
Domain Parking: Tips & Tricks to Help You Earn More!

Spaceship Spaceship


The journey is never endingVIP Member
And so it begins!:wave:

My goal is to help people learn more about the parking industry and help them earn more money while spending less of it.

There are tons of tricks,tips,secrets that people use to make money in this business.

Let me say this, I will not discuss illegal or bad practices here so please don't ask.

What will I talk about? How to find domains,with traffic for cheap. Creating long term wealth for yourself and how to do it on a budget. I will answer questions and talk about what I know. If there is something I'm not familiar with or not knowledgeable about I will say so.

I am not here to start flaming wars with other domainers or parking gurus. Everyone has their own set of rules to making money. If you don't like mine, that's okay , but please share your ideas with everyone instead of bashing others.

Myths I want to debunk now:

#1. Parking is dead. (Far from it)

#2. You can't make money doing it. (B.S.- you can make a ton of money in it)

#3. Only the rich can do this. (This is not true!)

#4. Google doesn't like domain parking! (Yes they do, they make a ton of money off it. If they hated it so much why do they continue to support it?)


So what's the point of all this? It's to help people with parking.

Please feel free to email,pm, or post your questions here and I will do my best to answer them all.



(P.S. I'm not the best writer so I apologize for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes in advance.)

--Answers to Questions I'm frequently asked!--

#1. What parking companies do I support/like?

These are the main ones I use and have had great success with. I base my success not only on the amount of money I make but also, customer service and transparency.

In alphabetical order:

- Bodis.com (Supports Foreign Traffic)(Zero Click Model Supported)
- Domainsponsor.com (Supports Foreign Traffic) (Zero Click Model Supported)
- Parkingcrew.com (Supports Foreign Traffic)
- Voodoo.com (Highest Payouts In The Industry)

#2. What tools do you use to help you evaluate domains?

Besides my own "TOOL", which I'm not here to promote I would suggest the following;

1. Push2check.com - Great resource site (I do not affiliated with them in anyway)

If we break down the tools I generally look at the following:

Traffic Sources: (Understand that no tool is 100% accurate but together you can get a great picture.)

1. Compete.com
2. Alexa.com
3. Quantcast.com
4. Verisign Labs: http://domainscore.verisignlabs.com/ ( WARNING: This tool to be used when you have mastered other tools. The information on this site is tricky but can be useful)

History of the domain:

1. Archive.org
2. who.is

Backlinks: ( There are plenty of tools for these but here are some sites I use)

1. Majesticseo.com
2. Google Backlinks
3. Yahoo Backlinks
4. DuckDuckGo.com
5. AHrefs.com: https://ahrefs.com/site-explorer/overview/subdomains/brickbuyers.com
6. opensiteexplorer.org (Enjoy this one. It's the search engine for backlinks)


1. Google Keyword Tool

#3. Where can I get lists to analyze:

I have my own tools that do the work for me however here are a few places you can grab lists from to analyze:

1. Dynadot.com
2. Expireddomains.net - (good site)
3. Namejet.com
4. Snapnames.com
5. Godaddy.com
6. Freshdrop.net - (this covers a majority of the above & more)

#4. Do all your domains make money?:


I'll say it again : NO! I STILL PICK LOSERS!

In fact anyone who says they make money on every single purchase is lying. No one has a 100% success rate and you don't need to. What you need to do to win in this business is;

#1. Pick 51% winners
#2. Make sure to keep your costs low and make more then your spending.

Understand a single domain can make up the costs of lost ones. I picked a domain that makes me $15.00 a day in revenue. That means I'll make $450 a month with it and it's recouped $300 I've lost on previous domains.

Trust me, the sea of domains is massive and there are ton's of GOLDEN NUGGETS ready to be mined by all.

#5. How much do you spend on domains?:

I've spent anywhere from $.99 - $x,xxx! If I like a domain I will spend what I need, to get it as long as "I CAN STILL MAKE A PROFIT"! That's the key.

However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

#6. Blacklisted Domains? Revenue Sucks! HELLLLLP!

This is something that's not addressed a lot and something everyone should be aware of: THE BLACK LIST!

This still happens to me this day. I'll buy a domain only to find out the previous owner got blacklisted from Google. This will affect your revenue greatly because Google will not allow Parking Companies to display the proper ad's on your site. If this happens you will need to go to a second feed like Yahoo! or Zeroclick model.

Common Terms for Blacklisted:

1. Faillisted
2. Blacklisted
3. Fail

Check the status of a domain when you park it and you'll see what I mean.

Edit:6/12/2012: Thank You www.ri.sch.edu.sg for this tool!

Originally Posted by www.ri.sch.edu.sg

One thing I can add to this thread is to check if the domain is blacklisted before you purchase them, simply point to:

https://api.bodis.com/domainclassification?domain=(Insert Domain Here)


Primary = Google

Secondary = All others but Google (Faillisted,blacklisted, etc from google)

Hope that helps

#7. YUM! YUM! Domain Tasting

If you're not sure what this is it's when you buy a domain and test the traffic for a set amount of time and if your not happy with the traffic you can get a refund or partial refund of your handreg fee.

One thing I see all the time is: Domain tasting is dead! No it's not!

Yes; it might not be as prevalent as it once used to be but there are companies out there that still allow it. How do I know this? Because I do it.

#8. Can I promote or advertise my parked domains?

No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No!

If I wasn't clear let me repeat it; NO!

#9. What do all those backlinks mean from different sites?

(Thanks Martiinko for the info)

All those sites "backlink" scanners work by "downloading" the pages all over internet and then searching for URLs in it. Moving from one page to the other over these links. But...

1. There maybe a difference in last time they check this domain for backlinks.

2. There is definitely a huge difference in their databases of pages. That means if one site has smaller DB they don't probably have all the backlinks from as many pages as the other site.

3. Some backlinks are maybe updated, some maybe aren't. The process of "crawling" the web is very time consuming, so not all the backlinks can be verified every day.

To your other question. The links like you described are ok. If you park a domain all the requests go straight to the main page. But what is important is where is the link located. Is it a "spam in comments section", is it in the "blog post" or is maybe a "banner"?


So I collected couple different pages (and I'm collecting even more) for you to check if the webpage/domain was ever parked before ;) Some have form input some are just simple url + domain name.
I will make it into a simple web app, so you don't have to go to all of this pages when checking a domain name for parking history. Mostly screenshots.

Was this domain name parked before?
All of them are free. And I don't have any connection to them whatsoever.

Fun fact: This article got to 2th place in google search for Domain name parking history after 20 minutes.



1. Never spend money you can't afford to lose! Consider every domain investment a loss till you make your money back because that's what it is. No one can tell me different on this and the reason why is you are "NEGATIVE" that amount of money till it's recouped.

2. When you buy a domain to park; look to get your initial investment back within 6-12 months.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Is there anybody who made such clicks, profits, revenues from smurge advices and stories?

If the answer is NO - well the alarm is ringing.

I personally was shocked when I saw his $200+ clicks and then realized that something is not right there. Either just lucky click or something else.


Good luck to all.

And smurge, I like your signature:

'When people say you can’t do it ― that it’s impossible ― never lose hope. Just because they couldn’t doesn’t mean you can’t."

David Coperfield.

Well - he is one of the biggest scammers - aka illusionists - out there.:lol:
This is not a field for any "Bank Clerk" to leave his job and hope to make a living from. So the point is not whether if anyone made money from Smurge's tips or not - the fact is what Smurge shared here could be applied to find the right of types of domains for parking - he offered the map and it's up to individuals to find the way.

Domaining is a complex business in which if one important fact is overlooked or if not considered at all, it will be very hard to make it a successful business.

I've examined Smurge's work very thoroughly and I see him as a genuine and a top geezer - to tell the absolute truth no one else would have shared with others what Smurge has done, including myself - so be grateful for the free info that you've been getting from him and work hard to develop it further instead of keep moaning and blaming others for your lack of initiatives!
I've examined Smurge's work very thoroughly and I see him as a genuine and a top geezer - to tell the absolute truth no one else would have shared with others what Smurge has done, including myself - so be grateful for the free info that you've been getting from him and work hard to develop it further instead of keep moaning and blaming others for your lack of initiatives!

Well said Ibidu, I just can't understand why people just want to bitxh around and questioning the information shared for free.

I don't know Smurge, but he have given a lot information that helped to me make some real money with parking.

So, be grateful and if you need more information.... just ask him nicely.

Your issue is you are parking at Sedo. Sedo absolutely sucks when it comes to revenue. You need to test your domains over at Parkingcrew.com or Voodoo.com. I guarantee you if you do that you will easily surpass $15.00 a month.

Best of luck

Smurge, I saw your PPC example. That is AMAZING! I dont think I'd be able to achieve those numbers but if I could earn $15 per DAY then I would be much happier than $15 per MONTH.

You say Voodoo is the place? I shall investigate. I am open to suggestions, instruction, tips.... always willing to learn!

THANKS! You've given me hope.
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Sorry you wasted money on bad domains? (what do you want me to say)

Competition? lol Google made $35+ billion (96% of their revenue is ad based) I think there is plenty to go around.

so here is what I can tell about you so far:

You see yourself as an experienced domainar, that's cool, but you have some vendetta against me (not sure way) and you have never reached out to me on a personal level to talk. So Instead of acting like a man or woman and contacting me via email, like a real business owner would, you decide to come on here and post what you feel is correct (you know what they say about opinions).

That being said you claim to be a professional domainar for 5 years with 2500 domains and only making $500 a week. I'll give you some advice...if you want to get into parking then re-evaluate your portfolio or go to a parking company like Voodoo or Parkingcrew.

I'm glad Andrew.K is making that money. Great thing is, our reviews were always user submitted and we always made sure we got their approval before posting it.

Now regarding the program, the funny thing is (feel free to ask anyone) we never once promised it was a get rich quick program or that people were going to make massive money. Yes we showed $60.00 clicks, we also showed .01 clicks, and everything. Heck if you even tried the program you would know I did live demonstrations and would log into my personal accounts live and show them all my revenue (the big and little). However, you would not know that because you made assumptions. Assuming is a bad thing and you know what they say.... When you assume it makes an ass out of you not me. (Great humor I know)

But let me cover one other thing...in the history of my posts, in the history of me talking about this program or others, have you ever once seen me write something bad or negative about other domainars? The answer is no...till today. Reason being is I'm tired of all you asshats thinking you know better. tired of you thinking you know whats right, wrong, what's doable or not. I'm sorry you we'rent blessed with more talent (actually you just gotta work harder) but don't dare come on here and try to bash my name.

but let's add one more thing.... Everyone knows who I am.. I'm Richard Saperstein, father of 3, and I spent 4 years trying to help others out of their situation. What have you done to help others? What have you done to give back to the domain community other then creating a new account a few days ago, with a total of 5 posts mainly which are about me. lol If I didn't know better I'd assume what you are really asking for is my autograph.

btw, when you have time...I need to tell you a story of a 80 year old grandmother who makes more than you. I think you will get a kick out of her story and all the screen shots , testimonial videos, account videos, etc, that she would love to share with you. but wait...there is no way an 80 year old grandmother could even make more than $500 a week just starting off (your logic ...not mine)

Anyways, I hope all you others are doing well , studying, progressing and constantly expanding your horizons. Best of luck to you all..

-Richard Saperstein

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

Your issue is you are parking at Sedo. Sedo absolutely sucks when it comes to revenue. You need to test your domains over at Parkingcrew.com or Voodoo.com. I guarantee you if you do that you will easily surpass $15.00 a month.

Best of luck

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

ohh and this is for nxdomains : since he loves my screen shots :

Smurge, say what screenshot program do you use?

i've no affiliation with him.. just talked with him in the past and follow his advice!

the march 2013 revenues are 9 clicks.. but 1 of those is a 42$ click

nothing like his account but i can only trust his words.
i hope to talk again with you Richard.. also if i know that you have some trouble with people and DS..
i tried to use VOODOO.. but some domains of mine work too better with DS.

thanks again, i think is the less i can do against all people that want u as a scammer


  • Schermata 2013-11-27 a 19.34.37.png
    Schermata 2013-11-27 a 19.34.37.png
    280.8 KB · Views: 215
  • Schermata 2013-11-27 a 19.36.18.png
    Schermata 2013-11-27 a 19.36.18.png
    282.5 KB · Views: 208
Smurge, say what screenshot program do you use?

I just hit "PrtSc" button and then use "Irfaniew" (free program).

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

Smurge, I saw your PPC example. That is AMAZING! I dont think I'd be able to achieve those numbers but if I could earn $15 per DAY then I would be much happier than $15 per MONTH.

You say Voodoo is the place? I shall investigate. I am open to suggestions, instruction, tips.... always willing to learn!

THANKS! You've given me hope.

Thank you for the post and I hope there is something here that can help you increase your revenue. I truly love Voodoo, Parkingcrew, Domainsponsor, Bodis. I have had such great success with those companies. The reason why is the customer service and payouts.

I know some of my posts come off wrong and that's because I'm a horrible writer. I struggle to convey information properly and I think that's why people assume I'm a bad person. I can explain things easier in person/talking and it makes so much more sense.

How much traffic are you getting?

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------


i've no affiliation with him.. just talked with him in the past and follow his advice!

the march 2013 revenues are 9 clicks.. but 1 of those is a 42$ click

nothing like his account but i can only trust his words.
i hope to talk again with you Richard.. also if i know that you have some trouble with people and DS..
i tried to use VOODOO.. but some domains of mine work too better with DS.

thanks again, i think is the less i can do against all people that want u as a scammer

Thank Pablo! It's good to see that you understand and are starting to grow your stuff properly. Shoot me a skype sometime and well chat.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

Well said Ibidu, I just can't understand why people just want to bitxh around and questioning the information shared for free.

I don't know Smurge, but he have given a lot information that helped to me make some real money with parking.

So, be grateful and if you need more information.... just ask him nicely.


Speed it hit right on the head. I truly like to help people, hell I've truly given my last dollar to individuals who need it.

I know you all think I live in some massive house and live some fancy life style but that is far from the truth.I'm just a regular guys that plays video games, spends time with my kids & wife, goes to church,makes mistakes, and loses his temper like everyone else. I'm a human not some entity that wishes destruction and damnation on everyone. Honestly, I don't even hate people, the critics I have I would become their friends but it's up to them to see I mean no harm. Life is way too short and precious to worry about this stuff.

One thing you all should know is I actually donate a majority of what I make to others in need. I've paid for soldiers funerals (my brother is a Marine), St.Judes, Christmas , Birthdays, major holidays, and just randomly helping people in need. I;m a big advocate of Reddit.com and their community charity where you can adopt families/kids and get them stuff. Last year I easily spent $10K giving back to others in need.

Somehow our world has become so engrossed in greed that they forget to help others. Trust me, there are people reading this thread right now that I have helped and never asked a thing in return.

Believe what you want...I know personally that I'm always going to have enemies for a variety of reasons. Im not naive that there are some MASSIVE players who are afraid I'm going to wreck this industry because I've started opening up about what I know.

The bottom line everyone is that you can do this. It does take time, it's not get rich quick. Sure I may have showed up on the scene 1 day and posted the article but it took me a few years to understand everything. I asked questions, I researched, I made mistakes and learned from my mistakes. I made enemies but then I've made some truly awesome friends.

If everyone on the internet acted more like a friend and stopped trying to push everyone away (in this business) they would realize how much more money they could honestly make.
Smurge, its nothing personal. We are just discussing your parking magic. Dont be offended.
Thank you for the post and I hope there is something here that can help you increase your revenue. I truly love Voodoo, Parkingcrew, Domainsponsor, Bodis. I have had such great success with those companies. The reason why is the customer service and payouts.

I know some of my posts come off wrong and that's because I'm a horrible writer. I struggle to convey information properly and I think that's why people assume I'm a bad person. I can explain things easier in person/talking and it makes so much more sense.

How much traffic are you getting?

In the last 12 months my stats are as follows:
Uniques 33,193
Clicks 2,581
Earnings 181.28
CTR 7.78%
EPC 0.0702
RPM 5.49
Avg/Mth 15.11

I am going to try Voodoo first and then the others that you recommended. I will probably have to split the domains between different ones depending on which do better at what parking company. But I am earning next to nothing at Sedo. Its painful.
In the last 12 months my stats are as follows:
Uniques 33,193
Clicks 2,581
Earnings 181.28
CTR 7.78%
EPC 0.0702
RPM 5.49
Avg/Mth 15.11

I am going to try Voodoo first and then the others that you recommended. I will probably have to split the domains between different ones depending on which do better at what parking company. But I am earning next to nothing at Sedo. Its painful.

P.M. your domains ... it might be something as simple as the keywords. I'll take a look at the if you want.
@smurge getting low clicks from domainsponsor recently starting last month for nursing and law related domains after having to manually change the themes to Atlas 2?
P.M. your domains ... it might be something as simple as the keywords. I'll take a look at the if you want.

Keywords are an issue with Sedo. I sometimes find them changed without my doing -OR- their landing page for my domain has nothing to do with the keywords at all.

I will prepare a list and PM you about 465 names, thank you!
Smurge, I saw your PPC example. That is AMAZING! I dont think I'd be able to achieve those numbers but if I could earn $15 per DAY then I would be much happier than $15 per MONTH.

You say Voodoo is the place? I shall investigate. I am open to suggestions, instruction, tips.... always willing to learn!

THANKS! You've given me hope.

I would just keep this important factor in mind - if your domains don't have any traffic, it wouldn't matter where you park them.

First, check to see if any of them has any decent backlinks. If not and the name is not going to sell either, then cut down on your overheads and let it drop. If you manage to weed out those which make no money and would not sell either then you've done your business a favour.
Just parked my 3 word keyword domain (exact 6000 monthly ) at Bodis .
i know one shouldnt promte a parked domain but how can i actually get visitors ?
sorry , im a newbie at parking domains.
Thanks alot
I just hit "PrtSc" button and then use "Irfaniew" (free program).

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

Thank you for the post and I hope there is something here that can help you increase your revenue. I truly love Voodoo, Parkingcrew, Domainsponsor, Bodis. I have had such great success with those companies. The reason why is the customer service and payouts.

I know some of my posts come off wrong and that's because I'm a horrible writer. I struggle to convey information properly and I think that's why people assume I'm a bad person. I can explain things easier in person/talking and it makes so much more sense.

How much traffic are you getting?

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

Thank Pablo! It's good to see that you understand and are starting to grow your stuff properly. Shoot me a skype sometime and well chat.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

Speed it hit right on the head. I truly like to help people, hell I've truly given my last dollar to individuals who need it.

I know you all think I live in some massive house and live some fancy life style but that is far from the truth.I'm just a regular guys that plays video games, spends time with my kids & wife, goes to church,makes mistakes, and loses his temper like everyone else. I'm a human not some entity that wishes destruction and damnation on everyone. Honestly, I don't even hate people, the critics I have I would become their friends but it's up to them to see I mean no harm. Life is way too short and precious to worry about this stuff.

One thing you all should know is I actually donate a majority of what I make to others in need. I've paid for soldiers funerals (my brother is a Marine), St.Judes, Christmas , Birthdays, major holidays, and just randomly helping people in need. I;m a big advocate of Reddit.com and their community charity where you can adopt families/kids and get them stuff. Last year I easily spent $10K giving back to others in need.

Somehow our world has become so engrossed in greed that they forget to help others. Trust me, there are people reading this thread right now that I have helped and never asked a thing in return.

Believe what you want...I know personally that I'm always going to have enemies for a variety of reasons. Im not naive that there are some MASSIVE players who are afraid I'm going to wreck this industry because I've started opening up about what I know.

The bottom line everyone is that you can do this. It does take time, it's not get rich quick. Sure I may have showed up on the scene 1 day and posted the article but it took me a few years to understand everything. I asked questions, I researched, I made mistakes and learned from my mistakes. I made enemies but then I've made some truly awesome friends.

If everyone on the internet acted more like a friend and stopped trying to push everyone away (in this business) they would realize how much more money they could honestly make.

Sure :)
would be only a pleasure to talk to you again.

I've your Skype contact but I never see u online after your office change.. Maybe do u have another account now?
If yes and you want to share it please shoot me a pm with it :)
I would just keep this important factor in mind - if your domains don't have any traffic, it wouldn't matter where you park them.

First, check to see if any of them has any decent backlinks. If not and the name is not going to sell either, then cut down on your overheads and let it drop. If you manage to weed out those which make no money and would not sell either then you've done your business a favour.

Traffic, yes. A good deal of them receive traffic. What is considered "good" traffic? Backlinks? Where can I check backlinks? Some of the most obscure names I hand-registered have sold in the $1000-$2000 range. Some of which I had no idea why I registered 7+ years ago at the time of the sale but just kept renewing them.

I would LOVE to weed out names and keep what I think are going to be the best sellers and bet PPC earners but I have a fear of dropping names because every single name I have let expire has eventually been picked up by someone for a blog or even their business. So to me that is a lost sale, you know? But when money is tight I do let some expire.
Traffic, yes. A good deal of them receive traffic. What is considered "good" traffic? Backlinks? Where can I check backlinks? Some of the most obscure names I hand-registered have sold in the $1000-$2000 range. Some of which I had no idea why I registered 7+ years ago at the time of the sale but just kept renewing them.

I would LOVE to weed out names and keep what I think are going to be the best sellers and bet PPC earners but I have a fear of dropping names because every single name I have let expire has eventually been picked up by someone for a blog or even their business. So to me that is a lost sale, you know? But when money is tight I do let some expire.

Can i parke domain but use subdomain as website?
what's a good average ctr so i will know if i need to change the keyword for more clicks?
In the last 12 months my stats are as follows:
Uniques 33,193
Clicks 2,581
Earnings 181.28
CTR 7.78%
EPC 0.0702
RPM 5.49
Avg/Mth 15.11

I am going to try Voodoo first and then the others that you recommended. I will probably have to split the domains between different ones depending on which do better at what parking company. But I am earning next to nothing at Sedo. Its painful.

Its not you. Sedo is horrible. Try Domainsponsor, Voodoo, Rook or Parking Crew depending on the domain niche and the country of origin for the traffic. You should easily double your earnings if not more.

---------- Post added at 12:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

@smurge getting low clicks from domainsponsor recently starting last month for nursing and law related domains after having to manually change the themes to Atlas 2?

DomainSponsor has been making changes since September which have hurt earnings and CTR for lots of domain niches. Try the landers Atlas 1 and Atlas 2. If you are getting a lot of intl traffic then you may be better off with Voodoo or ParkingCrew.

---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

Just parked my 3 word keyword domain (exact 6000 monthly ) at Bodis .
i know one shouldnt promte a parked domain but how can i actually get visitors ?
sorry , im a newbie at parking domains.
Thanks alot

If your domain name isnt getting any traffic, then it is time to stop parking it. Host the website yourself, add some content and some adsense ads. Adsense pays more than the parking companies and you can get organic search engine traffic. Your efforts will be rewarded if you put up some decent content.

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

what's a good average ctr so i will know if i need to change the keyword for more clicks?

30-40% is a good CTR.
Traffic without any clicks

I have accounts in Bodis, ParkingCrew, RookMedia, NameDrive for parking my domains. and manage the stats by using above dot com.
I get good traffic daily but no clicks.
Its not long that i have parked my domains.
Can anyone tell me the expect time to start earning.:-/
I have accounts in Bodis, ParkingCrew, RookMedia, NameDrive for parking my domains. and manage the stats by using above dot com.
I get good traffic daily but no clicks.
Its not long that i have parked my domains.
Can anyone tell me the expect time to start earning.:-/
I have this problem too. At first at Sedo, now on Domainsponsor.
Been absolutely hooked on this thread over the last couple of days. Decided to create my own portfolio, as of 3rd Jan 2014.

I have 9 sites that I picked up on expireddomains.net trying to follow the methodology described here. Generally picked sites with a catchy name and some backlinks, traffic, CPC.

Really has just hit home to pick sites with worthwhile links. Run out of free attempts on most domain checkers which is ok since my limited budget has now diminished.

Still can't believe that this method works, but thought phuck it, i'll bite the bullet and see what happens.

I would concur with the two posters above. Some rough metric for establishing a predicted return on investment would be brilliant.

Many thanks to Smurge for posting some very informative and detailed advice.
Thanks Smurge for this thread. I'm a newbie to the domaining industry. I've read this post over the past days and I don't if i missed this but how can I check the quality of the backlinks. I know backlinkwatch lists the backlinks found on a particular domain but how do i know if they are of good quality. Thanks!
Thanks Smurge for this thread. I'm a newbie to the domaining industry. I've read this post over the past days and I don't if i missed this but how can I check the quality of the backlinks. I know backlinkwatch lists the backlinks found on a particular domain but how do i know if they are of good quality. Thanks!

IMO you have to check back links on multiple tools.
Check it on siteexplorer, majesticseo and alexa too.
this might give you more details about backlink.
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