Thanks to Epik's fantastic platform and team, I sold for a solid five-figures today. This was a name I bought less than two years ago on GD $5 closeout.

This sale is extremely timely for me. You see, I just left the hospital after two weeks of fighting covid there (plus another two weeks before that fighting at home). The doctor told me that I had "1-3 days to live", but with God's help, I pulled through. Unfortunately, I don't have health insurance... so this sale is rescuing me just in the nick of time. So, thank you Epik for helping me secure this sale.

Also, I have to say as a personal observation (a consistent one I've seen throughout all my deals done through Epik) that it's amazing how stress free and easy it is to close the sale and be done with it. I found out just this morning about the sale... a couple hours later, the domain is theirs and the money is in my account. No drama, no games. I love it and I love Epik! Thank you Rob Monster for making Epik the ethical and trustworthy company that it is today. There are not many places anymore that I'd do business with on a handshake... but I won't hesitate with Epik.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Great job!! I'm very excited for you. Now the flood gates have opened and you should be getting more sales soon!
Thanks! I sure hope you are right! I would love (and need very badly) any such sales. :)
Congrats Tom.

Wishing you a continued full and speedy recovery from your close encounter with longhaul COVID.

Glad to see this providential event arrive at your doorstep.
Congratulations Tom and wish you a speedy recovery. Nice to see back with good news.
Congrats Tom. Feel better brother.
Yes!! Love this guy!!

I too, love epik, my favorite!

Solve a lot for me. Thank you for sharing!

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Awesome 👍👍👍 Congratulations.
Well deserved!
Congratulations Tom and wish you a speedy recovery.
Congrats Tom.

Wishing you a continued full and speedy recovery from your close encounter with longhaul COVID.

Glad to see this providential event arrive at your doorstep.

Thanks... and yes, the timing couldn't have been any better.
This was a name I bought less than two years ago on GD $5 closeout.
You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol

About your sale, its clearly that your friend Rob bought your name just to help you out with the hospital bills. Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money, Your Miracle Sale after you left the Hospital is Not a Miracle, somebody help you out, nobody will pay any Five Figure for Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value...

Congrats on "Beating" COVID, the doctor just told you the Cold Truth about your chances of life with COVID infection. Your COVID battle is not over, until its really over. Good Luck anyways...
Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money,

Untill they do... who bought it doesn't matter. Anyway, something that came to mind:

Call upon me in times of trouble; I will rescue you, and you shall glorify me.
Psalm 50:15

Congrats and wish you a speedy recovery @WarpedMind
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You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol

About your sale, its clearly that your friend Rob bought your name just to help you out with the hospital bills. Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money, Your Miracle Sale after you left the Hospital is Not a Miracle, somebody help you out, nobody will pay any Five Figure for Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value...

Congrats on "Beating" COVID, the doctor just told you the Cold Truth about your chances of life with COVID infection. Your COVID battle is not over, until its really over. Good Luck anyways...

Nah, you are being a clown here. This is a story of two verifiable miracles.

Miracle 1: Tom's life was spared

Tom was nearly a dead man a couple weeks ago. His wife was communicating with me from the hospital. Many prayed for his restoration and indeed he was restored.


Miracle 2: Tom got a windfall sale a day after coming home from this hospital

Epik has helped Tom out from time to time, but this was a deal settled in ETH. Coinbase Commerce receipt below for the transaction.

I am sorry if you have not experienced God's providence. It is real. My favorite book from the last 300 years discusses the topic at length -- I gave out so many copies that I turned it into an eBook:

It is a matter of historical record that God fed the Israelites for 40 years in a desert, 6 days a week, with a double portion on Fridays. The same God yesterday, today and forever.

Miracles do happen. If you prefer to believe they don't, of course that is your choice, but it surely does narrow your options when overcoming the challenges of life!

My advice is to (1) stay miracle minded, and (2) overcome scarcity mindset. Related commentary made during the Domain Social interview last Thursday:

You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol

About your sale, its clearly that your friend Rob bought your name just to help you out with the hospital bills. Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money, Your Miracle Sale after you left the Hospital is Not a Miracle, somebody help you out, nobody will pay any Five Figure for Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value...

Congrats on "Beating" COVID, the doctor just told you the Cold Truth about your chances of life with COVID infection. Your COVID battle is not over, until its really over. Good Luck anyways...

What if One of donors (or collective) get a G wifi extender and bought ...
For example

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So happy for you man! I had horrible year with covid health personally mentally relationship wise but was lucky enough that my business didn't suffer so I ended up giving 80 percent of my earnings to my employees and relatives in need, the stress of finances in a time like that (i have perm kidney problems from my first bout with it) am very happy you closed that deal!

Can I ask, I have a bunch of great names and even have talked to the epik management re a few specific names, i have some names of the top of my head CryptoECasino IcryptoCasino that a fellow investor has and i have similar ones that are more like yours with bet instead of casino, any tips on maximizing Epik's usefulness?
Congrats on your sale Tom. And double congratulations on beating the Covid-19 bout.

More years to you. I surely need such miracles in my life right now 🙏
nobody will pay any Five Figure for Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value...
It's sad how some supposed Domainers don't get to see the value of domains beyond bots and some useless metrics.
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You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol


I don't know what made you wrote all that you wrote. Everything you wrote, including about the sales and his covid situation was weird and had so much negative vibe, it was all so unnecessary .

He survived, and he sold a name. All you had to say was "Happy for you"
You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol

About your sale, its clearly that your friend Rob bought your name just to help you out with the hospital bills. Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money, Your Miracle Sale after you left the Hospital is Not a Miracle, somebody help you out, nobody will pay any Five Figure for Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value...

Congrats on "Beating" COVID, the doctor just told you the Cold Truth about your chances of life with COVID infection. Your COVID battle is not over, until its really over. Good Luck anyways...

Hi Omar,

To be honest, I was a little surprised that I received a reply such as yours. I mean, it's totally fine... we're all free to say whatever. It's just, I never imagined that I could somehow offend with this post. I honestly expected some "hey, congrats!", "can you DM me the price", "tell us more", and "glad you're feeling better". LOL! Anyway...

I'm not interested in going back and forth on this... I'll write this one reply and hopefully address your concerns. I've learned a lot lately about what's important in life and, regardless of what you may think about my situation, I do believe life is too short to be too overly concerned about making everyone happy. I have my priorities. Life is short and I intend to enjoy the rest of mine with dignity and humility.

However, just a couple points I'd like to respond to, for clarification's sake if nothing else. Then, we can both be on our way ;)

  1. "You work for Epik but you bought your names at GoDaddy auctions lol"

    And your point is?

    First of all, I only started working for Epik very recently. (But I'm a proud long time customer.) Second, I bought this domain before I worked for Epik. Third, I'll buy a domain wherever I can get a good deal. LOL! Not sure what you're trying to say. To my experience, you don't have your choice of auctions when you want to buy a name, right? The name is only auctioned in one place at a time. If you have some secret way to buy all your domains in one location, by all means, please let me know. :-P
  2. "your friend Rob bought your name just to help you out with the hospital bills."

    No, that's not even remotely true. You stated this as some sort of fact, which is odd... unless you have some kind of evidence which I'd love to see. However, my friend Rob (and that he is) did most certainly HELP me sell this name. When I received the initial offer, Rob kindly stepped in to help me with negotiations. It is because of Rob that a price was met that both parties were happy with. So, thank you @Rob Monster . You truly know how to shoot the moon. Your expertise shows through your results.
  3. "Domain Sales wont happen when you need the money, Your Miracle Sale after you left the Hospital is Not a Miracle, somebody help you out,"

    This isn't the first time that I've received a sale right when I needed it. It's not my intention to turn this into a philosophical or religious discussion, but I have seen God step in and help me here and there throughout my life when I needed his help the most. That's my personal belief. I don't expect you to believe what I believe... but this is my official answer to you. Does He make sales for me every day? No. Is he my salesperson, of sorts? No. (I prayed for help, not sales) But I have personally seen him answer my prayers for help when I've found myself in predicaments. Did God sell my name for me? I didn't say He did... I don't know what He did and what He didn't do... But I'm always going to give him the credit, glory, and thanks when something good happens in my life.

    I realize that you may not believe the same way. That's fine. I respect that you can make your own choices. I hope you'll respect that I also have the same right.

    A "Miracle Sale"? I never called it that. I never even used the word miracle. Would I have made the sale regardless of my health situation? I have no idea. Perhaps. However, for me personally, the timing itself is miraculous and enough to build my faith. I'll take that. In a relatively faithless, bitter, unhappy, and divided world, I'll gladly take any opportunity to build my faith. I do have to say "thank you" to you for using this term of "miracle sale" though. :)

    You said, "somebody help you out". I'm not going to argue with that. That most certainly is true. The buyer helped me out. Rob helped me out. God helped me out. What a beautiful "miracle sale" this was!
  4. "nobody will pay any Five Figure for"

    LOL! I have five figures that say you're wrong.
  5. "Nobody bid on GoDaddy auctions for that name when you bought it, for obvious reason, that Crypto name has no value..."

    Or... perhaps every person who passed it up simply didn't see the value that I did. By the way, many of my sales were names that I picked up in closeouts, etc. The diamonds are out there if you're patient.

    By the way, I've had multiple offers on this domain... with one of the initial offers being a 10-figure number. So, I'm a little confused why you would think that the name has no value. I believe it has just been proven that it has a solid five figures of value. I'm not sure what criteria you are personally using for valuating names, but you might want to just tweak your filter here or there, especially when there is a new sale that proves to be counter from what you'd expect. We're all learning. I have lots of crap in my portfolio and a handful of really solid ones. Sometimes I sell a name I never expected to sell, while what I think are my better names sit there with no offers.

    That said, if you ever want to drop or sell for cheap any of your names that you feel are not worth trying to sell, please do let me know and I'll be happy to review them and possibly buy them off of you. ;)
  6. "Congrats on "Beating" COVID, the doctor just told you the Cold Truth about your chances of life with COVID infection. Your COVID battle is not over, until its really over."

    You, my friend, are just a ray of sunshine. LOL!

    Thanks for the half-hearted congrats on "beating" covid. I'll take it. :) I would like to clarify something. I never said I "beat" it. I said I pulled through.. as in, I have survived the worst of it. You're absolutely right. I have not yet "beat" it totally. But I did kick its butt. :-P (and yes, it kicked mine too... but last man standing is the winner haha)

    In fact, I had a great milestone yesterday I'll share with you. For the first time, I was able to walk upstairs. A few days prior, I was only able to walk up literally two steps. I was so out of breath, I had to stand there for 30 seconds before I felt strong and confident enough to turn around and walk back down... TWO STEPS. (about 2 feet vertical) Last night, I wasn't even going to try there stairs again, but I made myself do it and, to my surprise and pleasure, I made it all the way up! For the first time in about 5 weeks, I was able to take a real (and very long) shower and finally sleep in my own bed instead of the couch downstairs. I've been home for about 2 1/2 weeks and only last night was I able to see my bedroom and shower.

    The point is, you're wasting your breath preaching to me about if I have "beaten" covid or not. As far as I'm concerned, I won the fight when I was able to fight the pneumonia enough that I was able to be wheeled out of the hospital with my own oxygen tank. The x-ray showed two almost solid white lungs. (This is NOT a good thing) But I fought every day. I did various exercises that no doctor told me to do. (Thankfully, YouTube has lots of doctors willing to give helpful advice to help you fight the pneumonia... the hospital was useless here) In fact, I plan on posting my own videos to share with others how I survived... If one person sees it and does the exercises, that'll be an awesome reward for me. The doctors told me that I would soon (actually, imminently) be put on a ventilator. I surprised them. I worked HARD. (and I prayed HARDER). My persistence and faith paid off.

    I'm still on oxygen. I still am extremely weak. I still have symptoms I won't go into detail here about. But I'm alive. Eventually, I will 100% "BEAT" Covid. Until then, I've sure kicked its butt.
  7. "Good Luck anyways..."

    Wow, thanks! :)
Omar, with all sincerity, I'm a little confused with your reply... but I hope that you have much success in your own efforts to sell domain names. I also hope that you will allow yourself to see the world from a more "half full" view. Your choice. I'm not gonna preach or judge. Maybe you had a bad day. Maybe you were sleeping when you wrote your reply. Anyway, I wish you well and have a wonderful day.
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What if One of donors (or collective) get a G wifi extender and bought ...
For example

Show attachment 198916

That would be cool, but I assure you that my buyer is not the above list of domainers. Negotiations had already started BEFORE any of these domainers became aware of my health situation.

On that note, I do want to personally thank each and every one of those domainers on the list who so kindly and generously donated to my GoFundMe page. I am at a loss for words... the domaining community was most kind to me. I am just a little guy who still has a portfolio of mostly crappy names (and a couple exceptional ones). Still, all these wonderful friends stepped up to help me. I even had some wonderful email discussions (I wasn't able to talk much at all) with some of you and received some great encouragement. You guys are true friends and I truly appreciate every one of you.

@Nikul Sanghvi @James Booth @Kubba @Adam Legallienne @Michael Cyger @Ategy

(There were some names I missed because I don't know your NamePros handle... If anyone knows them please tag them for me.)
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So happy for you man! I had horrible year with covid health personally mentally relationship wise but was lucky enough that my business didn't suffer so I ended up giving 80 percent of my earnings to my employees and relatives in need, the stress of finances in a time like that (i have perm kidney problems from my first bout with it) am very happy you closed that deal!

Can I ask, I have a bunch of great names and even have talked to the epik management re a few specific names, i have some names of the top of my head CryptoECasino IcryptoCasino that a fellow investor has and i have similar ones that are more like yours with bet instead of casino, any tips on maximizing Epik's usefulness?

Thanks for the congrats and I'm so very sorry about your horrible year! :( Between covid, your relationship problems, and everything else, it sounds like you got a raw deal. But you know what? You're a survivor. A fighter. Good for you man! You overcame and even saw success! Even more awesome is the fact that you were willing to share that success with those who needed it. Bravo! You're an awesome person and I'm so happy to meet you! Consider yourself followed (on NamePros, not real life... I'm not stalking you LOL!!!)!

(By the way, PM me... I may be able to give you some guidance on how I'm very successfully overcoming my kidney issues from all this covid crap. I'll be happy to share what I'm doing with you.)

Regarding harnessing the power of Epik to sell your names, I am currently working closely with Robert Davis, who is the master at all that. Send me a PM please and I'll hook you up. ;) We'll make you some great crypto related landers and really work those names for you. Your names will go through the exact same, very extensive, hand done process that my went through. We'll take good care of you. You deserve it.
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Congrats on your sale Tom. And double congratulations on beating the Covid-19 bout.

More years to you. I surely need such miracles in my life right now 🙏

All I can say is pray and work hard with your prayers. I always say, "You've gotta give God something to bless!"

PM me if you'd like. I'll be happy to look at your portfolio and give you my own personal opinion on steps you might be able to take to help get you those needed sales.

I hope that you see better days. I know the feeling. Believe me... I'm not out of the woods. My hospital bills are MASSIVE as is my debt. So, we're in the same boat. Just hang in there and don't give up! You'll overcome! Feel free to discuss anything with me privately and I'll help however I can by means of encouragement, advice, or just a listening ear.
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