
Domain Parking: Tips & Tricks to Help You Earn More!

Spaceship Spaceship


The journey is never endingVIP Member
And so it begins!:wave:

My goal is to help people learn more about the parking industry and help them earn more money while spending less of it.

There are tons of tricks,tips,secrets that people use to make money in this business.

Let me say this, I will not discuss illegal or bad practices here so please don't ask.

What will I talk about? How to find domains,with traffic for cheap. Creating long term wealth for yourself and how to do it on a budget. I will answer questions and talk about what I know. If there is something I'm not familiar with or not knowledgeable about I will say so.

I am not here to start flaming wars with other domainers or parking gurus. Everyone has their own set of rules to making money. If you don't like mine, that's okay , but please share your ideas with everyone instead of bashing others.

Myths I want to debunk now:

#1. Parking is dead. (Far from it)

#2. You can't make money doing it. (B.S.- you can make a ton of money in it)

#3. Only the rich can do this. (This is not true!)

#4. Google doesn't like domain parking! (Yes they do, they make a ton of money off it. If they hated it so much why do they continue to support it?)


So what's the point of all this? It's to help people with parking.

Please feel free to email,pm, or post your questions here and I will do my best to answer them all.



(P.S. I'm not the best writer so I apologize for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes in advance.)

--Answers to Questions I'm frequently asked!--

#1. What parking companies do I support/like?

These are the main ones I use and have had great success with. I base my success not only on the amount of money I make but also, customer service and transparency.

In alphabetical order:

- (Supports Foreign Traffic)(Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic) (Zero Click Model Supported)
- (Supports Foreign Traffic)
- (Highest Payouts In The Industry)

#2. What tools do you use to help you evaluate domains?

Besides my own "TOOL", which I'm not here to promote I would suggest the following;

1. - Great resource site (I do not affiliated with them in anyway)

If we break down the tools I generally look at the following:

Traffic Sources: (Understand that no tool is 100% accurate but together you can get a great picture.)

4. Verisign Labs: ( WARNING: This tool to be used when you have mastered other tools. The information on this site is tricky but can be useful)

History of the domain:


Backlinks: ( There are plenty of tools for these but here are some sites I use)

2. Google Backlinks
3. Yahoo Backlinks
6. (Enjoy this one. It's the search engine for backlinks)


1. Google Keyword Tool

#3. Where can I get lists to analyze:

I have my own tools that do the work for me however here are a few places you can grab lists from to analyze:

2. - (good site)
6. - (this covers a majority of the above & more)

#4. Do all your domains make money?:


I'll say it again : NO! I STILL PICK LOSERS!

In fact anyone who says they make money on every single purchase is lying. No one has a 100% success rate and you don't need to. What you need to do to win in this business is;

#1. Pick 51% winners
#2. Make sure to keep your costs low and make more then your spending.

Understand a single domain can make up the costs of lost ones. I picked a domain that makes me $15.00 a day in revenue. That means I'll make $450 a month with it and it's recouped $300 I've lost on previous domains.

Trust me, the sea of domains is massive and there are ton's of GOLDEN NUGGETS ready to be mined by all.

#5. How much do you spend on domains?:

I've spent anywhere from $.99 - $x,xxx! If I like a domain I will spend what I need, to get it as long as "I CAN STILL MAKE A PROFIT"! That's the key.

However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

#6. Blacklisted Domains? Revenue Sucks! HELLLLLP!

This is something that's not addressed a lot and something everyone should be aware of: THE BLACK LIST!

This still happens to me this day. I'll buy a domain only to find out the previous owner got blacklisted from Google. This will affect your revenue greatly because Google will not allow Parking Companies to display the proper ad's on your site. If this happens you will need to go to a second feed like Yahoo! or Zeroclick model.

Common Terms for Blacklisted:

1. Faillisted
2. Blacklisted
3. Fail

Check the status of a domain when you park it and you'll see what I mean.

Edit:6/12/2012: Thank You for this tool!

Originally Posted by

One thing I can add to this thread is to check if the domain is blacklisted before you purchase them, simply point to: Domain Here)


Primary = Google

Secondary = All others but Google (Faillisted,blacklisted, etc from google)

Hope that helps

#7. YUM! YUM! Domain Tasting

If you're not sure what this is it's when you buy a domain and test the traffic for a set amount of time and if your not happy with the traffic you can get a refund or partial refund of your handreg fee.

One thing I see all the time is: Domain tasting is dead! No it's not!

Yes; it might not be as prevalent as it once used to be but there are companies out there that still allow it. How do I know this? Because I do it.

#8. Can I promote or advertise my parked domains?

No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No!

If I wasn't clear let me repeat it; NO!

#9. What do all those backlinks mean from different sites?

(Thanks Martiinko for the info)

All those sites "backlink" scanners work by "downloading" the pages all over internet and then searching for URLs in it. Moving from one page to the other over these links. But...

1. There maybe a difference in last time they check this domain for backlinks.

2. There is definitely a huge difference in their databases of pages. That means if one site has smaller DB they don't probably have all the backlinks from as many pages as the other site.

3. Some backlinks are maybe updated, some maybe aren't. The process of "crawling" the web is very time consuming, so not all the backlinks can be verified every day.

To your other question. The links like you described are ok. If you park a domain all the requests go straight to the main page. But what is important is where is the link located. Is it a "spam in comments section", is it in the "blog post" or is maybe a "banner"?


So I collected couple different pages (and I'm collecting even more) for you to check if the webpage/domain was ever parked before ;) Some have form input some are just simple url + domain name.
I will make it into a simple web app, so you don't have to go to all of this pages when checking a domain name for parking history. Mostly screenshots.

Was this domain name parked before?
All of them are free. And I don't have any connection to them whatsoever.

Fun fact: This article got to 2th place in google search for Domain name parking history after 20 minutes.



1. Never spend money you can't afford to lose! Consider every domain investment a loss till you make your money back because that's what it is. No one can tell me different on this and the reason why is you are "NEGATIVE" that amount of money till it's recouped.

2. When you buy a domain to park; look to get your initial investment back within 6-12 months.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
@Cloud iVape are u saying u have 300 domain total making $600 per month?
Thats cool. What type of keyword are ur domains? Care to share
only 5 domains are making that money so far, and continuously building. -- Well, if you want some help, you can PM me and I can give you the tools to optimize each site correctly.(To park and monetize for good CPC, you have to tend to each and every domain, meta tagging correctly(same with description) , not making your title longer than like 60 spaces, Meta Description Keywording = Fail btw) -- But ya, I cant just give you a copy/paste for mine otherwise It might look suspicious and/or do something else not wanted haha. I can help you with good keywords for your domains though. Domain name with the keyword inside it is what you want to aim for. AffiliatePerfection .com/.net/.org etc or w.e. -- Only .us for clicks that you feel would be best suited in US and/or in english. Work on one at a time until you see results. I found out adding a crap load of domains(400+) and hoping for gold doenst work. Once you get parking down, id sugggest making a micro niche blog(s) and use that to discreetly advertise(vaguely giving 'what if' resources with your affliate ID hooked into it etc" -- peopel who read blogs dont wanna see a bunch of ads. But a phrase with a link attached doesnt do bad. Get that blog running, make good , unique content which is whats going to get you that top page rank popping, Pg 1, line 4 down etc. -- Otherwise, just scan dropped / expired domains for high CPC domains , non-typos, until you get one + in a specific subject matter and start building off that. I have a few sections of domains for high CPC that i havnt even done and may just sell due to the other ones exploding currently and having that just become one major subject, slightly broad, but all pertaining to the top of the spider web's idea. But ya, if you need some help, feel free to PM me, be glad to help -- im not any super expert, but i have figured out what to do to make earnings better than yesterday .. again and again, thus resulting in something that is becoming to be enough for a full paying job(without having to work at all either in the end, unless i start nicheing which then will need constant tending to and such -- not to fond of this but some people make a killing off it.) hope it helped someone, -- Chris D.
I have mixed results with typos. Some have worked and others have not.

Here is one for a 99 cent handreg that receives type-in traffic. So far almost made 22 dollars :)


I also recommend testing with different providers. I had one domain on Voodoo barely make 30 cents in 2 months. Tried it on ParkingCrew and it made almost a dollar in a few weeks. And vice versa... The domain in above screenshot I tested on ParkingCrew (which explains lack of hits in April) didn't make much compared to Voodoo.
peopel who read blogs dont wanna see a bunch of ads. But a phrase with a link attached doesnt do bad. Get that blog running, make good , unique content which is whats going to get you that top page rank popping, Pg 1, line 4 down etc.

Are you driving traffic to your parked domains?
This is not permited and you are in risk to have your account blocked.
only 5 domains are making that money so far, and continuously building. -- Well, if you want some help, you can PM me and I can give you the tools to optimize each site correctly.(To park and monetize for good CPC, you have to tend to each and every domain, meta tagging correctly(same with description) , not making your title longer than like 60 spaces, Meta Description Keywording = Fail btw) -- But ya, I cant just give you a copy/paste for mine otherwise It might look suspicious and/or do something else not wanted haha. I can help you with good keywords for your domains though. Domain name with the keyword inside it is what you want to aim for. AffiliatePerfection .com/.net/.org etc or w.e. -- Only .us for clicks that you feel would be best suited in US and/or in english. Work on one at a time until you see results. I found out adding a crap load of domains(400+) and hoping for gold doenst work. Once you get parking down, id sugggest making a micro niche blog(s) and use that to discreetly advertise(vaguely giving 'what if' resources with your affliate ID hooked into it etc" -- peopel who read blogs dont wanna see a bunch of ads. But a phrase with a link attached doesnt do bad. Get that blog running, make good , unique content which is whats going to get you that top page rank popping, Pg 1, line 4 down etc. -- Otherwise, just scan dropped / expired domains for high CPC domains , non-typos, until you get one + in a specific subject matter and start building off that. I have a few sections of domains for high CPC that i havnt even done and may just sell due to the other ones exploding currently and having that just become one major subject, slightly broad, but all pertaining to the top of the spider web's idea. But ya, if you need some help, feel free to PM me, be glad to help -- im not any super expert, but i have figured out what to do to make earnings better than yesterday .. again and again, thus resulting in something that is becoming to be enough for a full paying job(without having to work at all either in the end, unless i start nicheing which then will need constant tending to and such -- not to fond of this but some people make a killing off it.) hope it helped someone, -- Chris D.

As far as I know U totally can't do this...

Can we get a confirmation..?
what cant you do? give my suggestions on whats working for me? If i said something not permitted, then by all means , let me know. But dont hate the player -- if you aint got any game, all you gotta do is ask :)
what cant you do? give my suggestions on whats working for me? If i said something not permitted, then by all means , let me know. But dont hate the player -- if you aint got any game, all you gotta do is ask :)

offering my help to show a fellow namepro member what i use, which are all free, not asking for anything in return? -- Last time i checked, i thought this was a place to help other domainers.. I could be wrong, so correct me if thou shalt be thy reason... -_-;;
"Are you driving traffic to your parked domains?
This is not permited and you are in risk to have your account blocked."
First of all, whats driving traffic? Like forwarding high view domains to my domain(s) of interest? And secondly, you quoted me about a blog reply opinion based on my findings doing research, I dont even make niche blogs currently. Not sure what you were picking at but, ya, I just buy expired domains, park-> Optimize with tools that ive found throughout the time.

400 domains and a few thousand USD$ later, i had managed to make a portfolio and just parked them meerly to more orless keep track of them and wasnt even intending on making money this way. But , first the clickcash thrill started, thought iwas gonna get rich by promoting their site with my domains.(survey says... BEEP no). After a couple months past this point, buying high CPC domains here and there whilst still building a decent portfolio , i started seeing potential in some domains and figured id actually invest time into editing the fields available. End result--> what i was speaking of. If anyone else wants any pointers or questions that i may be able to answer, as long as i am on NP's, i will be glad to help. Thanks!
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"Are you driving traffic to your parked domains?
This is not permited and you are in risk to have your account blocked."
First of all, whats driving traffic? Like forwarding high view domains to my domain(s) of interest? And secondly, you quoted me about a blog reply opinion based on my findings doing research, I dont even make niche blogs currently. Not sure what you were picking at but, ya, I just buy expired domains, park-> Optimize with tools that ive found throughout the time.

What they're saying is if you write about your domain name on a blog, or in comments, or forward traffic from one domain to another which is parked at X parking company, or even if you leave the name of your domain on a piece of paper on a table at a coffee shop -- thats artificially driving traffic to them and the parking companies and Google will eventually find out. You'll run the risk of charge-backs or worse - your account being banned.

But if you have never done such then there is nothing to worry about. Its possible we all misunderstood you.

The traffic must be natural.
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Im still not following you entirely. Im not going to the mall and putting up billboards saying 'go to my site please, k thanks' or something. Doesn't the traffic need to be different IP's, coming from google or SE's or domain forwarding?(like you own .com/.net/.org, but when someone goes to net or org, shows takes you to .com) If i knew so many people were going to have a problem with me just crap-shooting,(just trying to give back to the community with what little knowledge i may be able to contribute that hasn't already be trifled with for ages or give someone who may have missed the same said suggestion(s) in a prior post an ability to see it as well.) on giving out advice that i figured probably was already known, i would have not done it x.x - I saw this thread recently and figured i would try to contribute to it whilst getting more information relevant to the goal , thus becoming a win-win. But hey, ill take a hint.. Maybe this was an invite only thread idk but i apologise for trying to give out , what looks like from all of you(yet have no clue as to what you mean), as bad advice, when i was just taking my personal recent experiences and seeing if they would help in all reality.. Anyways, alrighty then, take care guys.
I have read this whole thread twice now, over course of a month, and I'd like to thank everyone that's trying to help us noobs get a foot on the ladder.

I've only been domaining since mid-march and had all my domains parked on voodoo, about 20 currently, and over that time not seen a single cent, my best domain got 8 visits so far lol.

However, to be fair I didn't buy these names to park, they were for flippin, another fail lol,

Anyway, after taking the advice on offer here I filled out the keywords properly and checked wayback machine to try to sync my ads with old websites content, as I was working on that I got my first click of 36c horray!!!! I felt as good as if I got $3,600 because it meant I am heading in the right direction for once, now I am going to get in some domains with backlinks and go from there.

As an aside,
What surprises me is Voodoo do not offer any help or advice of the calibre we are getting here, surely they must know not everyone is clued up straight away? If voodoo (and the other parking cos) offered a proper tutorial system of help articles they would boost their and their customers earnings surely?
Or am I missing something or being naive?
I just wanted to note that backlink traffic eventually dies. Type-in traffic is more sustainable in the long run. :)
I just wanted to note that backlink traffic eventually dies. Type-in traffic is more sustainable in the long run. :)
Type in from bookmarked site dies fastly too and type in domain cost an eye of the head, or am I missing something??
Im still not following you entirely. Im not going to the mall and putting up billboards saying 'go to my site please, k thanks' or something. Doesn't the traffic need to be different IP's, coming from google or SE's or domain forwarding?(like you own .com/.net/.org, but when someone goes to net or org, shows takes you to .com) If i knew so many people were going to have a problem with me just crap-shooting,(just trying to give back to the community with what little knowledge i may be able to contribute that hasn't already be trifled with for ages or give someone who may have missed the same said suggestion(s) in a prior post an ability to see it as well.) on giving out advice that i figured probably was already known, i would have not done it x.x - I saw this thread recently and figured i would try to contribute to it whilst getting more information relevant to the goal , thus becoming a win-win. But hey, ill take a hint.. Maybe this was an invite only thread idk but i apologise for trying to give out , what looks like from all of you(yet have no clue as to what you mean), as bad advice, when i was just taking my personal recent experiences and seeing if they would help in all reality.. Anyways, alrighty then, take care guys.

Well, I did say that its possible that we've misunderstood you. Dont take it personally as it wasnt meant to be a personal attack. Probably, the best advice is to read the parking company Terms of Service (TOS) a few times to be sure you're operating within the TOS.
Type in from bookmarked site dies fastly too and type in domain cost an eye of the head, or am I missing something??

Type-in domains are expensive but they are worth their weight in gold.
Domain Parking is a passive activity. Consist in regging/buying domains, park them and wait. All you can do is add some keywords and/or change parking company. That's all.

There are no (legal) secret techniques to increase revenue. No magic formulas exist.
The only "secret" is in buying domains valid to be parked. Choosing them from expired lists, analyzing current backlinks (and yes, traffic dies through months/years), check that are quality backlinks (no spam in forums f.e.), etc. Most of good domains for parking are backordered and go to auction, where you have to bid against others with the same interest. Although still it is possible to find gems regfee.
The research is time comsuming and you need to pay some online tools to have all the info to take correct decisions.
Domain Parking is a passive activity. Consist in regging/buying domains, park them and wait. All you can do is add some keywords and/or change parking company. That's all.

There are no (legal) secret techniques to increase revenue. No magic formulas exist.
The only "secret" is in buying domains valid to be parked. Choosing them from expired lists, analyzing current backlinks (and yes, traffic dies through months/years), check that are quality backlinks (no spam in forums f.e.), etc. Most of good domains for parking are backordered and go to auction, where you have to bid against others with the same interest. Although still it is possible to find gems regfee.
The research is time comsuming and you need to pay some online tools to have all the info to take correct decisions.

Buy this man a beer!
I have a question guys.
When @smurge and others say "check for the quality of the backlinks"
does that mean checking the trustflow?
or just checking the link is still there by visiting the link and make sure its not a forum post?

I get confused because a lot of links look like they are from same place and others I just don't really understand what I'm supposed to be checking for really.

I have been researching what makes a backlink quality and one shock I got was an article saying foreign links , like a Chinese backlink to English site is very bad in 95% of cases, oh dear, can anyone confirm this, although the article was referring to SEO not parking, are foreign site links OK for parking?

Also, I just read that a site not indexed by google, most of the time it means it has been penalised for blackhat type behavior, worth nothing before buying a domain I thought lol
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Hi Smurge, At some stage you were testing hand regs, how did you go with this? Do you need back links for hand regs and is domain tasting still available and what registrars or sellers offer it? Advice would be most appreciated. Thanks
Hi, And do you need to host them on your own server? Thanks.
Hi Smurge, At some stage you were testing hand regs, how did you go with this? Do you need back links for hand regs and is domain tasting still available and what registrars or sellers offer it? Advice would be most appreciated. Thanks

i think there is no such thing as real domain tasting anymore what you can do is to cancel the registration within 5 days and get a partial refund for it. a few registrars offer this but they may limit the number of registrations that you can get a refund for.

if i buy a .com with dynadot i can get a refund but they will still keep $3.

When @smurge and others say "check for the quality of the backlinks"
does that mean checking the trustflow?

Quality is not easily defined and there is no metric for it.

Metrics Like Pagerank and Trustflow are being used in SEO as a metric for Link Popularity intended for machines. This has little to do with backlink quality for parking.

Certain metrics like trustflow may help you to identify quality backlinks or narrow down your selection.

I believe quality for parking means:

Is it a real backlink (not a spam comment on a blog)

Is the link buried among hundreds of others on the same page?(Unlikely that yours will get clicked)

Does the page that links to your domain get a lot of traffic?

What audience does the page that links to you attract?

If your domain ads are selling beef and you have a backlink from a vegan site complaining about you your ads won't convert for the advertiser.

How long will the link last?

That can only be answered after human inspection of the backlink no metric can. Perhaps Google could understand it but your scripts won't.

I have been researching what makes a backlink quality and one shock I got was an article saying foreign links , like a Chinese backlink to English site is very bad in 95% of cases, oh dear, can anyone confirm this, although the article was referring to SEO not parking, are foreign site links OK for parking?

Sure but low income per capita countries usually have a low PPC so often not worth it.

Also, I just read that a site not indexed by google, most of the time it means it has been penalised for blackhat type behavior, worth nothing before buying a domain I thought lol

Forget anything that you read about SEO. Parking and SEO are two different things. It doesn't matter of Googe the Search Engine has banned your domain as long as Google the Advertising system serves it. These entities operate independently even though they may share some of their data.
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Quality: This aint your GrandPappy's TopShelf! (Don't ask about the title)

Some tips for backlinks:

- What type of backlink is it?
- Is it an edu, gov, com, info, cn, etc... backlink?

- Where is it on the website?
- Is the backlink 10,000 pages deep? If so that would not be good. It's still not bad but not good.
- Is the backlink on the main pages of the website?
- Is it on the contact us page
- Is it on the home page
- Can you easily find the link?
- Is the link at the top, middle, or bottom section of the site

- What type of traffic does the website that your backlink get?
- Where in the world is it coming from?
- Where do a majority of the links come from

- What does say about your domain name?
- Is there a history of the site?

- What does say about your backlinks main url?

- How many unique I.P.s direct to your site?

- How old is your domain?

Hopefully I was able to paint a better picture on finding "Quality" backlinks.
Hi Dordomai and Smurge,

Thanks so much for going to the effort of a great response. However I should have been more specific. The hand regs are "BRAND NEW". Do I need to add backlinks and host them on my own server prior to parking? Thank you for your patience.
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