IT.COM is Kevin Medina

Folks, I've been rather quiet lately. For those of you who don't know, my name is Justin and I'm webmaster of the former

First allow me to apologize for taking the site offline. Something went wrong with the code during a horrible HostNine experience and after the GoDaddy buy out and the ICANN notice, I didn't see the need to pursue the battle any longer. At this point, things have changed.

There has been some confusion as to what's gone on with Registerfly and now the rebranding into Regfly with the support of Tucows etc etc.

Allow me to be brief. I'm reopening There are some issues with the current code but it is going to open for good. The site was a mess but with a little work, it can be cleaned up and brought back to being functional.

Regfly is Kevin Medina
Contrary to what some of you have been told,, RWS, are all Kevin Medina. Kevin Medina and Robert Oneill are working together and reselling domain names through Tucows now and Tucows is supporting these known criminals.

Nothing has changed. They continue to lie cheat and steal. Kevin has made no point to issue any response to allegations against him... nothing.

So, must stay open and must continue on. ICANN and the law do nothing unless they are pushed. People should not do business with Registerfly under any circumstance whatsoever.

I wanted this to be brief, feel free to respond but I have work to do. There's a lot of information that has been gathered and records of where stolen domain names have gone to. I'm going to make this information as public as possible while trying to protect the rights of the original Registrants.

The cold hard facts are ICANN is not going to bite, the law doesn't care and the criminals are still free to conduct business as usual. The only way this can be stopped is by the community and we will be heard. Enough is enough!

Thanks for listening and I will let you all know when is back up and live.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
thanks for the info Justin
I remember well how much help your site registerflies was in assisting stolen domain owners ~ your post confirms my suspicions - as soon as I heard about the regfly rebrand I smelt a rat
Already done and linked it back over to that thread. The site has some major issues that are going to take some time. Developing another one locally. For the moment, it's simply there for the purpose preserving information and knowing what's really going on at Registerfly.

Thanks Rick! I was also in chat, you may want to take a look at that. Seems Bob has something to hide and not exactly honest with any of us.
I read transcripts of both conversations - great work guys
this thing totally stinks
the more people know about regfly the less custom they'll get
••• updated

Updated the website. Going to keep working on a new site with new improvements for domainers and webmasters. I've been IP blocked off of the website after posting my conversation with Billy Bob. I didn't really want to do business with them anyway but there's always for those who are blocked. :)
For a newbie to this particular situation, explain it as if to a bricklayer.
I'm working on a new site that will explain it better. This site is just up for the purpose of preserving information. Just don't do business with Registerfly or any of their affiliates or supporters including etc. Take a look at some of the videos on the site, they explain it best.
Interesting. I'll blog about this soon, thanks.
pommyg said:
For a newbie to this particular situation, explain it as if to a bricklayer.

They tried to build a wall without mortar
and it fell over on top of everyone!

And now it looks like their trying it again....with cheap cement!

Welcome back!
I had forgotten what an outstanding site was/is.

I guess we were all hoping that RF was history and no longer needed to keep abreast of Kevins BS anymore.

Thanks for all your hard work keeping our Industry well informed on the recent/continuing debacle perpetrated by these known lowlifes.

Good luck and I wish you great success. You sure deserve it.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad that is back...

Same on tucows for assisting these crooks :|
sdsinc said:
I don't know if I should be happy or sad that is back...

Same on tucows for assisting these crooks :|
That was my first thought as well, until I went to it and realized there is a plethora of additional info there. :)
I ended up spending an hour cruzing it... its a cool site.
Just my 2 cents

everyone in this business knows about the registerfly fiasco by now...

they would be lucky to house a few thousand domains even under rebranding...

i also remember the registerflies website, which during its run was a wealth of information ( for those that cared )

My only concern is that with these new revelations it "appears" to me that the OP may have a vendetta against Kevin Medina. Now I am not trying to protect this slug but it sounds like an ex after the relationship is over and the other partner gets involved with a new girl that the jilted ex will continue for other reasons that are not relevant because they cant move on.

Take it for what its worth, the regly, registerfly whatever fly they want to call it is DEAD nobody in thier right mind would buy a coffee let alone online property from any fly offering anything for sale. So to the OP I say let it die just like you did before, I know google ads and page views are valuable but to continue to post about Kevin is time not well spent.

We all know he is a scumbag , lying thief , we have all moved on and so should you I for one will never be re-visiting this saga nor registerflies again.

TT said:
Just my 2 cents

everyone in this business knows about the registerfly fiasco by now...

they would be lucky to house a few thousand domains even under rebranding...

i also remember the registerflies website, which during its run was a wealth of information ( for those that cared )

My only concern is that with these new revelations it "appears" to me that the OP may have a vendetta against Kevin Medina. Now I am not trying to protect this slug but it sounds like an ex after the relationship is over and the other partner gets involved with a new girl that the jilted ex will continue for other reasons that are not relevant because they cant move on.

Take it for what its worth, the regly, registerfly whatever fly they want to call it is DEAD nobody in thier right mind would buy a coffee let alone online property from any fly offering anything for sale. So to the OP I say let it die just like you did before, I know google ads and page views are valuable but to continue to post about Kevin is time not well spent.

We all know he is a scumbag , lying thief , we have all moved on and so should you I for one will never be re-visiting this saga nor registerflies again.


TT, you have a point but I think you underestimate how many people may once again be fooled by this known crook and his appalling business ethics. It is highly commedable IMHO that somebody is spending their time to warn others of the disgusting mess that most of us remember only too well, but that newer members may have heard nothing about.

As previously mentioned, I am disappointed that tucows have become involved. :'(
Thanks for all your comments. No vendettas here, I could close the site down and walk away tomorrow. I safely moved most of my domain names and had suffered only minor losses.

The problem is we have a known pirate in the industry that did all that was done and there has been no arrest. If you get caught shoplifting you'll get arrested. Steal thousands of domains from your customers and there's no repercussion.

It's not Registerfly or Kevin Medina. Sure they did what they did and fell apart at the seams and ran their business into the ground... They simply exploited the weakness within the governing organization. It's much deeper than Registerfly.

Closing Registerfly or going against them was the first step of many. Let's not forget who makes this all possible. Mike Zupke had more to do with the stolen domains than any employee at Registerfly and he is still working for ICANN. ICANN is the problem here and duly noted they are under investigation and their contract is set to expire within the next 18 months or so.

Basically I'm a mouth and I'm not going to shut up about it until the root of the problem is fixed. ICANN has hurt the entire industry and continues to rake in $$ at the cost of customers. Meanwhile they've made it possible for Registrars to do what they want. GoDaddy, Network solutions... all of the big registrars do whatever they want and laugh at ICANN because all ICANN wants is the paycheck. You have guys like Mike Zupke who not only embarrassed ICANN but our entire United States in the handling of the Registerfly ordeal... and he is still being paid from our money. Screw that!

ICANN needs a entire uprooting and get these dead horses out of the organization and bring in people who care and cannot be bought. This is an industry I love and I personally cannot stand to see what ICANN has let it become. They keep focusing on more money, new extensions... the list goes on. The problem is the people in charge of the organization. When you have politicians and lawyers that collect big paychecks, they don't give a damn about you and I, and so long as we aren't squeaky wheels, we're not going to get greased. The only greasing going on is the palms of those in control.

So, at this point, ICANN let Registerfly and Kevin Medina get away with theft and deception of a major degree. When ICANN had a court order, they abandoned it to put together a sale of the information to GoDaddy. GoDaddy of course didn't have accurate whois information, (and refused to accept it) and they profited to the maximum from misfortune of the customers... while looking like a knight in shinning armor.

Now Regfly is back, Tucows once again in bed with them and trying to get them on their feet. Customers will go there and people will purchase domains with them and I just can't understand how ignorant and stupid our ICANN organization is. ICANN could have easily pursued criminal prosecution but they didn't. Why... because if they did that, there would be a whole lot of other things that they'd have to account for including their own actions. ICANN is at the heart of these problems... Kevin Medina and company were just a small exploitation of the real problem.

There you have it. To be honest, I like to fly beneath the radar. I'm not here to make a lot of friends, nor do I really care. I just like to do my thing quietly, support my family and give back to the community what I am able to. That's it. However, I refuse to lay down and watch a company or a non profit organization contracted through our government, walk all over it's clients, customers, and their clients and customers. Most people just let it go on... not this bird. Haven't we as Americans lost enough of our rights as it is?.. are we going to just stand by as we continue to be controlled by corruption?

There's plenty of evidence. ICANN is aware of this and so was GoDaddy... it's all about the almighty dollar folks. No vendetta here, just tired of being a spineless nation that doesn't stand up for their rights... while we still have them.

ICANN is the one at fault for all of it. Domain tasting, policies, back-dooring, front loading domains... they've let it all happen because it's profitable for them and unless we all do something about it, it will only get worse.

Registerflies did more for the industry as far as transparency and changes within ICANN than any other website. We got together and our voice was heard... That the beauty of the Internet. We pushed for changes and pushed for being noticed and we were. Is it over.. hell no! Can we let up... only if we quit caring. Anytime I want to or feel like abandoning, I have to put myself in the shoes of others that have lost customer websites and domains because of it, and think... what if it was I who had lost this stuff?

I wanted to walk away from this thing long ago. Once I had my names out, I was free to leave and if I had not done what I did, Registerfly would still be accredited today and doing business as usual many would be griping on about it but doing very little. It takes action not words.

So, love me, hate me... I don't care. I'm doing what I do for the good of the greatest number of people and in the spirit of fairness and ethical business practices. I would hope to have earned your trust and support by now.

Thanks for listening and thank you all for your responses.

Where is the 'Post Thank You' hack on this forum?
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Justin, I for one am thankful you were there for everyone when the shit was hitting the fan. I used the site A LOT and the Registerflies community was instrumental in saving the few domains I needed to save.

Kevin Medina must pay for his actions eventually. You should be commended for all your work. I think it is GREAT that you haven't given up!

Thanks for everything. :tu:
Has Medina threatened a defamation suit against you yet? I'm not saying he would win, but there is an inherent possibility he could bring suit against you and then you would be forced to prove that your allegations against Medina are correct. As Pacino once said, it's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

I also haven't heard anything else lately about the class action against RF.
Thanks fellas. Proof, yes I have more proof than they want to see...

Lawsuit has as much teeth as ICANN. I believe it's over. Spoke with Clark Dummit several days ago and he said he wasn't handling the case in his office but the attorney who is would call me. Nothing has happened. I honestly think it was a major waste of time.
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schnitzeldorf said:
Thanks fellas. Proof, yes I have more proof than they want to see...

Lawsuit has as much teeth as ICANN. I believe it's over. Spoke with Clark Dummit several days ago and he said he wasn't handling the case in his office but the attorney who is would call me. Nothing has happened. I honestly think it was a major waste of time.
My guess is that someone figured out RF's assets are gone (and/or hidden), meaning that even if a lawsuit is successful, there will only be a judgment and nothing to collect.

Please dont take any of my points personally. I do understand yours and others frustration regarding the registerfly fiasco, I too lost some domains and it just goes to prove that nobody should keep all thier domains at any one registrar.

As you state above that ICANN is the root of the problem, IMHO going after one scammer or a few scammers like Kevin wont effect ICANN however if you are the type of person that I think you are would'nt your time be better spent exposing the vulnerabilities within ICANN?

I personally think that the Kevin Medina saga is old news just google the name and see for yourself, I for one would be a supporter of a blog/news/expose type website of ICANN's deficiancies again just my 2 cents

Dont think for a second I agree with some of ICANN's questionable practices and those big companies mentioned above that take rules to the extreme aqnd in turn hurt us all, but as you have stated its all about the money.

Good luck exposing all these problems, Now thats going to be a full time job but as you are well aware that the more you expose them and the more people become outraged the more people in authority tend to listen.

fonzie_007 said:
My guess is that someone figured out RF's assets are gone (and/or hidden), meaning that even if a lawsuit is successful, there will only be a judgment and nothing to collect.
Bingo :$:
Agreed and not taken personally. ICANN may lose it's contract upon expire. Not sure yet but the new website will not be directed solely at or Kevin Medina. Currently it is what it is and the content is old and the site very unorganized. So we're going to have a page for the Registerfly debacle, possibly on another website altogether.

One thing that I'd like to point out though is that when I started the Registerflies website I was livid about my domain names. Over the past couple years my interests have changed. Philosophy and building community is much more productive and much more interesting to me. Registerflies consumed a lot of time and energy and cost me personally much more than gained. When the site went down in August, I was going to leave it down and walk away from the entire ordeal. It was started with negative energy and when one consumes his or her time in negative energy it's not all that great.

Through Registerflies I've met a lot of neat people and have established some friendships that wouldn't otherwise been possible, but I'm a low key guy. Still growing up and still learning how to be a better person. I'm not sure how involved I really want to be in all this and certainly want to take what started out as a negative website and either turn it into something very positive or let it go completely.

So, the plan is to take registerflies and make it into a review site for all services or most services related to domain names. Where users create the content and not myself. Where registrars or organizations doing bad business will be flagged and held responsible for their actions rather than dodging the bullet. Registerflies, set up correctly, would push these companies towards towing the line and following procedures and provide an environment to make them better companies. Right now it's the wild west. There are a lot of review sites that are paid off by advertisers. I've actually talked with some of the owners of some very big sites that are paid.

One of the biggest problems that plagues this industry as well as our entire population is greed, money and ego have become what's important to so many of us. It's the way it is but it's the core of all the problems. People aren't working in balance with each other to lift their neighbor. Instead they want to step on heads to get to the top and they don't care who it hurts to get them there. They must balance their tires on their car, the balance their check books, they work on a balanced diet and all those other instances where balance is such an integral part of the whole scenario... yet when it comes to balance in transactions it's way off the mark.

I don't want to get all philosophical about this and I've been reluctant to do so but philosophy is my interest.

Needless to say, Registerflies is up for the purpose of being found in a search and preserving a historical event. Registerflies 2.0 :) is on the burner and will be implemented as time permits.

Thank you all for your supportive comments and I do hope you will support the efforts being put into the new site when it's ready and it's going to take a whole lot of people who stand for the right thing to make it work.
Let's saddle up and ride...
Personally, Justin is my "Man of the Year" last year. Maybe he'll get the nod this year for his ICANN expose. I 100% agree with his views on ICANN.
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