NameSilo the proof for Badger and Joker!!!

Spaceship Spaceship
OK folks I am tired of the insuations and false accusations against me that have been levelled against me by Badger and Joker...So I will provide the best proof I can providing Badger agrees to these conditions

1) I have a bank receipt for slightly above the £15,000 (includes some other costs that were involved)

2) I will send Badger a copy (whilst deleting a couple of account numbers from my account) to protect my privacy/account details. This is only fair
given their diabolical behaviour on this board.

3) Badger looks at this and he sees the relevant sum of money and date and acknowledges that on this board with an immediate (provisional) apology.

4) If he is not satsified of its authenticity he can come to London and see the original receipt and I pay him £1000 if it is not authentic!!! He buy me a beer
and call an end to the matter.

5) Badger and Joker agree not to reveal my personal details.

6) He publicly apologises on this forum and Joker does likewise.

That way i have not infinged my legal obligation on the contract and the receipt is taken as the best possible proof I can provide.

So that is it Badger and Joker......All I want is the apology and you agree
to accept that you were wrong.....And that people are not guilty until proven guilty!!! They have never offered any proof of their accusations has been a prosecution case with NO PROOF whatsoever....

I cant be fairer than that can I ??????????

So now it is over to you two!!!!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
quality said:
OK folks I am tired of the insuations and false accusations against me that have been levelled against me by Badger and Joker...
This could have been settled many a moon ago, now you want me and other NP memebers to go by your conditions........lets see about that.

ANSWER ALLAN FIRST you know the forum leader..( you know if you lie to him and he catches you your done)
IAmAllanShore said:
I'll do you one better. Send me the NDA that allowed you to release the sale, the date, and the domain (But just not the buyer...) and I'll eat all (most of) my words.
Chances are either 1) There is no such NDA (If it was, it would be one of the most unique documents I've seen in domains in quite some time) or 2) you're already in violation of most of its terms.
Good times.

ANOTHER LINE OF BS. I see right threw you, so what you got a paycheck big deal, i know many carsalesmen that make 10,000 to 20,000 a month.
+ you have had all night to figure your way outta this.

quality said:
Badger I have a receipt of the £15,000 being deposited into my account!!!!

ie it is not my Bank account balance but the money arriving into the account when it was deposited......
Looks like you are avoiding the issue... it is up to you to inspect that receipt
which I am sure will satisfy you only if you are not satisfied do you have to come down....

I just had a deposit of over 285k in december via wire transfer, from countrywide on 1 of my homes i sold in Las Vegas Nevada USA. Should i claim i sold a domain and say it was from selling and i was cut a bank wire transfer. So you see a bank transfer big deal, you can print it and fix it to say it came form whoever. (im sure your close to finishing your screen shot as another way to prove your correct)

See the problem is that others need to read your history on the board and how you are changing your statements, im the quote king so dont make me.
And in fact if they follow the link provided in this post they will see how you were in 2000, till now over the same names, how you tell people off, how you say they are wrong but made money, how you will get the last laugh. Same S@#$ you have been posting here.

ilcesco said:
Why is so important if two strangers on a forum believe you or not about this sale.

Its important to the business, my friend he made a claim that was to change the face of subs, by announcing a sale of ove 10x the record. But without proving any of this sale and bragging he has the money in the bank. Well thats cause for question and i think after 3 months ( and he said ill let you know soon in dec.) he should answer to his calim, he did this in 2000, made false claims.

oliciv said:
Many people use this forum for business. As quality said, it's about integrity.

You could not be more RIGHT, and he has shown that not only here but on other forums, in the past 6, thats SIX, years he has been run.(because of his integrity)

armstrong said:
I'm not taking sides here, but would be interested to know what proof would satisfy Badger. Who knows? Perhaps quality can deliver.

I will answer this,
Armstrong, a trusted forum leader like all of you i value your opinion and you make a good point, but you and the others(forum leaders) really have to be Switzerland. You cant really call him out, so i feel somebody should, i know Allan has and at times DB has questioned him. But you see he offered statements to DB, so why not let DB and Allan get what they need, and it will close this for ( at least six years) :laugh:

TheLegendaryJP said:
I have a question for you quality.
If infact you have sold the domain, received funds etc. Why is it you continue to negotiate offers for the domain via sedo? And please no answer to the affect they wish for you to broker after the fact. It should not even be in your sedo account period.
Im still waiting for this answer JP, guess you dont count JP.... :-/

quality said:
To be fair to Badger he is the one of the two parties involved that I am prepared to
trust with this information....I am afraid Joker is not
To legendary JP I have been fair enough to put this offer up on the board and I trust that is sufficient...

And you are one of the few that know why you dont trust me with your info,,,,,dont you Keith,:laugh: :yell: :'( :laugh: Dont let the sheep skin fool you Keith...Joke my be on you D-:

As i have said come clean and we move on..............answer DB, and Allan..RIP
:wave: :hehe: :notme:

RJ - you should secure the movie rights to this :bah:
wot said:
:wave: :hehe: :notme:

RJ - you should secure the movie rights to this :bah:

Its all in the ENDING.......thats what makes a great movie..............stay tuned........D-:
Yeah I can be the lead role I hope (that will cost you RJ) but I suggest Joker be in a comedy film.....

As for Jokers comments I am not even gonna waste my energy with him anymore other than for amusement I dont care what he thinks at all...

And I dont wanna convince you of anything JOKER I just dont care about what
your opinions are....
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Lol, it sounds like you know the ending already.


Joker Productions said:
Its all in the ENDING.......thats what makes a great movie..............stay tuned........D-:
I would say just forget proving it maybe I don't think you should have to prove anything to anyone or that is what I would think if this was me. I don't care really who they are or whatever but I can see how you might not like people thinking you are a liar. But I don't want to get into this I am staying out thanks.
quality said:
I am responding to you via pm!!!
1 and 2 are correct 3 4 and 5 are not correct but I would prefer you
keep this info confidential............

It is really up to you to decide if they are plausible...

Well, im in receipt of Quality's PM and as hes asked me to keep the details of said PM confidential .... [why?? God only knows, theres no actual facts contained therein] but I will respect his wishes.

But sufficed to say, point: 3 - 100% correct, 4 - 100% correct though buyer allegedly attained some concrete protection and 5 - also 100% correct...
If I were quality, (which I'm not) and I made a 15k sale, I would not even bother about proving people wrong, just have a massive grin on my face. But if I made up some false sale (which I wouldn't do) I would try defend my reputation as much as possible. Why is this topic so heated, not to good for the forum.
quality said:
Yeah I can be the lead role I hope (that will cost you RJ) but I suggest Joker be in a comedy film.....
As for Jokers comments I am not even gonna waste my energy with him anymore other than for amusement I dont care what he thinks at all...
And I dont wanna convince you of anything JOKER I just dont care about what your opinions are....

Dont waist your energy, its not worth proving yourself. We will take you at face value.

BUT wait can you answer other NP`s questions? Like JP, or how about taking me up on the offer (you send the stuff to DB and Allan and you can prove to me and the naysayers we were wrong)

Im Assuming you dont want me to open the 3lock box....thats why you dont want to answer me back, RIGHT Keith D-:

Badger said:
Well, im in receipt of Quality's PM and as hes asked me to keep the details of said PM confidential .... (why?? God only knows, theres no actual facts contained therein)

And you thought it would be different Badger, :laugh: :yell: :laugh: you know better.
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As I said Joker I dont care about your opinion or your demands or questions they
are irrelevant..........ta very much.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
l0zo said:
If I were quality, (which I'm not) and I made a 15k sale, I would not even bother about proving people wrong, just have a massive grin on my face. But if I made up some false sale (which I wouldn't do) I would try defend my reputation as much as possible. Why is this topic so heated, not to good for the forum.
That is absolutely correct. If you have made 15,000 quid, who gives a sh*t about what other people are saying.
TheLegendaryJP said:
It just dawned on me, Quality could almost afford to buy my next LL domain :)
Will you take a check? JP, dont do is not everything.

fonzie_007 said:
If you have made 15,000 quid, who gives a sh*t about what other people are saying.

Fonzy your right, but he continues new flaming threads. So whats his motive?
TheLegendaryJP said:
I have a question for you quality.

If infact you have sold the domain, received funds etc. Why is it you continue to negotiate offers for the domain via sedo? And please no answer to the affect they wish for you to broker after the fact. It should not even be in your sedo account period.

Any answer yet
:laugh: :yell: :'( :laugh:

Here , you proved me wrong :| I don't own any of these sub's, but had done searches in the past. My mistake, didn't realize they were the same :lol:

Thanks for the education :tu:
quality said:
Come on Joker......I cant wait for the excitement................
As I say I am not trusting you with anything............

Ok now you called for an answer in your post and i answered, but why is it
Every time i make a post you cant handle you start a new thread?
I guess you just missed it so i will reset it for you here.
Quality, You now get a new chance, and stop with the BS excuses:

quality said:
As I said Joker I dont care about your opinion or your demands or questions they
are irrelevant..........ta very much.


Ok ill assume you dont want to repspond to my questions (because i know you better then you think) but if its all me why dont you answer your fellow members :-/ they have asked many questions without a responce from you. (wait you wont answer this question because i asked it) Can someone else ask him :tu:

Here is a recap of the post you avoided:
quality said:
Originally Posted by quality Dear Badger I should be grateful if you respect my personal privacy....

Thats badger, im JOKER.......and don`t ask me....I should be greatful if you just quit with the bull s#@t, and come out of the closet like a man and admit whats going on. Its been 6 years and your still out to prove these names should be on the same level as .com`s. Why? There is a reason and you may NOT want to come clean, (you have had many chances) but you cannot expect some( me ) of us to stay Quite, and let you shove your beliefs down the throats of other unsuspecting NP members.

Ok, ill ask again....
Have you ever been affiliated with

quality said:
Originally Posted by qualityJoker please do not accuse people who contribute to this forum of being a scammer.......

1st) Dont ask me to do anything for you as i see you a taker not a giver,( i have asked you please and got nothing ) so dont ask me to stop accusing you of what i see.
2nd) You don`t contribute, you flame your opinions with false statements that you wont back up and you have been doing it for 6 years.

quality said:
Originally Posted by qualityI am not afraid of either you or Badger......and your attempts to silence me will not succeed....

Thats the understatment of ther year, and its only Febuary, quality ( i shrieeeeek when i type that name) you cant be silenced if Hannible Lector himself were to find you, as its been going on for 6 years.

quality said:
Originally Posted by qualityI shall continue to post on this forum as that is what I am entitled to do as a member and I shall not stopp to the lowly tactics you two are resorting to....ta very much

Low tactics, might i remind you of all your comments you have made towords the few of us that have stood our ground by calling you a fraud?
Look q@$#& your NO angel, so dont come accross as if your being defamed, and called out with no right your story is deep, and SHALL ONE DAY RISE.

A forum leader has stood by you....

quality said:
Originally Posted by -db-Quality,
I'm sure you realize that I'm one of the few people that has given you the benefit of the doubt regarding your previous claims, despite having no verification of your sale(s) or traffic. I'm not against you, and I've never flamed or insulted you

Then you insult him as if he could not read threw this BS..

quality said:
Originally Posted by qualityOk db I will take you up on the offer.... since you are a forum leader will you promise not to hassle the current owner

Are you kidding, what do you think he will do call the owners and hassle them? Get Real...

***He is not the only Forum Leader asking for proof, why not send Allan what he asked for?

ALLAN said:
Originally Posted by IAmAllanShorequality,
Send me the NDA that allowed you to release the sale, the date, and the domain (But just not the buyer...) and I'll eat all (most of) my words.
Chances are either 1) There is no such NDA (If it was, it would be one of the most unique documents I've seen in domains in quite some time) or 2) you're already in violation of most of its terms.
Good times.

BOY WAS HE RIGHT ON THE MONEY.. look at the BS you posted, its comical, twisting your words and giving excuse after excuse.

quality said:
Originally Posted by quality No I do not want to take you up the nda...I have to respect the privacy demanded by the new holder when the new owner has a website up and running...I have offered to show a relevant contract to db on the terms I have outlined it is up to him if he accepts those terms

Your setting terms? Called out is what i see, and writing jibberish is what your doing.
I wonder if i contact sedo and make an offer on the name you say you sold, if the new buyer would accept 10k thats 5k less then they paid? That being you still im sure would take that deal. hmmmmm!

Badger said:
But sufficed to say, point: 3 - 100% correct, 4 - 100% correct though buyer allegedly attained some concrete protection and 5 - also 100% correct...

Just clarifying: You are saying that quality's answers to #'s 3, 4, and 5 are 100% correct; or are you saying that the answers to your questions were "correct", "correct", "correct"...

Thanks for all the work, Badger,

yes Allan it appears the actual scheme of events goes like this:

1. A sedo buyer finds and subsequently chooses to make an offer on sub domain
2. The buyer however chooses not to place an offer at sedo but instead attempt to find the seller via the whois on the domain
3. As he cannot do this, for this is not available, he finds and subsequently searches all the buyers other domains for sale, eventually finding one with some contact info
4. The buyer then contacts the seller via this means, they agree on a £15,000 price tag and then they meet with lawyers and conduct the contract and NDA etc. (the finite specifics of the payment vessel etc I been have asked not to disclose)
5. The transer of the domain takes place at this time and the buyer fails (even to this day) to make any dns changes and thus it continues to point to the sellers parking page at sedo ..
The world of domain buying/selling is a controversial, mysterious and confusing place.

This kind of stuff never happened when I collected model trains. :blink:
alex_d said:
We'll be right back after this short commercial break ....

These threads are just like reading the script to a tv show.

And now, we return to .... ""

Couldnt have said it better myself :lol: :lol: :lol:
well im glued to the thread. cant wait for the ending and will there be a sequel. its edge of the seat stuff :hehe:

the plot thickens :lol: :tu:
Badger said:
yes Allan it appears the actual scheme of events goes like this:

1. A sedo buyer finds and subsequently chooses to make an offer on sub domain
2. The buyer however chooses not to place an offer at sedo but instead attempt to find the seller via the whois on the domain
3. As he cannot do this, for this is not available, he finds and subsequently searches all the buyers other domains for sale, eventually finding one with some contact info
4. The buyer then contacts the seller via this means, they agree on a £15,000 price tag and then they meet with lawyers and conduct the contract and NDA etc. (the finite specifics of the payment vessel etc I been have asked not to disclose)
5. The transer of the domain takes place at this time and the buyer fails (even to this day) to make any dns changes and thus it continues to point to the sellers parking page at sedo ..

Didnt we all know this would happen? He is beating around the bush, and has been avoiding the thread (im sure working on more proof) .

Lets see if he will ANSWER SOME OF THE QUESTIONS put before him?
It could all end if he would just send the TRUST WORTHY forum leader ( ALLAN ) his request.
Australia said:
well im glued to the thread. cant wait for the ending and will there be a sequel. its edge of the seat stuff :hehe:

the plot thickens :lol: :tu:

Well Adrian, youve heard of Godfather pts 1,2 and 3...??

Unfortunately, for the unenlightened, this thread is already

Sub domain thread part 8 - the return of the nauseating repeat poster

which one of us is "the nauseating repeat poster" is obviously all dependant upon your personal viewpoint of course :lol:
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Suggestion for next thread title.

'As the Poker.Web.Com saga turns'.
:lol: im itching to put my .02cents in but im quite happy (& safer) sitting on this fence :laugh:

but it really is a good read. i must have missed all the other threads on it!!
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