
discuss Share Your Biggest Turned Down Offers (New Thread)

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Pusang Gala

NoyPi DomainerTop Member
We've had a fantastic discussion in the past about the jaw-dropping offers some of you have turned down for your precious domain names. However, as the market evolves, so do the offers that come our way.

I'm starting this new thread to revive the conversation and hear about your latest experiences. Have you recently received an offer that made you hesitate but ultimately decide to hold onto your domain? Whether it's $20 or $100,000, share your stories of resilience and commitment to your domain portfolio.

Feel free to provide some context about your decision-making process, was it based on potential future value, sentimental attachment, or something else entirely?

Drop it! And please include the domain and price.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Why would people post the name and price here? Google is your enemies. Once the name is indexed you may have a hard time to sell it.
turned down a £1,000,000 offer a while back......

Turned out to be fake - who would of guessed......

*the domain in question was listed for sale elsewhere for £2,000*
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Why would people post the name and price here? Google is your enemies. Once the name is indexed you may have a hard time to sell it.
You're right about privacy concerns. But we can mask the names using special characters or share them as images to avoid indexing by search engines.

How does indexing of domain names affect the sales?
Say you got a $500 offer on your name last week, and you said no and asked for $1,000. Then you started to worry that you should have taken the $500 offer. You come on this forum to this thread and tell us that story. We all tell you you were lucky to get that $500 because we don't see much value in your name. You then contact the buyer that you have decided to accept their offer. The buyer tells you that they also saw all the name pros say that the name has little value and will now only give you $100 for it. That is how a highly active site like this forum can do your names harm because Google loves to index everything we say here.
Thanks for the explanation.
I have a lot of Two Word domain names ending with Next. <DictionaryWord> followed by Next.com. So I keep receiving offers on a few which are popular. Actually I have sold a few for low to mid xxxx. Some time back, I turned down low & mid 4 figure offers on a couple of domains. Only the future will tell me if my decision was right as was expecting mid & high 4 figure for the domains so even though I tried to negotiate the buyer then decided not to move forward.
We've had a fantastic discussion in the past about the jaw-dropping offers some of you have turned down for your precious domain names. However, as the market evolves, so do the offers that come our way.

I'm starting this new thread to revive the conversation and hear about your latest experiences. Have you recently received an offer that made you hesitate but ultimately decide to hold onto your domain? Whether it's $20 or $100,000, share your stories of resilience and commitment to your domain portfolio.

Feel free to provide some context about your decision-making process, was it based on potential future value, sentimental attachment, or something else entirely?

Drop it! And please include the domain and I refused $700 - sold ium.com

We've had a fantastic discussion in the past about the jaw-dropping offers some of you have turned down for your precious domain names. However, as the market evolves, so do the offers that come our way.

I'm starting this new thread to revive the conversation and hear about your latest experiences. Have you recently received an offer that made you hesitate but ultimately decide to hold onto your domain? Whether it's $20 or $100,000, share your stories of resilience and commitment to your domain portfolio.

Feel free to provide some context about your decision-making process, was it based on potential future value, sentimental attachment, or something else entirely?

Drop it! And please include the domain and price.
Refused $300.00. Accepted $90,000.00. nium.com
Turned down a $9,000 offer for a domain I bought a month ago for $1K
$1500. I would rather not think about it.
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