
How about a sticky thread "send to sedo auction" in this section?

Spaceship Spaceship
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Hey guys

Reese started a thread in the short domains section for sending short domains to auction at Sedo. People can post 5 domains and set the start price at $60. Great idea I think. Why not have one in this section or the auction section for longer domains?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Etab said:
Of course there's nothing wrong with that, but when you go up to someone you know and ask them to make that high $xxx offer to start the auction, then it's wrong (mostly if they have or had no intention of buying). :imho:
Ok, that's not what is happening here. If I make a sale thread with a BIN and also state a price I'd be willing to push to auction at, you agree that there is nothing wrong with that. How is that any different than making a thread where I just state a price I'd be willing to push to auction at but without the BIN.

There wouldn't be any "favors" between friends or any backdoor dealings, it would be an agreement between a buyer who is hoping to get lucky and get a steal and a seller who is trying to get more exposure for their domain. There is nothing underhanded about it as you have already agreed. The only time it gets shady is when the buyer isn't actually interested in buying, which as was already said, would quickly stop as people get stuck paying $60 for a domain that isn't worth it.
If the back door pm's are the way we need to go...
Then I guess it will be business as usual.
Everyone has their friends already, and they will give their friend a little pm for them to start off the bidding.

Then they will Post a thread... is at Sedo Now!!!

Then they will bump it,
Only 2 days & 10 hours left!

Then their friend will Post
Hey I bid on that for you,
Good Luck.

So now the seller and his friend have to manipulate this
Honest NP System just to get a "little" audience.
Hence...MULTIPLE threads that will get buried in an hour or 2.

This could all be avoided if we could just have our 2 threads back.
It might as well all be done in 1 nice showcase type thread.
I am going to look there before anywhere else for my next domains.
And there is no....hear Ye, Hear Ye, Flea Market B.S.
as GoodKarmaco said.
It would all be in one central, thread with some specific rules!
What we have NOW, is that Flea Market B.S.

Look at the active threads at anytime.
You see this... Send to Sedo, Only $60.00!!!

Lets use our heads and make this happen!
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Red Rock said:
If the back door pm's are the way we need to go...
Then I guess it will be business as usual.
Everyone has their friends already, and they will give their domain a little friendly pm for their friend to start it off.
Then they will Post a thread... is at Sedo Now!!!

Then they will bump it,
Only 2 days & 10 hours left!

Then their friend will Post
Hey I bid on that for you,
Good Luck.

So now the seller and his friend have to manipulate this
Honest NP System just to get a "little" audience.
Hence...MULTIPLE threads that will get buried in an hour or 2.


I rest my case :blink:
mellowmasher said:
I rest my case :blink:
That is what is happening now!
It has been openly admitted in this thread.
I havent had the luxury of having that happen for me as of yet!
As I'm sure 90% of this community hasn't.
So, whats the big deal to do this the CORRECT way!
••• said:
The only time it gets shady is when the buyer isn't actually interested in buying, which as was already said, would quickly stop as people get stuck paying $60 for a domain that isn't worth it.
I agree with your points -- this is really the only problem with "Send to Auction" that I personally have a beef with. It's nice that sales are being promoted, but when someone bids with no intention on buying, then it's a problem. I don't care if they're not getting a good deal and still pay the $60 -- it's good that the buyer is honoring the sale -- but non-paying buyers are a reality.

Interesting discussion. :)
Etab said:
I agree with your points -- this is really the only problem with "Send to Auction" that I personally have a beef with. It's nice that sales are being promoted, but when someone bids with no intention on buying, then it's a problem. I don't care if they're not getting a good deal and still pay the $60 -- it's good that the buyer is honoring the sale -- but non-paying buyers are a reality.

Interesting discussion. :)
That's what I'm saying, for most people this is the major hang-up regarding this idea. However, I really believe that it won't become an epidemic as some would like you to believe because there are repercussions for bidding on a name, you either have to buy it or risk getting your Sedo account closed. I think consolidating what is already happening into one single place and making it transparent would do more good than harm.

In regards to the scenario of the buyer following through even if he didn't want the name, I don't really see a problem with that. If he didn't want the domain he shouldn't have made the bid to push it to auction. I can't speak for everyone, but I can't think of anyone here that I would pay $60 to for a reg fee name just to try to help them out. Business is business.
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Red Rock said:
So, whats the big deal to do this the CORRECT way!

I have no problem at all , as already stated, for more exposure to names and honest bids :)

This **is** a very good discussion :)

Maybe as pointed out above... Sedo needs the change :]
Honest bids will HAVE to be completed or your account
will be closed.
That is enough to keep ME honest!
And i tell you the truth, if you and I have some of the same
interests in our own domain niche....
You bet your A$$, I will bid and buy your name!
I would be extra happy because it's YOU!
The MonkeyGirl!
We would all have a big variety in the same thread/showcase.
This can only be a good thing!

You will have bad people involved in ANYTHING,
when there's MONEY involved.
But there will be more good, than bad!

Thanks for listening!
Doesn't anybody think a flood of $60 auctions, both for good and bad domains, would somehow devalue our investments? It's bad enough with all the FIRE sales of crap domains going on right now. It's funny, IMHO, now is the ideal time to accumulate, not dump! :wave:
innovation said:
Doesn't anybody think a flood of $60 auctions, both for good and bad domains, would somehow devalue our investments? It's bad enough with all the FIRE sales of crap domains going on right now. It's funny, IMHO, now is the ideal time to accumulate, not dump! :wave:
Do you realize that just sold for $20,000+!!!
That was listed in the "Another reported hyphen sale" thread.

Now what would everyone have said here, if THAT was in a domain appraisal thread?
Send it back!
It isnt even worth reg fee cuz its a typo and has a hyphen!
So, was that a good or bad name?

I guess a bigger market for us, could only IMROVE the Quality of names available for end-users!
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innovation said:
..., IMHO, now is the ideal time to accumulate, not dump! :wave: can't accumulate, if no one is dumping..!!
It's very easy to sort Sedo auctions to find exactly what you're looking for. By sorting "no hyphens, no numbers, exactly 4 characters, .com only" in example, I get a list of all LLLL.coms currently on Sedo auction.

This is what's so great about Sedo -- I can get a list of all the LLLL.coms that are on auction within a couple minutes and know that if I have the high bid (and there's no reserve) that I'll win the name. Compare this to going through 20,000+ listings at Sedo, having no clue if the owner wants $60 or $60000 for their name... I'm a full time domainer and even I don't have time for that :|

For those that understand the market, consider this... Suppose you're interested in getting a cheap CVCV. What are your current alternatives at Sedo? There is no "find all CVCV" button. You'd have to go letter by letter, vowel by vowel BABA, BABE, BABI, BABO, BABU, BACA, BACE, BACI, etc until you found a cheap one. Do you really want to submit what will likely amount to 1000+ offers at Sedo for the small chance you might actually get a decent deal on a CVCV? I'd much rather start someone's CVCV auction @ $60 and hope for the best. It works both ways... I highly doubt anyone at Namepros would have offered $15000+ like went for at Sedo.

This is about giving domainers more freedom. If you want the absolute truth, some of the biggest domainers in this industry are shillers (not that I'm condoning shill bidding)... Look no further than "the other forum" and you'll find a few domain millionaires who always like to give their buddies "good but not good enough" offers -- offers just good enough to make sure the domain doesn't go cheap but not good enough to likely win. Ever come across something along the lines of:

"I'll start you off with... "
" (offer) Just to get this thing rolling..."

Who would honestly say either if they were actually serious about winning an auction? Calling your bid a "starting bid" is essentially saying "my bid isn't good enough to win, but I'll place it anyway".

My personal opinion is that a thread to start Sedo auctions will do nothing to encourage shilling and may actually discourage a bit of it, because some would-be shillers may be willing to take this approach instead.

It's not even just about getting the auction started... Statistics show that auctions that end Tuesday/Wednesday during the American evening tend to receive higher bid than domains ending at 3 a.m. American time on a Sunday.

Sedo's currently in place system cripples a domainer's ability to decide when an auction should end or even on which day it should start, which is somewhat disappointing considering the day of the week and the time of auction ending are 2 of the largest contributors to overall auction success.

Such a thread would give the domainer more control over when an auction should start -- both at approximately which time and on which day, maximizing the likelihood of reaching top dollar for that particular domain.

Red Rock said:
Do you realize that just sold for $20,000+!!!
That was listed in the "Another reported hyphen sale" thread.

Now what would everyone have said here, if THAT was in a domain appraisal thread?
Send it back!
It isnt even worth reg fee cuz its a typo and has a hyphen!
So, was that a good or bad name?

I guess a bigger market for us, could only IMROVE the Quality of names available for end-users!

innovation said:
Doesn't anybody think a flood of $60 auctions, both for good and bad domains, would somehow devalue our investments? It's bad enough with all the FIRE sales of crap domains going on right now. It's funny, IMHO, now is the ideal time to accumulate, not dump! :wave:
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I vote for this idea.

It's just good old fashion business! :kickass:
Taking risks and creating opportunities for others to obtain domains at very good prices.

The only way something like this can be abused is by not honoring the $60 payment and not a real concern for this idea.

Like already said above, their accounts will be closed and they'll be shooting themselves in the foot.

The people abusing the auction system on Sedo by not honoring their payments will not get any added benefit from this idea to be pushed through on the NP forum.

This is not a shill bidding initiative, bids will be made and domains will get far more awareness then through any other means out there.
Bidders have the potential to acquire a domain at a fair price and sellers take a calculated risk.

Only very stupid people will bid $60 for a domain they don't want.
People that have ill intentions can't be stopped and being worried that this can be abused for a stepping stone to make actual false bids is kind of pointless because that will be done anyways...and more importantly you don't need this clever marketing initiative to be able to do that.

You don't need NP to pull that off. If people want to make shill bids they can do that already...nothing new.
Red Rock said:
Do you realize that just sold for $20,000+!!!
That was listed in the "Another reported hyphen sale" thread.

Using examples like this to highlight could only hurt our industry, tends to give a false impression. New domainers should not rely on sales like these to justify value for their domains.

hawkeye said: can't accumulate, if no one is dumping..!!

Dumping what is the question. All I read on these boards and domaining blogs is how high the reserves are for good domains.

How about using this concept to start $500 and up auctions with some good names? That way, as time goes on, we could possibly see better and better names appear, being attributed to this thread and NAMEPROS.
Oh, and i think it should not be in the form of a sticky thread, but an actual section where people can create their own threads.
A sticky thread will make it unorganized and a total mess.

2 cents.
innovation said:
...Dumping what is the question. All I read on these boards and domaining blogs is how high the reserves are for good domains.
No different then what's on Sedo now, and if trash is listed to send to auction.. it probably won't get sent! so no big deal.

innovation said:
How about using this concept to start $500 and up auctions with some good names? That way, as time goes on, we could possibly see better and better names appear, being attributed to this thread and NAMEPROS.
If a name is worth more than $500, and a $60 start off auction doesn't raise at least that, then perhaps that names' worth was just someone's illusion!!
innovation said:
Using examples like this to highlight could only hurt our industry, tends to give a false impression. New domainers should not rely on sales like these to justify value for their domains.
Nobody in their right mind would EVER rely on sales like this.
I'm sure, even the owner himself, is Shocked as Hell.

This is a Domain Pro Forum.
I see some really valuable domains go for $10-$50.
Most are better then some of the crap that you see selling.

Dont you look at Sales reports everyday, and say...
WTF was that buyer thinking???

I am saying, that with the quality of domains in our collective portfolios, we can only enhance the Sedo market!

But we need the chance to be seen!
The sales will tell the true stories!
But we will never know the FULL end user value if we dont even get the chance!
Damion said:
Oh, and i think it should not be in the form of a sticky thread, but an actual section where people can create their own threads.
A sticky thread will make it unorganized and a total mess.

2 cents.
I agree, I think this should have its own section.
It takes time to think things thru

Pesonally, I like it and think it will create no real problems.

My refrence to it being like a bazaar is not that I think it would create a bazaar atomosphere.

What I meant was Namepros management must think about the implementation of it so it does not seem like a bazaar atomosphere. When they ponder this they must take many things into account. These decisions may take some time.

This is a very good thread, and a wonderful idea too. That Reece is a smart domainer.
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hawkeye said:
No different then what's on Sedo now, and if trash is listed to send to auction.. it probably won't get sent! so no big deal.

If a name is worth more than $500, and a $60 start off auction doesn't raise at least that, then perhaps that names' worth was just someone's illusion!!

This is why I am suggesting a $500 start. Why clutter a thread with stuff that possibly won't even get sent at $60. Does NP want to suffer the same fate as Sedo. Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, but IMHO a $60 start would not keep anyone from throwing anything on there in hopes of starting an auction. I can already see the list filling with junk, and I would find it very unlikely worth the time to sift through it all.
We are going to get it done!
We are going to get our "Send me to Sedo" threads back!

Rules? Sure....

How many per day to submit,
Minimum Bids,
Whatever it takes!

All of us will benefit from this...
NPers, Sedo, End-Users, Everyone!!!
innovation said:
This is why I am suggesting a $500 start. Why clutter a thread with stuff that possibly won't even get sent at $60. Does NP want to suffer the same fate as Sedo. Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, but IMHO a $60 start would not keep anyone from throwing anything on there in hopes of starting an auction. I can already see the list filling with junk, and I would find it very unlikely worth the time to sift through it all.
Perhaps it should be moderated like the high price forum to keep out the reg fee garbage. To be honest, I don't think a $500 min would stop people from submitting their domains, a lot of garbage gets submitted to the high price forum and that is a $1k min. But then again, I see a lot of sales for $x,xxx and up that I wouldn't have taken for free, so who are we to say what is worth $60 and what isn't. I guess that should be up to the buyers.

Probably the best way to do it would be to have a one thread per day limit like the sales forums have, that way people have to consolidate.
I would just hate to see this good idea turn into a taster's paradise. Hey, I just registered this domain today and I'll send it to auction for $60, what a shame that'll be, after all the efforts to get rid of tasting.
innovation said:
I would just hate to see this good idea turn into a taster's paradise. Hey, I just registered this domain today and I'll send it to auction for $60, what a shame that'll be, after all the efforts to get rid of tasting.
I don't see that happening -- remember, someone has to actually value the name enough to bid on it for that to happen. :)
He's saying that if nobody values it enough to bid then people will just delete it for a refund, which is a valid statement. However, how would this become a tasters paradise any more than any of the other sales forums? Tasting is something that is going to happen as long as ICANN allows it to happen, but we shouldn't let those who choose to do business this way stop something good from happening just because they may try to take advantage of it.
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