
Sales Venue “Sedo” Selects “DN Academy” For Domain Name Broker Training Program

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PALM BEACH, FL – “DN Academy”, one of the only online domain name educational platforms created by domain investor Michael Cyger, has been chosen by Sedo to act as its official training program for its domain name brokers. According to a press release issued by Sedo today, Sedo has entered into an agreement to train domain name brokers using a customized training program provided by the service.

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Are most domain brokers proactive or reactive?
I would imagine the good ones are 'proactive'
Congratulations to @Michael Cyger for creating a successful domain trading training program.
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Brokers with multi million dollar sales need training? Asking for a friend that owes another friend a yuge favor.
Are brokers responsible for lowballs we receive all the time?
Are brokers responsible for lowballs we receive all the time?

Create your own landing pages. Forward your domains to your own landing pages. Set bottom price on Sedo higher than on your landing pages. This will eliminate lowball offers and send traffic to your landing pages.
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Are brokers responsible for lowballs we receive all the time?

I would bet the majority are. In the case of offers that have come in on my names, I've determined about 15% are from end users that are not experienced in buying domains and make an offer they consider 'more than fair' but it is far below market value...even far below wholesale at times.
Congrats to @Michael Cyger on this new major adoption of DN Academy, and best wishes for continued success. While Sedo is of course a very experienced company in domains, with lots of in-house experience and expertise, effective training and education is a sound investment, particularly as they slowly make some changes. A clear win-win for both Sedo and DNAcademy.

With GoDaddy (and I guess Uniregistry now) already on board at DNAcademy, a lot of the agent/broker market now at DN Academy training.

Not sure if @Michael Cyger finds it appropriate to comment on a forum re this, but I wonder if you see any changes in focus in DN Academy to meet needs like Sedo and GoDaddy, or do you feel that the sorts of skills that serve individual investors well, also are exactly the same for brokers/agents? Clearly many aspects will be in common.

Thanks for telling us about it, @clasione, always enjoy reading your articles.

Not sure if @Michael Cyger finds it appropriate to comment on a forum re this, but I wonder if you see any changes in focus in DN Academy to meet needs like Sedo and GoDaddy, or do you feel that the sorts of skills that serve individual investors well, also are exactly the same for brokers/agents? Clearly many aspects will be in common.

I won't speak for any of our corporate customers, but what we're hearing is that we've put together an educational system that is worthwhile for their teams, regardless of their experience level. If they're new brokers, it's perfect. If they're intermediate or advanced brokers, it can fill in the gaps that they may have in their education or experience base.

We can also customize the DNAcademy program to include content specific to a company's employees. For example, a company might want to include a message from their leadership team, include instructions about their legal requirements or an escrow process, or educate about a process that only they use. In one case, we put together a custom lesson on how to use their internal phone system so all of their employee on-boarding was in one location -- within DNAcademy.

Finally, we provide custom reports on the progress of their employees, so managers can assess where additional development opportunities or support might be necessary.

For the most part, what benefits individual investors also benefits brokers. But we continue to gather feedback and improve our course. Our new 160+ SOP (standard operating procedures) library is an example of that.

We also have on our development roadmap new modules that will specifically benefit brokers. You might consider them "electives" if you were in college. Investors who are interested will have access to them as well.
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