stance .... your accusing him as a scammer without really listening to him hes trying to communicate but your all caught up in trying to nail him,,, give him a chance ...............
Looks like he is trying to call to the whois owner?
1 Hes disempowered because he doesnt understand the domain system
2. He has been polite
3. He is trying to communicate wounded { name taken without funds} with wolves smelling blood all around
4.Seems like he is trying to resolve the mess too.
5 claims he is innocent........
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Harpo -

#1 - I see no Threads deleted of his

#2 - What gives me the right to ban him ? - The "Staff" badge under my name .... I VOLUNTEER my time here to keep some sort of Honesty and Order.

#3 - I think anyone reading this entire thread - and seeing thechem's lack of proof of where he receved these domains in private and open would do the same.

#4 - Being a member in this forum is not a Right - But a privilege .... And at any point that I see someone who is a possible menace toward our members or forum overall - I will not hesitate to close them down or limit their access to the forum.
Do you think we should just let him keep selling stolen (or supposedly stolen) domains to the members while we investigate ? Sorry - But I've been around the industry long enough to read between the lines most of the time ....

If you read our rules http://www.namepros.com/faq.php There are many reasons we close accounts , Things as small as Spamming / Rudeness / Affiliate and Referral links .... etc ....

I think something as serious as this situation warrants acting on the side of Member safety every time.

PS - He is not trying to communicate very much - The staff has had contact with him the whole time in private , and he has given No proof of ownership whatsoever .......
read through the threads
see arrogance, pride overstepping sensibility
misuse of authority , caged and muffled voice
might over right

"eye for an eye and the whole world is blind" Ghandi
Harpo - Go look at EVERY Sales thread of thechem's .......

Do you see any proof of any High Dollar domains left on this forum anywhere ? - Do you not see he removed them all from view ? Most weren't even Sold - He just deleted the posts to hide them .......

Steven agreed to buy this domain - The seller got mixed up on his story about where he got the domain and this made Steven dig into it further before finishing the transaction. Steven asked for a "push" first in this case because he had not done any transactions with this seller before - This may seem odd to a lot of us , But it is a quick way to gain trust between buyers/sellers on a first transaction. Face it , This industry is not without scammers - and never will be.

Also - in private , thechem mentioned he bought this domain at another forum to me although he would never tell me which other forum .....

He mentioned someone named "Brian" as the person he bought it from as well - I asked for more info ...... He ignored me.

I see enough in this open thread to come to the conclusions we have , and there is Very little in private that the members can't see.

If you can't see something wrong with thechem's way of gaining access to this domain - You may be in the wrong industry IMO ....

As far as your Accusations of abuse of power ......... I sleep fine at night ;)
ok you guys are the experts on catching theives
im glad your watching out for all of us..........Aloha Paul
TheChem still has the ability to communicate with staff to clear his name. From where it stands, it does appear that there is sufficient proof that this was a stolen domain name. If he would like to prove otherwise, he can communicate the information to NamePros staff, or fax it directly to me at 1-877-846-4695.
Actually Steven did the right thing by digging into the domain history.
Thechem's statements don't look very consistent at first glance and I don't think it is a language issue here.
Steven, have you identified the rightful owner yet ? Why not invite them to post their take here ? ;)
harpo said:
why do you have the assumption that english is not my first language??
maybe a few typos??????????? jumping to conclusions? {Mr Forum leader} thats without good form........................

Mark and -RJ- have done a great job addressing the rest of your points, but just to take issue with your issue with me ;)

Why? Idioms. Idiomatic expressions.

If I was wrong, so be it. However, your writing style is still indicative of a non-native speaker.

All the best, and that is not some malignment of you, nobody 'needs' to be a native speaker,

-Allan :gl:
Yes you were wrong,
leaders we hope should be examples of patience, humility and strength
where diversity is incouraged and respected, judgements set aside for the better good of the community.
harpo said:
Yes you were wrong,
leaders we hope should be examples of patience, humility and strength
where diversity is incouraged and respected, judgements set aside for the better good of the community.

Poetic - but I was in no indicating there was something negative to do with diversity being incouraged [sic] nor is there anything wrong with poor grammar or word choice, but it still is indicative of a lack of familiarity with the language.

That's all. :gl:
I think this case has enough evidence to be closed before it goes offtopic -- all points from all parties were covered, it is now up to thechem to make a rebuttal in private, with solid evidence, should he wish to clear his name and/or receive the money for the domain he "apparently" owned. It would be nice to see NetSol's official response of the situation in writing, however, but the thread can be reopened when this is made available.

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