
OfferWall Script - Ultimate Offerwall System

Spaceship Spaceship


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OfferWall Script is a new advertisting platform which brings most desired features togheter into a complete system. This system was designed to be attractive and easy to use. With plenty of different features this system was designed to bring revenue and promote itself in a short time. Some of main features of this system are listed bellow, but to see this system working, we invite you to check the demo.

How it works?​

As any other offerwall platform, this system can be used either to monetize and website, either to promote it. As a publisher, user have to register his website into the system and integrate the offerwall into his website. Every time when his users will complete offers to receive rewards, publishers earn revenue.

What do I get?​

You will receive a complete offerwall system, as shown on demo. All you have to do is to install and configure it and then you have a ready made offerwall platform, ready to be promoted world wide (or maybe locally, is your choice).


  • Bootstrap 4 responsive design
  • Complete offerwall system with different earning methods
    • Offers
    • Surveys
    • Paid to Click
    • Videos
    • Tasks
    • Shortlinks
  • External offers and surveys providers integrated
  • Different payment methods integrated
    • FaucetPay integrated
    • CoinBase integrated
    • Payeer integrated
    • Stripe integrated
  • Complete admin panel
    • Dashboard with complete stats
    • Manage website settings
    • Manage members
    • Manage ad campaigns, video campaigns, banners ads
    • + Many more
  • Publisher dashboard with full stats
  • Advertiser dashboard with full stats
  • Google Authenticator integrated
  • Proxycheck.io integrated to prevent proxy and bots
  • Google Captcha integrated
  • Easy offerwall integration system for publishers with API Keys
  • Automated proccess to create ad or video campaigns
  • Referral system integrated
  • Very well optimised to keep server usage to minimum
  • Unencrypted code (can be customised as you wish)
+ Many more features...

For more details, demo & purchase, go to: www.OfferWall.info
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v1.2.0 was released:
  • User management interface was split in 2 sections (publishers and advertisers)
  • Country targeting option was added for tasks
  • Postback system was improved, offer_name and offer_type variables were added
  • Documentation was updated, examples for mobile integration were added
  • Several improvements were applied and some bugs were fixed
Do you also make specific adjustments if the customer wants special extensions or addons?
@thehammer yes, I do provide paid customisations.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.