
discuss The Environmental Thread - Earth Matters, so what's holding us back?

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Are you concerned about Climate Change?

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    We have bigger problems

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    God will save us


  • 5 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
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420 friendlyTop Member
I believe everyone would agree on at least one point - planet Earth matters! For years, scholars and environmentalists have touted the idea - that the boundaries of life on our planet have been stretched to a breaking point by human activity. From a scientific perspective, the notion of climate change is no longer up for debate. Our species and life as it exists on planet Earth now depends on the choices we humans make. Each individual with a brain possesses the ability to contribute solutions to our common current dilemma, so what's holding us back?

Is it our lack of knowledge; a conflict of interest; the lack of will, and/or other priorities that define the human race? Do we possess the courage to take an initiative, to act upon our convictions and choose to help preserve the Blue planet? Have our environmental problems become too big for individuals to tackle that we must leave it for governments to handle?

Are we limited by our own self-interests, by the confines of our own box or bubble? Have we merely been caught up in our daily mundane existence, distracted by the media and current affairs, that we fail to consider the future? Is Climate Change simply a hoax? Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Here is place to discuss any pertinent thoughts or ideas you may have on the subject. Every thought counts. Please be respectful.
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The author of that article, Dr. Edward de Bono sums it up nicely, the human ability to create:

With creativity there is always some risk. You cannot be sure that the new design will work and deliver the intended value. It is safer to use judgment rather than creativity as the routine behaviour. That is not a problem so long as the importance of design is recognised as a necessary complement to judgement. The skill of deliberate creativity needs to be developed. In that way the human race can increase the scope and power of its thinking.
The design and scope of creativity must be balanced by judgement he says. Children have natural creative ability, but often lack developmental judgement. Are we so conditioned, and is there any simple answer? (beyond stupid, lol)
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I've had the privilege of traveling around the globe, met some extraordinary people on my journey and visited some remarkable places. I'm inspired by what this man has to say:

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet - A Netflix Documentary

Since this is larger solutions thread, I retrieved from another thread posted earlier: Brazillian Rainforest Burning

Prince William and Sir David Attenborough join forces on 'Earthshot' prize

"A study found the further the problem in question is from the people who come up with a workable solution, the more likely they are to solve it."

"And it explains why Prince William and Sir David Attenborough are saying don't hesitate to apply if you think you've got an idea that could help"

I think this a great initiative. Anyone with an idea can enter. Money is a great motivator, you don't know what you've got 'til it's point in saving for the future IF THERE IS NO FUTURE to save for.
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As domainers, we have a unique opportunity to forge a path for others to follow. What have you done today?
Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Reasons 6, 7, 8, ....: In general humans are arrogant, ignorant, egotistical, greedy, lazy, self-centered, self serving, thick headed, unbalanced, too good at coming up with things that can destroy us and the planet, poor at effective thinking, poor at ..... .

But I don't see us going totally extinct from climate change. Maybe something else, though.... like an earth destroying asteroid.
Yes we have the technology now to create new life forms, even create life itself - that's miraculous! Our technological developments have allowed us to become the dominant species on this planet. It's happening right before our eyes. Humanity itself, however, has evolved very little over the past millennia.

Everything changes, it is the constant order of things in our reality, nothing is permanent - yet as a race of sentient beings, I do believe we'd like to stick around awhile a little while longer though :xf.wink:
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Liking to stick around awhile and actually doing enough, and doing enough smart things to make it happen.....

Some things take a Looong time to change. The human species seems to be one of them. Especially our bad habits, behaviour. : )
One of the all-encompassing reasons is a lack of motivation and/or different motivation. If you've somehow navigated to this thread and come this far, means you're motivated in this direction. Others may be more likely to gravitate into different spheres of influence. For instance, why do we register certain domain names? It's probably because that is what we like to do, or think we'd like to do in the future, or perhaps that's where the money is. Money is a great motivator!

I've always maintained, that if I had all the money in the world (or even a million dollars in the bank, which seems to me to be a tidy sum nowadays), would I be doing what I'm doing right now?

If the answer to that question (and be honest) is:

NO - then I'm not doing what I really ought to be doing, and my lust for more could never be satisfied.

YES - then I am in the right place at the right time, doing what I ought to be doing, and I would find satisfaction.

This principal has worked for me. Of course, I'm human and have human failings, but in those failings is the lesson. I learn more from my mistakes than from being right, because if I were always right, what would I still need to learn?

All too often we get sidetracked by misplaced motivation. It's not a blame game, it's just a reality.

People who are motivated simply by money, and appear to have all the money in the world and still need more, are just chasing their tail IMO. Who am I to judge? However, while they may be content from having won, moving on to their next conquest, in reality there is something important missing, else they would be doing something that brings fulfillment (which wouldn't require money) and/or perhaps help others along the way in their life journey.
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We have already passed the CO2 limit, that's the truth. We, the human species, have created many amazing technological advances, but on the way, we have forgotten the most basic, taking care of our living environment. We are destroying this incredible place called planet Earth, and we won't find nothing even remotely similar in many light years.

Our planet is like a living organism, and when it gets "sick" it just freeze, until it is recovered again. Unfortunately, the recovery time of our planet is not just a week or two, but tens of thousands of years. It has happened before, with nearly this same amount of atmospheric CO2 levels, and it will happen very soon at this rate. And it's called Glaciation.

Planet earth is like a "miracle" of the Nature, it has needed many different conditions, many accidental and "perfect" conditions, to be how it is actually our planet. Just turn the Earth's axis of rotation one degree more or less inclined, or push the Earth a little bit nearest the Sun, or a bit further away... and you can forget about the water or our amazing nice weather.

That's why we won't find any other habitable planet, even remotely, in many light years.

Just see Mars, Venus, Jupiter... see the climate conditions there... I think the world leaders may think that there are plenty of Earths out there, and we will jump to Mars and live there the same way we are living here.

Unfortunatelly they won't react until it's too late. And the "too late" talking about Climate change may be really too late.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

"The global average atmospheric carbon dioxide in 2019 was 409.8 parts per million (ppm for short), with a range of uncertainty of plus or minus 0.1 ppm. Carbon dioxide levels today are higher than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years."
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How the rise and fall of CO2 levels influenced the ice ages

"The Earth’s climate has been quite stable over the past 11,000 years, playing an important role in the development of human civilisation.

Prior to that, the Earth experienced an ice age lasting for tens of thousands of years. The past million years of the Earth’s history has been characterised by a series of ice ages broken up by relatively short periods of warmer temperatures.

These ice ages are triggered and ended by slow changes in the Earth’s orbit. But changing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 also plays a key role in driving both cooling during the onset of ice ages and warming at their end.

The global average temperature was around 4C cooler during the last ice age than it is today. There is a real risk that, if emissions continue to rise, the world warms more this century than it did between the middle of the last ice age 20,000 years ago and today."
Very good points @Sutruk (y) We need each other and we need our home. No one person, institution or country can tackle the climate crisis alone. There will always be competing interests, but if the answers are already out there, and they are - we just need to be made aware. As a species, to take conscious action to correct, maybe even reverse, the damage already done - what will it take for us to get there?
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Yes we have the technology now to create new life forms, even create life itself - that's miraculous! Our technological developments have allowed us to become the dominant species on this planet.

I've always maintained, that if I had all the money in the world (or even a million dollars in the bank, which seems to me to be a tidy sum nowadays), would I be doing what I'm doing right now?

Steve Jobs, "Don't waste your life living someone else's"

Yes we have the technology now to create new life forms, even create life itself - that's miraculous! Our technological developments have allowed us to become the dominant species on this planet. It's happening right before our eyes. Humanity itself, however, has evolved very little over the past millennia.

Everything changes, it is the constant order of things in our reality, nothing is permanent - yet as a race of sentient beings, I do believe we'd like to stick around awhile a little while longer though :xf.wink:

We are right now the dominant species on this planet, but will we be the most successful species in terms of continuity or presence in this planet?

"Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, evolved from their early hominid predecessors between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago. The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago.

The prehistoric reptiles known as dinosaurs arose during the Middle to Late Triassic Period of the Mesozoic Era, some 230 million years ago.
Dinosaurs mysteriously disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous Period, around 65 million years ago."

That means dinosaurs lived on this planet around 165 million years, while we are here from just 200,000 years ago, and on the last 100 years we have put his planet at its limits of CO2 and pollution.

We are Homo Sapiens, the "modern humans"... but I really wonder how much intelligent we are, if we have already damaged to the limits our precious planet, and won't pass too much the 50,000 years (with capacity for language) on this planet at this rate, compared to the 165 million years dinosaurs lived here.

When did dinosaurs become extinct?

Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period), after living on Earth for about 165 million years. If all of Earth time from the very beginning of the dinosaurs to today were compressed into 365 days (one calendar year), the dinosaurs appeared January 1 and became extinct the third week of September. (Using this same time scale, the Earth would have formed approximately 18.5 years earlier.) Using the same scale, people (Homo sapiens) have been on earth only since December 31 (New Year's eve). The dinosaurs' long period of dominance certainly makes them unqualified successes in the history of life on Earth.
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Are Birds Dinosaurs?

Modern birds can trace their origins to theropods, a branch of mostly meat-eaters on the dinosaur family tree.


Today, there are approximately 10,000 bird species worldwide. Birds might be as tiny as a hummingbird or as big as an ostrich; they might soar like an eagle or dive like a penguin. Nevertheless, they still belong to the same group of theropod dinosaurs that hatched Archaeopteryx 150 million years ago.

Their success was dependent on ADAPTATION and EVOLUTION. The only constant is change...
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There will always be competing interests, but if the answers are already out there, and they are - we just need to be made aware. As a species, to take conscious action to correct, maybe even reverse, the damage already done - what will it take for us to get there?

If the way/s being used aren't working or working well, we might have to go at things differently from what we've traditionally been taught as being 'The way', 'The right way'. Example:

Lateral thinking thinking is a manner,step-by-step logic.
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As well, our propensity and obsession with the latest gadgets and novelties has "thrown out the baby with the bathwater". There is no ONE answer to the myriad issues society is facing today.

If we approach problems from different angles, perhaps we can gain knowledge and foresight forgotten by marrying aspects of theory such as multiple intelligences toward a more practical approach to problem solving.

Here is an example of such intelligences combined that I would classify as Naturalistic, Musical, Intrapersonal and Visual:

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Recognizing the disparities and modifying changing attitudes will enable the "have not" population of the world to access clean drinking water.

It is not a pending problem, it is an existing crisis. Outmoded technologies have held us back. Viable technologies are available, one only has to break down the barriers to be able to access them.

For a more detailed description of Earth's current water crisis see:

Watch the the documentary on Netflix

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